W W W .W W .--.W W A The Green Cloak By YORKE DAVIS W W fc n le < Copyright. 1924 STO R Y FROM T H E S T A R T D r R o n a ld M cA lister, fam o u s In h is sp e c ia l w o r k — a p p lie d p s y c h o lo g y —em p lo y s h is le isu re tim e in th e e lu c id a tio n o f crim e m y ste rie s . As th e n a r r a tiv e opens he is in te r e s te d w ith A s s is ta n t d i s t r i c t A tto rn e y A sh to n In th e rrnirder, In th e sm a ll to w n of O ak R id g e, of a reclu ae, H en ry M organ. T h e m u rd e re d m an, his p a p e rs re v e a l, h ad been In New Z ealan d , w h e re D o c to r M cA lister had liv ed In hla y o u th . W ill H a rv e y h a s te stifie d he sa w a w om an w e a r in g a g re e n c lo a k In th e M o rg an hom e th e n ig h t of th e m u rd e r. D o c to r R e in h a rd t, frie n d of M cA lister, te le p h o n e s he h a s a q u e e r c a s e In his h o s p i­ ta l a n d in v ite s M c A lister to see th e p a tie n t. D o c to r R e in h a rd t's p a tie n t p ro v es to be a y o u n g w om an, w ho in u n c o n s c io u sn e s s m u tte rs In a la n g u a g e R e in h a rd t does n o t u n d e rs ta n d . M cA lister se es a p o ssib le c o n n e c tio n b e ­ tw een th e m u rd e re d N ew Z ea­ la n d e r an d th e g irl. A c a re fu lly hidden m ap Is d isc o v ered A g irl e n te r s th e h o u se In th e d a r k n e s s nnd escap es, le a v in g a g re e n c lo a k behind. M c A lister d ecid es upon a p sy c h o lo g ic al te s t of H a r ­ vey. CHAPTER V— Continued With a feeling of excitem ent which 1 found It hard to concent, I began reading those first twelve neutral words. Ills answ ers came with flash- like rapidity. He was a good subject and he had entered fully Into the spir­ it of the test. To my ear the Interval between my word nnd his was about h alf a second. When I saw the reconl afterw ard, I found thnt It averaged a little less than th a t—about four- tenths. The word Pen brought the obvious association, Ink. Snow culled up S hovel; nnd Song, Theuter. The tw elfth word, Sign, culled up the curi­ ous association, Woodland, which was to ¡»rove of Interest anil significance to us before the day was out. But I bad no time to think about It then. Without varying the Interval, w ith­ out varying the tone of my voice, or raising my eyes from the list I held In my hand, I pronounced the thir­ teenth word, Loops. The answ er came like a flash, nnd It was Automobile. I glanced up as he said If, nnd caught a faint smile of rem iniscence on Ills lips Loops in Ills mind were things to lie looped, nnd the circus billboards supplied the as- sod atlo n with automobile. The next word Pipe, brought the simple asso­ ciation, Tobacco. To my mind Ids tin- hesitating utterance of that word was as good a dem onstration of his Inno­ cence of the crime Itself ns a com­ pletely established alibi woul ’ have been But we were only nt the beginning o f our experiment. N either the doc­ to r nor I believed hint guilty. We hoth belleveil thnt, hidden In some corner o f th at mind of his, was n piece of unsuspected knowledge which would give us the key with which to unlock th e h eart of the mystery. Three or four numbers down the list enme another word, Map, which might have draw n a significant reply. The Instantaneous association which It brought up, however, was Europe. A fter thnt came a succession of words, straight Inventories of articles to be found In various rooms In the Morgan house, tint they nil drew blank. Never once was there a moment's best tatlon So far our test proved, clearly and exhaustively, that. In his testim ony nt th e Inquest, our young man had m eant to tell the truth. I was re- minded of the doctor's words on the night of our return from the hospital, when he had warned me against fall­ ing Into the erro r of thinking thnt the unlikely could not happen. His old theory o f associative Illusion, which had been made to look so fan ­ tastically Improbable by our discovery of the cloak, was practically proven tru e In the very teeth of Its Improba­ bility by tills test of ours. But who w as the girl H arvey knew —the black haired girl w ho wore a green cloak, with the collar cut high In the hack? We were as far as ever from the answ er to th at question. An I so far as I could see none of his associates with the successive words in my list brought out anything of significance. A pparently we were draw ing blank cover. At the same time, I was aw are Hint something or o th er had made my chief extremely thoughtful. The way he w as opening and shutting his hands ami staring out o f the window, the perplexed frown which knitted bis brows, made It clear th at th ere w as only one link lacking In some chain of association of his own At last ns I glanced at him In the h alf second Interval between my word and liarvey'a, I saw th at he had got I t; saw the sudden flare of excitement kindle In hla eyes nnd his two clenched ORCHARD “Do you rem ember Ids association hands come down softly on th e arm s with the word ‘sign’? It was ‘Wood­ of his chuir. land.’ ” The next moment th e word Dance In my ?Ist brought the um-xi>ected as­ “yes,” said I. “It struck me us sociation Policeman from Harvey. curious.” At th at th e doctor rose and in t e r “It struck me as ratlfbr more than rupted the te s t “I think, riiel|rs,” he th at," said the doctor, "because I had said, "th u t those negatives of yours an echo ot the same association my­ must he done. I ll go on und read this self, and I spent ten solid m inutes COW STABLES TO other list to Mr. H arvey.” trying to place IL I suppose my diffi­ VARIOUS ENEMIES FALL PRUNING IS The erran d he bad proposed to me culty came fro « the fact th u t It took SUIT DAIRYMAN OF YOUNG CHICKS BEST FOR BLIGHT was purely fictitious and the sheet of me so close to home." (>a|ier he held In his hand was b la n k ; “Woodland avenue you m ean?” I D airy barns designed to m eet the so 1 Interpreted his Interruption as In­ questioned. T hat was the street The P runing out the dead wood In the Young chickens have many enemies needs of the uiilmul and m ake for con­ tended for the mere purpose of giving such as hawks, crows, owls, rats, venience In labor are the trend of pres- fall is the best method of controlling Meredith was on. him a chance to catechise Harvey ’’Closer than th a t,” he said. “Do foxes, skunks, weasels, cats, and dogs, ent i|*iy construction. T hese features,' fire blight of apples and pears, ad­ along some new line w ithout causing you »-member our own corner and the all of which have about the sam e ten together with the practice of avoid­ vises Dr. A. L. Plerstorff, fruit spe­ him to suspect the reason for the stre e t sign th at m arks It? It was dencles, for, once they sta rt to h arass ing w aste of lum ber «re the result of cialist of th e New Jersey State Col­ change. lege of A griculture. pulled around diagonally and bent Into a flock, they will not stop until the modern, stan d ard specifications. To give color to the excuse, I left T he bacteria which cause tire blight a most disreputable angle as a Hal­ chickens a re full-grown. The best W aste In cutting Is avoided, nd- the room for a few moments, but It loween prank two weeks ago. So the way to cope with them generally Is to vlses D. B. Lucus, Instructor In rural w inter over on 'h e diseased parts of will be easy to believe th at I returned association was a perfectly natural prevent them from catching the engineering at the New Jersey College th e tree, and In the spring are carried as soon as I plausibly could. I found one to unyone who, during the past i chickens. of A griculture In New Brunsw ick, by to the opening blossoms oy bees and Doctor McAlister pronouncing a suc­ two weeks, has been In the habit of A fence around the poultry yard using standard lengths of lum ber from o th er Insects. Spraying Is of no cession of words rath er more rapidly ! about four or five feet high with flue a v a il; hence the only practicable con­ frequenting our p art of the town.” than I had read them from my list, • “B ut,” suid I, "how did you Infer the mesh ot the bottom and with the bot­ the foundation to the roof. For gam ­ trol Is to prevent its spread by cut- brel roofs both the S haw ver tru ss and and the young m an's answ er had existence of June Perkins from th a t? ” tom burled lu the ground three or the bracer ra fte r a re popular, nnd for ting out an d burning all diseased quickened, too, so th at to the ear they four Inches will provide protection p a rts of the trees. “Of course, th at was only tlie s ta rt­ were alm ost instantaneous. The words against many anim als Including dogs, curved roofs tlie Gothic arch. These T his con best be done before the ing point,” he answered. “His whole types of light fram ing may he used up were a list of the features of the foxes, and skunks. If ruts or weasels tre e s have shed their green leave«, train of associations made It evident to 40-foot w idths and will allow a human face. Kars was the first one bother the chickens, any refuse or tall as th e brown leaves and dead twigs th a t he had been ‘going around,’ as he I heard, and Its association. Instantly, grass w here they might hide or breed spacious hay loft unobstructed by stan d out prom inently. Cut off the suld, with somebody. T he plnce In the heavy tim bers such ns w ere formerly C o ra l; probably a reference to e ar­ should be removed, according to poul­ tw igs und branches just below the social scale occupied by th a t some­ rings, I th o u g h t Eyes produced the trymen a t the New York Stute College used nt close intervals. dead areas. Use a sharp knife to cut body was pretty well determ ined by The Shaw ver tru ss projects some­ adjective Black. Lips, ludicrously of A griculture ut Itbacu. o u t the can k ers formed on large w hat Inw ard ut Intervals of eight to enough, brought the Involuntary ad ­ the neighborhood of the stre e t sign. It has sometimes been found neces­ limbs, rem oving all the dead bark It’s quite the sm artest p art of town mission, Kiss. And at th a t o u r sub­ sary to cover the chicken yard with tw elve feet, hut Is entirely clear be­ nnd about one-half inch of live hark for blocks and blocks all around there, tween braces. T he braced ra fte r type, ject went llamlng red. Ills p ertu rb a­ and It would be preposterous to as- 1 two-inch mesh w ire for protection which requires approxim ately the on all sides of the dead area. See tion was made perfectly evident the from haw ks und crows. At the Maine th a t such cuts a re pointed nt both sam e th at Will Ilnrvey calls a t the next moment, when he w aited four experim ent station, however, nnd on sam e am ount of lum ber, projects ends so they will heal readily the front dooF of any house thereabouts. slightly down nt every ra fter, thus seconds a fter the word Hand, only to ninny poultry farms, stream ers tied a follow ing season. A fter making the The young ladles who use the front produce the rhymed association, Band. few feet apurt on tw ine strung across making very little choice betw een the wounds, sterilize them with mer­ doors of the Imposing residences In two. The Gothic arch leaves an en­ Nothing could have been clearer than the Held or the chicken run prove suc­ curic cyanide (1 ¡»art to 500 parts of th at, being on his guard against m ak­ o u r neighborhood don’t go to the sort cessful and no overhead cover wus tirely o¡ien loft and has a beautiful w ater) and bichloride of mercury (I of dances th at would call up the as­ outside appearance. ing another Involuntary admission, he needed. sociation ‘policeman’ In any young Effort has been m ade by engineers p a rt to 500 of w ater) mixed together. had rejected w hatever word had come Owls may kill chickens which roost m an's mind. At any rate. It seemed to establish eith e r the bent o r cut ra f t­ C arry these disinfectants In a wooden first, and consciously and laboriously In trees or exposed places, or they a reasonable Inference to me th u t our er, the form er being cheaper while the o r glass container, as metal contain­ thought up another. may even enter open windows of young friend had been carrying on a la tte r has a tendency to distort. ers tend to w eaken them. They may The next word Face, brought, as a brooder houses. To avoid this d an ­ be applied w ith a swab made with a linrniless flirtation with some house­ rath er quicker response, the adjective ger, It Is well to keep the chickens In \\ 1th th eir economy nnd convenience piece of cloth or a sponge tied to a maid. The scene of this affair was so Nice. It did not occur to me a t the the houses nt night and, perhaps, these roofs of light plank fram ing stick. D isinfect the tools also occa­ fa r away from his own home, June will make a big appeal to farm ers. time th at this w as a rhymed assocla- screen the windows. Perkins was so utterly disassociated j The ru ral engineering departm ent sionally. The chem icals should be his own mind i from per- » * . . » I In ll 1 1 13 u n ii iv iu t anything u ijn u iig T\ Y T C* a t the college of ag ricu ltu re has pre­ kept out of the reach of children or talning to the Oak Itldge m ystery, thnt L ilttlS M o n e y iS f e p e n t pared standard ¡dans for barn fram ­ live stock, ns they are boll) violent his rfalve description of the black hair ings of the types discussed nnd these poisons. in Aiding Poultrymen F ire blight w as first described as and the green cloak of the woman A recent analysis by the United may he had free on request. occurring In the highlands of tha whose silhouette he saw upon the S tates D epartm ent of A griculture H udson river about a ceutury und a shade becomes possible." shows th a t less money per $1,000 val­ New Bulletin on Raising h a lf ago. It Is so culled because the "W ell,” said I thoughtfully, a fte r a uation of the commodity Is spent by e s attack ed have the appearance little silence, "It’s perfectly evident Dairy Calves From Iowa tre tlie governm ent In aiding poultry and of being scorched by fire. th a t we've done H arvey a servlci, al­ egg producers than of any other farm A bulletin which should be of much though he Isn’t grateful for It Just crop. Interest to dairym en has been pub­ now. We’ve cleared him, to our own On the basis mentioned, poultry In­ lished by the Iowa experim ent sta ­ All Fruit in Storage satisfaction nt least. We've found an terests receive I I cents, tobacco 42 tion on raising dairy calves. Figures English housemaid named Ja n e P er­ Should Be Kept Cool cents, cotton 50 cents, pork and pork show th n t th ere a re 24,000,000 dairy kins. She Is, no doubt, the girl of It m ight be advised th at all fruit in products C5 cents, Irish potatoes 79 cows in the United States. The av er­ whom the profile on the shade rem ind­ cents, vegetables 84 cents, small fru its age age of these cows Is six years. Storage be kept cool. However, apples ed him. The next thing to do Is to $1.08, orchard fru its $1.00, dairy c a t­ This m akes the problem of raising com prise most of the fruit stored ua look her up, discover, If possible, tle und products $1.80, citrus fru its dairy heifers for replacem ents an Im­ corn-belt farm s, so uny suggestions w hether she happens to possess a relative to the handling of the stored $2.40, beef cattle and products $2.85, po rtan t eonsideratlon. green cloak, with th at p articu lar kind fru it n atu rally npply most directly to sheep and sheep products, $3.27, und Fifty-four p er cent of th e dairy of collnr. It's likely enough, I sup­ apples, says Successful Farming. bees nnd bee products $3.01. cows a re used to produce whole milk. pose. T here are probably hundreds of T hose who have stored apples will Poultry und eggs, the fifth agricul­ In seclions w here th is Is th e case the garm ents like th a t being worn In the tu ral Interest In the United S tates In problem of raising dairy calves Is a do well to sort them over occasionally city this season. In the departm ent value, affect more producers und deal­ g reater problem on account of the —p articu larly If they ure In common stores they make what they call 'spe­ ers than any other Industrj and re­ shortage of skim milk. An ow ner of storage. W here bigh-qnality closely cials’ of those things, nnd sell them ceive proportionately less federal ag ri­ such a herd may he content to buy graded apples have been ¡mt into cold In hundred lots, all exactly alike.” storage, th is sorting Is usually never cultural appropriation. The appropria­ The more I thought over the situ a­ tions made for poultry are divided springers to keep up his herd or lie necessary unless It does happen to he m ust sacrifice some milk o r raise his tion, the deeper my perplexity grew. among various bureaus. In the De­ nlves largely by the use of calf meals. very late In the season, beyond the The test upon H arvey had utterly de­ usunl d a te to which the variety caa partm ent of A griculture uloue, nine stroyed my hope th a t we could get The proper grow th of dairy calves be kept. different bureaus handle poultry from him any clew to the Identity of has an Im portant Influence on th eir In common storage the occasional funds. Th.-re W a i a Scared Look in His Eyes, the strange, wild creatu re we had seen fu tu re production. Calves which are w arm spelts through w inter cause de­ but. Besides That, He Was Evidently In the hospital. Instead, It had led stunted will not produce as much velopm ent of rots, and It Is the danger Extrem ely Angry. us to a trig, snug, undoubtedly re­ Table Gives Relative when m ature ns heifers th at have from th is standpoint th at requires the spectable English housemaid named tlon also ; thut somebody he knew Size of Turkey Breeds been properly grown. Men who pay occasional sorting over of apples that Jan e P erking; and lending us to her, attention to th e breeding of their cat­ a re In a cave or cellar or in any stor­ pronounced it “flee.” B ut thnt the T he following table will give the It left 11s face to fnce with a coinci­ tle have a g reater opportunity for Im­ age, unless it is cold storage. doctor's mind had jum ped to this con­ dence, or, rnther, a series of coinci­ relative sizes of the breeds of tu rk ey s: provem ent both from the standpoint clusion was made clear when, for Ids W h ite B o u rb o n of proper grow th us well as improve­ dences nlniost incredible. next word, he him self gave out the R ro n ze H o lla n d R ed s Compulsory Grading Law- “ Well,” I resumed with a sigh, word English. P o u n d s P o u n d s P o u n d s ment in breeding. th ere are lots of young women with A d u lt’ to m . . 30 H M This got an answ er, hut not the Adopted by Virginia 83 24 25 blnck hair, ami I suppose a good Y e a rlin g tom kind of answ er we were expecting. T he general assembly of the state of 25 Y o u n g to m . . 20 20 Essential That Calves Our w itness Jumped to his feet, knock­ many of them w ear green clonks. But H en ............... 20 18 18 Virginia h as undertaken to compel the thnt a girl should have a profile like T u lle t ........... ing over the little telephone before 16 14 14 Get First Milk From Cow apple grow ers of the commonwealth to th n t of tlie extraordinary creature we him, as he did so. T here w as u T hese are the stan d ard w eights nnd It Is best to leave the calf with the adopt b e tte r m arketing methods. A saw in the hospital ami Inter In Mor­ scared look In his eyes, but besides show the W hite H olland to be the dam for a few days so It can »ret the law has been passed which requires gan’s study—n profile like thnt and the thut, be w as evidently extremely lightest of the ttiree breeds, but we colostrum nr first milk. If th is cannot th n t all apples offered for sale shall snme colored hair nnd the same sort angry. find th a t there Is a great tendency he done draw the first milk from the be graded according to the standard of clonk, nnd still obviously a differ­ "Now look here,” he said, “w hat for the W hite Holland turkeys to run cow and feed It to the calf. The suck­ s ta te grading system , and that each en t person altogether, Is rath er dis­ business Is It of yours w hether I go over the standard weight somewhat. ing of the calf also aids In relieving package shall be stam ped with the concerting. Ashton nt least would around with Ja n e Perkins, or not? Of the three breeds the Wldte ones Inflammation in the cow's odder at nam e and address of the grower or laugh ut us If we told him we believed She's a respectable girl ; she’s a lady. are considered to he the most domes­ th is time. From two days to four or packer, and th a t th e variety, quantity It.” W hat right have you got sticking your tic nnd will usually range closer to five we ks old. the calf should receive und size of product be specified. “Yes.” snld the doctor, "Ashton home than either of the other breeds. tw o to five pounds of milk three tim es noses Into my affairs?” Forcing the fru it grow er to employ F o r myself, I w as too much asto n ­ would laugh. He laughs rath er too Tlie Bourbon Beds would come be­ a day. T here is more danger of over­ up-to-date and profitable methods is easily, thnt young man.” ished by the result of the doctor's ex­ tween the other two breeds In regard feeding than underfeeding th e young a “new one” as fa r ns this country Is perim ent to say anything. For that Then, for the first tim e I looked leng to ranging habits. calf. In the case of the Jersey or concerned. We doubt the wisdom of m atter, my chief might ns well have nnd senrcblngly Into my old ch iefs Guernsey, It Is som etimes practical to th is type of legislation, says the Farm­ been silent for any effect Ills words face. Ills eyes were bright with ex­ dilute milk with w ater, preferably ers’ Guide, hut we ll admit that It Is had In calm ing the subject of our test. citem ent. his cheeks flushed nnd his warm w ater of the snme tem perature an Interesting experim ent. If law can big, restless hands beating out a tr i­ He w ouldn't sit down. He wouldn't ns the milk. If milk need be warmed m ake ua good. It ought to be able to answ er questions. He w as through um phant tattoo upon the table top He It should he «et In warm w ater. Scald­ m ake us prosperous. ilid not look like a man whose plans with us completely. T his he made 0 * 0 ♦o'.: >—o - o - o — o ;; ed milk Is hard to digest. D uring the and theories had gone awry. quite clear ns he struggled Into his Much disease can he kept out of the sixth or seventh week the calf enn overcoat nnd clapped on Ids h n t “T here's something,” I snld curious­ poultry flock by burying or burning gradually lie changed from whole milk Latham Raspberry Was •'Well," said I when we were left ly, “th at I don't see yet.” to skim milk. Foam on skim milk the dead birds. Developed in Minnesota alone, "I don't mind adm itting th at “You will soon,” he assured me, "be­ • • • should not be fed to calves as it is The L atham rasplierry was devel­ I’m ra th e r behind the procession. fore nnother day Is out, unless I’m Burn or bury dead chickens. Every liable to cause bloating. oped by the Minnesota agricultural We've discovered Ja n e Perkins, but mistaken. Have a little patience." decaying carcass is an Incubator experim ent station ns a result of sys­ who she Is, or w hat she Is I don't T here came a sharp knock at the breeding germ s nnd disease. tem atic crossing. It Is a seedling from know. And 1 certainly can’t see what s e e door Just then, nnd ns It swung open, a cross between King and Louden. gave you the clew th u t led you up to we saw Ashton stnndlng there. One means of getting the pullets to In the test plots. It w as known ns her so directly.” (TO DK CONTINUED.) lay In the w inter Is to give them : :<>• <>►<> - o —c>: :o * o - < > « o - o : : M innesota No. 4. The first plants plenty of w ater and proper food Io w ere set out in a sm all way for trial ❖ x-:-x-:-x<-x-:-x-:x:-x:-x-:-x-;-x-:-x;x:-x-:-x:-x:-x-:-x:-x-:-x-:-x the fall. Never keep cows—make cows keep purposes In 1014. The variety was you. • • • earned L atham In 1920 In honor of A. * • * A combination of dried butterm ilk U se o f G reen F ood s C om m on in A ll A g es W. Latham , who w as secretary of the and m eat scraps Is usually depended One of the greatest sources of sour upon to furnish the anim al protein milk and low-grade dairy products Is M innesota S tate H orticultural society l.ettu ce Is one of the oldest vege­ It Is believed they were grown In the portion of mash m ixture. fo r 29 years. the unsterllized utensil. tables known and was eaten fully D00 earliest American settlem ents. Thom­ • • • The variety seems to be rapidly cîis- • * • W heat bran Is largely used In all years before the Uhrlstlnn era. Aris­ as Jefferson recorded the growing of placing all o th er varieties In Minne­ Qiinllty b u tter can be produced In tom ntoes In Virginia in 1781, yet It Is chick mashes. It Is bulky but fairly totle praised It highly. Spinach was sota, W isconsin and the Dakotas. The said than an Italian could not per­ digestible nnd has a laxative tendency th e sum m er time only If proper care canes are quite hardy, vigorous and Introduced Into China from Persia Is given to the cream from which It suade the people of Salem, Mass., to which Is beneficial. It Is fairly high productive. The fruit Is large, firm about 190 B. C., but was new to Eu­ Is m anufactured. taste them In 1802.—K ansas City In protein. • • • and of good quality. It has a lo n | rope In the Sixteenth ceutury. Botan- • • • Times. ripening period. Ically, one of th e most Interesting Cottage cheese Is an attractiv e nil In New York the Pacific Const ex ­ products of the gnrden la the cabbage y ear food, and Is a good m eans of tra white eggs sell for more than tha utilizing the sour milk. W ro te Im m o r ta l M u tic family. Kale, brussels sprouts, sa­ Pruning Time Here • • • voy cabbage, red cabbage, collards, Franz Schubert has been called "The New Jersey and nearby extra whites. F arm orchards will generally stand kohlrabi, cauliflower nnd broccoli are Man of a Thousand Melodies," al A good reputation Is w orth money. It Is estim ated th a t at least $4 per • • • careful scrutiny for the purpose of do­ though the Etude. In w riting of this, ull varieties of one species. C arrots Birds th at should he culled are sure cow can he gained every y ear h.v the says th at It Is "a libel upon his enor to show a loss In the future and the projier conservation of all m anure In ing some pruning this w inter. Iterance w ere eaten by the ancients, but they all dead wood, especially all branches minis fecundity, because he might bet were not very popular. W atercress, sooner they are sold, the greater will the bam . • • • th a t have carried fire blight or other growing n aturally In all north tem ­ ter be termed the man of 22,000 met» be the returns. In proportion to costs The dairy cow Is partlcnlarly p a r­ diseases. Be sure to tak e out all p erate regions, has been eaten as a dies.” It Is probable th a t no othei | • • • composer of history produced so man» salad since th e Greek nnd Roman It Is better to keep a small flock of tial to silage, and that she responds branches that rub and crowd each themes, many of which are Immortai birds that pay thetr way than to keep to the addition of silage to her ration other. Do not leave ugly stubs of ascendancy and has been cultivated since the Sixteenth century. Peas a large flock In which there are a lot Is shown In the rem arknble Increase wounds. It is alw ays best to pruns were used by ancient E gyptians and from the outside Inward, so as to re­ Ridicule Is the best test of truth of drones thnt eat up the profit mad* In the nnmlier of sllou built In the re glens devoted to dairying. duce th e fruiting surface. The object others, but were not common food In It will not stick where it is uot Ju st *>y good birds. Europe until th e E ighteenth ceutury. 1» to keep the outer branches from be —Chesterfield. coming overloaded. ♦FARM’ POULTRY h u h u Poultry Facts Dairy Squibs