FIGHT EXPECTED OVER REVENUE BILL Oregon fishermen and canners have paid nearly >53,000 Into the fund for REV. G. R. W ILS O N COL. A LE X A N D E R McNAB the slaughtering of acme 85.000 seals and sea lions daring the past six yearn Albert Lane. 25. was killed instantly at the plant of the Slltcoos Lumber P a rty Lines W ill Be D ra w n in B rie f Resum e of H appenings of company at Slltcoos when he became E q u a liz a tio n Fee P rovision is entangled In the gears of a moving F ra m in g N ew T a x the W eek C ollected fo r S tu m b lin g Block at derrick. M e a su re . O ur R eaders. The peak population In the history M eeting. of the Oregon state penitentiary was Astoria started it* community cheat reached last week when the prison Washington. D C.—Having wound Washington, D. C.— Unable to agree drive November 13, with a budget of reglater showed a total of 611 prtson- up Its public hearings, the house ways on a farm relief bill, representatives ' era. More than 550 of the convicts approximately >22,000 to be raised. and means committee will retire be­ of three of the most powerful farm hind closed doors to start the actual The radio was used for the first are employed regularly in the various organizations broke up a conference drafting of a new revenue bill. time io Oregon last week in connec­ departments of the institution. here to submit proposals for a co®, Fire which started in the cold stor­ Party lines undoubtedly will assert tion with mobilization of the national promise on the vetoed McNary. age rooms in the basement damaged themselves in the committee and there guard. Haugen measure to the respective too. is no assurance that completion of The Yamhill county Sunday school i the plant of the Cherry City Baking ventions, assembling soon. company at Salem to the extent of the task will find republicans and convention will be held In Dayton Despite the collapse of the confer­ democrats in the same accord that Methodist church, November 18, IS >50,0' " l The Cherry City Baking com­ ence attended by officers of the N’a- pany's plant was one of the largest of I developed two years ago in the writ­ and 20. tional Grange, the American Par® its kind in the Willamette valley. ing of the committee report on the The Fanners’ union meeting at the Bureau federation and the Farmers’ present revenue law. An audience of more than 260 as­ Sweet Home high school building last union, hope was expressed by the The first big fight is expected to week began forming a turkey pool for sembled at the First Presbyterian Rev. G. R. Wilson, pastor of the delegates that some agreement might concern the size of the reduction. church in Oregon City last week and the holiday season. be forthcoming early in the year. Secretary Mellon, backed up by Presi­ Fourth Presbyterian church of Tren­ celebrated a memorable event in the Some 25 acres of farm land in the The controversial equalization fee ton, N. J , who was elected national history of that church, the complete dent Coolidge, has placed the maxi­ Tucker creek district near Astoria mum cut at >225.000,000, but practical­ chaplain of the American Legion at provision of the McNary Haugen bill, cancellation of every financial obli­ were flooded recently when a dike which the president vetoed, proved the the Paris convention. gation against that organization. Col. Alexander McNab, who has been ly the entire democratic membership broke before the high water. stumbling block in the farm meeting. Three cases of typhoid were added appointed American military attache of the committee is convinced that a The farm bureau federation stood by Malheur county thia year will com- , J to the 10 or 12 already developed in in Mexico City, one of the moat im­ larger slice should be made. this proposal as x means of raising plete six new school buildings—Owy­ | the city of Coquille. Children are the Whether they will be able to swing portant observation posta in the army. funds to market surplus crops by levy­ hee, Annex. Owyhee dam site, Grouse •efficient republicans over to their i victims of the recent reports. Dr. P. ing fees on a variety of commodities. creek, Indian creek and Rockville. point of view, and thereby establish j M. Drake is yet undecided as to the The grange urged again its substi- After three years of depression Con­ | source of communication, but the in­ a temporary majority, remains proble­ tute — the export debenture plan— don Is booming again. Six new houses dications point to the city water sys­ matical. Another fight will develop are under construction and prospects tem. Lakeview, Or. — Lorena Trickey, whereby costs of marketing surpluses over the treasury recommendation to are good for another big farm crop. famous cowgirl, wag found not guilty would be taken from tariff receipts. repeal the federal inheritance tax. Lima beans have grown to extraor­ La Grande's first case of infantile dinary size on vines from which Mrs. This will be opposed by Chairman at the charge of murdering J. P. (Smil­ An outline of this program was left ing Slim) Harris, by a jury which con­ at the White House. paralysis since the disease became George Hockema harvested the crop Washington. D. C. — The capital Green, some of his republican col­ Senator McNary, republican. Oregon, sidered the case. The verdict was read prevalent in certain parts of Oregon, last week. She found that the plump played host to the aerial aristocracy leagues and a majority of the demo­ xmid a wild and unrestrained demon­ came from a White House conference was reported to the city health officer product ran from an inch to an inch crats. of the world when eighteen men and with the statement that he realized last week. Democrats, at least, will endeavor stration. and one-halt in length and from one- a lone slip of a girl, all of whom gain The Judge's gavel and the protests that final approval of the McNary- Lincoln county school board voted half to three-fourths of an inch in ed world-wide fame last summer for to seek reduction of the tax on cor­ of the court were drowned out by the Haugen farm relief bill In its present to spend >6000 in erecting a new width. daring trans-ocean flights, gathered in poration incomes, now 13 S per cent, below the 12 per cent figure suggested wild demonstration which followed the form was hopeless, but still expressing schoolhouse to accommodate the grow­ Five sets of twins arrived In Port­ Washington to eat lunch at the White ing number of scholars of Oceanlake land during October, according to the House and to see one of their number, by Secretary Mellon. They also are pronouncement of the verdict. LoreDa confidence that a relief measure would regarded as likely to head a move for appeared stunned. For a few minutes be worked out and enacted into law. and Delake. monthly report of the bureau of health Colonel Charles Lindbergh, receive the repeal of the miscellaneous, or nuis- she acted as if she was under a Warde B. Stringham of the Woods- compiled by Dr. J. G. Abele, city health Hubbard medal. hypnotic spell. " Cross Canning company, and E. L. officer. The city has 212 brand new The trans-ocean filers listed as xnoe, taxes, which the treasury has Cowboy ‘‘ylp-ylps,’’ women’s screams, advised the committee to retain. Wright, both of Salt Lake city, are boys and 173 baby girls. The popula­ luncheon guests of President Coolidge laughter, cheers filled the courtroom planning the establishment of a can­ tion of the city was estimated at 382,- were Colonel Lindbergh, Commander for more than five minutes. nery at La Grande. 835 in the report. Richard E. Byrd with his “crew” of Lakeview waa satisfied and happy George O. Novilie, Bert Acosta and A long detour in entering Roseburg With the widest variety and finest that Lorena had been acquitted. To Was made necessary recently, and will quality of exhibits ever seen In Klam­ Berut Baichen; Clarence D. Chamber- Washington, D. C.—A final valuation those who sat through the long, tense continue in use for perhaps a month, ath Falls, the second annual potato lain and Charles A. Levine, Lieutenant of the properties owned and used by hours of the courtroom drama, there as a resolt of the collapse of one of show was held last week. The celebra­ Hagenberger, first to negotiate the the Great Northern railroad, as of could have been no other outcome. the piers of the Deer creek bridge. tion marked the largest potato harvest Callfornla-to-Hawaii flight; Arthur C. June, 1915, was fixed by the interstate Washington, D. C.—Investigation of A definite decision to establish an In the history of the Klamath b a sin - Goebel and Captain William V. Davis, Jury tampering In the Fall Sinclair oil commerce commission at >382,400.000. Infantile paralysis quarantine station over 800 cars. Last year over 400 winners of the Dole race; Paul Schul­ conspiracy case reached a sensational G E N ER A L OBREGON B O M BED Nearly all of the railroad’s claims ter and Martin Jensen, second in the at the northern border of Douglas cars were shipped. climax when a Burns detective Candidate for Presidency Survive« At­ for a higher figure were completely Dole flight; Ernest L. Smith, another county was announced recently by Dr. set aside by the commission In fixing Receipts of the 1927 state fair ex­ hired by Harry F. Sinclair to shadow tempt of Aasasains. T. W. Laraway, county health officer. ceeded the expenditures by approxi­ Pacific flier, Schlee and Brock, the the total, which will serve, unless the Teapot Dome Jurors went before Mexico City. — An unsuccessful at­ Contractors who were awarded the mately >10,000, according to a finan­ round-the-world fliers, and George Hal- the grand Jury, revealed his true iden­ tempt was made here Sunday to as­ court action modifies It, as a basis for bid on the construction of a number cial statement prepared by Mra. Ella deman and Ruth Elder, the latest tity and told an amazing story of how sassinate General Alvaro Obregon, can­ future making of rates. The figure of residences and an office building Shultz Wilson, secretary of the stats toasts In trans-oceanlc flying circles. Burns operatives were ordered to trail covers 7089 miles of main line trans­ didate for the presidency of Mexico. The Hubbard medal Is conferred by at the Owyhee dam site started work fair board. The report showed total the Jury even to \h e extent of ‘ pro­ Obregon’s cheek was cut by glass continental railroad, but excludes a Monday. The work la to be completed receipts of >73,222 45, Including >1393 the National Geographic society. Only voking a mistrial if necessary.’’ from the windshield of the automobile considerable investment made by the seven other men In history have within 100 days. on hand September 23. The detective was listed on the in which he was riding. The wind­ system in Canada. gained it, Commander Robert E While the Great Northern’s corpo Brenton Vedder, county school su­ The annual rush for favorite auto­ Peary, Captain Roald Burns payroll as ’’William V. Long.” shield was shattered by the explosion Amundsen, perintendent. has organised the de­ mobile license plates is on. The draw­ Grove Carl Gilbert, Sir Ernest Shack­ His true name is William J. McMullin of two bombs thrown as Obregon pass­ rate book investment account has a total of >384,273,853, the railroad itself partments for the annual county teach­ ing was held Saturday with more than leton, Vilbjaumur Stefansson and Com­ of Philadelphia, a second lieutenant ed near the United States embassy. ers’ Institute for Clackamas county to a dozen applicants for number “1” mander Byrd. In the army air service. He enlisted Companions of Obregon in another contended for a total aggregate valua­ be held at the Oregon City high achool on hand. About >90,000 has been re­ In the Burns’ agency as a detective automobile shot and seriously wound­ tion of >636,512,774. The railroad’s November 18 and 19. ceived so far, covering about 8000 ap- because he was out of work. ed two of the bombers and the other principal complaint against the pre­ B R IE F G EN ER A L N E W S viously fixed tentative figure declared Orders were issued last week for P|l<'a,lon’ The demand for numbers McMullin revealed to the grand jury was arrested. that it failed to include sums of money the closing of Eugene high school as ( 13, 25, an400,000.000 before the city council recently. The granted the petition of certain resi­ of Barbourville, was elected governor ford Plnchot, former governor of Penn­ in seven month, 3W, per cent treasury New Substance, to Be Turned Out on dents of Greenville school district, the proposed plan would follow procedure of Kentucky by a majority of 20,703. Commercial Scale. sylvania, at his home here. Plnchot bonds. The Issue was oversubscribed latter part of the week, for a change at La Grande, Pendleton and Portland. Garland S. Ferguson, Jr., of Greens­ Frankfort, Germany. — Important In boundaries between that district A mining excitement is current In boro, N. C., was appointed a member sent him to Owen Roberts, chief gov- J two and one half times, subscriptions and Sweet Home district. northern Curry county, near the head of the federal trade commission by eroment prosecutor, to whom he re­ totaling >1,067.000,000. The money will progress by the German chemical In­ peated his story. From then on Me- j be used in retiring outstanding bonds dustry since the war, Including the Arnold D Collier, Lane c<-unty club of Flores creek, where ore has been President Coolidge. Mullin worked with the government of the second Liberties. development of commercial synthetic discovered and a number of claims agent, accompanied by Millarl Shel­ Dr. Eugene Russell Hendrix, retired rubber, was described before the 6oth ton. 18, of Marcola, and Lois Bailey, staked. The district has the first senior bishop of the Methodist Epis­ lawyers, although still on the Burns payroll. anniversary meeting of the Chemical Communist Party Expels Trotzky. 14, of Eugene, left recently for Chicago blackjack ore found In that section. copal church. South, died at his home Moscow. — The central communist Industrialists’ Protective union. a» Oregon « representative« to the na­ Samples of ore which have been as­ in Kansas City. He was 80 years old. It was announced that the German sayed run >80 to the ton and a large tional livestock exposition. V IS IT S V ER M O N T committee expelled Leon Trotzky from L. E. Slack, former United States HO O VER — the communist party. Others expelled dye syndicate “I. G. Farbenindustrle’’ attorney, was elected mayor of Indian­ A proclamation promulgated by Gov­ proportion of zinc. Further reductions of Intrastate apolis by the seven members of the Hoover and Sargent to Review Flood. were Gregory Zlnovleff. Leo Kameneff, has sufficiently progressed with ex­ ernor Patterson recently, designates perimentation in producing synthetic Situation. Radek, Smilga and Preobrashensky. Thursday. November 24, aa a public freight rates on certain farm products city council. The election came on rubber te apply for world patents and Washington, D. C.—Secretary Hoo­ holiday, and requests the citizens of shipped In excess of 600 miles were the 38th ballot. that synthetic rubber would soon ap­ Idaho State Debt Is >5.500.000. Ministers Brland of France and Mar- ver and Attorney-General Sargent Oregon to Join in appropriate observ­ announced by the public service com­ mission In Salem recently. The new Inkovitch of Jugo-Slavia signed a were asked by the president to proceed Boise, Idaho—Total bonded indebt­ pear on the world markets as a com­ ance of Thanksgiving Day. order of the commission extends the treaty of friendship, in peace and war. to Vermont to begin a study looking edness of the state of Idaho is >5,503,- mercial commodity. The synthetic pro Pilot Butte, one of the prominent scope of a previous ruling with rela­ It Is designed to offset Italian influ­ toward rehabilitation of the flood 000, and annual interest payments duct was declared to be the equa- of mountain peaks located on The Dallea- area. tion to intrastate shipments of grains ence In the Balkans. total >257,118.75, reports State Treas­ the natural rubber and cheaper in Cnllfornia highway near Bend, w n cost of production, thus permitting Its and other farm products. The Attorney-General was requested urer Defenbach. donated to the state highway commis­ Fire losses in Oregon, exclusive of active competition with the natural to go to Montpelier immediately and Mussolini Kills Suffrage in Italy. sion last week. The butte will be product. Portland, during October aggregated THE MARKETS Rome.—The parliamentary reform he will be joined there by Mr. Hoover. converted Into a state park. >255.470, according to a report pre­ measures announced by Premier Mus­ Mr. Sargent Is a resident of Vermont North Bend, through her chamber pared by the state fire marshal recent­ Portland Auto Injury Rate to Increase. and is familiar with the ground to be of commerce, went on record at the ly. There were 69 fires reported to solini, In effect, do away with demo­ covered, while Secretary Hoover was Wheat—Big Bend bluestem, >128; New York. N. Y.—A nation-wide up­ cratic universal suffrage In Italy and weekly session last w eek as favoring } the department. The moat disastrous make Italy a one-party nation In which engaged all summer In Mississippi val­ hard white, >125; federation, soft ward revision of rates for personal n- continuation of the ferry Roosevelt blaxe was at Oregon City, where a ley relief, work The plight of the white, western white, >1.24; hard win­ Jury or so-called public liability lnr-ur- connecting the break In the Roosevelt warehouse, tools and equipment were only the fascists will be directly repre­ people of Vermont who were in the ter, northern spring >1.21; western ance on privately owned automob ’ c i sented. The reform measures, to highway from North Bend to Glasgow. destroyed with a loss of >55,000. will be put Into effect at an early date gether with ths labor reform proposals, path of the flood has been described J red. >1.20. The grounds of the Oregon soldiers’ A check for >47,813 has been for­ are felt here to constitute one of the as very serious, and Governor Weeks Hay — Alfalfa. >16 50 0 17; valley on account of the Increasing number home are the beat kept and the most warded to the treasurer of Coos county most Important changes Introduced by has appealed for all the assistance timothy, >1650017; eastern Oregon of motor accidents and large sums oeautiful to be found at any soldiers’ by the department of the Interior, rep­ timothy. >20. awarded as damages In such cases -he fascism into Italian political and eco- which could be rendered. home In the United States, according resenting the amount due to December Butterfat—45c. National Bureau of Casualty and Sure numic life, and to be one of the most to Colonel B. K. Cash, federal Inspec­ 31, 1926, under the Coos hay wagon Eggs—Ranch. 27 0 45c. Gas Container Explosion Kills 14. ty Underwriters announced. audacious parliamentary reforms ever tor. who completed an official visit to road lands act. Under thia law the Cattle—Steers, good. >9 00 0 10.00. Pittsburg. Pa. — Fourteen persons undertaken in the history of modern the Oregon Institution recently. In county la entitled to 26 per rent of parliamentarism. Hogs — Medium to choice, >9.000 Illinois Primary Law is Held Void. were known to have met death and his report of the grounds Colonel Cash the net receipts from sales of land, more than 500 were injured, some ser­ 10.00. Chicago.—Illinois’ primary law, pa-s- designated the grounds ss "excellent." timber, mineral leases on the lands, Lambs — Medium to choice, >110 ed by the state legislature last arm- Lindy Makes a Fast Flight iously. here when a giant natural gas the only such report made during his title to which reverted to the federal Mitchel rield. N. Y. — Colonel storage tank containing 500.000 cubic 12 50. mer, Is unconstitutional, null and void, tour government. Seattle. Charles A. Lindbergh hung up another feet at the Manchester works of the according to a decision handed do a The giant tognhhan slide which is Wheat—8oft white, western white, here in a test case by Judge Harry M. Rigdon Brothers of Woodburn have record by establishing the phenomenal Equitable company exploded, spread­ being built by the Portland Ad club received the contract for constructing time of 3 hours and 20 minutes In fly­ ing death and destruction over an area >124; hard winter, western red, Fisher. as a winter sport attraction on Mount a new highway bridge at New Era. ing the 600-nille direct airline distance one mile square. >1.22tx; northern spring, >1.22; Big Hood, will be dedicated and thrown according to announcement made at from Selfridge field. Detroit, to Mlt- Bend bluestem, >1.29; dark northern Milwaukee Granted >500.000 Expenses. open to us«- by the public on December the offices of the state highway com­ bell field. spring. >1403»; dark hard winter. California Roads to Get >23.500,000. Chicago.—Federal Judge James H. 10, according to a recent announce­ mission in Salem The bridge will Sacramento.—California will spend »1 354. Wilkerson here has authorised the re­ ment. H«y — Alfalfa. >25; timothy, >2); ceivers of the Chicago, Milwaukee A coat approximately >29.600. Seattle H ie Birthday Sunday. >23.500.000 on highway construction Although property valuations In 18 Three Roseburg churches were en­ Seattle, Wash. — Sunday was Se­ and upkeep during 1928. the state divi­ P. S , >22. St. Paul railroad to expend >600.'"'0 Oregon counties for the year 1927 tered last week and thoroughly ran­ attle’s 76th birthday anniversary. On sion of highways announced. Butterfat—50c. for betterments and replacements. show a decrease when compared with sacked. apparently by persons seeking November 13. 1851, ten adults and 12 Eggs—Ranch. 45c. thoee for the previous year, the total money. Aside from a typewriter be­ sbildren disembarked from a small ves­ Ford Plans Motor Plant at Yokohama. Cattle—Steers, choice, >9.25010 00. Notre Dame Is Beaten by Army. valuations for the 36 counties will ag longing to Rev Mr Knotts, pastor of sel at Alki point and Joined two men, Hogs—Prime. >10 00010.10. Detroit Edsel Ford has announced New York.—The Army football team (regale approximately >4.800,00« io Oie First Methodist Episcopal churci^ Lee Terry and Ikivtd Denuy, who had Spokane. plans for building a >1.000.000 Ford supplied one of the greatest surprises excees of the year 1926. nothing of value was takes. sullt a log cabin there. Cattle—Steers, good. >9 0009.14). at Yokohama, Japan. of the 1927 football season by trous» Hogs—Good. >9 50 0 9 60. OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST FARM ORGANIZATIONS DISAGREE ON BILL FAMOUS COWGIRL FREED BY JURY PRESIDENT IS GUEST TO AVIATION NOTABLES BURNS MAN REVEALS ALLEGED OIL PLOT GREAT NORTHERN VALUED BY I, C. C, i log Notre Dame, 19 to 0.