Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1927-1929, November 10, 1927, Image 1

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Established in 1912.
Voi. 16.
lludsvy ÌZntvrprhìv
No. 27.
Halsey-, Oregon, Thursday November 10, 1927.
Musical Sensation
The twenty-first annual Rebekah
convention of district No. 6, con­
vened at the I O-O.F. hall this af­
ternoon with delegates and mem­
bers present from the lodges at
Jeffereou, Corvallis, Lebanon, A l­
sea, Alpine, Albany, Philomath,
and Halsey. Mrs. Esther Bond ol
Purity No. 130, was chairman of
the convention, and Miss Bertha
Curl of Jefferson was vice chair-
n » i.
The afternoon session wa° opened
by the officers of the Halsey lodge
with the presentation of “ Our
Country’s Flag’1 by Alpha lodge of
Corvallis. This was followed by '
the introduction of elective and
past elective officers of the grand I
Elaine Arnold of Houston, Texas,
lodge and Rebekah assembly.
the sixteen year-old g irl who is the
Margaet Allingham of Purity latest sensation In the musical world.
lodge and a past treasurer of Re­ Her voice has won for her the Jull-
liurd Musical foundation scholarship,
bekah assembly of Oregon, gave the and the patronage of Mine. Marcella
address of welcome to which Hallie Seinhrlcli, the famous prlma donna,
Ingel of Alpha No. 84, and warden under whose direction Elaine Is
studying. She Is the youngest pupil
of the Oregon assembly responded. to have the distinction of tuitio n by
This was followed by the regular Mine. Senihrich.
routine of business interspersed
with a reading by Elta Sebrell of Mrs. Sarah Godley, a For m ir
Halsey Resident, Is Dead
£t irlight No. 215, a dance by Fe a
Rossmau of Halsey and a singing
Mrs. J. W. Bressler received
contest conducted by Clara Ames of
Pearle No. 47. New business, the ,ue8Sa«e Tuesda7 tellin« ° f
next place ol meeting and election
‘ 1 of her molher’ Mri H ; D
Godley, at her heme in Portland,
of officers completed the afternoon
Tuesday morniug. Mrs. Godley
had been confined to her bed for
At 5;30 a banquet was served in
the past six months.
the dining room by the members
services were held in Portland this
of the local lodge.
afternoon at 2 30 o’clock.
The evening session convened at I
Sarah Parrish was born in Ohio
7;15 o’clock. The meeting was
on October 17, 1818 and in 1853
opened by music by Purity Rebek­
she crossed the plains in company
ah lodge and other members. Re­
with her parents, Mr. and Mts.
ports of committees were read and
William Parrish. The family lo­
a short program was enjoyed.
cated near the present site of M ar­
Mrs. E tta Sanderson, president1 v
ion in Marion county, where Mr
of the Oregon assembly gave the
Parrish took up a donation land
address and was followed with a
claim. Iu 1864 Miss Patrish was
vocal solo by Alberta Koontz.
married to H. D Godley and later
During the “ Good and Welfare”
they came to Halsey, where for a
Addie Moody of Purity conducted
number of years Mr. Godley was
a pantomime. The newly elected
ei-gaged in the hardware business.
officers were installed by Mt. Jef­
Iu 1892 they moved to Portland
ferson No. 78 drill team.
where Mr. Godley died eleven years
It is Io be hoped that every resi­ ago. Mrs. Godley was a member
dent of school district who is en­ of the Presbyteriau church.
Besides &lrs. Bressler, two other
titled to vote will attend the school
meeting to be held at the high daughteis survive. They are Mrs.
school Saturday afternoon at two Annie Anderson and Mrs. Lucy
o’clock, at the high school. The Doyle, both of whom live in Port-
purpose of the meeting is too dis- land. She is also survived by
cuss with the levying board the bud- ssven grandchildren and thrte
get and to vote on the levying of great grandchildren. Harry and
a special tax.
Agnes Bressler of Halsey are two
Wsdne day afternoon Bill Cor- <’» tbe g o d c h ild re n and Gwendo-
coran drove his Ford coupe off the D’u ftu,l Jean Bressler, also of this
pavement and into the ditch just city, are great grandchildren.
north of Halsey. In spite of all
Missouri has been shown and is
efforts to persuade toe car to re­ advancing James A.Reed as a can­
turn to tbe pavement it remained didate for president at the coming
obdurate and Bill was forced to Democratic national convention
call on Frank Gausle^who went to J Mr Reed ¡, |10 doubt, good demo­
bia aid with the wrecker, and soon cratic presidential t uber and will
tbe coupe with Bill, at tbe wheel,
were rambling merrily on
tbe make tbe coming convention inter­
esting to bis opponents.
To Our Unknown Dead
Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County
F ielding Y ost’s Best Year
The Granges of the state will
hold a primary next month for the
choice of state officers, with tbe
following ticket before them : For
master, Geo. A Palmiter, Hood
River, iticumbeut; M. C, Glover,
of Boriug, Walter M, Pierce of
Umatilla county, and M S. Shrock
of Milwaukee. For overseer, M.C.
Glover, iuoumbent, C. W. C raft ol
Forest Grove and W. R Gekeler
of La Grande. For lecturer, Min­
nie K. Bond of Eugene’ incumbent,
and Charlotte E. Blake of Corval­
lis. For secretary Bertha J. B e lt
of Albany, incumbent.
Last Saturday some dogs got
after Fre 1 Robins' sheep and killed
Mrs. George Gansle and son Ray
of Eugene have been visiting at
the Frank Gansle home iu Halsey
this week.
Mrs. Amor Tussing drove to
Brownsville Monday evening and
attended a meeting of the Eastern
Star lodge.
E. B. Penland returned to his
none in Halsey Tuesday from a
business trip of a week to Pendle­
ton, near which city he owns prop­
The big O.A C -U.O-ball'game at
Eugene Friday is attracting a large
number of Halsey people and
among those planning on attending
are Mr. and Mrs. Jess Cross, Mr.
and Mrs. Elden Cross, Mr. nnu
Mrs. Lyman Pattou, Cleona Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. Buford Morris, and
Carl Hill.
The members of Vine Maple
Circle, Neighbors ol Woodcraft,
will hold their regular meeting
next Wednesday evening At that
time a clas® of new members will
be initiated. A covered dish sup­
per will follow the meeting
It is
the wish of the officers that every
member who cau, will be present.
Earl Carey, who has been work­
ing for Ed Hover for some time
At the last meeting of the coun­
pist, has returned to Halsey and
cil tne contract for the placing of
is again occupying his bouse in the
cement cross walks west from the
east part of town.
James Drinkard property, from the
Tuesday evening was national D. H. Sturtevant corner to the B
test mobilization of all national M. Bond residence corner, and
guard troops in the United States. from the Christian church to the
Those attending the guard meeting Hannah Cummings property was
iu Albany from Halsey were Lieut. let to J. J. Corcoran. Only two
F. Buford Morris, Carl Isom, John bids were submitted and Corcorau’s
Quimby and Ralph Smith.
bid was the lowest.
John Porter of Corvallis is spend­
Mrs. Henry Zimmerman met
ing several days in Halsey \isitin» with a very painful accident about
at the home of his daughter, Mrs. niue o'clock Sunday morning when
Karl Bramwell, and also looking she slipped on the linoleum on her
after property interests
He has kitchen floor, and fell. She struck
rented bis residence here to Walt on her shoulder hut at first thought
Smith, who recently sold his firm she was uninjured. Later, how-
south west of town to 0 . W. Frurn. lever she and Mr Zimmerman went
All Newest Colors
All Wanted W eights
All First Quality
Safety Pin Lodged in Child’s Throat
Mother’s Presence of Mind Saves Life
M any t t r la * in­
Due only perhaps to the presence difficult as the point of tbe pin was
of mind of Mrs. Edward Warmoth, imbeddeu in the child’s esop­
hagus. After twenty minutes of
of 514 Haocock street. Portland,
difficult work the pin was removed
ten-months-old Edward, jr, ¡saliva and with the i xceptiou of a badly
today. In some way the baby ob­ lacerated tongue, mouth and throat,
tained and swallowed a large open the baby wes reported to be all
safety pin and when discovered by right.
Edward Warmoth, sr., father of
his mother be was blue in tbe face
baby, is a former resident of
and a’.owly choking to death.
and grew to manhood in
Mra. W arm oth, who is only 28
About five years
years of age herself, realized there
and is now
was no time to call a doctor and
although frantic with fear, set to a letter carrier in the Irvington
district. Last summer he, iu comp­
work to remove the pin.
U sirg her fingers she moved the any with Mrs Warmoth and their
pin so that the baby could get his baby ¡on, spent severs! weeks vis­
brssth. Then began the tedious iting in H a’sey at the home of
and nerve wrecking job of remov­ Grant Taylor and other friends and
ing the pin. This was exceedingly , relatives.
clude tbe S E A M ­
F O O T , w hich
correctly tbapet
tbe foot, e lim i­
nate* a l l w rin -
klea. k n o t * and
f o l d * and tbe
team at bottom
of aofe.
Our Dollar Hosiery De­
partment offers a remarkable
new type of hosiery, made
by Westcott, permanently
shaped from top to toe for
smooth, perfect fit.
Chiffon weight, silk to the
very top. Service weights,
silk to narrow garter hem
and silk and rayon from top
to toe.
Styles for regular, slender
build and outsize.
Have newest features, in­
cluding Positive Run-Stop,
Daintee Heel, Slipper Sole,
Patented Non-Wrinkle In­
step, etc.
Dealer'. Yem«
«w4 /fifdreM
K O O N T Z ’S
Pew ton) bull vouches lia ie ever
closed ih e lr active careers on Hie
gridiron w illi u h e lle r record than (lie
one conipilvd by "H u rry Up" Yost In
Ids Iasi year. 11)20. at the Univer­
sity of Michigan, one defeat kept
the 1020 Yost farewell from being a
pe rfe it one That was u to to 0 set-
hock at the hands of (lie Navy. But
flie seven line victories that the team
ran up took uwny all Fling of the
Navy defeat.
M ary Davis, Pioneer of 18; 3,
Dies at H er Home in Shedd
Mary E lizsbith Davis, widow of
John C Davis, died at her horn**
at Shedd Saturday evening at 11:60
o'clock, at the age of 75 years.
Funeral services were held Tues-
day afternoon at two o'clock at
Shedd. Rev. McMeekin preached
the service. Six nephews of Mrs.
Davis acted as pall beaiers. Bur­
ial was iu the Pugh cemetery.
The pall hearesera were Claiet
McCormick, Harold Cousy and
Robert McCormick of Shedd, Ken­
neth McCune of 1‘orllaiid, Donald
McCormick of Waterloo, and Boyd
Thrift ot Albany. Tboet in charge
of the flowers were Mrs. D. 8. Mc­
Williams, Mrs. Kate Cruft and
Mrs, Myrtle Maxwell.
Mary Elizabeth McCormick was
born at Four Mile Square, Beaver
county, Pa., January 8, 1862. For
74 years she had oeen a resident ol
Oregon, having been brought
across the plains when only a year
old. 0 » December 28, 18G9 she
was married to John C. Davie
Mr. Davis dieJ In 1893.
Davis was a member of the United
Presbyterian church of Shedd.
Two sons survive. They are
Harvey Davia of Portland and W.
B. Davis of Shedd. She is also
survived by two brothers. W B
McCormick of Shedd and Nevin
McCormick of Waterloo, and two
sisteis, Mrs. J . A. Coney of F ay ­
etteville and Mrs. J. G. Gibsou of
The tueral arrangements were in
charge of the Fisher-Braden comp­
to Albany where an X ray was
taken and it was found th at the
shoulder bone was cracked
L. B. G arrett of Portland, repre
senting the Mergenthsler Linotype
company of San Francisco, was a
visitor at tbe Enterprise office
Fred Heinrich Wins Place on
0 . A. C. Cross Country Team
As a result of tbe annual “ turkey
ru n ” race held last week at the
Oregon Agricultural eol’ege, Fred
Heinrich of Halsey will he on the
cross couutry team to vie with the
University of Oregon on Armistice
day, This “ ru n ” is featured each
year tc get material from in tra­
mural contestants for the varsity
teams. A loving cup, turkeys,
ducks, chickens and a goose egg
were given to the cluba and fra­
ternity houses which made the
most points. A limit of 12 men
were allowed each group and the
Doints were determined by the
placement of each runner in the
| F a y e t t e v i l l e It e m « |
(By Special Correspondent)
The Foreign missionary deputa­
tion, of the United Presbyterian
church headed by Dr. Mills J. Taj-
tor of Philadelphia, who is direct­
ing the work of the team, arrived
Shedd Wednesday.
In the
evening Prof. Nolht of Egypt and
Roy West of Abyssinia entertained
with their moving pictures of
Egypt, India and Abyssinia. On
Thursday afternoon a proyes ser­
vice was held at the church and in
tbe evening Mrs. Mary Samuela
a native Hindoo waman, in her
native costume gave the thank of­
fering address. Mrs. Samuels and
Miss Zara Hoon also sang a pt&lm
in Hindoo. Sunday morning Mr.
West preached, telling about b a
experiences during bis four yoats
io Ahyssit.ta.
While here Dr,
Taylor was entertained at tbe borne
of Mr. and Mre. J. A. Couev, Mrs.
Samuels and Miss Hoon at tbe S.
P. Brook borne, and Prof. Nolm
and Mr. West at lbs E. M. Greg­
ory home.
Mr and Mrs. Jack Wilson a u l
daughter, Virgeue of Portland,
were dinner guests at tbe home of
their cousins, Mr, and Mts. II. F.
Couey, Snnday.
Miss Dale McKinley of Eugene
had a few hours off Sunday which
shespcct with her parents, Mr.and
Mrs. T. F. McKinley.
Poultry and Swine Specialists to Be
In Halsey Tuesday, November 15th
Dr. Grubbe, a member of the
Research and Clinic department ol
the George II. Lee company, of
Omaha. Nebraska, will hold one
of those interesting and helpful
poultry and pig clinics at th* city
hall Tuesday afternoon, November
15, and tbe poultryroen and iwine
breeders should attend for it is in
your interests these clinics are
being held.
The clinics conducted by these
people are often called Short Course
Schools,teaching how to recognize,
correctly disgnos, t eat. aud pre­
vent disease and other troubles
that *rs common cause of much
lota to poultry and swine raisers
Farmers who ha»e unthrifty
chicksrs or pigs are asked to bring
in specimens for post-mortem ex­
amination, and receive free in ­
structions on the cause, treatment
and prevention of the trouble.
Plenty nf specimens are needed
to bring out the full value of this
demonstration, but if your hogs are
sick sod you believe, or suspect,
tbe disease is contagious or infec­
tious, do not bring such animals
to the clinic but notify Mr, Buford
Morris and, if practicable, the doc­
tor will call npoa you and make an
examination. Remember, no fees
are charged, nothing for sale.