Mr. and Mrs. K enneth Cross ol Brevities Albany visited relatives in H alsey Halsey and V icinity Smartly tailored suits and overcoats Sunday. Frank Uansle of the Arrow Garage spent Tuesday io Salem on a husin ess trip. 1 he Parent-Teachers meeting has been postponed from Friday even­ ing of this we«k to November 18. The change was made because of the regular meeting time coming on A rm istice day. Mr. and Mrs. R ussell G ott and children of A lbany spent afternoon in H alsey. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charles G oltra and children of Albany were visitors at the H. F. Lake home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bre-sler k f t W eduesday m orning for Portland to a tte n d the funeral of Mrs. Bres Bier’s m other, Mis. Sarah Godley. The wooden cross walk from the C hristian church to the property line of Mrs. Mrs. H annah Cum ­ mings is being replscd with a ce­ m ent one, • C. H. H am er has bought the D. F- Dean residence on Second street according to announcem ent made this week. The H am er family have been occupying tbe bouse for some time. FREE Genuine Cannon BATH TO W El W ITH P U R C H A SE OB 1 2 C A K lS ö f CASTILE at 93 cents D. H. Sturtevant For Your money’s worth TRY Some of These S aturday evening the home of Mr. and Mrs. J . B. W aggoner was the scene of a gay p arty, the affair being in honor of Miss Madge Abel, Mrs. W aggoner’s sister. The guests had been asked to dress as hobos, Each one was required to earn th eir “ h a n d -o u t” and a variety of work, among which was the patching of tires, pealing po­ tatoes, m ilking a bogus cow, etc, was done. The hobo« told hard luck stories us they demolished their lunch. Ice cream was served in coffee cans, pie plates and var ions sizes, shapes and kinds of dishes. A ciicle of ccokies was arranged in the center of tbe table with the instructions to do as a hobo would do. F itting contests and games were then played. Those present for this delightful evening were Mr. and Mrs. H arold Kiser, E dith Long, Irene Quimby, H urley Overton, H arold Laswell, Ray W ilkinson, Roy McDougal, Jo h n Quimby, Madge Abel and th j host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Falk and two children of Salem were week end visitors at the home of Mrs Fred Falk. Saturday afternoon Delma Falk was the guest of Mrs. W. l h o a -- son. Tire Clark C hastain family were Florizel Chocolates . . 60c. lb Peter Pan Chocolates . 50c lb. A fine assortment of Candy Bars at 5c. Bulk candies from 20c to 50c. lb. Also a fu ll line of School Supplies and Stationery SPARTON R a d io S u p re m e The Clear Reception—Long Distance Pick-Up Remarkable Selectivity—Simple Operation Battery Mode's $72 50 and up. Electric Models $195. to $395. Come in and hear it and be convinced. The Music Shop Everything Musical Albany. Oregon If We Can’t Clean It TH R O W I r A W A Y WE DO Cleaning, Dyeing, Steam Pleating Tailoring, Alterations and Repairing. Phone 209 12<9 For future success with your flock of chickens use Lillie Rickard catne home from M onmouth Tuesday to spend the rest of the week. T R IA N G L E Charles Straley and fam ily of Halsey visited at the A. E. W h it­ beck home Sunday evening. Mrs. Floyd Nichols and daugh Mr. and Mrs. Robeit McKee of tpr were A lbany business visitors Eugene were guesls of the la tte r’s W ednesday. Complete itock always on band. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mr. and Mrs. George G ilhena F L E E C E T W IN E used and new W OOL SA CK S vis ted their daughter, Mrs. A. L. Rickard the first of the w eek. K oighten, and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W i l l Eagy ofOaK- ville v sited at the L E Eagv home Saturday Sun. Mon., Tues. Nov.13-15 ' . « a s B B a a B B a . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ( ! ■ ■ H*iiiauiiaNMaBi«iMxa Florence Hover of H arrisburg ■ ■ ■ a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a .a a a a a a a t and Eunice Sylvester spent tbe An epic o f naval warfare week end at the Sylvester home. W ednesday Mr. and Mrs Roy Owen of Springfield attended the com m un­ ity meeting here Friday night. T hursday and Friday Georgia Overton and D jris Tor- genon of Albany spent the week end at Ray H over’s. Will pay for themselves in fuel saved. Saturday Sam Cam pbell and fam ily moved A10 fully guaranteed. and the oack to K in g ’s V alley last week I “ Galloping Furry” after spending some tim e at the Collegians Johnson borne; Now reduced prices now in effect. Your old There was a school meeting at range taken in exchange. Ask about the Lang the school house W edoesday eveu- I iiiiia iiiiiia iiiiu iiiiiiD iiiiu iiiiiia iiiiiiiin H a iiiiiiiiiiiia iiiiiiiiii'iicat GLOBE Developing Mashes and Scratches : O. \Y. FR VM S s “ CONVOY” ^The Country Doctor” iLang Ranges “ Cheating Cheaters^ log. Mary Heinrich who is attending high school in Corvallis spent the week end a t her home here. M r. and Mrs. F ran k G bson and son attended the livestock exposi­ tion in Poitand last week. Earl Albertson cam e home from M onmouth for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Davis and Fritz Torgeneon and fam ily of Albany were guests at the Kay Hover home Sunday. Your child's success in school, de­ pends upon perfect vision w It your child is unhappy— tackw ard in school, let us ex an n tieh ia or her eves. In our years of opt cal experience, we have sided thousands of children to bet­ ter vision, to the joy of to!b parents and children. Ours is a complete optical ser­ vice. We g u irsn tee satisfaction. Un­ usual advantages are offered here. You receive the expert service. Nothing is spared that your children may see as Nature intended them to. Do not neg 'ect your children a eyes, Haye them examined now. HAROLD ALBRO Jew eler f t O ptom etrist .113 First st.. Albany, Ore R A L S T O N M OTOR G | Guaranteed Lived CARS See how easy you can own one 19.6 Dodge De Luxe Sedan$875.00 1926 Dodge Special Sedan $78.5.00 1‘<26 Dodge Special Coupe $695 00 19.'4 Ford R oadster.......... $145.00 1924 Chevrolet Coupe---- $275.00 1926 Fora 1-ton truck, csb and body, Kukstel a x l e ......................... $32.5,00 A 1 condition 1923 Maxwell Touring $28) 00 range to be given away tree. ! Bartcher Fourniture Co. ■ Albany, Oregon ■ a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a t Complete New Fresh Stock of I Dr. Hess’ Stock and Poultry Remedies Specials Dodge T ouring . . . . . — $115 00 good condition, good rubber 1915 Star Coupe____. . . . . $355 00 See L’s Before You Buy R A L S T O N M OTOR CO. U S E D • C A R - LO T Albany I’hone 170. Tonics, W o rm Powders, Etc. Y ou get b e tte r re s u lts fro m these G U A R A N T E E D Remedies. T ry th e m LEE DRUG STORE OVER 30 YEARS IN ALBANY Cor. First & Ferry Sts. Albany ;