Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1927-1929, November 17, 1927, Image 1

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Established in 1912.
Voi. 16.
No. 28
Halsey, Oregon, Thursday November 17, 1927.
Bryan’» Daughter
Mrs. Daniel J. Hayes died at her
home in thia city TueaJay morning
a t three o’clock, following an ill­
ness of over two yeais.
Mary VanLandingham was born
a t Jeffsrson, July 8, 1857. She was
the daughter of George and Almira
VanLandingham, Oregon pioneers
who crossed the plains from I n d ­
iana and located at Jefferson. Mr.
VanLandingham was hilled a few
years later in a steamboat accident
on the Sacramento liver.
In December 1876, Mis» Van
Landingham was married to Dan­
iel J, Hayes, and practically all of
her 51 years of wedded life she has
spent in Halsey. Mrs. Hayes w»6
a member of the Methodist church.
Besides her husband, she is sur­
Mrs. Ruth Bryan Owen, daughter of
vived by four children. They are
the late W illiam Jennings Bryan,
Mrs. Dora Standish of Montana, speaking on “ Modern Arabian Nights"
Mrs. Grace Nash of Portland, Mrs. at a Woman’s day luncheon of the
Ruby Standish and George Hayes Executive club o f Chicago. Mrs.
Owen is head of the department of
of Halsey. She is al'o survived by public speaking at the U niversity of
eight grandchildren and two great Miami. She was recently awarded the
grandchildren. Mrs J. C. Bram­ degree of doctor o f laws by Rollins
well of Halsey is a cousin.
Funeral services were held this
afternoon at two o’clock at the P e o r ia N e w s I t e m s
Methodist church. Rev. J S. Mil­
ler conducted the service. Burial
(E n te rp rise C orrespondence)
was in the Alford cemetery. Ross­
Mrs. J. R Frady had as guests
man and W right had charge of t> e
her sister,Mrs. Rose Mor­
a; rangements.
gan, and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. George Githens
Trap Shoot Club Formed With
Corvallis visitors Saturday
A Membership of Twenty-five
Mrs. Ruby Dorsey came home
At a meeting held at the city Wednesday from the Corvallis ho®-
ball last night a trap shooting club pital where she had been for »ever-
was organized with about 25 mem­ al weeks.
bers enrolled. L. 'V. Patton wss
Mrs. Anna Githens is on the sick
appointed as temporary cbairmai list.
and the club elected the following
Earl Albe'tson, who is attending
officers to guide the new or­ the normal school at Monmouth,
ganization through the first year. spent the week eud with home
C. P. Moody, pre:ident; C«tl folks.
Hill, secretary.treasurer; L. W.
Mr. and Mrs. Del Carpenter of
Patton, James Drinkard and H. F Monroe brought her sister, Beulah
Lake to draft by-laws, and Frank Carothers, over to spend her vaca­
Gansle, Jeese Cross and James Me tion during the Benton County
Williams are the board of trustees. Teachers Institute, with her moth- !
The object of the organization is er, Mrs. Jessie Carothers.
recreation and sport and is not
Word lias been received here that
intended to secure any game pre­
Raymond Mods is in the hospital
serves or other concessions.
at Eugene.
C. P. Moody and D.C Rossman
Mr. and Mrs J. W . Lamar wer.-
are the promoters of the sport and
visitors Monday.
if either one calls on you to sign
Mrs. Jessie McLaren of Fine,
on the dotted line, humor them by
Grove was calling on Mr®. Dorsey
granting their req est.
and Mrs. J S. Lamar Friday and
listened iu on the ball game while
they were working on a program.
Rev. aud Mrs Metcalf were Cor-
Last evening about 50 members vallis visitors Thursday.
Mrs. Grif King son and wife, of
of the Christian Endeavor socieU
m et at the home of Muriel Lake Portland, visited her daughter,
and held their regular business Mrs. Fay Githens, several days
meeting, with Carl Sperling, pres­ last week.
ident, presiding.
Later, games
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lamar were
and music were enjoyed until a Albany visitors Tuesday night, he
late hour when a covered dish sup­ to attend a meeting aud banquet
of IheRoyal Arch Masons.
per was served.
Three new members were added
Mrs. Lola Shaw was In Albany
to the roll call of Vine Maple C ir­ Saturday to see a physician in re­
cle, Neighbors of Woodciaft, when gards to her health.
Mr». Smith, Mr». Bressler and
Mrs. Willi» McLaren is staying
Mrs. Moss were tsken in by mi- with Mrs. Dorsey while she is gain
tiatioo. Plans were made lor Wa­ ing strength after her operation.
iting the Shedd lodge next Tues­
The W om an’s Missionaay Socie­
day evening.
ty met at the church Thursday af-
On January 4, the lodge wtl.
teriiuoii for their business meeting
hold a public installation. A ttbai
and the election of officers. Mrs.
time Minnie E. Hiner, grand guar­ Meicaif was elected president and
dian of the Neighbors o f Wood- Mrs. Jesse M cLann first vice pres
craft, will vieit the lodge. A pro­ ¡dent, the other officers being re­
gram will be parte of the evening
entertainm ent. Mrs. Stella Black-
Those attending the Eastern
erby of Salem will act as installing
Star at Shedd Wednesday night
were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lamar,
A covered dish supper ace a eoc-
Mr. and M rs . J. 8. Lamar, Mre
ial were enjoyed last evenirg after
Fay Githens, all being officers.
the business session.
Mrs. George Bayne visited her
W. E. Head and wife aod W. mother. Mrs. M «rj Johnson of Al­
Yapple, wife and daughter of Eu­ bany, Sunday.
Arlene Lamar entertained her
gene were guests at the Florem e
Leeper home la Halsey Wednesday. young friends Tuesday evening
C ity budget committee me* trig with a birthday party. All had a
very pleasant time.
next Munday afternoon.
Center of Interest
All-Round Track Star
The photograph shows i closeup ot
Ben Hedges, hailed as the future all
round track champion of Princeton
In the Interclass truck
meet, held nt Palmer stndiuui, Hedges
tnnk fltevernl flrwt pin com
The Paieut-Teachers
which was postponed from last F ri­
day evening will be held Friday
aveuing of this week at the school
house. The following program has
been arranged:
8or.g by the association.
Reading by June Layton.
Music by Douna Cross.
Child study, Mrs. Sidney Smith
Song by intermediate grades.
Reading by Ivan S m ith .
Song by primary room.
Closing song.
w W W VFwFwFwr SrWV /W V WVV
P in e G r o v e Ite m n <
Mine. De Silva, r.n American woman ot English descent, w ith the sand,
steel anJ by-products of her recent discovery— a process whereby tltunlferous
ennds obtained from all parts of tlie world are converted into a high grade
steel. Mine. He Silva has a factory at Sheffield, England, where the testa
were made and where the steel has been found to be extremely durable.
Unruly Freshmen Are Punished
The poor “ frosh" always gets It In the neck, due to the vigilance ot the
sophomores utid other upper classmen. Here are Rlchurd Young, left. In hull
and chain, and Ralph W hite, right, in the stocks, after they were found on
the campus w ithout (lie regular “ beanie" on their heads. Roth are registered
freshmen o f the Pasadena Junior college. W hite Is a member of the police
Will Live on Barrier Reef a Year
Dr. and .Mrs. C. -U. Yonge of London are member« of the B ritish scientific
expedition to the Great B a rrie r reef of A ustralia and w ill Jive on a desert
Island of that reef fo r a je a r. Doctor Yonge la a member o f che Marine
Biological association.
Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County
am m irai
Woman Invents New Steel Process
Mary Ann Gray, wife of F. M.
Gray, died at the fam’ly home in
this city Tu sday evening at the
age af 79 year».
Mrs. Gray was the daughter of
Lydia and Thomas Morgan, Oregon
pioneers, and was boru October 2,
1848, near Brownsville. On No­
vember 3. 1870 she was married to
F. M. Gray and during the past
18 years they have made their
home iu Halsey, although practic­
ally all her life bad heeu spent in
thia vicinity.
Mrs. Gray bad been a life long
member of the United Presbyterian
church. She was also a charter
member of Purity Rebekah lodge
of Halsey, having joined the order
25 years ago, and was also a mem­
ber of the Pa*t Noble Grand club
Mrs. Gray was tbs mother of
four children, two of whom d ie! in
infancy. The two living are M'»-
Belle Gormley of Halsey and Mra.
Margaret McClelland of San Frau-
cisco, Mr. Gray also survives, as
well as five grandchildren and five
great grandchildren, aud the fol­
lowing brothers and sisters, John,
Will, J. W. and Ed Morgan, Mrs.
Margaret Duncan and Mrs. O. W.
Bond, the latter of Halsey.
Funeral services were belli at the
Methodist church this morning at
10:30 o'clock. Rev J. S Miller
was in charge of the services.
Burial was in the Pine Groye cem­
Members of the Rebekahs a t­
tended the services in a body.
tE n ta rp rlse C orresp on d en ce)
Mr. and Mr . George Chandler DISTRICT CONVENTION OF
aud son were in Corvallis Wednes- REBEKAH LODGE A SUCCESS
Halsey residents may well le
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hover visited
of those baying in charge tLe
at the Tom Hoyer home atjMonroe
detail« of the district convention
of the Retiekah lodge, which was
Mrs. Harry Stewart brought R.
held here last. week. Mrs. Esther
K. Stewart to E. E. Hover’s Moo-
Bond, as chairm an, presided. Over
day, returning to her borne in
200 were present during the after­
West Slaytou Tuesday.
noon and evening sessions.
E. E. Hover drove ta Pleasant
Next year's convention will ba
Hill Wednteday taking It.K .Stew -, held in Jefferson with Bertha Curl
art to his home there after alm ost' as chairman and Clara B. Amos o f
three weeks spent in tid lin g bis L-baoon, vice chairman.
friends and relatives at Haltey,
Thy visiting delegates and mem­
West Stayton aud Piue Grove.
bers were served a banquet at 5:30
Mrs. W.D. McLaren attended the
Nearly every buaiueaa house dec­
womeu'a missionary al the Peoria orated in the Rebekah colore of
South Methodist church Thursday pink and green, and duriug the
intermiseioo between the afternoon
Miss Agnes Chaudler spent the j and evening session the chairman
week eud with her sister, Mrs. sent out a delegation of three out-
I.aureuce Timmerm an,near Hbedd. of town members to judge them
Arthur Eoisey, who ha- been Honora went tu D. II. Sturtevant
staying at the Hughes home aud with the Morris pharmacy second
attending the Pine Grove school, and the bank thitd. Charlie Stra-
has returned to bis home al Peoria. ley decorated the Sturtevant win­
Mr«. Paulina McLaren is helping :
at the J. R. Mode home in Peoria
since Mrs. Dorsey tim e home from
the hospital.
Brownsville.— The sixth district
Miss Kirk a n l pupils are pre­
of the Rebekah lodge
paring a Thanksgiving program to
be given at the school house Wed­ was held at Halsey Nov. 10, with
nesday evening, Nov. 23. A pie over 200 iu attendance. The ei •
social for the benefit of the school tertaining ledge is to be congratu­
lated on the way they «ntertained
will he held after the program.
the visitors. Eighteen attended
Mrs. Nora Coleman visited 'h e
from Brownsville.
Pine Grove school Monday even­
ing 'an d organized a girls sewing
club and o camp cookery club for Miller Residence Saved from
Fire by Mrs. E. C. Miller
tx>ye. Met, dames W. D. McLaren,
Floyd Nicbol. Lloyd Hoghes and
Last Saturday morning the home
Pauline McLaren were present
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Miller nar­
Miss Eunice Sylvetler spent the
escaped being burned- Mrs,
week end at home.
Miller was siltiug in the living
Pine Grove C hurch—
room and beard the paper cracking
Suuday School 10 a. m.
but did nut at first however connect
Preaching nt 11a. m. by Rev. it with a fire. When it continued
however she decided to investigate
Prayer meeting Wednesday 8 p. and discovered the paper around
the kitchen chimney on fire. She
Your attendance a id coopers- hurriedly obtained water and soon
would he appreciated by those who
had the blaze extinguished,
are trying to carry on thia work.
Morris Cold Tabs will knock
Morris Cold Taha will knoc>
th a t cold overnight. Guarani*»<1. that cold over night. Guaranteed.
Morrie Pharmacy.
Morris Pharmacy.