s.-* K e e p fo u r B u tte r U n if o r m a n d Hold Your Customers Don't wait for your customers to complain about the vanable color of your butter. Keep your butter that golden June color everybody likes by putting a few drops of Dandelion Butter Color into the chum. It is purely vegetable, wholesome and ab­ solutely tasteless. It meets all State and National Food laws All large creameries have used Dandelion B u tte r Color for years. It does not col­ or buttermilk.You can ;et the large bottles / ■"jt* or 35c from all drug I or grocery stores FD pT? Along the Concrete - A Send f OLIR COMIC SECTION / / ,, % sêjcl //,. i/. I Wefl. & RdurdMi Co., lac 2 Burlington, irm onl fcz Young Divine Had Not Caught On to Signals Bishop Dickey said In a willy after dinner speech in W aco: “fh u rc h coughing .» usually con demned, hut I rather like It “Perhaps you know the story of the theater owner who went to sleep while a play was being read Io Idin, and when the playwright woke him up and said reproachfully lhal he had been reading his play In Hit expecta­ tion of some valuable criticism, the theater owner yawned and smiled aud said sleep wus a criticism. “By the same token, a young divine said Irritably one Sunday to bis sex to n : “ “The congregation's coughing quite spoiled my sermou this morning. Such ;couglis! Such volleys of coughs!' “ ‘Coughs?’ chuckled the old man. T hem w asn't coughs. They was time signals.’ ” L e ft-H a n d e d P ro b lem s The problem of training a left- handed [iersun to use the right hand is not a simple problem of (raining the hand, declares Dr. Samuel T.*(>rton In Hygela Magazine. The normal writ Ing» of a left-handed child would not he to the right with the left hand hut to the left with the left bond, tliut Is. true c Irror writing. It Is becoming well known that the attem pt Io force a naturally left- handed person to use the right hand mny result In stuttcrlug. In some less severe cases no stuttering may result, hut It Is probable that greater fluency and greater accuracy, both of writing and spelling, might follow the use <>l the hand which Is naturally dominant. S C H O O L FO R M EN TrebiM '«* BUSINESS. TRADES « PROFESSIONS E n r o ll a n y tim e . S e n d fo r lit e r a t u r e . OREGON IN S T IT U T E Y . M . C. A . lild g . OF TE C H N O LO G Y P o r t Laud, O re g o n C hinese W re c k in g T ruck The Chinese, say scholars, hnve contributed much to the ancient and modern world of art. Particularly have their dragons In gold and green and vnrled colors, embellished paiui lngs and decorative motifs. But It rem ained for an East New York stre e t garage owner, as far as could be ascertained, to place the Chinese dragon to practical use first lie has nam ed his great, green wrecking truck, “the Green Drag-In.” N ow adays F o r C o ld s, C r ip o r In flu en za E?> and a s a P rev en tiv e, tak e L axative BRI >MO QUININE T ablets. A S afe and P roven Rem edy. The box bears the S ig n a tu re o f B. W. G rove. 30c.— Adv. E a rly Iron V essel The U. S. S. Wolverine was the first vessel built hy the United States navy. She was launched at Erie, Pa­ in 1844 ns the Michigan. Her name wus changed to Wolverine on June 17, 1005, She was constructed by Stackhouse & Tomlinson. Pittsburgh, Pa., bciwieii 1843 and 1844. Uar length (h. p.) Is 104 feet 11 Inches; beam, 27 feet; mean draft, 9 feet; displacem ent, CS5 feet. If He Can See at All ! FINNEY OF THE FORCE The late Francis Grierson, the dis­ tinguished w riter who died destitute In Los Angeles, disapproved of post­ war morals. "M orals are turned quite upside down nowadays," he said at a Los Angeles reception. “In a conversa­ tion with a beautiful movie star the other day I nodded tnwuriU an old man and said : “ ‘He's as ugly ns sin. Isn't ho?' “ ‘No,’ said the beautiful young s t a r ; ‘he's ns ugly ns virtue.’ “ Is It Your Nerves? Bakersfield, Calif.—-“I had a nerv ous breakdown, unable to leave my bed. I was under the rare of a dor tor, but was not getting along a> well as I thought 1 should, so 1 s ta rt­ ed t a k i n g D r. Fierce's Favorite Prescription and It It the tonic and nervine that re­ stored me to health. xIts soothing effort upon my n e r v e s was w o n d e r f u l while taking the first bottle, but I continued Its use until I had taken five bottles and was then completely restored to health. 1 have never had a physical or a nervous breakdown since, which proves the thoroughness of the 'Prescription' In reaching (he source of (he trouble and then over­ coming it."—Mrs. G ertrude lligley. 1224 Truxton Ave All dealers. M a y b e H e C ou ld n ’t F ath er (indicating sta tu e )—T hat Is Sir Thomas Tiptop, my boy. He gave big sum s to the schools. Son—So th a t’s him, Is It? Why didn't he work out the beastly things him self?—Tlt-BIts. A tender conscience Is a stronger obligation than prison.—Thomas Ful- ler. M u n icipal E con om y A boh-halreu scantily clad flap per was m nklig her application tit the pearly gates, and St. Peter wus putting her through her category. "W hat was your occupation?" he Inquired. • "Men called me a golddigger " she tittered. “I'm sorry—hut on account of ttie paving we can’t let you In here."— American Legion Monthly. 7 ^ ’ Slowing Up? Y o u C an ’t Feel W e ll W h e n K idneys A c t Sluggishly. Q V E R W O R K , worry and lack of rest, put extra burdens on the kidneys. W hen the kidneys slow up, impurities remain in the blood and are apt to m ake one la n g u id , tired an d ach y, with dull headaches, dizziness and often nagging backache. A common warn­ in g is sc a n ty or b u rn in g se c r e tio n s. U se D oan» Pill». Doan'», a stimulant diuretic, increase the secretion of the kidneys and aid in the elimination of waste impurities. A r e en d o rse d by users everywhere. Ask J/°ur neighbor! 60c DOANS PILLS |STIM l I INT D IU R E T IC « K ID N E Y S fo ster Milburn Co. MlgC kem.Butfelo.NY N ature Is the Art of God — Rrowne. — THE FEATHERHEADS -----X WOMEN GF MIDDLE AGE Praise Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Mrs. Annie Kwlnskl of 526 1st Av» nue, Milwaukee. Wis., w rites th at she became so weak and run-down that she was not able to do her housework. She saw the name Lydia E. Pinkham 's Vege­ table Compound In the paper and said to her husband, “I will try th at medi­ cine and see if It will help me." She rays she took six bottles and is feel­ ing much better. Mrs. Mattle Adams, who lives In Downing Street, Brewton, Ala , w rites as follows: "A friend recommended Lydia E. Pinkham 's Vegetable Com­ pound and since taking it I feel like a different woman." With her children grown up, the mid­ dle aged woman finds tim e to do the things she never had time to do before —read the new books, see the new plays, enjoy her grand-children, take au active p a rt In ehtireh and civic affairs. F ar from being pushed aside by the younger set, she finds n full, rich life of her own. T hat Is, If her health Is good. Thousands of women past fifty, say they owe th eir vigor and health to Lydia E. Pinkham 's Vegetable Com­ pound, and aro recommending It to their friends and neighbors. Coughs and Colds »re not only a n n oying, but dangerou». I f not Attended to at once they m ay d evelop Into serlou» ailm ent. B o s c h e e ’ s S y ru p Is so o th in g and h ea lin g In such ea ses, and has I een used for slx ty -o n e years. 30c and 90c h otties. Huy It at vour drug - - W /oodbury. o *' store. - Q. - G. Urxen, Inc., N . J. Garfield Tea Was Your Grandm other’s Remedy For every stomach unil Intestinal IIL This good old-fash­ ioned herb home remedy for consti­ pation, stomach Ills and other derange­ m ents of the sys­ tem so prevalent these days Is In even greater favor us a fam ily medicine than In your grandm other's day. A gray a r o DISFIG URE. YOUR J £ L Y E S -, L ooks / Don’t ««perl «reni <« them, u » “ M l T C I » E L L E Y E H A LV E f >r « i^ e d y relief. Absolutely safK All (lrUgfflHlM. H A L L I K U C K K L , New Y o rk C H j Ul W. N. U-, PORTLAND, NO. 46-1927. M akin g S a fe i S a fer A new «life flint tins nil nlmost ho- mini power of giving warning whould nny nftempt be mu<]<* to* rob It baa been Invented. Should burglars a t­ tempt to break It open by the iimuii I methods of using heat, the m aterial of which the »life I* built gives off a series of loud reports. The new materlnl Is In the form of plates, one Inch thick, applied Inside the safe, t ’p to the present, no meth­ od tuiH been found of meltnge, break­ ing or destroying the m aterial. It takes from 85 to 150 flays for salmon eggs to hatch, the time de­ pending upon the tem perature of the w ater In which they are deposited. 11 Felix Meets an Old Flame ---- Í---- . ’ J DK. STAFFORDS, foryowr Children’s) CO\$S, FROZEN FEET 2> A f t e r th e fir s t Tneaaure» fo r fro zen fe e t, fin g er« o r ear» C e rb o il 1« the Ideal tre a t­ m en t. I t « m edicin al o ils and antisepti« chem ical« sooth th a tissues, a lla y sore- *a s s and help t o p rev en t com plication«. A 50-eent box fro m jo u r d n w f i s t is all t h a t is required. Y o u r m oney back i f i t fa ils t o satisfy« S P U R L O C K - N E A L C O . . Naatm Jla. T e a a . Keep Stooach and Bowels Right By R irin y baby tha harrr.leea. purely ravatabJe. infants andchildran srerulator. WINS109TJ SYRUP b rtn r« astooithin g.< rati/yrn< results la m aking baby’s stomach digest food and bowels m ^ e as they should a t teaching time. Guaranteed frea from narcotics, opi­ ate«. alcoh< I and all h arm ful ingredi­ ents. Safe and satisfactory. SAY “ BAYER ASPIRIN” - Unless you see the “ Bayer Cross” on tablets, you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by mil­ lions and prescribed by physicians over 25 years for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Accept only “ Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Kandy "Bayer” boars of 12 tablets. Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists. S n tU tn Is tks t n d . M r , w Rarer M a s .fa e tu r. -t M aaoan tlraeld ratar of ■ •ItefllraelS