W orkm en grading the stre e t a t Wln- I eheater bay have unearthed th e skele- I tona of th ree Indiana and an elk head. OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST De*p“e • ma,eri“1 “ » « e a ^ «» MRS. OLIVE RICKER fish license fee MEETING REQUESTED SEN. HARRY B. HAWES DRAFTING OF NEW TAX BILLS BEGINS oat of «applies and th a t an additional 117,000 has been appropriated for Proposed Reductions Range Oregon and Washington Agree* B r ie f R e s u m e o f H a p p e n in g s o f teachers' salaries, the budget of the Salem public school wlU be kept with­ from $300.000.000 to ment Sought to Standard­ the Week Collected for in the figures of last year, plus 6 per $500.000.000. cent allowed by constitutional am end­ ize Charges. Our Readers. ment. T here w ere 20 few er divorce pro­ The seventh annual apple show of W ashington, D. C.—D rafting a new Olympia, W ash.—A conference be­ the M ilton-Freew ater d istrict was held ceedings filed in Oregon during the tax bill w as sta rte d Monday by th« tween W ashington and O regon fish period O ctober 1, 1926. to Septem ber house w ays and m eans committee, last week. and game au th o rities to determ ine the 20, 1927, than during the period Octo­ with m em bers prepared to expedite non-resident license fees w hich shall L ane county last week received ber 1, 1925, to Septem ber 80, 1926. work In an effort to have the measure be charged W ashington sportsm en in »106.400.88 as Its share of the 1926 tax This was disclosed In a rep o rt p re­ ready for congress shortly after It Oregon and O regon sportsm en in on Oregon-California g ran t lands. pared by the state treasu rer In Salem convenes five w eeks hence. W ashington was suggested by E. W. The annual run of sllverside sal­ last week. The prospective work of the com- Anderson, a ss ista n t attorney-general. mon Is now on In the Coquille riv er Seeding of 1200 acres of logged-off m ittee has a ttra c te d considerable at­ Both sta te s have reciprocal clauses and good catches are reported dally. land was commenced last week by ten tio n and m any m em bers of l0„. In their fish and gam e license statu tes, The total value of taxable property I Harold Adamg M yrtle P olnt ,n a gress. Including a num ber on the ayg statin g th a t th e fee charged shall be In Jackson county. Including public T ravelalr plane for the Coquille Valley and m eans com m ittee, have expressed th e sam e as th a t assessed to non-resi­ service corporations, Is »33,149,464.93. gheep & Woo, com pany. F | ve tons views on how large a tax cut should dents by the other. W ashington’s gen­ A nnouncem ent was m ade recen tly I Of K entucky bluegrass, orchard grass, be made. P ra c tic a lly all of these have eral non-resident sta tu te fixes a fee th a t the new six story »250,000 L a alslke, rye and white clover will be of »25 for a sta te hunting and fishing been far In excess of the indicated Grande hotel will be form ally opened ; WWn on the 1200 acres. license but excepts resid en ts of "bor­ position of th e tre a su ry —a reduction on N ovem ber 15. Mrs. A ustin E. H errick, widow of well under the »300.000,000 mark. dering s ta te s ’* under the reciprocal Q uarantine for Infantile p araly sis j the engineer who ran the engine and A recent portrait of United States clause. O regon’s law fixes a resident The pre-com m ittee m eeting discus- was lifted In G rants P ass last F riday. J train carrying A braham Lincoln to his fee of »5 and a non-resident fee "equal Senator Harry B. Hawes from Mis­ slons also have developed th at three Mrs. Olive G. Ricker of Chicago, who Only two cases have been reported inauguration, died a t the home of Mrs. to the fee required by the resident souri. political factors will exert an influence I Lydia Bailey, h er daughter, n ear was elected executive secretary of the state of non-residents.” T he only way the past two weeks. on the new tax bill before it has com- American Bar association. to harm onize the two is for officials plated Its long legislative Journey The first Issue of th e "Siskiyou," ! North Plains, last week. Mr. H errick of the two states to determ ine In con­ through the house and senate to Southern Oregon Normal school publi­ was a friend of P resid en t Lincoln and ference w hether the »5 or »25 fee shall P re sid e n t Coolidge. T hese factois are cation, Is Just off the press. The pa­ knew him well In Illinois. be (barged by both, A nderson advised the ad m in istratio n republicans, the Salem has th e largest farm er tele­ per will be Issued every two weeks. S tate A uditor Clausen. dem ocrats and th e group of western Budget for the F o rest Grove school phone system of any city of Its sixe on As to Idaho, w hich provides a independent republicans in the sen­ d istrict has a 3 per cent Increase over the Pacific coast, according to C. Aller, straig h t non-resident fee of »50 with Mexico City.—D wight W. Morrow, ate. the budget of last year. The to tal is d istrict m anager of the Pacific Tele- no reciprocity clanse, the attorney-gen­ new ly appointed A m erican am bassador C hairm an G reen of the ways and »55.580, requiring a levy of 19 mills. Phone & T elegraph company. On Oc- A thens, G reece.—The p resid en t of eral holds th a t Idaho sportsm en hunt­ ™ .. .. . I tober 1 th ere were 6054 statio n s with to Mexico, presented his cred en tials m eans com m ittee, and o th er adminis­ To Medford s more than 20 m iles of , . G reece, A dm iral Paul K ondouriotis, ing and fishing In W ashington will be S atu rd ay to P resid en t C alles In a tra tio n sta lw a rts have indicated that , ... . a daily ag g reg ate of 33,000 calls, or paved stre e ts will be added n ext year | fh<> , oIonhfil)u w as severely wounded by a 25-year- required to pay a like fee. 66,000 u sers of the telephone. form al and elab o rate cerem ony a t the th ey reg ard a cut of »300,000,000 as five more modern stre e ts and 11 m ore old w aiter who attem pted to assa ssin ­ W alnut grow ers of Polk county are national palace. The p resen tatio n was the probable m axim um . ate him. will be graded and graveled at a cost T he dem ocrats, through their fax h arvesting th eir crops this week and m ade in the h isto ric Sala De Los E m ­ The president was en terin g his auto­ of »83,000. unless th ere are some heavy frosts bajadores, which was filled to over­ spokesm an R epresnta’tive G arner of O. H. Neals* w alnut d rier n ear the work of g athering the n u ts will mobile In front of the Municipal build­ flowing with cabinet m em bers, high Texas, have declared for a minimum Chase Gardens, no rth east of Eugene, drag along for at least ten days more. ing, w here he had form ally opened the m ilitary officers In full d ress uniform , reduction of »300,000,000 while Gar­ congress of the G reek m ayors. was destroyed by fire last week. Mr. According to reports this y ear’s crop o th e r m em bers of the diplom atic corps ner, w ho Is ran k in g m inority member Two shots were fired a t the presi­ N eals' en tire crop, valued a t »1500. of w alnuts is lighter than th at of last and an unprecedented num ber of of the w ays and m eans group, person­ dent. One of th e bullets stru ck him in was burned. Geneva.— Soviet R ussia, w hose arm y A m erican citizens. ally has advocated a reduction of »500,- season, but the quality and size are the head, having first passed through Is said to be the larg est and best tra in ­ 000,000, is possible. The open season In Oregon for ang- uniformly better, In hls brief address, A m bassador the w indshield of the car, which was ed in Europe, notified th e L eague of W hat position the insurgent senate ling for trout m ore than six Inches A rticle» ef Incorporation of one of Morrow announced to the Mexican sh attere d in th e president’s face. N ations th a t the soviets would p a rti­ governm ent th a t A m erican diplom acy group w ay tak e rem ains som ewhat un­ long will close November 30 this year Poo(! county's pioneer organizations Crowds rushed a t the assailan t, cipate In the International d isarm a­ Instead o f O ctober 31, as previously were fj|e{j wn h the county clerk, Rob- in this country would be based on defined, although it has been indicated Zafioos Goussios, and attem p ted to m ent preparatory conference opening m utual respect. The am bassador also th a t it will favor a m inim um reduction announced. e rt W atson, recently. The articles lynch him, but he was saved by police h ere N ovem ber 30. voiced the resp ect th e A m erican peo­ and application of th e rem ainder of F ire of unknown drlgin destroyed j were of the Arago lodge, No. 28, I. O. who hurried him off to Jail. This conference Is to p rep are the ple have for Mexico’s sovereignity, and the tre a su ry surplus to curtailing the property In a block at O akridge and o. F., formed alm ost exactly 50 yeark groundw ork for a g reat International proffered his cooperation w ith the public debt. seriously endangered the entire town. ag0 at E m pire City, now known as BIG BIBLE ORDER m eeting la te r on, when an a ttem p t will Mexican governm ent in finding The dam age was estim ated to be more Em pire. The organization date was PLACE be made to fix definitely the size of m utually sa tisfacto ry solution of the than »25,000. Septem ber 4, 1877. Million Copies to Be Printed in 22 m ilitary establishm ents. problem s with which our two countries Rocks and stick were used by Min­ S tate conventions held biennially Languages. Although not a m em ber of the a re now faced.” nie Sulste, 16. of B u tter creek, near Instead of annually, with d istrict con­ New York.—An order for more th an League of N ations, soviet R ussia was Mr. M orrow characterized th e Issues Pendleton, In slaying two bobcats ventions taking place in a ltern ate a million Bibles, printed in 22 lan ­ invited to p articipate. A sim ilar invi­ betw een the two governm ents as “out which attacked sheep she was herding years, will be put into effect by the guages, has been placed by th e New tation was extended the U nited S tates, standing questions," and expressed the near h er home. Oregon Congress of P a re n ts and York Bible society, which will cele­ another non-member. P ortland, Or.—Tex R ankin, flying a hope th a t “we shall not fail to ad ju st Damage estim ated at »60,048.85 was T eachers, according to action taken brate Its 118th anniversary in Decem­ Waco “9”-90 horsepow er biplane and them .” caused by 26 fires In th e city of P o rt­ a t the closing session of th e 22d ber, it was announced recently. carry in g a full load, broke the national MACGRUDER'S PLEA DENIED annual state convention held In La land during Septem ber, according to W hile a m ajority of th e S crip tu res altitu d e record for OX5 planes (less BRIEF GENERAL NEWS the monthly report ol Edward G ren­ G rande last week. are p rinted In English, the society has Admiral’s Request for Hearing Refus­ than 100 horsepow er), reaching an alti­ The 1927 cran b erry crop on th e Pa­ fell, fire m arshal. continually available versions of the tude of 12,300 feet before the extrem a ed by President Coolidge. S en ato r C urtis of K ansas, republican Light rains the past few days have cific coast Is estim ated at 56,000 bush­ Bible in 67 languages and raised type W ashington, D. C.— P resid en t Cool­ lead er in th e senate, has entered the cold forced a re tu rn to earth. Pre­ delayed threshing operations In the els according ttf figures issued by the (or the blind. vious records w ere 11,000 feet for full idge refused to take a band In the con­ 1928 p resid en tial race. North Pow der district. Most of the Pacific C ranberry exchange, co-opera­ load and 16,000 feet for flight with troversy arising out of th e recall of A rchbishop J. J. H arty of th e C ath grain has been placed In th e stark , tive of A storia. The exchange has an­ Court Decision Is Aid to Fall, Rear-A dm iral T hom as P. M agruder as olic archdiocese of O maha, who had pilot only. nounced Its opening price as »15 a aw aiting threshing. W ashington, D. C.—The governm ent At 12,300 feet th e W aco was still com m andant of th e fourth naval dis­ been critically 111, died in Los Angeles Elroy Haynes, 22, of Dayton, was barrel or »5 a box. This Is believed ran into a judicial snag In its effort tric t at P hiladelphia for hls w ritten clim bing slow ly In th e thin air, and Oregon S tate college football team wounded in the face last Sunday after­ to be the highest opening price for to prove th a t form er S ecretary of the and verbal criticism s of navy adm in­ trium phed over th e W ashington S tate would £ av e gone 2000 feet higher with­ In terio r Fall w as in conspiracy with istration. noon by the accidental discharge of a late berries on record. college aggregation on a sloppy field in an hour, R ankin believed. At that H erbert P arker, ran ch er of th e Buell H arry F. S inclair when he granted the revolver. The bullet entered hls chin, A nnouncem ent of the p resid en t's ac­ a t C orvallis la st week by a score of altitude, how ever, the feet and hands d istrict, no rth w est of D allas, was la tte r the fam ous T eapot Dome naval destroying hls left eye. of the pilot and observers were numb tion was m ade by S ecretary W ilbur 13 to 6. Medford started work last week in killed accidentally with hls shotgun oil reserv e lease in 1922. Ju stice Sld- who, a fte r a conference w ith the execu­ B usiness In th e U nited S tates slow ­ with cold, m aking a descent highly de­ accord with a decision of th e cham ber last week. He was driving along a uons ruled th a t form er S enator Chas. tive lu th e W hite House, told new s­ ed down during S eptem ber, with Indus­ sirable. The tem p e ra tu re was 10 to of commerce d irectors to Im provs the country road In a rock wagon, w ith a Thom as of Colorado need not answ er paper men th a t the ad m iral’s request trial and trad e activ ity sm aller than 20 degrees, below zero, it was esti­ local air port to m eet th e outlined re­ repeating shot-gun betw een his knees, one of th e questions by which the gov­ for a personal interview and for revo­ usual a t th a t season of the year, the mated. probably looking for birds. The wagon ernm ent law yers hoped to show the quirem ents of the governm ent. cation of the recall o rd er both had federal reserve board announced. struck a chuckhole and the gun bound­ C ontinental T rading company, from been denied. N ever in re cen t years has China EDUCATIONAL SESSION ENOS Because they w ere considered exor­ ed out, th e ham m er strik in g on the which Fall got »230,500 in L iberty “A dm iral M agruder’s req u est to the been In a m ore chaotic condition th an b itant, the K lam ath county court has wagon tongue. bonds, was form ed for th e purpose, president has been disapproved and now. F ighting is in progress in at Mae Mark New President of Educators rejected all bids for th e construction The bureau of public roads and the am ong others, of rew arding F all for hls application denied," was the terse least six different w ar ayeas and a of W ashington. of an lsolatlqji hospital. The lowest th e T eapot lease. com m ent of the secsetary. He added w idespread w inter of suffering and bid was »4000 over th e court's e sti­ highway dep artm en t have alm ost com­ Longview, W ash.—T he W ashington pleted grading the right of way on th a t he had nothing m ore to say about h ardship appears Inevitable. mate. E ducational association ended Its 41st Liner Rams Fish Boat, 11 Dead. Mount Hood from G overnm ent Camp the m a tte r at this time. annual convention h ere with the elec­ The national barred Plym outh Rock Boston. — The G loucester fishing , , . . , . „ east for a distance of approxim ately Supreme Court Refuses Pescawha Plea tion of Miss Mae M ark, county school egg laying record was retu rn ed to Ore- . .. . ____ , . | half a mile, for the parking at some schooner Avalon was cut in two off Wisconsin Pays High for Dead Bandits gon A gricultural college experim ent W ashington, D. C. — The suprem e sup erin ten d en t of Y akim a county, as 1200 cars, which, It la estim ated, will Cape Cod with the loss of 11 m em bers Fond Du Lac, W is.—Dead bandits court refused to review a case involv­ the new p resid en t to succeed V. K. station at Corvallis last week when of her crew, when she was ram m ed be needed to take care of tb s w inter are bringing tw ice the figure of ban­ ing the rig h t of the coast guard to F roula of S e a ttle ; took action to seek hen No. 1596 laid h er S34th egg In sports en th u siasts, am ateu rs and on­ by th e Cosullch liner P resld en te Wil­ d its "on the h o o f in Fond Du l a c board and search a B ritish ship out repeal of th e p resen t te a c h e rs’ retire­ 863 days. son in a dense fog. lookers, who will take p art In the county. R ankers of th is county have side the 12 mile lim it a fte r It had m ent fund law and the passage of a H earing of th e application of th e activities on the mountain. i offered »1000 cash for each dead ban­ been observed cruising w ithin th a t new one on a state-w ide basis, and Union R ailroad of Oregon to acquire McAdoo Only an "E x” in Politic«. A check signed by Georgs W ashing­ dit, and a m ere »500 each fo r m em ­ one. Jacob W oitte and others convict­ based on th e principle of endowment and operate a line of railroad extend­ W ashington, 1). C — W illiam Glbbe ton, authorizing payment of »70 to Dr. bers of the bank robbing fratern ity ed in the federal d istrict court of Ore­ In surance; indorsed th e proposed con­ ing from Union to Union Junction, In Jam es Craike, has been en tru sted to McAdoo Insisted th a t he was out of captured alive and convicted. The gon on the charge of violating the stitu tio n al am endm ent for the classi­ eastern Oregon, will be held a t Union politics, and dism issed the subject th e care of a Salem bank by Mrs. T. schedule conform s to the vigilante pro­ federal prohibition law aboard the fication of p roperty for taxation, and N ovem ber 29. I Gronke of th a t city. The check was with the rem ark th a t he was au "ex" tective plan recom m ended by the Pescaw ha brought the case. recom m ended th a t th e re be no dis­ Vernon W orlsted, 13, son of L. G j (lrawn on lh e j-n(ted s ta te s Federal in th is line. S tate B ankers' association. crim ination for or ag ain st teachers W orlsted, a m erchant of Yoder, acci hank an), wag ,n pgym„n t for matll. Lindy to be Guggenheim Fund Advisor adequately educated outside the state, T H E MARKET8 dentally shot and fatally wounded his I ,.al gpry|ceg. The 1>anll „„ whlch , hg Lutherans Re-elect Three Officials. New York. — Colonel C harles A. except w here those s ta te s discrimin­ twin bro th er George last Sunday, with check was draw n was owned by Alex­ Eugene, Or.—Rev. O. R. Olson of Lindbergh, trans-A tlantic a ir pioneer, a te ag ain st W ashington. Portland a shotgun. The boys had found the ander Ham ilton and was one of the W heat — Rig Bend bluesteni. hard O akland. Cal., was re-elected presi­ will officiate In a consulting capacity gun In a w arehouse and loaded IL famous early day financial Institutions. Famous Chicago Banker Killed. white, federation, soft white, w estern d ent of the Pacific d istric t of the for the Daniel Guggenheim fund for D eterm ination to secure authoriza­ Use of flares sim ilar to those used D anish E vangelistic L utheran church the prom otion of aeronautics, and for white, »121; hard w inter, northern Chicago.—John J. M itchell S r. 74- tion and adoption of th e U m atilla by railroads Is being advocated by Ed­ a t th e business session here. Rev. the tim e being at least, will not align year-old chairm an of th e board of Chi­ Rapids p roject a t th e next session ol ward O strander, public service com­ spring, w estern red. »1 20. Hay — Alfalfa, »16 5o©17; valley C arl W llhelm sen of Fresno. Cal., was him self with any com m ercial project cago's second g re a te st financial insti­ congress w as voted at the annua) m issioner, In connection with th e op­ tim othy. »16 5 0 0 1 7 ; eastern Oregon re-elected secretary and C hris Pile- H arry F. Guggenheim, president of the tution. th e Illinois M erchants’ Trust m eeting of the U m atilla Rapids asso eration of for hire busses In this gaard of Easton, Cal., was re-elected Guggenheim fund, announced th a t com pany, died In a d o cto r’s office In elation In Pendleton last T hursday stnte. Mr. O strander said th e use of tim othy. »2(1. treasu rer. E aston, Cal., was chosen j ’ Lindy" henceforth would be a meni- L ibertyville, III., 35 m iles from here, B utterfat 45c. A huge slide of rocks and earth cov- flares would reduce m aterially the as th e city for next fall's convention. her of the organization. Eggs Ranch, 37646c. shortly a fte r he had been injured in •red th e Roosevelt highw ay and the ! accident hazard at night, and a t the C attle S teers, good. »8 6669.35. an autom obile accident, which also S outhern Pacific track at Barview, be sam e tim e Improve the service of the Hogs Medium to choice. »9 26® Mexico Ruses Ben on American Goode Governor Orders End of Picketing. claim ed the life of Mrs. Mitchell. tw een G aribaldi and Rockaway, last bus lines. U nder Mr. O stran d er's 10 36. Mexico City.—The Mexican govern­ Denver. Colo.—Governor W illiam II. week, and traffic on both highway proposal these Bares would be set Lam bs — Medium to choice, »10.60 m ent's ban on purchases In the United Adams of Colorado Issued a dem and Seattle Auto Death Toll 59. and rail line was tied up for several j out when busses are detained a t any ©11.75. S tates was term inated November 1. recently that all picketing o f Colorado S eattle, W ash.—W ith th e death here days. ) point along th e highw ays. Seattle. P resid en t Calles ordered the Mexican coal m ines be stopped. Fred F arrar, of Mrs. Lena F rench, th e 1927 toll of P etro Morin, fisherm an at W inches The Pacific Cooperative Wool Grow­ W heat Soft white, w estern white. C om ptroller general th at the necessity attorney for the Colorado Fuel & Iron traffic fa talities reached a total of 59, le r bay, has caught eight so-called man era have Just sen t out checks totaling n » 4 ^ ; hard w inter, northern spring for it no longer exists. The ban went company, declared "90 per cent of our o r a figure equal to th a t for the entire eating sh ark s In hls nets. The sharks. | nearly »250,000 to m em bers of the as »124 w estern red. »1 23; b lu e s t,n 7 ’ rr. . ‘ T ' ‘ nd *,roh' ”it m iner’ ’ »■ come back to work the y ear of 1926. Mrs. F rench was struck although of sm all size, are ferocious so d a t Inn More than 1000 grow ers j t 2s ,ia r k n o rth ern spring, »1.41; i ed M exican officials from purchasing m inute picketing c e a se s ' by a m achine last Friday. Seven and did considerable dam age to th e participated In the distribution •vhlch lark hard w in ter. »1 36. goods for the governm ent in the Uni- d eaths by autom obiles have been re­ nets before they were captured and 1 covers th e sale of nearly 650,000 ( u ay Alfalfa, »25; timothy. »2»; ted States. State Institutions in Good Condition. corded In S eattle since O ctober 1. pounds of wool. killed. P. S . (22 Salem. Or.—All of O regon's state In­ Jam es W hitford, beloved resident of Ths sta te board of vocational educa­ B u tterfat 50c. 25 Bombing Planes Ordered for Army. stitutions. with the possible exception H arding Bodies to Be Moved Nov. 11- the M asonic and E astern S tar home tion has confirm ed th e appointm ent Eggs Ranch. 470 48c. W ashington. D. C —C ontracts for 25 of the state em ploym ent Institution for kt C ottage Grove, celebrated hls 100th of C. I> Adams as state d irector of vo­ M arlon, Ohio. — The bodies of the C attle S teers, choice. »8 5 0 0 9 35. bombing planes, designed to carry 2000 the blind In Portland, probably will birthday last Saturday. A cake m eas­ cational education and supervisor o4 late P resid en t W arren H arding and hls Hogs- Prim e. (10 50 0 10 65. pounds of bombs and five machine have sufficient money In th eir legisla­ Ha succeeds uring five and o n e h a lf feet across trad es and Industries wife probably will be rem oved fro « gpoksne guns, have been awarded to the Key­ tive appropriations to carry them held the candles repiw sentlng an even E. E. Elliott, who resigned recently the Marion cem etery vault Armistice C attle—Steer«, good. »8 5"® 9 go. stone A ircraft company of Bristol, Pa., through until the end of the present because of til health. esntury. day to th e new »800.000 m arble me- H ogs ©ood. (IP 15011. the war d e[artm en t announced. biennium. m ortal, It was announced here. Ul U L .lt U lin L . I I 1 I L I I L W I MORROW PRESENTS HIS CREDENTIALS ATTEMPT MADE ON GREEK RULER'S LIFE SOVIET WILL ATTEND ARMS CONFERENCE NEW ALTITUDE MARX MADE BY BANKIN *