Mrs. J. C. Bramwell who has the member» oi the Rebekah lodge been ill for some time is greatly of Halsey. Your dinner and an i H A L S E Y A N D V ICIN ITY B R EV ITIES improved and her daughter, Mrs evening's entertainment for 6C Dorothy Tinnick, who has been cents. The general public is in- ' in Halsey assisting in nursing her. vited. W. M. Burbank has built a new Mr. and Mrs. D. S Bo« m in left h has returned to her home in Port­ garage and woodshed. ast week for Belknap tprirgs to Mrs. Ellen Hayes, a funner ■ land. The Brandon '•chool children are remain to- some time in hope that resident of Hal«ey but who for ■ anticipating a good aocial time the change will benefit Mr. Bow- H. L W’aliher, manager ol the some time past has been living a> Friday evening. man's health. Oregon Public Utility Information Orcbaids, W ash., writes Halsey, Mis* Fleets Liyic is having a Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hawkins and Bureau, was in Halsey yesterday. friends that she is now located at u new roof put on her residence on Mrs. Hawkins* mother, Mrs. J. Q He e very enthueiattic over th e . 1238 Broadway, Salem, Second street. Willets, and Mrs. Woltzen and future of th's particular part of the Mr. and Mrs Amor Tnssing a brother, all of Cottage Grove, were state and piedicta a large increase Come in now and make y o ir se­ arrived home late Tuesday nigtt 0 lection of Cristinas cards at the guests last Sunday at the Veatch in ¡migration next year. from a trip to Portlaud and as far g ! home. Enterprise office. Remember the Hallowe'en sup­ east as Walla Walla. They were Mrs. B. M. Bond attended the Mrs. Genevieve Kendall, form­ per Saturday evening at the Odd gone about ten days. They came meeting of the Eas'ern Star at erly of Halsey but now of Albany, Fellow’s hall under the auspices of home by wav of the Oregon Trail Shedd Wednesday evening. was a Halsey visitor last Thursday « and while here attended a meeting Mrs. Buford Morris and small son are spending several days in oi the Study club of which she is a member. Albany visiting relatives. The painting of the interior of Charlie Straley and family spent In five veers 1 0 0 . 0 0 0 dashed into eternity. Monday evening at the H. L. the Odd Fellow's hall has been 1 W hat's out there? Nobody knows. ( Í finished and presents a very credit­ Straley home on Route ?. Better come around aud have brakes relined or adjusted. I able appeaiance. The banquet' I Aleo you can get a can of tire patching for two bit*. The Enterprise office is equipped room has also been newly papered to print your calling cards, pro­ and painted. I FISK A N D F E D E R A L TIR ES grams, etc. Ask us for prices, The Hallowe’en party which was H W. Chance is having a new being planned for Saturday even­ i garage built on his farm. He says ing at Charity grange ball has been ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ E B i i B B a a H H R a a a * » a garage is a farm necessity now. caHed off on account c fso much ■ Guests at the home of Mr. and illness iu the surrounding C( m- For future success with your flock of ■ Mrs. Lyman W. Patton .last Sat­ munities, it has been announced. R chickens use urday wore Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hall Curtis Veatch and Charles Nich­ of Springfield. ols made a business trip to Eugene Several street sectiors have re­ Friday aud were accompanied home cently received a new surfacing of by Wayne Veatch of the U. of 0. gravel, the latest being on Third Wayne enjoyed a pheasant hunt street near the Methodist and the and Fed while here. He returned Christian churches. to Eugene Sunday evening. ■ ■ D ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ 1 ■ ■ ■ • The Gift Store a ■ ■ a a One of the finest lines of F ramed P ictures to be found in the Valley, you will find at our store. And the prices are unusually low when the quality of goods is considered. Expert Picture Framing ■ ■ ■ a A competent man is in charge of our picture framing de- partment, and we cariy one of the best selections of the late m uldings for you to choose from. Let us do your work. The Gilt Shop is replete with Christmas Gifts for every member of the family. : ■ Fisher-Braden Company H onk! H onk! s s. The Halsey Garage T R IA N G L E Developing Mashes and Scratches Complete stock always on hand. CANDY! by the Box Bar or Bulk Ice Cream Bricks, Bulk. Dishes, Cones, Dixie Baskets, Eskimo Pies or Ice ( ’ream Sodas. F L E E C E T W IN E used and new ■ ■ ■ ■"»■R.l ■ ■ B ■ ■ ■ I B U ■ llllil ■ ■ a ■ School Books, Stationery, Tablets and all other School Supplies. Clark’s Confectionery Sf'-wr-.«_____________ ____««-«.______________ _ .....------------ If W e Can’t Clean It THROW I r AW AY Motor Coaches Always the Newest Hits- In Columbia Records Sheet Music (Electric I’rocessl Etc. The Music Shop Phone 168. Everything Musical .—supplementing Southern Pa­ cific r a il service in Oregon. Will pay for them selves in fuel saved. Are fully guaranteed. New reduced now in effect. Your old g range taken in exchange. Ask about the Lang g range to be given away tree. I h ■ ■ a a a ■ a 1'onics, Worm Powders, Etc. You get better results from these GUARANTEED Remedies. Try them i ! LEE DRUG STORE OVER 30 YEARS IN ALBANY ! Cor. First & Ferry Sts. — —— “ HUE Smart . . Distinctive . . BATH TO W El suits and overcoats these new Jacobs Oregon City CASTRE at 93 cents D. H. Sturtevant Pure virgin wool fabrics . . . in exclusive patterns and colors The models are those worn by well- dressed men throughout the United States. The tailoring is of the finest craftsmanship. New single and double breasted models in men’s suits in all the new weaves for Fall. . . , fine worsteds the new “ Dubltex” —a double wear fabric—and tweeds. New ' ‘tube,” straight hanging and raglan models in topcoats ai d overcoats. There’s a mcdel for every age and taste, See them today! $30.00 to $40.00 FR E D W ARD Albany, ■ a a « a a a ■ ■ ■ ■ ,■ „ .! Dr. Hess’ Stock and Poultry Remedies . T here ’ s outstanding dash, smart­ ness, distinction to Jacobs Oregon City clothes. h Complete New Fresh Stock of Now ride in the big, luxurious silver gray motor- coaches to Pacific Highway points. Travel comfort­ ably and at low cost via Southern Pacific either by rail or highway. The silver gray motor coaches are of latest design, with every modern improvement for your conven­ ience and comfort. Expet'“need, careful drivers. C. P. Moody, Agent. Phone 226 ^ßonac Albany, Oregon Lang Ranges; ■ ■ M otor T ran sp o rt Co. _l2CAKESÿ a a a ~ ■ a ■ a Albany, Oregon Southern Pacific W ITH »U ».CHASE 0 » ■ Bartcher Furniture Co. Convenient Your Southern Pacific rad tickets are good on these motor coaches operating daily to and from Salem, Albany, Portland, Corvallis, Eugene, Roseburg, Grant s Pass, Medford, Ashland and intermediates. Get your copy of the new time table folder today genuine Cannon 9 S p e e d y • WE DO Cleaning, Dyeing, Steam Pleating Tailoring. Alterations and Repairing. ■ ■ B ■ B b W O OLSACK S O. XV. F R V M » I ■ ■ Second and lltoada'bin Streets, A lban), Oregon ■ The Men’s Store Oregon Albany ...................,,„..,^^..^.,.1^1.11. ...i i i. i