Oe ng studied no« and Mre. C artt Vestcii gaTe a very m teretling ta k on tbe "p h y -ie s l i-ature». A arge wap « a * used and conae- * n » Our It #IM- CunwiMKiOmw quefitly tne d ru c itp iu n » were very ea»y t o follow. Kra. Sidney Sm ith Lake C 'c^k — F r i j . v > t f i rg. t i * followed « ¿til a ap »nd.d ta lk on uifa.b r j f <4 i '_e j.¿-»u: ‘ j L e a f * 'H ia to ry and Gov»r s e n t , " Le»d tLe.v r » f - sr V. - irfW »cd soi­ F> ioa ing tbe Ciote of tbe stud* ls i " • ¿ » ••■« : - t . f M r. tD fi p»r-ud, Mr» b iin t a id terved a Mr» W. am Hsrvs-s A »hart dainty luocbeoo in tbe dining pv« given at » ill entertain tbe club at its next tbe church. meeting which w ill be November 3 Mi»« Retsm i l . r v t y , »txise S«ven- • • • t e * L lh b iith d a y occured on this date, a»» L n r guest for the even Mr». Paul B icrly and in fa n t con, log. Several hours were »pent ic Lim a Id E ilia , ««re tbe motive» for play ing game« after »b en dcüciou» a ‘ shower” F riday afternoon w ith refresboieot», cbi»f among wbicb tbe member* of tbe iadi<* Sunday « a t a large angel food cake p re ttilr school c la n of tbe C hristian ci.urcb triaitned « itb 17 p in k candle», aa ho*tee»ei. Tbe aid room of tbe were served by Mr» H atvey. Mica church w it used for tb it affair. I>udd of Benton county was a comp M * n y p r e t t y gifts were received l y limeuted guest for the evening tbe boocr gu-ate. Tbe afternoon • • • • «aa »pent in sewing fo r M rs Bier- j ly. Late in tbe afternoon refresh- Mr». E d ith D tin k f r was horttma meota were served. to the n en be ra of tbe Haleey • a • W itu tn 's study club ' l t u r»day af te r n o o n . b u r n « tbe tuaine»» Mr« A. L Falk wai honored »eaaiou tbe club voted to »ponaor last Wednesday by a number of tb« annual sale of Cbriatmae »«ala friend» and relative , the affair be­ and M r*. G W. Laubnerand Mr» ing planned a» a surprise M i*. M. Cumming» » til bare charge of F a lk received many p re tty gifts tbe work. ‘ C hina'' ia the topic 1 be afternoon was (pent socially S O C IE T Y N E W S and was *>rt>Bgbt to a close by tbe aerv rg of nfresbm eota by M '». J X E U s&d Mr» R. E M a rly . Tbeae present for tbe afternoon » e M . a '- es F W Falk, A lek Si.jdgras», E E. C a rty . K. E. I J t r r . J S. K ISaM. 11 J F«lk, a I L IL F a lk, and the Miwwe Ava and Edna F a it, Darts aud L a F a lk. Margaret C arey, aud Betty J e .n F a lk and Robert C a tty aad Louis Falk. • • • Mrs. George T aylo r was b »'» * Pine G ro v t C a a rcb — Sunday School 10 a. m. to tbe P.N G- elob member» Wed­ m. by R«v. nesday afternooD w ith twelve mem- j Freschi g at 11 a be a preeeu’ . I e room* were love Smal ey. lv with ib t ir decorations of autum n P'ayer m> t i g Wednesday 8 p flower«. D u rirg tbe brief ba ine>a m. m - tia g it was Ceci'ed to enter-1 tbe husband, and f im i i-a v i 'be mem ers at a d naer io tbe Odd i Fellcw b a ll on N ov. 30 D aring tb - social bear which lo llo w td , l i e kotta «, assisted by Mrs. Melissa McMahan, »erved two co-rse lunch- ta a •on. K a rl pleas- eveDt ; c Z m / z N o tic e s > b irtb - , ■ - d the M ethodist— N ext Sunday : p u p il* of the fo urth , fifth and s ix tb 10 a. m. Sunday school grade, of the Ha.sey school, and 11. preaching bi* teacher, Mr». N ora Coleman 6 30 E pw orth League Tbe afternoon w ai spent in play- 7 30 pub.ic services it g game* and was broo gbt to a 7 80 Thursday, prayer m e rtir g close Ly the hostees serving lunch. Here a ll w ill, find a welcome L.ndon received many nice pre* regardless of social standing Your t u t s from bis young friend*. presence w ill help, and we w ill try to do you good. J . S. M ille r, pastor. Peoria —Wednesday afternoon M r*. Ernest A b ra b im w a i bosteas Church of C h rist— to the meraber* of the Pottvr Sew­ Sunday school, 10. ing club. Each member present 11 00 a. m. m orning w oiship and responded to ro ll call w ith a reci­ comm union services. tation tfcey recited a. a c h ild . The 6.30 p. m. C hristia n Endeavor, j afternoou » * • spent in sewing car- M »ry Sm ith leader. pet rag» fo r tbe host«**. D uring 7.30 p. m wide awake sorg ser­ tbe lopebeou hour, tbe hostess was vice led by Adah Nelson. Special « •title d by her d au gh te r M r*. Ida music. Orchestra ItobaoD of - I f n Edna A b ­ Preaching 5 p. m. subject ‘ fb e raham and M f t Laura Abrabam , G ea'e«t B u ild in g in tbe W o rld .” of Potter cum m unity. Saturday afternoon M » - Bram well entertained for tbe ore of te r ecu, L indon, tbe being in honor of b i* n in th W A T C H R E P A IR IN G - Doe» j e i w a 'c i deceive you? Remember yonr jeweler ia located in H»l. sey. I am here Wednesd»vi AG EN T V . A N I E D - I . Halsey Thursday*, F ridays end Satur- te rrito ry . Make #75:00 per week , £ d a ya and w ill be glad to serve #15 0 an boor lo r spere tim e. you J. Douglas P ritchard, • In tro d u c in g Fiacat Guaranteed H osiery. 96 styles and color*. | T he E n te rp ris e #1 00 a year Low prices. A uto furnished • 'IT T H have the best equipped shop in Halsey, \ 1 and for that reason we give you a better ’ T job and more for your money. \\ e also carry the largest stock o f tires and accessories. Bring in this ad and 25c and get a 50c size of tire patching. ARROW GARAGE MBSKSg ORtCONi 73ct.29“ Nov.5 $ 1 OO, 300 in Premiums» 1 7 th A n n u a l E x p o s itio n c o m b in e , D a irv P ro d u c t. Show , A o rld -re n o w tu. J H o n e S how , N a tio n a l W o o l S how , N o rth w e M F o x S h o w , M a n u fa c tu re r.’ a n d L a n d P r o d u c t . S h o w , B o y s ’ a n d G ir l. " C lu b W o r k . C o v e r. 1C acre», e x h ib itin g A m e ric a ', p rire Pure B re d B e e f and t Premium Liat eve Sheep, Hufa. Goat*, Foi S. Reduced fare» ali railroad». ctf e: cd- Par: land, Ó recoo, Oct. 29 P a ir v C a n le , H i C A d ria n Sias,m inister. Jlwl ilRSkvSs 8SÍJ31 i j i i ’ I V hi m W»* T H w r-c -T j” Wvg® NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING q h 'o '.K t is hereby « n e a to the legal voters of 5 -.h x il D is tr ic t No. 41, o f L in n C o u n ty, State of O regon th a t a S chool M re tin « of . 1 >1 tr; ■ >. ba b t l j a t '».boo! Ilo n a : on th e ¡12th day o f Novem ber, 1927, at 2 '>> o 'clo ck in tbe afte rn o o n fo r the purpose of d iw u s in g Ihe budget h e re in a fte r set o u t w ith the le v y in g board, and to vote on the p ro p o s itio n o f le v y ­ in g a special d is tr ic t tax T h e t tai h u h o n to l m oney o t i d t d b) tiie said school d is tric t d u rin g tb e fiK ia l year b e g in n in g on June 20th. 1927, , , l r . : u ! . t fo lo w in g budget and in c lu d e , tbe am ounts to be rece:ved from the c o u n ty achool fun 1 state s . ^>1 fu n d e le m e n t,ry school fu n ', special d is tric t ta x and a ll o th e r m oneys of the d is tric t; P E R S O N A L S E R V IC E ‘ihe Cat and the Canary’ M ystery De Luxe W edneids y RSTI M A TED B X P E N D IT U R g S “Smile Brothsr, Smile” T b u rid a y and F rid ay Salary per year .............................................................. „ 1 .......................... Assist mt p r in c ip a l........ ....................................................................... 7...... ........... Teachers ..................................................................... ......... ......................3 .................... J a n ito rs .......................................................................................................... I ....................... C le rk ........................................... I ....................... o o .......... SldOO OO “Out All Night” Also Vaudeville_____ ItzS.oo......... 225V.OO 900 o o _____ 7700 oo 720 o o ........... 720 oo lO .rxi_____ 10 oo Saturday Total ............................................................................................................................................. M \T E R IA L A N D Sun. Mon., Tue». Oct, 30-31 Nov. 1. BUDGET No. I'rs. i ;j..,I» GLOBE “Wild Beauty” S7.2bO.oo S k k E B k C k S S B * ■ •C U B We now have The New Ranges of the Bridge & Beach Line £ U ° P L IE S 1 F ir u lt iir e » lesi»., »1 » », t 'ir U ln « ,