OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST B u tter produced by the Lower Co­ lum bia Co-operative Dairy association, with head q u arters in A storia, took two first prizes and one second in the Tw enty-first N ational Dairy Exposi­ tion a t Memphis, Tenn. E. T. M E R E D IT H B rie f Resum e of H appenings of the W eek C ollected fo r O ur R eaders. N ewt Madden, prom inent tu rk ey grow er of th e H erm iston region of U m atilla county, was elected p erm a­ nent directo r of th e tu rk ey m arketing j situation a t a m eeting atten d ed by 1 about 60 grow ers la s t week. Snow plow« placed on (he McKenzie The rem aining assets of the F irst j highw ay last week have cleared the road of enow although ground along N ational bank of Bandon have been ! tran sferred to th e Coos Bay N ational { th e highw ay la still covered. Investm ent com pany and p rep aratio n s Velmo Sylvester. 23. of Clackam as, are now under way tow ard m aking died Sunday from Injuries received the final dividend to creditors. several days ago In h er home when T here w ere 937 accidents rep o rted I sh e fell over backw ards in a chair. to th e sta te in d u strial accident com- ) D ata compiled by C ounty A ssessor m ission during th e week ending Octo- { Boley show th e 1927 assessed valua­ b er 20, according to a re p o rt Issued ) tio n fo r W ashington county as $24,- by the sta te in d u strial accid en t com- : 264.020 com pared w ith 124,610,540 for mission. No fatalities w ere reported, j 1926. Damage to th e w alnut crop of Yam­ Im m ediate construction of telephone hill county is being lessened by th e ! lines connecting R eedsport and the rem oval of scores of silv er squirrels, | Umpqua riv er coast guard station was accom plished by the forces of Ira N. authorized by C aptain P. M. C lark last G abrielson, lead er In Oregon of rodent • week. control for th e U nited S tates biologi­ Mrs. Daniel Pearson, 72 years old, cal survey. A re c e n t p o r tr a it o f E. T . M e re d ith W'as probably fatally burned a t N orth F ifteen persons w ere killed and 387 of Io w a, fo rm e r s e c re ta ry o f a g ric u l­ Pow der last week when gasoline she Injured in m otor vehicle accidents in w as using in cleaning a com fort ex­ Oregon in S eptem ber, according to a ture, w ho is m en tio n ed as a p o s s ib ility COOLIDGE AGAINST FESS'S DRAFT ROY A. YOUNG EQUALIZATION FEE BONE OF CONTENTION W e s te rn S e n a to rs S eem to be D iv id e d on V ie w s of the Q uestion. P res id en t D is p lea se d W ith Re- election Boom of Ohio S en a to r. W ashington, D. C. — S en ato r Fess, W ashington, D. C .^-D iscussions both republican of Ohio, said a fte r a W hite | a t th e W hite H ouse and in the ranks House call, th a t P resid en t Coolidge is of w estern republican senators, failed displeased with the reelection boom I to throw m uch light on a solution to being conducted in his behalf by some I th e vexing farm relief problem, an republican leaders, and th a t in a talk j o u tstan d in g issue in republican party gave the im pression he would not con­ circles. sent to be drafted by th e republican | P re sid e n t Coolidge w ent over the national convention next year. farm relief question with Senator Bor­ F ess intim ated th a t the president I ah of Idaho, one of th e leaders of the had protested against th e se n a to r's J new ly-organized group of republican frequent public rem ark s to the effect sen ato rs from th e w est, and at the th at Mr. Coolidge would be th e re- ] W hite H ouse it w as said that Mr. publican nom inee in 1928 by virtue Coolidge hoped for som e sound legis­ of a draft. lation a t th is session, but th a t he was The disclosure of S enator F ess th a t , not prepared to discuss any new pro­ he had received a W hite House scold- I gram . Ing for his prediction th a t P resid en t j T he con tro v ersial equalization fee Coolidge would be d rafted by the re ­ provision of th e vetoed McNary Hau­ publicans next y ear was the chief topic | gen bill seem s to be the stumbling of conversation of the president's Roy A . Y o u n g of M in n e a p o lis , w ho block of an ag reem en t am ong western callers. Most of them how ever did w as appointed a m em ber of the federal republicans. All feel certain that the . . _ . _ i ^o r th e D e m o c ra tic P re s id e n tia l nom- not desire to be brought openly into reserve board by P resid en t Coolidge ploded. p resid en t has not m odified his opposi­ report prepared by T. A. R affety, chief I ¡nation the m atter. It developed th a t o th e r ad- , to succeed D. R. C rissenger, resigned tion to it. La G rande was selected w ithout op­ inspector for th e s ta te autom obile de- | m inistration leaders in addition to position for next y e a r’s convention of partm ent. T h ere w ere 2474 accidents T his point developed sharp differ­ S enator F ess have had it made clea r | th e state federation of labor, which in the month. ences also am ong th e w estern sena­ to them by the president th a t he does adjourned Its m eeting in Corvallis last to rs who had planned a m eeting with Completion of arran g em en ts for the not wish to be considered a candidate. Friday. a hope of reconciling th eir views on construction of a five-story $200,000 | Those who have talked with him rep ­ th is provision. S e n ato r Borah has 06032980 Ed E negren of Coos riv e r made his hotel in B aker was announced last resent the president as concerned over served notice th a t he is opposed to it, second trip to Coquille in 36 years re­ week. C onstruction will com m ence as the doubt expressed by som e regarding and while S en ato r B rookhart of Iowa, cently. He has lived all th a t tim e on soon as possession of th e ground Is Olympia, W ash. — W ith a total of his Rapid City statem ent. W ashington, D. C.—A conciliatory a m em ber of th e group, was prepared A. C. Rogers' ranch, 27 m iles from secured. T he building is to be com­ 980 fires in th e sta te outside of n a ­ reply to the F rench note In the tariff also to abandon th is point in a new Coquille. pleted by Ju n e 1. tional forests, as against 1151 last discrim ination dispute has been m ade plan, S en ato rs Nye and F razier of E lm er Antln, 18, stu d en t a t the Seed potato grow ers took m uch in ­ year, to tal forest fire loss w as only by the sta te departm ent. N orth D akota and S enator Norris of K nappa-Svenson Union high school te re st in the six th annual U m atilla The note pledges the United S tates N ebraska announced that they were east of A storia, w as in stan tly killed county potato show held a t Wei ton $76,340 for 1927 as against $240,476, governm ent to re-exam ine for possible not ready to give up the equalization when a w ater tan k exploded in the last week. E xhibits were la rg e r and as shown by th e re p o rt of S ta te F o r­ est Supervisor George C. Joy, ju s t revision certain A m erican ta riff rates fee as a m eans of raisin g funds to school yard. b e tte r th an a t any previous show. com pleted. , . and sa n ita ry em bargoes p ro tested by m eet the cost of m ark et surplus crops. Fire, sw eeping from th e proscenium More space was devoted to single farm W ashington, D. C — A new safety F rance as prohibitory. Division of th e loss gives tim ber T hey would listen to a substitute, they a t the top of the stage to the balcony, displays th an ever before. But ft points out th a t th is govern- said, but added th a t an adequate sub­ killed $6375; logs destroyed $27,930; record for railroads, m ade during th e p ractically destroyed the W hiteside The te n tativ e budget of Coquille city logging equipm ent destroyed $31,018, first six m onths of 1927, was an- m ent, under the law, cannot g u arantee th e a te r in Corvallis, w ith an estim ated expenditures for 1928, as draw n up and losses to se ttle rs and o th ers $10,- nounced by the A m erican R ailw ay as- ln advance, as desired by F rance re- s titu te had not been put forward. loss of $50,000. by the budget com m ittee, calls for 017. sociation. D uring th a t en tire period duction of the protested ra te s and lift- L ightning accounted for 219 fires, only two p assengers out of the mil- lug Of th e em bargoes. More than $20,000,000 was spent last $1364.15 more th an was budgeted In y ear to run the city of Portland. The 1927, or a total budget for th e y ear of an unusually large proportion, while lions carried on tra in s were killed In , n , he ln te rest of a tem porary agree- d ep artm en t of com m erce says so in $21,685.84, of which am ount $18,965.84 sm okers a re blam ed for 156; railro ad s train accidents, which com pares w ith | m ent, the U nited S tates has receded a com pilation of financial statistics Is to be raised by taxation. 102; cam pers 91; brush burning 64; 22 fatalities in the sam e field during frOm Its original dem and for immedi- for m unicipalities. All com m ercial chicken y ards w ere incendiarism 65; berry pickers 43; the first half of 1926, 52 in the six a te concession of all F rench ta riff dis- of 1925 and 23 in 1924. An issue of $45,000 in Bend school banished from M edford la s t week, donkey engines 19; logging locomo- m onths S eattle.—T he Jury in the second ~ ! crim ination a g ain st A m erican goods notes, bearing 6*4 p er cent Interest, when the city council passed an ordi- ' lives 14; o th er lum bering operations r. f “? , . 8" . « T *nJUrieS dUring the and now dem ands elim ination of new- O lm sted conspiracy tria l in federal w as sold last week to the C entral Ore­ nance lim iting any citizen from keep- ■ 36; while 155 a re ascribed to m lscel first half of 1927, how ever, failed to discrim inations applied under th e court freed 25 of the defendants and gon bank of Rend a t p ar w ith a pre ing more than 50 chickens and provid- laneous causes. set so good a record. The association S eptem ber 6 law. leaving to negotla- convicted 15. Ing th a t all chicken pens m ust be at mium of $191.80. hweH ! n “ "lb er Pa ssengers so In- tions for a p erm anent com m ercial The testim ony of A lfred M. Hub­ „ L ’ , com pares w ith , re a ty th e prior discrim ination. L ester McAnlsh, 31, was killed last least 30 feet from neighboring prop- bard, dry agent, who accused various L IN D Y E N D S TOUR erty. 66 injured during the sam e period in But, despite the more conciliatory public officers of accepting bribes, week east of Allcel, when a shotgun Oregon City will soon have a new R eaches N ew Y o r k A fte r Jo urney m en,h charge penetrated his chest as he was r ,o « * f‘rSt ' U ! tone ° f th e F rench and A m erican note was disreg ard ed by th e jury. craw ling through brush n ear a river, bus line operating betw een the down­ ° exchanges for a tem porary tariff A ro u n d U n ite d S tates. T hose found not guilty w ere Captain In quest of ducks. town business section to the M ountain M itchell Field, N. Y.—Colonel Cbas. , ag reem ent, observers here see no in- E. L. H edges of th e S eattle police de­ F ranklin F. Korell, republican, was View district, it was announced by A. Lindbergh sw ung down out of the N E W V E TE R A N S PAY PLAN dieations th a t the two governm ents p a rtm e n t; S heriff W illiam Gookins of elected represtSitatlve for th e third City M anager J. L. F ranzen, who is a ir Sunday, com pleting a 22,350 mile ar6 n e a re r to a reconciliation of the Island county; all m em bers of the congressional d istrict of Oregon, in a preparing a franchise. A. R inkes of to u r of the country, in his S p irit oi D irector H ines C onsiders Idea of j A m erican equality (m ost favored na- coast g u ard ; D eputy S heriff Ray Mur­ special election held in M ultnomah W illam ette is to establish th e line by St. Louis, ju st one m inute ahead ol Coupon Books. tio n ) principle v ersus the F ren ch re- phy; W ilbur E. Dow. S eattle customs N ovem ber 1. W ashington, D. C.—The v eteran s of | ciprocity dem and in a p erm anent com- b ro k er; all of the h arb o r patrolm en county la s t week. his schedule time. W aldport’s last " b e tte r ro a d ” elec­ He greeted questions as to his fu­ A m erican w-ars are b e tte r cared for m ercial treaty , w ith the exception of Roy Mills, and W. J. Bowren Jr., L akeside rancher on Ten Mile lake, brought in four male tion, which carried by more th an two ture plans with a sm ile and a shake than those of any country In the various tugboat cap ta in s im plicated world, D irector H ines of th e v eteran s by H u b b ard ’s testim ony. coyote hides to the county clerk at to one, will have to be repeated, ow­ of th e head. B R IE F G E N ER A L N E W S "I haven't any," he said, and his ex bureau declared a fte r a call on P re si­ Coquille la st week, receiving $72 boun­ ing to an e rro r in the m an n er the Those found guilty w ere P eter Dahl, election was called and conducted. pression indicated his pleasure a t once d ent Coolidge. H e gave the president ty from Coos county. Judge B eatty, chief justice of Idaho Mike Goldash, Lou Guilliam , Benny L ittle doubt Is held locally but th at m ore being a free agent, with no fixed a detailed rep o rt of his visit w ith the Clark Richardson, 74, Maupin ran ch ­ w hen it w as a territo ry , and United G oldsm ith. E dw ard G raham , Kenneth It will carry again along with th e new schedule driving him on dally. A m erican Legion in F rance. Mr. H ines S ta te s d istric t judge la te r ln the state L. Johnston, George K earns, Gus Kone- er, was killed and his b ro th er George proposed ch arter. "W here can we see you tom orrow ?’' said he had under consideration the of Idaho, died a t his home in Los An man, S tanley McClusky, F red M. Mey­ of P ortland was injured when th eir N early 1000 head of fat ste e rs were a re p o rte r asked. adoption of th e F rench system of pay­ geles. ers, LeRoy Mills, E rn e st M. Poth, Chris auto upset on th e Ochoco highw ay 20 shipped in one day recently from Sen­ \\ hy, I don't believe th a t’s going ing com pensation to world w ar v eter­ The m iles east of Prineville. A governm ent brand will shortly be Skrondahl and Dave T rotsky. eca, on the high plain of G rant county, to be necessary," he replied. “I fee! ans under which coupon books a re is­ applied to all cases of fruit and veg­ nam es of all of these men have been T he pow er and light p lan t owned a spot which a few years ago w as one th a t I have won the right to drop out sued w hich may be presented a t post- etables exported from Italy for the byw ords in th e liquor traffic of Puget and operated by th e Peoples W est of th e bleakest, coldest and m ost iso­ of the public view for a while.” offices or national banks for paym ent foreign m arket as a g u arantee of th eir Sound for several years. C oast H ydro-Electric corporation at periodically. lated In the U nited S tates, says Sey­ quality. Florence will be moved to Cushman, m our Jones, sta te m ark et agent, in N o rth e rn R a ilro a d M e rg e r H e a r in g On D ieudonne C ostes and L ieutenant th re e m iles distant, soon. IN D IA N S W IL L PR O TEST his weekly bulletin. M inneapolis, Minn. — The govern­ N oted E d u c a to rs A tte n d s S ta te M e et. Joseph Le Brix arrived in Buenos One hundred three-year-old holly Longview , W ash.—S peakers at the A ires in a Nungesser-Coll, com pleting S ta te Im po ses F is h in g L a w s T h a t Six of th e biggest tim b ers ever m en t’s hearing of evidence on the a p tre e s have been presented to the uni­ brought to th e city of C ottage Grove plication of the G reat N orthern and W ashington E ducational association a flight of m ore than 6000 m iles from C h a fe C o w litz T r ib e . v ersity of Oregon at Eugene to form arrived over th e Oregon Pacific & the N orthern P acific railroads for au convention h ere O ctober 26. 27 and 28 P aris to the coast of A frica and then C hehalis, W ash.-A m eeting has been a m em orial hedge to th e late presi­ E astern railw ay for use as strin g ers th o rlty to consolidate th e ir properties will include some of the nation's m ost across the South A tlantic to South called to be held in C hehalis October d ent, P rince L. Campbell. In th e co nstruction of a bridge at the as a new corporation was opened here noted educators, including L. D. Coff­ America. 31 of m em bers of the U pper Cowütz T he plant of the Oregon City Foun­ Anderson & Middleton mill, L atham . i M°n