■ « G ift P r e p a r a t io n S ea so n approaches thoughts turn x . ^ g x S Yuletide T huirdiy afternoon at four - * A makings o'clock the Junior« met (be Senior« Our stocks offer complete assortments in nov­ X . _ X tin a game of basketball. Since elties, materials, fancy goods, Royal Society, there are not enough members in art goods, and everything needed in g ift making. . . , either class to furni.h a fuH t-am i tbs lower classmen were called up- B on to belp. The seniors asked some i 1 freshmen to help and the juniors ! asked sophomores. The juniors won 43 Years of Quality Service with a score of 15 to 0. Corvallis, Oregon 1 he girls of the high school have a ■ ■ B i.» ;« * K « ■ ■ been asked to play against various other teams, They started to prac­ E. B. Penland of Halsey was Morris Cold Tabs will knock tice on Monday evening and inlei d transacting business at the county th at cold over sight. Guaranteed. to work hard and have a good seat Monday. Morris Pharm acy. team. Mrs. A rthur Carroll of H a rris­ Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Gibson of Wednesday afternoon the juniors burg was a Halsey visitor Wednes­ Eugene visited her parents, Mr. had charge of the program. It con- and Mrs. J. W. Lamar Sunday. •i-ted o f: Piano solo. “ Overette day afternoon. Waltz,” Nellie Falk; Pantomime, Delos Clark, who is teaching W. L. Sm ith has just finished "C ourting Under Difficulties,” school at Crane in eastern Oregon work on the B M- Bond farm home Muriel Lake, Frances Norton, Jno. this winter, visited from Thureday There have been many improve­ Quimby and Cyru9 McAllister. Vo­ until Sunday in Halsey at the ments made and this farm is said cal solo,“ Yesterday” Jennie Nice- home of his parents, M aror and to be one of the finest and best wood; song, “ Lucky Lindy’’ class; Mrs. Bart Clark. equippod in the state. piano solo, Dance of tbe Rosebuds” Ruth Sturtevant and W ilma Wahl. I WE have The dram atic club is working on several short plays which will be given for the Parent Teachers as- and for that reason we give you a better job sdciation meeting later in the tear. and more for your money. The Parent Teachers Associa­ We also carry the largest stock o f tires and tion will hold a meeting at the accessories. school house F riday night. Bring in this ad and 25c and get a 50c size of Estbor Seefeld tire patching. Assistant Reporter. I At X “ where savings are g re a te st Albany, Oregon J. Phone 130 in Step with Style Suits Keeping Pace with Your Demand for Service The THREE - BUTTON, SINGLE - BREAS TED MODEL for MEN, shown at the left, is offered in quality serges arid worsteds—single and fancy group 8tripes—in blues, browns and grays. A wide assortment of patterns, a liberal range of sizes to meet every customer’s fancy and requirements. In design, cut and tailoring every garment is up to the high standard of workmanship required by the J. C. Penney Company. M. N O LA N & SO N The Best Equipped Shop in Halsey ARROW GARAGE FOR SALE RHODE Island Red cockerels, $1.50 «a. A. Whitbeck.* FOR SALK—75 acres of unimproved land 2% miles west of Halsey. In­ quire Van Owen. 24* Strong Lines—Good Looking Patterns— Durable Fabrics for Business or Dress STANDARD make of piano in vicinity will sacrifice. Must sell at once. $10.00 monthly. Write Tallman Piano Store, Salem. Oregon. n. 17-dl | PIANO near Halsey. Beautiful instru­ ment. Kargaiu for quick sale. Terms $10 monthly arranged for good home. If interested address H. A. Livernash, Factory Piano Adjuster, 413 North Bo- ren Avenue. Seattle, Wash. nl7 d9 The man who is looking around for a stylish, serviceable Fall Suit for office or informal dress is invited to look ove our newly stocked line of Fall clothing You need not feel obligated to buy be cause you drop in to look around. | FOX TERRI 1-R dog—White with black ears and black on face and head. Black spot on back reaching down on sides. Short black tail. Finder please notify Arthur Carroll, Harrisburg, and receive liberal reward. nl7* A. M an -S ized Value at X II B !■’! BNDBMMNBIBillXa ■ a We now have The New Ranges of the _ W icj jj a f 3 a Bridge & Beach Line ! B . I I DON O t' forget the big piano sale 5 on at Davenport Music Store in § Albany all of November. N24 S TUSS1NG & TUSSING LAW YERS Halsey and Brownsville Oregon Extra Pants $6.90 D ELBER T STA R R Mr ami Mrs.,A- Huthat ay wire Morris Cold fa b a will knock culled to Corvallis Monday ev ening that cold overnight. G uaran'eed. • XA A A A A A A A A A A 5 A A A 9 by ihe serious illness of Mr. H a th ­ away’s mother. (By. an E nterpiise Reporter) Mr. and Mre. Roy Roland of Mr. aud Mrs M attia Cutnmiugtt Philomath «pent Sundav at the •pent Thursday in Corvallis. home of the latter's p a r o ls , M r. A D el.a.el milking machine has aud Mrs. Hathaway, been install d on the B nu-Ardry Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morgan farm. were visitors at the F. M- Gray Mr. and Mis Worth Bass and home in Halsey S unday. Mr. Mr. and Mrs John Bass visited Morgan la a brother of M re. Gray. relatives here Sunday. < Lake Creek News Funeral Director and Licensed Etnbalmer LA D Y A S SIS T A N T | Brownsville, Oregou Hot Water Bottles Mr. and Mrs. Carter J Hingham and fatuity have of Portland, Mr. and M m , Maulee moved to the Penland farm necr Spores of Springfield r o j Helen the Lake Cre- k church. \\ illiams of Corvallis wi a-o among Ruaaell Peaiann ul Halsey has the week end visitors at the C. 8 bean helping N. H. Cummings Williams home. gather in Lis coru crop. Services will he hr Jd , t U a> m Thomas Palmer and Russell Lake Creek church. Thanksgiving Herndon drove to Eugene Friday day, Rev. Metcalf tifficialing, and to witness the foot hall game. a basket dinner will follow. A Mr. aud Mrs. Henry Brock anti special invitation is extended to all daughter Dorris visited at the Cur « ho care to com . 'l i home near Peoria Suu lay H a rry D avis r Syringes, Gauze Cotton Bangages Sick Room Supplies Your Neighborhood Drug Store. MORRIS’ PHARMACY Prescriptions and Drugs; Ice Cream, Sodas, Candy Magazines, Stationery. Tune in on KGW Sunday Evening from 7:30 to9;00. Colgate's Soap 3 fo r 25c. eniooK-BcacH 1 ® ( y j[ ^ g ß o © (^ Our stock will meet your need and covers a wide variety for selection. Look them over now. See the Bridge & Beach Circulator before you put up your old heater. Hill & Company