OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST COMMITTEE FINDS EXCISE TAX PROBLEM NEW ENGLAND STATES SWEPT DY FLOOD The num ber of building perm its is ,M R S . W. G. McADOO sued in P o rtlan d for October, 1927 ; H. B. TEEG A RDEN and th eir valuation w as som ew hat less than for O ctober, 1926, but g reater m | value th an for Septem ber. 1927, the | perm it division of the city building in­ S e c re ta ry M e llo n T a k e s Posi­ B rie f Resum e of H appenings of sp ecto r's office announced. E stim ate 150 Are Dead and P o rtlan d ’s to tal deepsea com m erce tion T h a t L e v ie s Should the W eek C ollected fo r $ 1 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 in D am age the first 10 m onths of this y ear ex­ Be R e ta in ed . ceeds th a t fo r th e en tire y ear 1925 O ur R ead ers. is Done. and is g re a te r th a n -fo r th e first 10 Mrs. C lara H ouston has been nam ed m onths of 1926, th e reco rd y ear In port W ashington, D. C.— T he excise, or Boston, Mass.—D eath and destruc­ tre a su re r o t K lam ath county to till the history. It now ap p ears th a t th e 1927 nuisance taxes, one of the most con­ tion lay beneath sw irling flood w aters unexpired terra of Mrs. V era Moser. to tal deepsea trad e will se t a new tro v erte d facto rs involved in present of more than a dozen river and lakes high record. A $2000 fountain In th e sunken g ar­ consideration of tax reduction, will be in four New E ngland s ta te s in th e Revenues of th e s ta te corporation den of th e McMinnville city park will taken up by th e house ways anil means wake of the m ost disastrous floods of be built this w inter from the F red L. d ep artm en t during th e fiscal y ear, [ com m ittee th is week. this section's history. July 1, 1926, to Ju n e 30, 1927, aggre- | Soper m em orial fund. R etention or rep eal of these levies Behind the w aters is a m ounting list gated $396,774.34, or an in crease of is a question over w hich the treas­ The Idaho L ight & Pow er company, of dead, now estim ated a t 150, and $3207.38, when com pared with th e re­ ury and m any congressional leaders operating In the eastern p art of B aker $100,000,000 in wreckMge. Snow has ceipts for th e previous 12 m onths, ac­ a re a t odds and b a ttle lines already county, is establishing a line from come, bringing new peril of the ele cording to th e annual rep o rt com pleted Richland to R obinette. have been form ed for th e im pending m ents to the n o rth ern valleys w here in Salem recently. fight on th is issue. m anpower is being conscripted to re ­ The valuation of personal property Public u tilities o perating in Oregon S ecretary Mellon has taken th e posi­ habilitate the d evastated regions, and in Oregon is $17,553,560, according to this y ear will con trib u te property tion th a t reten tio n of the taxes is nec­ to the hills w here other countless an inventory conducted a t th e req u est taxes in the am ount of approxim ately essary to m aintain a well-balanced tax thousands, unsheltered, seek safety of the state board of control. $6,500,000, or 15 p er cent of all such system , arg u in g th a t “It should never from the raging w aters. During th e p ast week th ere were tax es paid in th e state. T his is an Food supplies In Vermont, w orst hit shipped out of Medford four cars of in crease of $2,000,000 in the last four New portrait of Mrs. W. G. McAdoo, be forgotten th a t in taxation the Idea canned pears billed to Chicago, while y ears due to a revision of valuatious wife of the former secretary of the to be aim ed a t is a broad base and H. B. Teegarden r f Greenville, Ohio, of all, are running low. . A sum m ary of the flood toll in New treasury, and daughter of the late low ra te s.” another th ree cars w ere shipped to and th e increased public dem ands. who ha* been named (pedal assistant A num ber of sen ato rs and house England show s: England. President Wilson. to Attorney-General John G. Sargent. T otal assessed valuation, w ith ex­ m em bers, how ever, contend th a t the V erm ont—More th an half the sta te A to tal of 71,500 persons used Des em ptions deducted, of property in Lane levies are an in h eritan ce from the war flood-swept, a t least 125 dead, 50,000 chutes national forest during th e past county is $177,882 legs than last year, and th a t th ey should be elim inated homeless, with fresh ets subsiding and sum m er, com pared w ith 68,700 in 1026, according to th e sum m ary of th e as­ from a peace-tim e tax stru ctu re. This work ot rebuilding begun. according to II. L. Frotnm e, fo rest su­ sessm en t roll of 1927, made public by group includes p ractically the entire M assachusetts — Many m illions in pervisor. A ssessor Keeney. The to tal th is y ear dem ocratic m em bership of congress property dam age, one town wiped out The Burke C anning company, w hich is $39,518,038, as com pared w ith a and also a liberal sprinkling of repub­ 10,000 hom eless as crest of C onnecti­ has plants a t P ortland, A storia and to tal on th e 1926 assessm en t roll of licans. cut river flood passes through Spring- W ashington, D. Ci—A pplication of Gold Beach, is seeking a location for $39,695,920. W ashington, D. C.—A form al com­ Of th e greup of excise taxes, those field. the Longview W ash., Bridge com pany a fish cannery and storage point od T otal taxable p ro p erty in Union p lain t charging H arry F. S inclair and on autom obile sales and th e a te r ad­ Connecticut — A lready b attered to Coos bay. county exclusive of public u tilities is one of his agents, H enry Mason Day, damuge of m illions in first onslaughts for a perm it to s ta rt construction of a m issions principally a re contested. P lans have been prepared by the given as $19,739,140 th is year, a de­ w ith conspiracy to tam per with the of freshets, m enaced by crest of flood bridge over the Colum bia riv er on re ­ Both have a wide appeal and a large vised specifications w as granted by city engineer and th e cham ber of com crease of $120,270 over last year. The ju ry which was hearing the crim inal rushing down C onnecticut river. num ber of perso n s have requested op­ the cabinet com m ittee w hich consid­ m erce com m ittee for the first of sev­ assessm en t rolls show th e to tal num ­ o if conspiracy charge ag ain st the p o rtu n ity to p re se n t th e ir views to the New H am pshire—Towns buried, be­ eral public landings for th e A storia ber of acres of land under cultivation w ealthy oil o p erator and A lbert B. n e a th ’ w ater, landslides and n orthern ered th e question. com m ittee. The revised application, changed to 'w a te rfro n t. in th e county as less than last year. Fall was Issued by United S ta te s Com­ p a rt of state still m enaced by freshets. W h ate v er th e com m ittee recom ­ conform w ith the m inim um clearance R abies in a dog, th e first found in T his y ear’s figure is 166,475 acres and m issioner Needham C. Turnage. m ends re g ard in g th e levies it is cer­ Rhode Island—Almost back to nor­ The governm ent m aintains th at Sin­ req u irem en ts fixed by S ecretaries M arshfield in many years, was declar la st year th e count was 169,288. tain th a t th e fig h t over them will be m al as B lackstone and o th er rivers clair, Day and A. Sheldon Clark, a Sin­ Davis, Jard in e and H oover had been ed by exam iners to have been the carried to the floors of both house and subside after causing g reat dam age. The ferry Roosevelt, o perating on placed on file w ith S ecretary Davis of trouble with a fox te rrie r killed by its the R oosevelt highway betw een N orth clair Oil com pany official, a re the senate, and th e re is every indication Maine— Sw ept by gales as well as principals in an alleged plot w hich cen­ the w ar departm ent. ow ner last week. th a t before th e prospective tax bill floods, nearly back to norm al. Bend and Glasgow, crashed on a pil­ tered around detective shadow ing of The application is the n ecessary rou­ finally becom es a law the controversy A levy of approxim ately 10.28 mills, ing when it w ent off its course during Barre. W aterbury, Bolton, Richmond ju ro rs in th e recently collapsed Fail- tine step to carry out th e requirem ents to yield a to tal of $13,714.09 on the a dense fog last week and was restin g and other tow ns on the W inooski riv ­ will be alm ost as heated as th a t over S inclair oil conspiracy trial. laid down by the se c retaries a t th eir basis of the last valuation, will be col on th e bottom in about five feet of the to tal of tax reduction. er, which runs from near M ontpelier • A nother startlin g ch ap ter in the re cen t m eeting, Increasing th e v e rti­ lected from F o rest Grove property w ater. The ferry is believed to bo to Lake Cham plain, received the m ost dram atic story of the naval oil leases cal clearance of the bridge from 175 savagely killing sw eep of the to rren ts. ow ners for 1928. considerably dam aged and m otor tr a f­ w as closed with th e declaration of a to 185 feet and the horizontal clea r­ Barre has 25 known dead, F ater- The to tal assessm en t roll of Marion fic across the bay is tied up as a m istrial in the hearing of crim inal ance betw een the cen tral pifers from bury 25, Bolton 17, and Richmond 10, county for th e year 1927 is $41,334,200 resu lt of the m ishap. conspiracy charges of two of the fore­ 1COO feet to 1120. as ag ain st $39,771,900 in the year 1926, By C hristm as day th e second m ajor m ost acto rs In the long dram a—A lbert while the sta te highw ay report places The application for a p erm it was the Bolton dead at 36. It is reported according to figures compiled by tho railroad construction p roject in the B. Fall and H urry F. Sinclair. subm itted by W. D. Com er of S eattle a logging camp hunkhouse, with 18 county assessors. K lam ath basin during the p ast four A grand Jury will w rite new h is­ and W esley Vandercook of Longview. M inneapolis, M inn.—H aving denied Sherwood is to have a p o tato and year will be com pleted. K enneth Hou­ to ry in Its investigation of charges men, was sw ept Into th e freshet. the m otion of th e M ilwaukee railw ay Many sm aller tow ns and villages ser, contractor, announced th a t the onion show N ovem ber 19. G rowers of of ju ry tam pering before the ex-inter- G O M E Z ' C A R EE R E N D E D for dism issal of th e G reat N orthern- such products in C lackam as county Bend-Chemult extension of th e G reat lor secretary and the m ulti-m illion­ over a w idely-scattered d istric t are will be rep resen ted and com pete for N orthern railroad would be’ finished aire oil op erato r and sportsm an come still cut off from the world and have Mexican Rebel Leader is Captured and N orthern P acific m erger application, th e in te rs ta te com m erce com m ission inside of 30 days and th a t probably to the b ar of Justice again for a new not been heard from. th e prizes offered. Promptly Executed. adjourned the M inneapolis hearing, an­ 15 days later locom otives would be trial, probably in January. P lans to proceed at once w ith con­ Mexico City. — G eneral A rnulfo nouncing th a t th e taking of evidence Bteaining over the line. D E N IE S CREAM RATE stru ctio n of a m odern g randstand on Gomez h"« Joined in death his com­ will be resum ed January" 16 a t W ash­ A Canada lynx was killed by Alfred Pacific u n iversity's ath letic field at panion in the recent revolutionary ington. B R IE F G ENER AL N E W S Local Authorities Must Act for Their F o rest Grove have been approved by G entry, governm ent h unter, in G rant m ovem ent. G eneral F rancesco S er­ A t th is W ashington hearing the Mil­ Own Interests. county In October, in addition to two the college ath letic council. Four m em bers of the Indianapolis rano. The p residential office announc­ w aukee railw ay will p resen t its te sti­ W ashington, D. C.— In refusing to he killed in Septem ber, Stanley Jew ­ city council were indicted on charges ed th a t Gomez was captured and exe­ This fall has been unusually early a lte r th e level of milk and cream ra te s cuted n ear Teocelo, sta te of Vera Cruz. mony in opposition to the n o rth ern for the retu rn of the sheep flocks to ett, in charge of p redatory anim al con­ of bribery. unification and o th er opponents may E arthquake shocks which m ay have charged in express and railroad serv ­ T hus the a tte m p t of Gomez, S er­ do likew ise, if they desire, according th e Stanfield section from the moun­ trol work, said In his O ctober report, ice throughout Rocky m ountain and rano and num erous o th er rebel gen­ tains, because an early rainy period Issued recently. T here were 371 pred­ centered in the I’aciftc Ocean off the atory anim als bagged by th e predatory S anta Ilarb ar county coast line in Cal­ Pacific coast territo ry , the in te rsta te erals ag ain st P resid en t Calies and his to C harles D. M ahaffle, d irecto r of the was experienced during Septem ber. anim al h u n ters in Oregon in the ifornia. were felt from Los Angeles com m erce com m ission laid down a pre­ governm ent has come to an end. S er­ com m ission’s b ureau of finance, who Due to the lack of warm w eather h as presided. month. Most of them w ere coyotes. nortli to San Luis Obispo and east as cedent lim iting its own authority. rano was captured and executed two during the past sum m er, th e Clatsop Follow ing th e W ashington hearing U nder its term s the com m ission will Seventy-four of the 600 p riso n ers in far as B akersfield. days a fte r the m ovem ent began. the in te rs ta te com m erce com m ission county honey crop for 1927 is only 29 not consider any ra te cases based on the Oregon state pen iten tiary a re serv ­ A renew ed boycott of th e B ritish by Gomez succeeded for m ore th an a will hold a n o th e r session in M inne­ p er cent of th a t for 1926, according to charges that In te rsta te ra te s are so H erm an A hlers, county bee inspector. ing life sentences, according to a com­ the Chinese is in full sw ing in C an­ low as com pared with rates on like m onth in hiding in th« m ountains of sota, probably in F ebruary, to perm it pilation prepared by F. C. Halley, dep­ ton, presum ably as an endeavor to Vera Cruz w ith a handful of follow­ subm ission of evidence by in terv en ers O ctober m arriages fell sh o rt of the uty warden. Of th e total num ber of rally popular support Io th e new ly or­ com m odities m oving wholly w ithin a ers. who do not w ish to go to the capital. record established in Septem ber In state as to co n stitu te discrim ination. convicts, 134 are serving tim e for lar­ ganized C antonese regim e under lead­ Im m ediately a fte r this hearing the pro­ Coos county when 27 m arriage licenses The finding was th at the com m ission’s ceny. 76 for statu to ry offenses, 74 for ers of the origiuui n atio n alist move­ Germany Names American Envoy ceedings will be tra n sfe rre d to th e were issued by R obert W atson, Coos pow er extended only to the point of m urder, 46 for forgery, 40 for o p erat­ ment. Berlin. Dr. F rederich W ilhelm von no rth Pacific coast, probably Tacoma, county clerk, as com pared with 29 In protecting in te rsta te com m erce from ing a still, 16 for m an slau g h ter and E vidently thp victim of high alti­ Prittw itz-G affron, councillor of the Septem ber. 15 for obtaining m oney under false tude suffocation. C aptain H aw thorne discrim ination, and th a t when in te r­ Germ an em bassy a t Rome, has been The Shedds M asonic and E astern Q UEEN H E LD P R IS O N E R pretenses. C. Gray, arm y balloonist, w as found sta te com m erce ra te s discrim inated confirm ed as successor to Baron Ago S ta r lodges a re m aking plans for con­ against sta te traffic it is the duty of von M altzan, late G erm an am bassador dead in bis balloon, in a treeto p a t G ross receip ts from m otor vehicle struction of a building large enough Burcharest Reports Indicate Marie Not Stiles, Tenn. He left Belleville, 111. sta te com m issioners to apply rem edies. to th e U nited S tates. to accom m odate th eir m em bership. fuel tax under all existing law s im­ Allowed to Leav-e. The com m ission's findings resulted in an attem pt* to break the world'* T hey have outgrow n the hall they are posed since the y ear 1919 up to Octo from th e com plaint of the Mutual London.—U nder the large type head­ altitu d e record for balloons. Jardine Opposes Reflooding Lake. her 1 of th is y ear w ere $17,354,739.24, using at present. C ream ery com pany of U tah against W ashington. D. C. — S ecretary of line ''Q ueen M arie as a p r'v cn er,” the The next highw ay bridge co n stru ct­ according to a statem en t Issued by th e the w estern carriers. A griculture Jard in e announced he had D tlly Mail p rin ts a dispatch from secretary of state. The m otor vehicle Lorena Trickey's Plea Self-Defense. ed in Clatsop county will be named Sofia, R ulgarla. purporting to give Lakeview . Or.— A plea of self-de­ T aft U rges Speed in Legal Methods. definitely decided refloodlng of Lower for S en ato r A. W. Norblad If a reso­ fuel tax retu rn ed to th e sta te during "thoroughly reliable uncensored in­ K lam ath lake in Oregon and Cali­ th e first nine m onths of 1927 a to tal j ren se an < t adm ission th a t she killed lution passed by the Oregon Beaches W ashington. I). C.—A legislative form ation" from R um ania th a t th e association is accepted by th e state of $2.969.812 92 ag ain st $2.680,024 95 J. P. tSIim ) H arris, will be m ade by overhauling of crim inal court proce­ fornia w as im practicable. B ratiano governm ent will not allow for the corresponding period In 1926. L orena T rickey. noted rodeo rider, highway commission. dure to apply more quickly punishm ent Woman Channel Swim Faker Fined. the dow ager queen and P rin cess H elen The Increase was $279.787.97. when she goes on trial here for the E xports of wheat, flour, lum ber and to law offenders was advocated as a London.—Dr. D orothy C ochrane Lo­ to leave B ucharest for fear they will Dogs in the Rock creek d istrict, tw q m u rd er of H arris H arris, also a noted general cargo from P ortland for Octo­ crim e d e te rre n t by Chief Ju stice T aft gan was fineil $500 and $50 costs at Join the forces of ex-Crown P rince b er represented a combined value of m iles w est ot H aines, a re to he tied, rid er and rodeo p articipant, was stab ­ before the national crim e comm ission, Carol. $11,885,429 and in O ctober, 1926, th e ran ch ers going from place to place bed to death here S eptem ber 2, the i He approved m easures to induce the Mansion H ouse police court for The dispatch says th a t the cancella­ sw earing falsely th a t she swam the night of the Lakeview Round Up Lor- | volume of foreign com m erce had a are to h a’fe th eir shoes disinfected and crim inals to become law-abiding c-iti- English channel. tion by C arol’s abandoned wife of h er young swine to the num ber of nearly ena, who was with him. reported that to tal value of $10.892.603. Zi-ns but added th at “ we must never plan to leave Florenqe. Italy, a fort­ A m eeting to consider th e abandon­ 1000 head are being vaccinated in an an unidentified assailant killed him. 1 forget th at the chief and first object night ago, was due to th e governm ent T H E M ARKETS ment of the llroadm ead Airlie branch effort to prevent an epidem ic of hog stopping her. . of prosecution of crim e is its d eterren t of the Southern Pacific railroad in cholera. On the ran ch es of A. T. W at­ Bootleggers Find Leak in U. S. Alcohol effect upon future wouldhe crim inals Portland Polk county has been postponed front son, F ran k A nderson and o th ers In W ashington, D. C. A pproxim ately in the protection of society.” Sande'a Jockey Permit Revoked. W heat — Big Bend bluestem . hard N ovember 15 to December 1 by the the neighborhood some 200 hogs are 10,000,009 gallons of Industrial alcohol white, federation, soft w hite, w-estern Baltim ore, Md.—The jockey's license reported to have died of cholera. public service commission. found th eir way into bootleg channels Police Seeking Basebajl Star. white, $1.24; hard w inter, $1.22; of E arle Sande, prem iere rid er of the Designation of The Dalles-Californla Tho pio n eer city of Jack so n v ille got la st year, it was disclosed a fter a Des Moines, Iowa. —C halm ers W northern spring, w estern red. $1 20. A m erican racetrack , was revoked by highw ay betw een T errebonne and a week ahead ot itself but discovered m eeting of the alcohol advisory coun C issel's sudden rise to fam e as a $123.- H ay — Alfalfa. $16 6 0 0 1 7 ; valley the M aryland R aring com m ission. Bend as one of the s ta te 's a rterial, or Its speed In tim e. All preparation* cil appointed to co-operate with prohi­ 000 shortstop was liiarred by an- ; tim othy, $16 5 0 0 1 7 ; eastern OregoD Sande wag charged with fouling Reigh through routes, was announced in for holding th e city election w ere bition officials. As a result of the nouncem ent th a t he Is under indict- 1 tim othy. $20. Count in the Pim lico F uturity. The Bend recently by C. W. W an ztr, state made, and the election m achinery was leakage, the alcohol trade has agreed ment in Des Moines on charges | B u tte rfa t—45c. alleged fouling kept Reigh Count from highway division engineer. started , when som ebody discovered with prohibition authorities to reduce brought by a 20-year-oId telephone op j E g g s- Ranch. 37045c. winning, and G lade of the G reentree T ear gas, used effectively in th e th at th e election, according to law, the output next year from 95.000,000 I orator. Clssell was sold by the Port C attle— Steers, good. $9.000 9.75. stab les won. world w ar and since then adopted in should be held on th e first T uesday to 85.000.000 gallons , land club of the Pacific Coast league Hogs — Medium to choice, $9.00® many places to the task of quelling a fter the first Monday, Insiesd of the i to the Chicago W hite Sox. He form er­ 10.25. Pottal Business Drops in October. mobs, will be added to th e defensive first Tuesday. Accordingly, th e elec­ More Armed Police Enter Coal Fields. ly played with th e Des Moines W est­ Lam bs — Medium to choice, $10.50 Washington. D. Cr—P ostal business equipm ent In th e hands of guards at tion was adjourned until the proper Denver. As additional arm ed state ern league d u b . 011.75. during O ctober, generally regarded as th e Gregon state penitentiary. tim e. police entered southern Colorado coal Seattle. a barom eter tor general business con­ The Pacific Pow er A Light company T he S terling mine n ear Jacksonville, fields Monday with orders from Gov­ Americans to Build Dam in Africa W heat—Soft white, w estern white, ditions. dropped off slightly, the post- has purchased th e distrib u tiv e system closed for several years. Is again tn ern o r William li Adams to halt pick­ New York American industry, $1.24; hard w inter, w estern red, $1.22; office d e p artm en t announced. T he of the Fossil light plant and will ex­ operation Gold was first discovered eting of coal m ines, prospects th a t all barked by A m erican dollars, has un northern spring $1.23; Big Bend blue- total receip ts w ere $32.449.638.53, as tend its high power system from Con­ on Sterling creek In 1852 and record* strik e leaders would be arrested were d ertaken the economic developm ent of stem . $1.27tg; dark northern spring, com pared with $32,860.349 45 last don to Fossil, a distance ot 20 miles. show th at $10.000.000 was taken from seen heriu the realm of the queen of Shelia A $1.40; dark hard w inter. $1 35. month, a d ecrease of 1 26 per cent. Fossil will then have a 24 hour light the diggings In th e ensuing gold rush. $20.000.000 co n tract for construction Hay — Alfalfa. $25; tim othy, $28; service. The Mercy hospital In Eugene 1* to Coolidge Okehs Cruiser Budget. of a dam across the Blue Nile near P. 8.. $22. Nugent Ruled Not Trade B-dy Member S aturday w as a red le tte r day for t>e consolidated with th e Pacific C hris­ W ashington. I) C A ppropriation of Lake T sana, negotiated betw een the B u tte rfa t—50c. Washington. D. C.— Ex Senator John the Owyhee com m unity, when visitors tian hospital, creatin g the larg est In­ approxim ately $4".>100.000 for cruiser Abyssinian governm ent and the J. G Eggs— Ranch. 45c. F. N ugent, dem ocrat, of Idaho, w as from all p a rts of M alheur county cSuie stitution of the kind tn th e stats, out­ construction. in creistn g last year's W hite E gtnccrlng corporation of New C attle Steers, choice. $9 25010.00. deprived of his seat on the federal for th e county council m eeting of the side of P ortland, P resid en t Sanderson naval budget by nbcut that am ount, York. 1» describad as th e opening step Hogs -Prim ». $10.000 10.10. trade com m ission by a ruling from P aren t-T each er association and for the of th e In tern atio n al Bible m ission, has been approved by P resident Cool­ In an am bitious program for the cul Spokane. C om ptroller G eneral J. R. McCari. Me- dedication of O w yhee's fine new school which owns both properties, ha* an idge s o riling to the Army and Navy ta r s i and m aterial reconstruction ol C attle—8teers. good. $8 5 0 0 9 00. Carl ruled th a t N ugent’s term expired building Bounced. lournal. the ancient nation. H og*—Good, $9 60 0 9 60. jn S eptem ber 26 last. ] SINCLAIR CHARGED WITH CONSPIRACY GRANT PERMIT FOR - BIG LONGVIEW SPAN DENIES MOTION FOR DISMISSAL OF MERGER