Rural Enterprise, Halee.i H A L S E Y A ND V ICINITY B REV ITIES o u s brief visit, accompanied thun | > SO C IE T Y N E W S | to his home in Corvallis. »«glfieta e t a i t fci tfr Mr. aud Mrs. M. B. Cole and \ From Our R< gula, Corr«rpord*nr« Carl Hill and Lavrance Taylor M Si Merle Straley who is teach­ Margaret and Vesta Morris of Eu­ of Halsey drove to Eug ne Tue.«d iy ing school at Marshfield, spent the gene were Halsey visitor« last Sun- The Hallow« *en dinner »inch evening on a pleasure trip. w;ek end at the Uonse of her p ar­ lay. was given uuder the auspices o. The Enterprise offl e ie eqp pped ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L Straley Carl Hill attended ths home the members of Purity RebekaL to print your calling card«, pro- I of Halsey. coming at O. A. C. an I «Is > took mdgp at the 1 O O.F. hall 8a»ur- grams, etc. Ask us for prlcjs. Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Geer and on in the big foot ball game while day evening was well atteuded t he dining room, which has rec Mr. and Mrs. Elmer M»rgt» I! B ilie, aud MissAdella iii-aobaok i there. of Shedd were in H»Uey Tutsday of Albany were in halsey Saturday i Sunday Mr. and Mre. Buford ently been newly papered aud evening to atten 1 orchestra prac­ evening to alte id the dinner given Morris sod son Robert drove to Pointed, was decorated w ith black tice. by the m em benuf Puiitv Rebekah Corvallis where they visited at Pei cals aud witches, while the san e Chi, Mr. Morris' fraternity house decorative scheme with the add.- lodge. Mrs, Dan Zah aud Mrs. Francij O. R. Bond received a box of 11oil of Louquets of autuuiu (lowers, Coveil and t vo daughters of Al­ Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bramwell and bany ware guests at the H F L ke family of H ilsey drove taC orvalln fruit and bulbs last week from his was carrud out in the table deco­ daughter, Elisabeth Stevenson of rations. Following the deliciou. home Saturday afteruoo i. Sunday to visit relatives. Truman San Fraucisco. In the box was a iwo course diuuer a program cou­ freak fruit which Mr. Bond wss n t i n g of a group of musical num- exhibiting to his friends in town oess by tbe orchestra, instrumental Florizel Chocolates 60c. lb. • rio by Georgina Clark, Nora Belle Monday. Peter Pan Chocolates 50c lb. Coldirou aud Mary Smith; snug, Mr.Truman Robnett of Halsey, A fine assortment of Candy Bars I've Got the Rhoumatiz,” Vivian sophomore iu pharmacy, visited the at 5c. Bulk candies from 20c to Fruut aud Fern Rossman, accom­ plant of the Blutniuer-Frank drug TRY 5oc. ib. panist, Relta Armstrong; instru­ company in Portland last week end mental duet, Beverly I-om a..u with 100 other members of (JAC Also a fu ll line of School Supplies Retta Armstrong; and a vocal solo Pharmaceutical association. The and Stationery hy Carl Isom, was givei in the school of pharmacy arranges a field hall and the remainder of the even­ trip to inspect the drug firm ’s es ^MMmWHMSH tablishment every year Officials ing was spent socially. of the company and officers of the a-sociation gave talks after a lunch­ Friday afternoon Miss Howard eon served the visitors. of the Kirk school gave a party for her pupils, with a number of ad­ FOR SALE The ditional guests present. A de­ 20 LARGE weanling pigs. W. L. lightful time was had by everyone Wells, Ha'sey, PI one 5x2. N10 present. Mias Howard treated her guests to candv, peanuts, popcorn Clear Reception—Long Distance Pick-Up and apples. Additional guests, tor Remarkable Selectivity—Simple Operation the party and also for the Frances Battery Mode’s $<2 50 and up. Electric Models $195. to $395. E. Willard program which was Come in and hear it and be convinced. given by the school in the morning, Genuine Cannon were Edna and B-ltv Jean Falk, Viola and Dorothy Ringdorf. M ar­ garet C«rey, Margaret Harding. Eloise Babcock, Willard and L r« Phone 168. Everything Musical Albany, Oregon rence Gillette, aud Jitumy Van Nice. * * * New “Dubltex” fabrics fur suits and coats The models for Fall and W inter will feature a new fabric from t ie famous looms of the Jacobs Oregon City Woolen Mills. 'D u bltex” —a two-str.nul weave of double strength and wear is patterned in exclusive and dis­ tinctive suits, overcoats and top­ coats. For Your money’s worth In shades of tan and brown— rich, warm Oregon Autumn colors — two and three bnttoned—single and double breasted models— suits and coats that smack of quality and smartness1 Some of These See this new fabric and these new models now! at Clark's Confectionery 206 2W, once CASTILE at 93 cents iiiHuiiiHiaiiiimiiiiiaiiiiiHiiiiiaiiniiiiiiiiDiiiiNiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiiniiu Phone 269 J 26 W est Second Street H. F. Bussard Albany, Oregon "New Speedy - Convenient Motor Coaches *<*• — supplementing Southern Pa­ cific r a il sen tee in Oregon. Now ride in the big, ] ixuxious silver gray motor- coaches to Pacific Highway points. Travel comfort­ ably and at low cost via Southern Pacific either by rail or highway. The silver gray motor cc aches are of latest design, with every modem improvement for your conven­ ience and comfort. Experienced, careful drivers. Your Southern Pacific r ail tickets are good on these motor coaches operatin/ daily to and from Salem, Albany, Portland, Corvallis, Eugene, Roseburg, Grants Pass,Medford,Ashland and intermediates. Get your copy of the new time table folder today. Guaranteed Used CARS 1926 Dodge Special Sedan 1826 Dodge Special Coupe 1926 Dodge Special Coupe 1924 Chevrolet Coupe 1923 M axw ell Touring 19x4 Ford Roadster........... 1926 Fora 1-tou truck, cab and body, Kukstel a x l e .............„. Specials See U h Before You Buy RA LSTO N M OTOR CO. U S E D - C A R -L O T Albany Motor* Transport Co. C. P. Moody, Agent. Phone 226 Developing Mashes and Scratches Complete stock always on hand. F L E E C E T W IN E used and near W OOL SACKS ■ a ■ ■ ■ « « u a a a ■ ■ \\ ill pay for th em sohej in fuel saved. Are fully guaranteed. New reduced ju ices now in effect. Your old range taken in exchange. Ask about the Long range to be given away free. Your child's success in school, de­ pends upon perfect vision 313 First |" . b ^ i Lang Hanges Bartcher Furniture Co. Albany, Oregon HAROLD ALBRO Phone 170. .? s. aia ■ a ■ ,< a a : « •' It your child is u nhappj—tack ward in school, let ua examine hia or her eyea. In our years of opt cal rx p e rie rc e . we have aided thousands of children to bet­ ter vision, to the joy of bo'.h pirentsand children. Oura is a complete optical ser­ vice. We gnrrantee salt,faction. U n­ usual advantages are offered here. 5 on receive tbe expert service. .S'otliirg is spared that your children may see as Nature latended them to. Do not «eg- 'ect your children's eyea. Have them examined now. Ford Seitan, new rubber $150 00 Dodge T o u r in g .................$100 00 good condition, new rubber Jeweler A Optometrist at, Albany, O rr i Ï Complete New Fresh Stock of Dr. Hess’ Stock and Poultry Remedies nut ’>B 'B B ■ > 'B B .B B B ■ ■ ■ ■ l ' H B ■ « B B C B 72 Ionics, Worm Powders, Etc. You got better results from these (»1 A It A XTEf I) Remedies. Try them HALSEY STATE BANK S o u th ern Pacific * $325 CO The Halsey Garage T R IA N G L E Fayetteville —The Priscilla club mernbeie met at the home of M rs . R. W. Brown Thursday afternoon and spent the afternoon eocially. On S iturday evening the membsra accompanied by their hutbanda, enjoyes a H«l|>wa’en party at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. Laurenc Zimmerman. $785.00 $750.00 $675.00 $275 00 >285.00 >150.00 FISK A N D F E D E R A L T IR E S Lak«. Creek — The school gave a Hallowe’en program Fr day after­ noon after which Mrs. Ledger wood treated the scholors and visitors to a wiener roast and M>*. Anliv fur- ■ uislied Lome nude candy. ■ •■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Among those enjoying the