Maria Barlin, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Halsey and V icinity Brevities Gladbart snd daughters and Mr. -T- t t-?». ■■». t-ct-r».- and Mr* F. B Covell and daugh­ ters all of Albany. Mrs. Harold Kizer was a guest Amor Tussing well known attor­ at the ]. B Waggoner home Tues­ ney of Halsey, h is been spending day night. William Smith who is attendirg the pact several days in Portland school in Corvallis spent the week and Walla W alla looking after legal affairs end at hi» home near Halsey. and Mr. Abel are the p ar- e its of Mrs. J. B. Waggoner and they in company with their aix children have hern visiting her, while enroute from their home in Washington to Medford where Mr. Abel has work for the winter. Smith, president, presided. Mrs. C P. Moody ia secretary of the organization and Mrs. B M Bond treasurer. An excellent program had been prepared by the program commit tee and many of those taku g part were compelled io re-pond to en- cores. Alford—Ca.l Is m entertained a Members of Purity Rebekah lodge number of friends at his home last of Halsey have planned a Hallow­ Wednesday evening Gaines were e’en dinner for Saturday evening, played and music was enjoyed by October 29, at the I. O. 0 F. hall. the young folks until a late hour, Laundry sent Tuesday* Because of the annual assembly of when a delicious lunch was served, •'j>ency Hub Cleaning Works district No. 6, of the Rebekah bringing th? evening to a pleasant lodge b ing held iu Halsey on No­ close. About twenty friends of Mr. A B E S PLA CE vember 10, the hall and banquet Isom’s, many of whom were from H iiu iiia ii> iiiiiiiiia iiiiiiiu iu a u iiiiiiiiiio iiiiin iiin o iitiiiiiiiiia iiiiiiiiii room have been newly painted and 1 Halsey, enjoyed his hospitality. I s p ipered, and the proceeds of tie « • « « Public Hallowe'en Dinner I dinner on October 29 is to help pay the expense. The public is invited, ■ The first meeting of the Parent- 1 1 .0 .0 . F. Hall Teacher association for the winter was held in the assembly room of Sat. Oct 29th S O C I E T Y N E W S the high school Friday evening 7 00 p. in. w 11 a large number of members From O u r Regular Corre»pond«nii Two course dinner 5Oc plate. and friends present. The new of. Mrs. Fred Falk and daughter Auspices ot Purity Rebekah Lodge = fices assumed their new duties for Delma, and sons, Arleigh and An­ Everybody Come. Coming as a surprise to bis many the first time. Mrs. Sidney J. drew visited at the Henry Falk friends in Halsey, as well a$ his _ iiiauiiiiiiiiiioiii iiaiiiiimiiiniiiiiiiiiiiini home Sunday. parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Sneed, Peter Freerksen attended the was the anounncement of the m ar­ C harity Grange meeting last Sat­ riage of Etcell Sneed of Trona, urday. Mr. Freerkson is a mem­ Calif. The wedding took place in ber of the grange at Shedd. Glendale, C alif., October 11. Tho Herman Stienke and family, who bride is Boris Louise Ovellette, a recently moved to Salem from t! e former (Laurelhursl) Port and girl. Mr. Sneed is the youngest son of Halsey vicinity, were guests at ti e Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Sneed of H al­ Charlie Falk home Saturday even sey and grew to manhood here. ing and Sunday. Following his graduation from col­ Mr. and Mrs. J. W Skaggs of lege lie went to Trona where he ac and most important Boiae, Idaho, visited at the home I cepted a position with the Trona among the season’s O? the latter’s cousin, Curtis Veatch, corporation, iu June 1926. He is new fashions are the last week while on their way to foreman of one of the crews of the diagonal lines featured California where they are going company, which is mining borax by this handsome frock with the intention of locating. in its surplice closing and potassh. and attached tiers. This Mr. and Mrs. Sneed will make Miss Nettie Spencer, who has style is most suitable for been living in Eugene for some their home at Trona. the new silk crepes and » ♦ * • tim e past, was iu Halsey a day or light weight wools now two last week looking after proper­ The home of Mr. and Mrj. J. B ready at our Piece- ty interests and visiting rtlutives Waggener of near Halsey was the Goods Department. The BUTTT.KICK and friends. Miss Spencer, who 1 scene of a family reunion Sunday, pattern, designed for 1667 is a former resident " r- a,l,i Mrs. A. G. Wag- & home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. > ’le r- ,h j three 5009 oi A W Harry S tarr and B. J . G ladtiart of Waggoner, Mr. and Mrs. C lajton Portland, Mr. and Mrs. EertCraw- I dniill‘ and f,on Kenaeth of near ford, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Gott and | aIld Mrs. Smith's mother, three children, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. NIr9- l:an,pe-v G oltra and two children, Mrs. I Tile Enterprise i l . 00 a year Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Falk and two children of Salem were week end visitors at the Fred Falk home. Mr and Mrs. John Chastain and Carl Warden were visitors at the Clark Chastain home for the week end. Nial Porter and a friend, both of Medford, were over night visit­ ors at the J. B. Waggoner home last Tuesday. Harold K 'ser of south of Halsey arrived home Saturday morning from San Francisco wher he had been with two car loads of she p Modern Barber Shop g Smartly Slenderizing CANDY! by the Box Bar or Bulk Ice Cream Bricks, Bulk. Dishes, Cones, Dixie Baskets, Eskimo Pies or Ice Cream Sodas. -■ ■ ■ U 3 i i : i 3 a i i i For future success with your flock of chickens use : N ■ a a n « » « ■ n ■ ■ T R IA N G L E Developing Mashes and Scratches Complete stcck always on lun,l. F L E E C E TW INE used and new W OOL SA C K S O. W . F R U M B ■ ■ ■ a ■ □ b b iib b b l v ■ »■■■■■■a ■ a a a a ■ » Lang Ranges Will pay for themselvos in find saved. Are fully guaranteed, ■ Albany, Oregon a u a a Complete New Fresh Stock of Dr. Hess’ Stock and Poultry Remedies Tonics, W orm Pow ders, Etc. You get b e tte r results from these (¡1 ARANTEED Remedies. Try them 1 LEE DRUG STORE OVER 30 YEAR; IS ALBANY Cor. First & Ferry Sts. Albany Approaching Winter E have the best equipped shop in Halsey, and tor that reason we give you a better job and more for your money. We also carry the largest stock of tires and accessories. Bring in this ad and 25c and get a 50c size oi tire patching. W Always reminds you of warm wearing apparel. No doubt real winter is “just around the corner’’ and tho next break in the weather will call for warmer underwear, wool shirts, gloves, sweaters, raincoats, rub­ ber footwear and overcoats. ARROW GARAGE Blain’s Are Ready To supply you w ith Good Quality C lothing and Fur­ nishings at proper Prices. I f W e C a n ’t C le a n It T H R O W 1T A W A Y Customers I tom far and near have coiue to know Uns store a* a good place to bnv all their footwear, and we want to say that we are fully equipped to care for you. K ^cep^our Feet Dry* Save your shoes from ruin­ ous soakings— avoid falls on icy walks— keep your I t d ry -b y w e a rin g “ Uall-Bund” Rubbers. I ALL@BANDJ Come in and see our strong, WE DO Cleaning, Dyeing, Steam Pleating Tailoring, Alterations and Repairing. Clothes » fra • - t ««•»<• as» »19.75 to $35 00 Conte at your first opportunity Sweaters of All Kinds Blu'i Bib Overalls, full cut «100 Blue Jumpers to match »1.00 Corduroy snd Molrskin pants »2 95 to «6 00 Mackinaw and Stag abirti »8.50 to $12.00 I (turdjr"Ball Band” Dull8anaal Work Clothing Featuring Overcoats at popu­ lar prnes $15. to $35. Made of all wool Oregon fabric nicely tailored coat* from, Albany. Oregon ■ ■ ■ .>3 Clark's Confectionery F. II. Bussard ■ Bartcher Furniture Co. School Books, Stationery, Tablet* and all other School Supplies. Phono 209 12d West Second Street •> New reduced prices now in elTect. Your old range taken in exchange. Ask about tho Lang range to be given away free. K O O N T Z ’S GOOD GOODS □ AII Wool Pendleton Shirts $5 00 (ahoy-) or Pull Slipper (below). They fit well, and outwear ordinary rubber j . The Red Ball Trade Mark is on all “ Ball - Baud” Footwear. Slicker« — 3 lengths $3 to »7 50 Canvas Glove* 15c «r d 25c Leather Glove* 50c to «2.00 JiLAlN CLOTHING CO] Exclusive Mens’ Store