H a l s e y E n t e r p r is e Published Thursday at Halsey Oregon, any ¿¿directory Penney’s Prize Guernseys at International Live Stock Show P e rs o n a l G ift A LBANY baking co . 405 West First Thirty-one of the finest “ Fore- BUTTBR-NUT KREAp *1 a year In advance. Arrearages 12V4e onoet Guernsey” cattle belonging A lb an y Floral Co. Cut flowers a month. Stops when time expires |RUE, it is early to buy ready-made gifts to Mr. J. C. Penney, owner of the •Kw and plants. F lo ra l a ri unless continuance is ordered. that anyone can buy, but it is ju s t the and a ll occasions. E nm adine Farm, Hopewell Junc­ _________________ F lo w e r phone 458-j. Advertising, 20c an inch; no discount tion, N. Y ., and founder of the time to prepare for for time or space; no charge for T h e m o s t p e r s o n a l o f a ll G if t s I^ A S T A L B A N Y BARBER SHOP composition or changes. Announce­ J . C. Penney Company, were oo Picture» C harles R. G o ltra , Proprietor taken even­ ments of entertainments, food sales, exhibit on all last week at the Pa­ in g s by ap­ S p e c ia liz in g in Ladies' and C h ild re n's etc., whose object is to raise money, cific International Live Stock E x­ p o in tm e n t H a ir Cuts and Bobs. W o rk Guaranteed charged at regular advertising rates. O u r annnal special C h ristm a s o ffe r is on. W it h every $6:03 o rd e r we g iv e you 1029 E ast Second St. A lb a n y, Ore. hibition at Portland, This is a one o f yo u r p ictu re s e n larged to 11x14 Free. T h is offer is good to N ov. 19. o n lv . Announcements of religious meetings, p irt of the only endowed herd of A LB A N Y .STATE BANK w i not exceeding four inches, free if • ^ » in v ite y o u r business. Savings and T he P h o to g ra p h e r in Y o u r T o w n cattle in the world, for the perpetu­ copy is received before Tuesday. co m m e rcia l aceounts. C a pital, surplus 333 W est F irs t Street, A L B A N Y ation of which Mr. Penney has set u n d iv id e d p ro fits , $100. C0O. aenle a couriderable sum of money Tomorrow we celebrate Arm ir. P A S T B U R N ’S GROCERY tice Day. How manv of us will iu the interest of scientific breed­ 4 th and I.yons Street ■ T he place to buv good groceries at the pause in the midst of our work, or ing. Wherever exhibited, ‘‘Fore­ Southern Pacific Announces Low r ig h t price. On the corner, plenty of of watching football games, or most Guernseys” have lived up to room to park. A lb a n y. Fares To Pacific Coast for 1928 their name. while taking some other recreation EVirtmiller Furniture Co., futni. They have to tbeir credit so far to give a thought to the real mean­ A ture, rugs, lin o le u m , stoves ranges To stimulate tourist travel to the Of Oregon Scenes by Kizer and Patterson are Funeral d ire c io rs . 427-433 west First ing of the day, nr will think of ihe this year 214 prizes taken at vari­ cities, resorts aud to induce pros- street, A lb a n y , Oregon. now on display in our windows ous state and interstate fairs. This wide reaching effect of the first pective homeseekers to the north­ Also “ Wa-ne-ka,” a masterpiece by Benjamin Armistice day and what it meant number includes ten grand c h a m ­ EH L E R I” 8 GRO CERY west, the Southern Pacific has an 401 W F irs t street Gifford. to the boys who were ‘ across” and pionship prizes, fifteen champion, Successor to J. D. bears nounced a new schedule of reduced ' tn the ones in this country who ships,* sixty-two first prizes and We w ill ta y to please you Do not miss seeing Kizer’s pictuies of Lind­ round trip rates from all im portant | had loved ones in the battle front, many special trophies. bergh and "The Spirit of St. Louis,” as they U O L M A N & JACKSON flew over Crater Lake and the Kizer Studios. At the National Dairy Show at cities of the east, says F.8. McGill- , as well as to those of every other AA G ro c e ry —Bakery ms, passenger traffic manager for The^e w ill make wonderful gifts for eastern E v e r y th in g in the lin e o f eats nation involved in the World war. Memphis, this fall, Mr Penuey O pposite Postoffice the compauy. friends. Prices reasonable. Is the midst of our. pleasures to­ was awarded the Peer Challenge : The round trip fare to the Pacific IM P E R IA L CAFE. 209 w 7 iu 7 t morrow let us pause and give a Cup, which together with receiving coast will be slightly more than the A H a ro ld G. M u rp h y Prop. thought to those who gave their first prize on his undefeated Get- Phone 665 regular one-way fare. The round i J _________ W e n e v e r c lo s e Second and B roadalbin Streets, A lb a n ). O regon lives in the hope that peace might of-Sire, gives Mr. Penney the dis­ trip fares from Pacific coast points ,.3 obtain, and to those who Inst loved tinction of being the Premier | to eastern cities will be the same a - , ennings Auto Top S h o p — A u to IL I h ■! ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ b ■ a ■ ■ a i i i i i liMIVltt tr im m in g , seat covers and w in te r in ­ ones in the wbrld’s bloodiest con­ Breeder of Guernsey cattle this closures. 202 E. Second. Phone 4l»J. the west hound fares. Sale date year. flict. ____________ X. L. J e n n in g s Manager This is the first year that this for tickets to eastern points will lie agel’s Bob and Beauty Shoppe, T he s e e m in g ly sm atl d e ta ils so c a re fu lly h a n d le d in the famous herd has becm exhibited May 22. 1928, to Sept. 30, while It may yet be necessary to pul H o te l A lb a n y tickets for those desiring to visit W r ig h t Service, are a p a rt of th a t w h ic h is n o t o ve rlo o ke d M a n ic u rin g , m a rc e l'in g , facial The showing some of the shoulder- stray gentle, West of Chicago. M iss Lam phear, operator in e x te n d in g to o u r patrons, co m p e te n t, courteous a n d men of the army and navv back at Portland ibis year was in res­ the Pacific coast will be on sale s y m p a th e tic a tte n tio n . May 15 to Sept, 30. AH tickets J^OSCOK AMES HARDWARE into the ranks for a little discipli­ ponse to repeated requests from nary instructions as to bow. when western breeders and dairym eo, limited to Oct. 31. H F >nd A A LAKE Publisher» T Your Photograph CLIFFORD STUDIO Pictures G Fisher - Braden Company J N and why tn keep their mouth shut. Any private can qualify as instruc­ tor, as Magrnder himself can tesli. fy. I t ’s discipline we must have The railroads of the country have an excellent record for safety in rail travel. Duting the first six munths of this year only two pass­ engers were killed, and counting every injury from torn trousers to broken bones only totals 776. But riding on the train is almost devoid of thrills, and we must have thrills, and aroused much interest in view of the fact th at Mr. Penney was premier Guernsav exhibitor at the National Dairy Show for three consecutive years, 1924 25 26. It is interesting to note that while this is the first year th a t the Peer Challenge cup has gone Fast, that Mr, Penney was born and reared in Missouri aud founded in Wyom­ ing bis original store from which has grown the present oiganization of 885 departm ent stores bearing his name. Spoon R iv e r S p a rk s | ; W L W R IG H T , F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R D. C. Rossman, Local Manager Phone 255. Halsey, Oregon (By an Enterprise Reporter) A Modern Barber Shop I’re-ïbanksgiving Event Agency, Fisher Bros. Implement ( ° Phone 47 122 N. Broadalbiu st. Albany, Oregon luhn Deere Implements DeLaval Separators and Milkers Fencing and Farm ers’ Hardware FARM LOANS at low est rate of interest. Real Estate Insurance P rom pt service, courteous treatm ent. A ' m . B a i n , w ith Lane C o u n ty Abstract __________ com pany, A lb a n y I f you e n jo y a good meal \n d kn o w a good meal w hen you gel it V o u 'll be back fo r y o u ’ ll n o t fo rg e t it. PARAGON CAFE • A Store-Wide Sale Halsey aud Brownsville Oregon This is your opportunity to buy the SM ARTEST G A Y E S T and N E W E S T wearing apparel at Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer LeRj°nesg c.h G E O - M. G IL C H R IS T ALBANY T ic k e t office Bell L in e Stage. A lb a n y to San Francisco, $15, D E L B E R T S T A R R L A D Y A S S IS T A N T Brownsville, Oregon A lb a n y Creamery Association M anufacturers of LINN BUTTER Call At Davenport Music House HUGE SAVINGS For New and Second Hand Pianog. Pianos For Rent. Albany, Oregon These Prices a n d B u y e rs o f Eggs A F a r m e r s ’ C o -o p e r a tiv e C re a m e ry Chrysler Cars am i A tw a te r-K e n t I T e ll the Story Allphin’s Auction House Dresses for Fall and Winter wear, decidedly underpr ced Stunning New Fall and Winter Coats, richly furred ■ | Values to $15.85 now . . . . Values to $29.75 i l Q now . . . 5 Values to $39 50 now . . . o r $26.85 I Broadalbin S t., Albany By Rail or Highway — you can travel in Oregon more conveniently than ever before^. Sale of Hats Rain Coats Fall’s Newest Millinery Creations reduced to Specially Priced Values to $8.50 > 2 .8 5 to $ 8 .8 5 N o w $ 4 .9 5 This Sale Is Going On Now-Come And Profit. The Smart Shop 334 W ;st Fast Street. Insurance 110 W. 2nd St., A lb a n y . Ore. Phone 733 ALBANY’S ^ S M A R T ^ S H O P $9.85 Values to $24.50 $15.85 now . In ^ l i r a i l P P A G eneral L in e w ith at- I IU U IU IIU U tra c tiv e rates. Specials- m g in a u to m o b ile and tru c k insurance. J. L. Stuart, Doris Howard wss a guest at the day at the Merwyn VanNice home. both families lived in Iowa, but the W. R. Kirk home ¡iundiy. Mrs. Clara Esson, who was a former came to Oregon from South J. N. Elliott and family spent teacher in the Kirk school some 20 Dakota. Sun lay at the Robert Ramsey years ago, but who at present is a ‘ home. Sunday school worker in the The II. J. Falk family were d in ­ Church of Christ, wag a guest at ner guests Sunday at the R. E. the R. E- Bierly home Tuesday. L a u n d ry sent Tuesdays Bierly home. Chris Sorenson and Earl Ring- A g e n cy H u b C le a n in g W o rks M r s . I . R. Falk and Mrs. R. E. dorf and their families, who have iiiia iiiiiiiiiiiia iiiiiiiiiiiiin Bierly were busineis callers iu been staying at the G. J. Rike A B E ’S P L A C E I Albany Tuesday. home for some time have moved to WH1 VanNice and family of their new homes on farms near Al­ TUSSING & TUSSING Dayton, Wash., and Mrs. J. H. ford and Rowland. The Ringdorfs VanNice of Salem spent Wednes and Hikes were neighbors when I LAW YERS giitatitiiiiiiiiiriiiiioniiiiiitiiiatiiiiiiiiiiia.... iiwmiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiii ____T he W in c h e s te r Store Dependable, luxurious motor-coachesnowsupniemect Southern Paufic rail service. Y’oucan reach Pacific High­ way points easily and quickly; new schedules fit -,our travel plans, whether by rad or highway. Rely on the big, silver gray motor coaches, operated by Southern Pacific Motor Transport Co. They are of new design, with latest refinements. Experienced, care­ ful drivers. If you w ish.go one way by train and return by motor- coach. Y our Southern Pacific rail rickets are good on the coaches. Use this convenient new service daily to and from Sakm, Albany, Portland, Corvallis, Eugene, Roseburg, Grant s Pass, Medford, Ashland and intermediates. Schedules and further information on request. Sout Auction Sat. Nov. 12, 1 r- m. F u r n itu re — liv e stock — w ill be sold. I f you have a n y th in g you w a n t sold, b rin g i t in . F u rn itu re sold at p riv a te sale a n y tim e F a rm m a c h in e ry sold a t a ll tim es K o l s t i r , F e d e r a l,] a n d C ro s le y R adio Accessories Waldo Anderson & Son Albany, Oregon F is h e r -B r a d c n Furierai Directors-Embalmers F. C. Dannals Lady Assistant. C liapel o r Residence F u n e ra li Phone 9S. A lb a n y , Oregon C n lv e x c lu s iv e WALL PAPER and Paint Store In L in n C o u n ty E stim a te s made. P ainters and paper hangers fu rn is h e d i f desired 123 East T h ird Street, A lb a n y George William Wright Attorney-at-Law Licensed to P ractice in U n ite d States C o u ri and a ll C ourts in f O regon. Offices ia B a ltim o re B ldg a A lb a n y. O regon ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ u w a a n a n