R u r a l E n t e r p r is e «>. « p e n d u u re oim oney .n c i . « i - , H a N D S 0 M E F f l Y fur N F r Y P iF r F bed advertiatng 11A N I J S U M t f U X F U R N E C K P IE C E Jverlising aioce April. Pop ulstion new w weallh, bringing H .F m UAA lue u la tio n a and n d new e a llh , b rin g in g ENRICHES THE AUTUMN ENSEMBLE Publulxr. -----*---*!-- J production, * trade and . commerce, - |1 a year In advance. Arrearages 1254c is the only way to added prosperi­ a month. Stops when time expires ty, and Oregon needs its idle acrts unless continuance is ordered. to be producicg some of ihe mai.y Advertising, 20c an inch; no discount crops they are so well adapted to. Published Thursday at Halsey Oregon, to r time or space; no charge tor composition or changes. Announce­ A ccpy of the revised “ Orrgon ments ot entertainments, food sales, etc., whose object is to raise money, | for the S ettler” booklet, ha, jest charged at regular advertising rates ' arrived from tbe Southern Pacific The shoulders of the pavement aouth and north of Halsey are at last receiving attention but not until auto accidents had became of almost daily occurrence. The grass growing either side of the pave­ ment between here and Harrisburg should also receive attention. lbany baking co A1 4oS West First LaunJrv sent Tuesdays Agency Hub Cleaning Works A B E S BUTTBR-NUT BREAD A 1 b»"y flo r a l Co. P L A C E and plants. Floral art for *'* and all occasions. »very Flower phone 458-f, T U S S I N G & T U S S IN G E ¡AST A LBA N Y BARB e T T ^ 1 Charles R. (¡ultra, l-n ,,.,. r Specialising in Ladies' and Children'. Hair Cuts and Bobs. Work GuarmSti I0W East Second St. Æ y , ’S ^ LAW YERS Announcements ot religious meetings company. Caro h-a been exercised not exceeding tour inches, tree it in its production and every effort copy is received before Tuesday. About a ) ta r ago General Mo t «re Corporation inaugurated ctiupaign of extensive advertising in country weekly newspapers, and now the company auoouuces its net profits for the year have ex­ ceeded all previous records. ^ / ^ b a n y d ire c to ry Modern Barber Shop HHaey and Brownsville Oregon made toward thoroughness and authenticity, it is claimed. The 1 o >k contains three special arfcles by faculty members of OAC ‘Soil Resources of Western Ore- g i n ,’’ Prof W, l ,. Powers; ’‘H ort­ icu ltu re.” Prof. W S. Brown; “ Field crops of Western Oregon,’ by Prof. G. R. Hrslop. Tbe virious sections of western Oregon are fully described as are also the counties. Climate, edu­ cation and other kindred subjects have beeu treated independently and crop statistics were secured flora F. L. K ent, statistician, U Bureau agricultural economics. Distribution of the booklet i- boing made throughout the United S ates and in European countries. A L D A N Y STATE RANK u . - ^ in v it e your business. Sau „ , commercial accounts. Capital ' , undivided profits, JluO.tO.1 p D E L B E R T S T A R R g A S T B U R N ’S GROCERY Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer LADY A SSISTA N T “ 4 th and Lyons Street The place to buv goo,I groceries ». ,h. right price. On the corner, ple„ „ oi room to park. Albany. V " Brownsville, Oregon CVirtmiller Furniture Co., iu,7? . ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges' Funeral directors. 427 433 we-t y / i street, Albany. Oregon. * ,r“ Call At Davenport Music House For New and Second H and Pianos. Pianos For Rent. A lbany, Oregon I i r ® H 1 ® T ’ S O R O C E R y 401 W First street Successor to J. U. bears _______ W e w iU U y to please yo« H( OLMAN & JACKSON E verything in the line o ffa ls F is h e r -B r a d e n _________Opposite Postoffice Funeral Directors-Embalmers This office is in receipt of the new I I M PERIA L CAFE, 209 ' V Lady Assistant. Oregon Blue Book for 1927-28. In Harold G. Murphy Prop Chapel or Residence Funerals. Phone 95. Phone 665 Albany, Oregon addition to an tfiiciul list of state, W h nkver close Y.. RAV’O for the girl who has re­ . C. ROSSMAN, Local Manager program be stopped instantly, but Mr. and Mrs Michael Rickard. tering fox scarf. The autumn land DeLaval Separators and Milkers < - 19 27. hy W e ste rn Newspaper Union ) 'he obligation of some thiity-four Lady Assistant Fenciug and Farm ers’ Hardware Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clark ami lit­ million dollars in high way bonds tle «on, of Oakridge, were Sunday their work, for this year, in about J - A W W l A V . W A A All calk answered d a y o ru ig h t six weeks. would fall as a direct tax upon guests at the J. F. Isom home, L a k e C re e k N e w s Phone 25o general property and would be Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Cogswell of at lowest rate of interest 'lorn Lusby, accompanied by his Halsey, Oregon apportioned to each county. Real Estate Insurance friend, Ray M artin of Bridal Veil, Portland, who have been spending (B y an E nterpiise Reporter) .1 Prompt service, courteous treatment. some time at their farm here re- visited his sister. Mrs. J. F. Isom, I M. B ain , w ith Lane County Abstract Nutioial recognition has been Mrs J.S. Nicewood and son call- turned to Portland Wednesday. company, AI ban v tiven tbe work of tbe Oregon Stale Sunday afttrnoou. ed on Mr». John Gormley Sunday. They have engaged Mi. and Mrs. . Il you enj iy a good mt il JF . C . D a n n a ls Mr. and Mrs. John Rolfe drove Development League, by such men Miss Mary Hathaway gpvnt Sun­ And know a good meal when you gel it Fi'zm orris of Harrisburg to look Y ou'll be back for you’ll not forget it. day with her friend, I.ucile H ern­ as Dr. Elwood Mead. The Uccia to Suver SaturJay evening wheie after their farm. C i v exclusive M r' ». Rolfe’s , son, Geo. don, ■ ation Era, which is the officiali they "*■' visited .......... *'* u l . '-»eu. Legion lunch W A L L P A P E R and Tuesdays publi utiou of ibe Interior Depart- G ’dW*'1' a,ld fa,uilY. until Suu lay IV N A /V A A A A « A A A A V A » A \ » A » Miss I.ucile Phelps of Halsey G E O - M. G I L C H R I S T evening. ment at Wa llington and The Ngw ’ev*,‘1"" ; P in e G r o v e I t e m s < was a guest ol Miss Jennie Nice P a in t S to re ALBAN Y ork limes. A request from Ray Mi', aud M rs. W. B. Hatnliu are I 'A A A A W A V W W A A A Ä A Z A V . « wood Sunday. T icket office Hell i.ine Stage. . In I.inn County inoud C Willoughby, associate ed eaving soon for California and a Karl Williams and a friend from Albany to S.in Francisco, $15. (Enterprise Correspondence) itor of N dional Business, for 2000 family by tbs name of Ringdorf, I Mias Eu lice Sylvester spent tbe I ortland spent the week end with Estimates made. P a in te rs ___ and paper hangers furnished if desired words about tbe Oregon system of I ,roin South Dakota, are moving on I week en I at her hon e here, Albany his parents here. 123 East Third Street, Albauy land settlement. Tbe land settle. “ the “ place ‘ ' ‘ beiug vacated ' by the 1 Miss -- Mrs. Geo-ge Driukard aud child Gr ice Lehrer 014 was a Cor­ Creamery Asscciation meut department has established a Hamlins. ren of Klondike, Oregon, are visit vallis visitor Friday evening. M anufacturers of ■ervioe tb it is being used by n any R. D. Isom spent Sunday and E. E. Hover aud son were Al­ ing relatives here. N O TICE OF farme s tbroi gbout the United Monday with hia family. Tbe road bany visitors Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A L. Hathaway CITY TA X PA Y ER S M EETIN G Stabs as nearly 1,500 inquiries a visited Mr. H athaw ay's mother io he ao is working IIJ in Mia« Murgaret Ueiutich visited a ---i crew with --- which — ssw a n d B u y e r s o f Eg>?s 5 2 ÎÎS " b""" r ■ W tliout ¡th e Cascad'-fore.-t. expert to finish her sister in Corvallis over the Corvallis Suudav. N otice is herepy given th a t on A F a r m e r s ’ C o - o p e r a t iv e Mr. aud Mr». Thomas Ardey week end. M onday evening, N ovem ber 21, wera Suuday afternoon call:rs a C re a m e ry Mr. and Mr». lames Bond of Joseph D riukard's. 1927, at th e hour of 7:30p . m ., in Newport, viailid R. K Stewart at Dorris Sloan who resided hire th e Council C ham ber, will be tbe Hover home Sunday. and s veral years »go. tailed on Mar held a m eeting of th e T axpayers The county yrader was at work tin Cummings Tuesday. of th e City of Halsey held for the Atwater-Kent anootbing up the road» in this Mr. and Mrs. C.S.W illiams end purpose o f adopting th e bu d g et io ls t e r , F e d e r a l,! neighborhood last week. Mrs. Henry Brock drova to Cor for th e y ear of 1928. as p rep ared a n d C ro s le y M r. Tom Ho er of Monroe, B“ri vallis Friday. They visited Helen by th e budget com m ittee Haynes and family and W.E. Ho­ Williams who is attending sebot Radio Accessories E stim ated E xpenses' ver of Harriaburg, spent Bunday there. Councilmen •I E E. Hover's. $ 72.00 Mr, and Mrs. Guy Herm an of Account M arshal Miss Dora Oidham wbo is at­ 322.00 Coburg visited Mrs. H erm an’s and most important M ayor tending normal school at Mon- 12.00 brother. Mr. Henry Brock and among the season's ie a lth Officer Albany, Oregon tnoutb, spent the week end with 12.00 family, Sunday. M rs. Dicey Brcck new fashions are the Recorder her friend, Miss Grace Pehrraon. diagonal lines featured 50.00 was also a gu st. S treet L ig h tin g by this handsome frock 750. CO Tiie Pine Grove community Mr, aud Mrs. C. R Evans have S t e t t e r ’s S in its sutphee closing meeting will be held Friday, Nov. recently installed a Kohler pover tre e t In tersection 150.00 and attached tiers This ■umber » h. Ibe Corvallis Chamber of and lighting system which also 272.00 stvle is most suitable for ___ __ Commerce will be the entertainers operates the milking machine and S treet Work 658.40 the new silk crepes and A lb a n y , O r e .1 M aintenance City P ro p .85.00 for the evening. other conveniences of their modern light weight wools now Miscl. and Labor 136.60 Mrs. Harry Btewait visited Mrs boms west of Halsey. ready at our Piece- I M M N M M M I _________ ''<« ■ ■ K E Hover the first of the week Goods Department The BUTTUKK George William Wright $2520.00 and look R. K. Stewart borne with pattern, designed for 1607 3 Attorney-at-Law A lb a n y »2520.00 sizes to 46, is on sale her to visit at the Btewait home at Licensed to Practice in United at our Butterick Pattern West S lajtoo. E stim ated Receipts: S un. Mon., Tues. Nov. 6 7-8 State» Court anti all Courts in Department. License Fees Oregon. Offices in Baltimore Bldg A number of Pine G rore people $ 20.00 R en ee A d o re e in Albany. Oregon Road Tax attended the Hallowe'en program 500.00 given at the Peoria achool houae | ft Monday evening by Miss Agnes „ $520.00 Chandler and her pupils. RECA PITU LA TIO N W ednesdiy Estim ated Expenses Mrs. E. E. Hover weul to Har- Í520.00 E stim ated R eceipts riaburg Thursday to spend a few 520.00 day» with Mis. Everett Hover who 422 W e s t E ir s t S tre e t Amt. to be raised by t a t »2000.00 is slowly recovering f-Cm illness Thursday and Friday A lb a n y , O re g o n but is still confiued to her bed. By O rder o f Council: E s th e r R a ls to n in Bert S. Ciark, Mayor. DO NOT forget tbe big piano sal« GOOD GOODS D. H. S tu rte v a n t, C hairm an. 00 at Daveop irt Music Store in 1 3rl J, Hill, Recorder. Albany all of November. N2I B' Allphin’s Auction House N 'Insurance FUNERAL DIRECTOR FARM LOANS — PARAGON CAFE LINN BUTTER Chrysler Cars Smartly Slenderizing Waldo Anderson & Son Dishes and Crockery ware ! GLOBE “ Back to God's Country E. L. Stiff 1 Furniture Co. _ _ l‘The Heart Ih iel" K O O N T Z ’S Complete Home Furnishers ‘Silk Stockings Tbe Enterprise $1,00 a year Universal & Colonial Ranges I $