Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1927-1929, November 10, 1927, Image 8

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P e o r ia N e w s It e m s
(EaterprlM Correspondence)
where savings are greatest*
Albany, Oregon
Phone 130
Let's Talk A bout
In the first place, let us tell you very
frankly, that we are m ore concerned
with giving you an exceptional value
that will m ake good, than you are with
getting the most for your Overcoat
Money! O ur O vercoats at—
—have Style, Quality, Stamina. They will
uphold our reputation for Value-Giving.
They will satisfy your demand for the limit
of satisfaction in Good Appearance and
Three-Button, Double Brea3tcd.
The Popular Box Model.
Fancy Overplaids.
Many Novelty Weaves.
Greys, Tans, Browns, Blue-Grey.
Medium and Light Shades.
By W ilm a W a h l
The city council did not meet
Monday n ig h t,ami consequently
no further plana have te e n made
in regard to the new gymnasium
H onorary student# in the high
school are “ A* Nora Coldiron and
Esther Seeteld,
"H ' Gertrude
Robins. Beverly Isom, Jennie Nice-
wood and Mary Smith.
Carl Sperling ha# discarded his
crutches and is improving very fast
in his m anner of navigation.
So far there have not been
enough girls interested in basket
hall to form a tenni and no prac­
tise time has been set aside for
The n ew high school c ipr arrived
Again Hoods are playing havoc
with another part i f the country ;
th s time Vermont is the sufferer.
you appreciate good Quality merchandise
you like careful and helpful service.
Y ou w ill lin d t h is
h o m e 1 i k e p la c e to
■ J. M.
s to re
t ra d e
& SO N
43 Years of Quality Service
■ ■ a a. a
■ ■ ■
Prayer meeting Wednesday 8 p.
There were 64 at Sunday school
last S u :d a y in spite of infantil#
Your attendance and coopera- paralysis scare. There was a rec-
w ould be appreciated by those who ord of 100 per cent in Bible at­
are trying to carry ou this work.
tendance. Bring your Bibles every
Church of Christ—
Sunday school, 10.
C. Adrian Sias,minister,
11:00 a. m. morning woiship and
communion services.
6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor, 20 LARGE weanling pigs, XV. L.
Wells, Halsey, Phone öx’’. NlO
7:30 p. m. song service and ser­
The Enterprise $1,00 a year
WE have
The Best Equipped Shop in Halsey
and for that reason
and more
\\ e also carry the
Bring in this ad and
tiro patching.
we give you a better job
for your money.
largest stock of tires and
25c and get a 50c size of
liiillHlühHllliiHlH H flhO IIIIBlIliiBuillBillfH' ' B
'B 'B B ^B B ■
■ ■ ■
We now have
The New Ranges
of the
Bridge & Beach
C hurch A l i c e s
M ethodist—Next Sunday :
10 a. id ., Sunday school
11, preaching.
6:30 Epworth League
7:30 publio services
7:80 Thursday, prayer meeting
Here all will find a welcome
regardless of social standing. Your
presence will help, and we will try
Monday and the students have been
to do you good.
wearing them practically all the
J. S. MiUer. pastor.
time, in school as well as elsewhere. STANDING Liberal reward offered
for arrest and conviction of the Pine Grove C hurch—
Mrs. Dwight Smith and Mrs.
Suuday School 10 a m.
parties stealing wagon out of G.
Gourley visited the grade school
W. Shaw’o barn. \V. M. Bur­
Monday Mrs. Lyman
Preaching at 11 a. m. by Rev.
Patton and Mary were visitors to
the prim ary room. Mr. Clark was
a visitor to the grade# the same at.
ternoon while on Tuesday after­
noon Mrs. D. H. Sturtevant was a
The following program was given
at tliis week’s assembly: a reading
Robert Louis Stevenson's, by Jean
Sturtevant; gtoup of poems by a
number of Mrs. Cross’ pupils; a
biography of Stevenson by Muriel
Lake, The program was closed
with the tinging of patriotic songs
by the asa.mbly.
Your 'ocal merchant can not give you ju st what
you want
DONOT forget the big piano sale
on at Davenport Music Store in
Albany all of November. N24
Most men consider an Overcoat an invest­
ment—an investment in Comfort, Appear­
ance and Service. We buy Overcoats for
hundreds of Stores with ju3t that idea in
mind. Every Overcoat must prove a Gco.l
Investment to the man who buys it.
Mr. and Mrs William Debranen
have a new girl come to live with
' them.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Gibbs and
daughter, Mary, of Albanv, were
| visiting her father and other rela-
t ves here Sunday.
Prof. Rowland and wife have re­
turned from a lecture tour in Coos
Mrs. J.C . Porter left Wednesday
night for Fontana, California, to
visit her son and wife, Mr. and
Mre. Fred Porter,
Mrs. Alice Bell of Oakville visit-
led with Mrs, Alice D iem Friday.
Mrs. Lola Shaw was an Albany
visitor Saturdav.
Rev. and Mr«. Metcalf and baby
returned from Juliette, Idaho, Fri
day where he had been called to
preach the funeral of an old friend.
Mr, and Mrs. Fox of Benton
county are visiting their daughter,
Gussie Hughes.
Mr and Mrs. George Githens
visited their daughter, Mrs. Neva
Knighten, Sunday.
Mre. Mary Porter of Shedd, call­
ed on Mrs J. S. Lam ar Friday
Quite a number of Peoria people
attended the Pine Grove comnauni-
I tv m eeting Friday night and re
port a nice time.
Mrs. Shaw attended the holiness
meeting at Brownsville one day
| ’apt. week.
Mrs. George Githens and son
i were Albany visitors Tuesday.
Mrs. Jessie Carothers was help­
in g care for her father who is ill,
I Monday.
Mrs. Laura Abraham has retnrn-
i ed from Eugene where she went to
| have her tonsils removed.
W B. Lam ar is sick with a se­
vere cold.
Earnest Abraham was a Eugene
I visitor Wednesday.
L. C. Hughes and wife visited
i their daughter at Noti Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. H ans Koch are i
I visiting; their daughter at Hood
■ ■ mmMMMMMMi m a am aanam m m m a , B
Prescriptions and Drugs; Ice Cream. Sodas, Candy
Magazines, Stationery.
Our stock will meet your
need and covers a wide
variety for selection.
Look them over now.
See the Bridge & Beach
Circulator before you put
up your old heater.
Hill & Company