îù iran^^ter^riH e^Jîal^vO regon^O ctobe^û 1 • »2 ■ n s iiiiiio ii liluillll Hostesses for the evening we e and Mrs. Freerksen assisted during regardless of social standing. Your ai d the refreshment hour. L ;la Miller. Sadie Robertson Halsey and V icinity Brevities presence will help, and we will try a « * • Ella Rossman. to do you good. 43 43 J . S. Miller, pastor. • • • • Albany —M onday evening Mr Mrs. B. M, Bond of Halsey '■pent Years Years Peoria —Tbo Potter Sewing club and Mrs. Frank Bussaid entertain* Church of Christ — Saturday in Albany. of of Sunday school, 10. n>-tuber« held their first meeting i «d their employees of the W a’d- Elsie Key Holds was an Albany Qualify Quality 11:00 a. m. morning » oiship and after vacation at the home of Mrs. robe at a pheasant dinner, with visitor Tutsilay. Service Service ccmrnuiiion services Charles Ronenkamp. The first Mr. and Mrs. A lo Hildebrandt, J. Stevenson of Halsey spent 6:30 p. in. Christian Endeavor. part of the afternoon wss spent in whose wedding was an event of a Wednesday in H arrisburg looking 7:30 p. rn. wide awake song ser- tacking a comfort for the hostess | short time ago, as guests of honor. after business afTciia. vice led by Adah Nelson. and the remainder of the time was Places were marked at the daintily i P. A. Matheny of Albany speut Preaching 8 p, tn, subject. passed in conversation. Mrs. Mul­ appointed table for Mrs. A. M. Saturday in Halsey and vicinity Goltra, Mrs J. W. Robe-ts, Mrs. ler won first honors in a contest. The leading Quality store within trading radius . . .National the interest of his insurance clients. Mrs. R nenkav.p served a de- W. F. Yates, Mrs. H ildebrandt sr., known lines of merchandise at popular prices. Louise Ssefsld and Lillian Key licious lunch to her guests at the ; the two guests of honor and ti e Holds have returned to their school close of the afiernoon. Mrs. Koch J host and hostess. From O ur Regular Correrpondema work at the state normal after a three day vacation. Following a short business ses­ Kenneth Smith of Halsey was a Corvallis sion last evening members of Vine passenger on the stage Wednesday, l Maple Circle. Neighbors of Wood­ □iiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiii!iiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiii!iaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiitiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiii>iiiiiiDiiiiiiiiHiioi!!iiiiiiiiiui:u:ii guirg to Harrisburg where be is “ TH E C A T A N D THE C A N A R Y " craft, enjoyed a social time and taking music lessons. M YSTERY DE LU XE banquet. During the latter, four M r. and Mrs. Frank McCaslin of W ED members whose wedding anniver­ Portland were visitors over the O CT. 26 saries occur during October, were week end at the home of Mrs. Mc- honored. Those honored were T h u r ., F r I . C adin's parents. Mr. and Mrs N. Mrs. W. F. White, Mrs. J. J. Cor- B i l l i e H o v e in T Sneed of Halsey. coran, Mrs. G.orge Taylor and S a t u r d a v A n e p ic o f t h e a i r — “ TH E LONE EAG LE ’ Owing to the thoughtfullness of Mrs. M Miller, all of whom, with J. A McWilliams of Halsey and the exception of Mis. Miller who , .... »0KTIANB Charles R. Goltia of Albany the is ill, were present and were ac. e lito.*, of the Enterprise, and his coinptnied by their husbands. family have had two fine pheasant The tables were lovely with bou­ $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 in Prem ium s« 17th A n n u aIE xp osition “ feeds this fall, both of which weie quets of gay colored flowers and com bines Dairy Products S h ow , w orld-renow ned H orse Sh ow , greatly enjoyed. N ational W o o l Show , N orthw est Fox Sh ow , Manufacturers* greenery and at eacli honor guest's an d L a n d P r o d u c ts S h o w , Boys* a n d G ir ls’ C lu b W ork. Two very large potatoes were left place was a wedding cake. The “ where can I find the right Covers 1C acres, exhibitin g A m erica’s prize Pure Bred B e e f and Dxlry Cattle, H orae, Sheep, llo s« . Coati, Foxca. Larfteat Premium Liat ever the Enterprise office today bv Mrs. one at Mr, and Mrs. White's was offered. Portland, Oregon, Oct. 2 9 -N o v . 5. Reduced fates all ratlroada. Style to make my appearance W. F. Carter. One weighs two and decorated with the same trimmings distinctive?’’ a quarter pounds and the other used on the original wedding cake two arid a half pounds. They have 45 years ago when the W hite’s not yet attained their growth as were married in Peoria, til. For the pealing slips easily. They 33 years they have been residents were grown on the Carter farm two of Halsey. This was the first time This is the problem that is miles wed of Hulsey and the seed the cake trimmings Lad been ustd « ■ ■ B '1 ■ ■ a a M BB w confronting hundreds o f w as planted the latter p art of June since they were taken from the ■ women just now . And original cake. Mr. and Mrs. Cor­ The Linn-Benton county I. O. 0. I = the answer is—C O M E F.association will convene at Craw­ coran were married in Orford, T O T H IS STO R E. fowa, 36 years ago and for the past fordsville October 22, at 2:30 p. in. A. E. Murphy w111 give the address -'•* years have lived iu Halsey of welcome and Will am Ohermelr The Taylors and Millers were both will respond. Regular routine of married In Linn county, the former business will follow with the elei- 32 yaars ago and the latter 20 years tlon of ollicers and selection of the ago, and both families have made W h e re you w ill find Exclusive next meeting place closing the af­ their homes continuously in H al­ Styles in Dresses. Coats. Hosiery ternoon session. At 0:30 p. ui. a ey- and M illinery. supper will he served to those a t­ WATCH R E PA IR IN G -D oes your tending and at 8 o’cloc? an open watch deceive you? Remember meeting will be held with music and your jeweler is located iu H al­ speeches predominating. The Odd sey. I am here Wednesdays, Fellow lodge of Halsey belongs to Thursdays, Fridays and Satur­ the association. days and will he glad to serve societ V n ’ ews GLOBE, ALBANY, Su^ X - J. M . N olan & Son “Gentleman of Paris’’ “ THE STOLEN BRIDE” „ m in i. : or KON; Öct.29"Nov.5 o We now have The New Ranges of the Bridge & Beach Line you C /iu r c fi ^ Y o tic ex Methodist Next Sunday : 10 a. in., Sunday school 11, preaching. 6:30 Epworth l.ecgue 7 :30 puh.ic servic s 7:30 Thursday, prayer meeting Here all will find a welcome, AGENT W A M I - . l'- lu | | , ' - i territory. Make 675 :00 per week. 61 50 an hour for spare time. Introducing Finest Guaranteed Hosiery. 1)6 styles a n d colors. Low prices. Auto furnished. No capital or experience neces- sary. Relterknit Textile C>> , Desk 2742, Greenfield, Ohio. 27* th e E nterprise ÎI.00 a year I Hallowe’en l'laco Curds, P a rty Ft ivors, Blowouts, Noise m akers, ami Novelties ¡, Also— Masks of all sizes and descriptions, 10c. to 35cts Hallowe en Box Candy lc to $1.00. Black and Orange Jelly Beans and Crepe Paper of all colors. MORRIS’ PHARMACY H onk! H onk! Iu five veer« 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 dashed into eternity. W h at's out there? Nobody know«. Better come around and have brake« relined or adjusted. Aleo you can get a can of tire patching for two bits. FISK A N D F E D E R A L TIR ES The Halsey Garage SUCH IS LIFE Hcd a n l The Sm art Shop J. Douglas Pritchard. * <7 ¿¡. in g tr 331 West First Street. C harter No. 49 Report of condition o( the H ALSEY li Albany, Oregon STATE ■ a ■ Reserve D istrict No. 12 BANK at Halsey, in the state of Oregon, at the close of business October 10, 1927 RESOURCES 1. Loans and discounts, m cluding rediscounts, acceptances or biltsof cx- 1 bangc,sold w ith the indorsem ent of the ba ik (including item s shown in 29, 30 and 32, if a n y ) ____ . ____ ___________________ $161,051.37 2. O verdrafts secured and unsecu red _____________________________ -18 51 3. U S. g< vernnient securities owned, including those shown in it e m s 30 and 35, if a n y . . _________________ _________ _______ 2,000.00 4. O ther bonds, w arrants and securities, including foreign govern­ ment. state, municipal, corporation, etc., including those shown in item s 30 and 35. if a n v ............................................... ..................... 6 480.38 6. Banking house, $2350; furniture and fixtures, $4,140 ¿490 00 9. (ati) Cash on hand in vault and due from banks, bankers and trust companies designated and approved reserve agents of th is b a n k ................ .................................................................................... 83 499 01 ! 11. Checks on banks outside city or town of rep o rtin g bank and o th er '” •1* d en is..................................... .................. ..................................... j ,Gi l SO ! dotal cash and due from banks, item s , 89, 10 a n d 11, $85, IDO 51 | T ola, ................................................................................................. . $261,170.77 B B G L IA B IL IT IE S 16 Capital stock paid i n .........................._________________ ________ 25 000 00 17. Surplus fu n d ............................................. \ ................................................... IO^OO o ' o O 18. lal I ndivided pro fits._______________________________ $11 826.69 (b) Lest current expenses, interest and taxes paid .......... 6.795.51 5,031.18 D bmand D epo sits , other than banks, subject to reserve : Individual deposits subject to check, including deposits due the state of O regon, coufity, cities or other public funds ................ 126,082.83 -4. Demand certificates of deposit outstanding........................................... 45.00 -’■*• C ashier's checks of this bank outstanding payable on d e m a n d ___ 2,241 to to ta l of demand deposits, other than bank deposits, subject to reserve, item s 23, 24. 25, 26, $128.368 9.1 I m u and S avings D epo sits , subject to reserve and payable on demand or subject to notice : 27. Time certificates of deposit outstan d in g ................................................. 34,816 04 28. S a n n g s deposits, payable subject to notice ....................................... " 57^954,62 Total of tim e and savings deposits payable on demand or subject to notice, items 27 and 28, $92,770.66 __________ « ... , ,-/l ot‘‘1 .............. • • • - - ...........................................................................$261,170 77 .state of Oregon, county of Linn, ss J B M IVml, cashier of the above -named bank, do solemnly swear that the : above statem ent is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. B. M. Bond, Cashier. orrect—A tte s t; C ¡1 Koontz, D. T aylor, L. D. T aylor, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to tefo re me this 14th dsy of October, 1927 . My commission expires 3-12-28. GOW I -.«Ö ! W A T YOU L TO BE WUEU YOU GROW/ I U P ? \ * W - pop Amor A. TuSsing. Notary Public. Our stock will meet your need and covers a wide variety for selection. Look them over now. See the Bridge & Beach Circulator before you put up your old heater. Hill & Company a ■ ■