Novem ber 17, 1927 Cross business and the la tte r on 1 pleasure trip . All Newest Colors A ll Vt anted Weights All First Quality M any ttjle s in­ clude the SEAM­ LESS SHAPED F O O T , which correctly chapes the foot, elimi­ nates a ll w rin ­ kles. k n o ts and f o l d s and the seam at bottom of sole. Webster F a lk , who is staying with bis grandfather, east of H al- ssy, spent Saturday evening and Sunday « ith bis parent«, M r and Mr#. Fred Falk. Our Dollar Hosiery De­ partment offers a remarkable new type of hosiery, made by Westcott, perm anently shaped from top to toe for smooth, perfect fit. Chiffon weight, silk to the very top. Service weights, silk to narrow garter hem and silk and rayon from top to toe. Styles for regular, slender build and outsize. Have newest features, in­ cluding Positive Run-Stop, Daintee fleet, Slipper Sole, Patented Non-Wrinkle In­ step, etc. N e s W. M uller who has been rectiou foreman for the Southern Pacific railw ay company here, has been transferred to Cascade Sum m it and L. F. T u ttle , who held a s im i­ lar position at H a m b u rg w ill take his place here. The H arrisburg division has been divided and added to the Junction C ity and Ha'eev divisions. The T uttle fa m ily have rented the Brock house in ,he n oith part o f town. supper the young folks played X games while Mr. Falk and the older members talked about the honor guest's boy hood days. Those pres­ ent were F I.. W A , K. W., A L ., G. H , and C. L F alk jr and th e ir families, R. E. B ie rly and fa m ily . Albert West and fa m ily , and M r*. L. R. Falk and fa m ily . Everyone present bad a., enjoyable tim e aud at a late hour left for their borne» wishing M r . Falk many h*ppy returns of the day. K O O N T Z ’S GOOD GOODS H. F. Schultz one of the owner* Also a full line of School Supplies and Stationery a t C lark’s Confectionery $30.-$35.-$40. Finest, Pure W o o l Fabrics: N e w Snappy Patterns: ard Latest Popular Colors. Come in and see them. Overcoats from $1850 to $45.00 FRED W A R D a 1 l'* y c tte ville, was a barine«- As a farewell to Mis* Esther Halsey Tuesday after Blackburn who has been staying at C ity budget committee meeting the P. N. B ie rly home, a few next Monday afternoon. friends gathered and enjoyed a Mrs. Dave Froman returned to Paul B ie rly and fa m ily spent taffy p u ll Saturday evening. Thore her home in A lbany Tuesday m orn­ Sunday at the A rth u r Wagoner ing after having been in Halsey to present were Mrs. C u rti* Voatch, home. Wauda Veatch, Irene, Paul and Gordon Ryalls of Albany was visit her m other, Mra. M. M Ward John Q uim by, Roy McDougal, Mr. and other relatives. loo king after business transactions and Mrs. B ie rly and Miss Black­ in Halsey Tuesday. Tuesday evening D io McClain, burn. Tuesday o f this week Mrs. John W. W. S ullivan and F. P, N utting Evans and Miss M ary Evans m o -’ of A lbany were Halsey viaito-s, Last Tuesday evening the A. 11. tored to Albany to shop. I the two former coining o it on Red Q uim by fa m ily met at the Paul Bierly home to celebrate the th ird birthday of Leonard B ierly. The Florizel Chocolates . . 60c. lb dinner was “ topped-' w ith a p re ttily P eter Pan Chocolates . 50c lb. decorated b irth da y cake. I t re ­ A fine assortm ent of Candy Bars quired sveral blows from Master at 5c. Bulk candies from 20c to Leonard to blow out the three Your child’s 50c. lb. candles. success in For Your money’s worth TRY Some of These 2-Pant S u its Last but not least, a large selection of models—for men, young men and college beys—to pick from. Church of C hrist— Sunday school,' 10. 11:00 a. m. m orning worship and x communion for a ll saints. Sermon topic— "O , Be Ye T h a n k fu l.” 6:30 p. m. C hristian Endeavor. We were glad that the Epworth Ltaguars visited us last Sunday night, about tea of them. 7:30 p. m. H appy song service, of old tim e songs. Thia ia “ Old H ym nal N ig h t.” Who w ill bring the oldest song book (religious)? B ring your old hyrnu books and any musical in . strum ent you may have. M r. Sias w ill give a h isto ry o f religious music and w ill preach upon the subject, “ God’s Perfect Choir. C- A drian Sias,minister. * ♦ • Overcoats Excellently Tailored; w o n ­ derful Fitters,--and to do you good. Brevities of tlie Scbultz Brothers’ warehouse and Falk, last Tuesday, the affair being in honor of th e ir b irth anntver sariee. The school children were permitted to eat th e ir dinner to- 1 gether in the play shed, and in addition were served iio t cocos cookies ai d cake. J. 8. Mi'Ier, pastor. Halsey and Vicinity Suits Mies Dora Howard planned a ' surprise for two o f her pupils, H arvy Harding aud Charles D. i Mrs. Laura Woodwaid and Mrs. Clarence Evans of the Lake Creek c im m u n ity returned last Wednes­ day from a trip extending over sev­ eral weeks through eastern Wash­ ington and Oregon. On October lfith e v attended thegolden wedding £ l ’A m / y A S ' o f t c e s c lebration of Mrs. Woodward's sister, Mrs. E, H . Stoue, at T h o rn ­ ton, Wash. Two and a h alf weeks M ethodist— N ext Sunday : 10 a. ra., Sunday school were spent in W alla W alla, where 11, preaching Mrs. Woodward’s two sons and 6:30 Epw orth League their families reside, and where 7.30 public services Mrs. Woodward ar.d Mra Evans 7:80 Thursday, prayer meeting fo rm rrly lived. Short visits were Here a ll w ill find a welcom made at The Dalles and Portland regardless of social standing. Your j on the way home. presence w ill help, and we w ill try Dealer's Name and Address Oregon City Woolen Mills 206 W. 1st St. The Men’s Store Albany, Ore. C hristm as Tim e Is P ictu re Time! Moro ami more the custom is growing of giving portraits at Christmas. The most intimate gift of all— YOUR OWN PORTRAIT BALL STUDIOS Corvallis school, de­ pends upon Mr. and M is. L . R. F alk weiei perfect host# at a b irthday dinner Sunday vision 11 in honor of the form er’# b irthday. SPOON RIVER Albany IIIttN! It your child is unhappy—backward iu The Biggest and Newest Hits are on Columbia Records Come In and Hear Them Columbia Phonographs—Pianos—Conn Band Instrum ents S trirged Instrum ents—Sheet Music -Sparton Radios. The Music Shop Everything Musical Phone 168. Albany. Oregon If W e Can’t Clean It TH RO W I r A W AY WE DO Cleaning, Dyeing, Steam Pleating Tailoring Alterations anti Repairing. Mr. and Mr#. W . A, F alk and school, let ua examine his or her eyea. fa m ily were guenta. M r. F alk re­ In our veara of optical experience, we ceived a lovely rocker from bi# two have aided tl.ouaands of children to bel­ ter vision, to the joy of both parents ami daughter#, Edna and Ava. children. Oura is a complete optical aer * * • C L . F alk was pleasantly sur­ prised Tuesday evening when about forty of tils friends and relative# met a t bi# home to assist him in celebrating his seventv-tbird b irth ­ day. Supper was «erved cateteria style, each fa m ily having brought something for the supper. After B IIJ .E ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i l ■ ■ ■ ■ mil" hBmiiHtlll'B Lang Ranges vice. We guarantee satisfaction. U n­ usual advantages are offered here. You receive the expert service. Nothing is spared that your children may see as Nature u tended them to. Do not neg 'ect your children's eyea. Have them examined now. Will pay for themselves in fuel saved. Are fully guaranteed. HARO LD ALBRO Jeweler & Optometrist 313 F irs t a t, Albany, Ore B B M M B New reduced prices now in effect. Your old range taken in oxchatrge. Ask about the Lang range to he given away Ireo. M O T H S c e n ic O reg o n Of Oregon Scenes by Kizer and Patterson are now on display in our windows Also “ W a-ne-ka,” a masterpiece by Benjamin Gifford. Do not miss seeing Kizer’s pictuies of Lind­ bergh and ‘‘The Spirit of St. Louis,” as they flew over Crater Lake and the Kizer Studios. The^e will make wonderful gifts for eastern friends. Prices reasonable. F isher - B raden Company : B arteh er F u rn itu re Co. Albany, Oregon Complete New Fresh Stock of Second and Btoidxlbin Street*, Albany. Oregon IB B ANNOUNCEM ENT We have taken over dealers contracts for the HODGEN- BREWSTER Dairy and Poultry Feeds and can supply you with this well-known brand of Dairy and Poultry Feeds. We also have the agencies for the McCormick and Deering Farm Machinery and are in a position to take care of your wants in the farm machinery line. Phone 269 120 West Second Street H. F. Bussard Albany. Oregon Dr. H ess’ S to ck lan d P oultry Remedies Tonics, Worm Powders, Etc. You got better results from these GUARANTEED Remedies. Try them Schultz Brothers Warehouse Co. LEE DRUG STORE Phone Shedd, 8F23 or write for delivery prices. OVER 3 0 YEARS IN A LBANY Warehouse at Fayetteville. Postofflce Shedd, Oregon Cor. First & Ferry Sts. Albany