K u ra lE n te ijT rH e ^ n a J s e ^ ^ O re g o r^ O c to b e i^ ì^ ^ T , R u r al E n t e r p r is e colleges or United States depart­ Are you get­ ting jours? More than CO per cent id these farmers receirir g bdieting »aid they had adopted improved pract ces recommended in them. Are you getting your share of the benefit ? F and A A LAKE Pubinhan (1 a year tn advance. Arrearages 12Yc a month. 8tops when time expires unless continuance is ordered. Advertising. 20c an inch; no discount for time or space; no charge for composition or changes. Announce­ ments of entertainments, food sales, etc., whose object is to raise money, charged at regular advertising rates. Announcements of religious meetings, not exceeding four inches, free if copy is received before Tuesday. Etc. Everything Musical A LB A N Y / 12 CAKES ÿ Jportm iller F urniture Co., fumi. once 1 ture, rugs, linoleum , stoves ranges Funeral directors. 427-433 west First street, Albany, Oregon. C A S T IL E How best can I trade in my present car D. H. Sturtevant for anew car?” H ilsey and Brownsville Oregon 401 W F irst street Successor to J. D. bears W e will tay to please you U O L M A N A JACKSON G rocery—Bakery E v ery th in g in the line of eats Opposite Postoffice TUSS1NG & TUSSING IM P E R IA L CAFE. 209 W. First ______ W It will therefore pay you to consider varying trade-in allowance offers in the light of these basic facts: Your present car has only one funda­ m ental basis of value: i.e., w h at the dealer who accepts it in trade can get for it in the used car market. I Your present car has seemingly different values because competitive dealers are bidding to sell you a new car. 2 3 4 JJOSCOK AMES HARDWARE IlK lirU nrP A G eneral Line with .t- 111011101160 tractive rates. Specializ­ Call At Davenport Music House ing in au ’omobile and truck insurance. J. L. Stuart, For New and Second H»nd Pianos. Pianos For Rent. A lbany, Oregon The silver gray motor coaches are of latest design, w ith every modern improvement for your conven­ ience and comfort. Experienced, careful drivers. Your Southern Pacific rail tickets are good on these motor coaches operating daily to and from Salem, Albany, I ortland, Corvallis, Eugene, Roseburg, G rant s Pass, Medford, Ashland and intermediates. Get your copy of the new time table folder today Fisher Bros. Implement (S F is h e r -B r a d e n Funeral Directors-Embalmers Lady Assistant. Chapel or Residence Funerals. Phone 95. Albany, Oregon FARM LOANS at lowest rate of interest. PIANO TUNING T uned. Repaired and Rebuilt. Real Estate PARAGON CAFE ' G EO . M. G ILCH RIST ALBANY T icket office Bell Line Stage. Albany to San Francisco, $15, W L W R IG H T FUNERAL DIRECTOR LINN BUTTER D. C. ROSSMAN, Local M anager Lady Assistant All call» answered day or night Phone 256 Haltey, Oregon M iM ituM iHiimiii.iM uiiiiiirtHltnM iiuiiiimiittiiiiii P . A. K L IN E A u c tio n e e r M anufacturers of a n d B u y e rs o f Eggs A F a r m e r s ’ C o - o p e r a t iv e Creamery Chrysler Cars Atwater-Kent i Radio Accessories Waldo Anderson & Son Corvallis, Oregon. Charge 2 per cent Farm Sales. Albany, Oregon 1 □ p A d d re u CADILLAC □ _____ A I R E g ^ F R I G I D George William Wright Attorney-at-Law E. L. Stiff Furniture Co. 422 West Eirst Street Albany, Oregon <12 - Complete Home Furnishers - ------ - — _ DEL C O L I Q HT ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■a t ---- _--------------- • r- -S. Albany, Ore. Skip and experience in the profession of Licensed to Practice in United optometry cannot te acquired in a month State» Court anil all Courts ¡n or a year. Modern optom etry is the re­ — Oregon. Offices in Baltimore Bldg Albany. Oregon sult of long and exhaustive »tudy. Such experience is our bid for your patronage and good will. thoutoMigsunniome.dJuitratixf L a SALLL Dishes and Crockery ware The Science of Optometry (~ | 1,i««tur» d** r ilin g ih« General M oton product I h»v« chet t « $ — togetbxr with your booklet OLDSMOBILL | | dexnb uig G mcasIMotors Proving Ground- * i 'u n w __ Stetler’s Nerve Strain PON TIAC BL'ICK and Kolsttr, Federal, | and Crosley Live Stock and Farm Sales PHONE 4F1 Eye strain means nerve strain —correct glasses improve vision and nerves. Our methods assure accurate exam inations. GENERAL MOTORS ( D ^ p t.A ), D etro it, M id i. Southern Pacific Insurance Prom pt service, courteous treatment. W m . B a in , w ith Lane County Abstract " com pany, AII kuiv If you enjoy a good meal Anil know a good meal when voll get it You'll be back for you’ll not forget it. Albany Creamery Association EyeStrain -CLIP T11E»OOUPON« • — (1I1A R O L E T [ Agency, Phone 47 122 N. Broadalbin st. A lbany, Oregon John Deere Implements DeLaval Separators and Milkers Fencing and Farm ers’ Hardware G uaranteed House Paints $2 60 gal Barn Paints, red oxide, $1 43 gal G r a y ...-----------. . . . . . . $ 1,78 gal GENERAL M OTO R S Insurance 110 W. 2nd St., Albany, Ore. Phone 733 IIUM'ulllMMIIIIMtMiHllllllIliillllllUIMIIlllltUIIIMIlMnMmiMHMMIIIIIIIIWMHnMMHItMIN IhMWNNIUWUllUNHIIIHhlllllll ■TTTE publish this message, believing * ’ th at the public is entitled to have all the facts. And we invite you to send for the facts about G eneral M otors products by using tfre coupon below. Hotel Albany M anicuring, m arcelling, facial Miss Latnphear, operator _____ The W inchester Store Out of town in il and telephone orders will receive prom pt atte n ­ tion. Form erly w ith C hickering Piano Co., Boston D avenport Music Store Albany, O Telephone 512V Reasonable Prices 6 N agel’s Bob and Beauty Shoppe L A D Y A S S IS T A N T Brownsville, Oregon An excessive allowance m ay m ean that you are paying an excessive price for the new car in comparison with its real value. Rem em ber that you are m aking a p u rc h a s e —not a sale. You are buy­ ing a n e w car and sim ply using your present car as a credit .against the new car’s purchase price. n e v e r c lo se trim m ing, seat covers and winter in- closure». 202 E Second. Phone 41,»J. ___________X. L. Jen n in g s Manager Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer C. W . RYDER Pianos and Player Pianos 5 W e Jennings Auto Top Shop—Auto D ELBERT STA RR The largest allowance offered is not necessarily the best deal for you. Sometimes it is; sometimes it is not. F irst judge the m erits of the new car in comparison with its price, includ­ ing all delivery and finance charges. T h e n weigh any difference in allowance offered on your present car. Now ride in the big, luxurious silver gray motor- coaches to Pacific Highway points. Travel comfort­ ably and at low cost via Southern Pacific either by rail or highway. Harold G. M urphy Prop Phone 665 •I LAW YERS — tupflementing Southern Pa- <7/i<* r a il serrice in Oregon. C. I*. M o o d y , A g e n t. P h o n e 226 G E H L E R T ’ S. G R O C E R at 93 cents H E N you are ready to trade in your present car for a new car, you naturally w ant full value for your pres­ ent car. B ut m ost of all you w an t fu ll n e w car value. Albany, Oregon M o to r T ra n s p o rt Co. -1th and Lyons Street The place to buv good groceries at the right price. On the corner, plenty of room to park. Albany. W IT H PURCHASE 0 « Motor Coaches 1 STATE BANK P A S T B U R N ’S GROCERY Speedy Convenient ' rV A S r ALBANY BARBER SHOP C harles R. G oltra, Proprietor Specializing in Ladle»' and C hildren’s H air Cuts and Bob». W ork Guar, in te r,I 1029 E a s t Second St. Albany, Ore' ■K^invite your business Savings and commercial aceonnts. Capital, surplus undivided profits, $100. COo. The Music Shop Phone 168. co" 405 West F irst BUTTER-NUT BREAD and plant». F lo raf art for every and all occasions. ’ ________________ Flow er phone 438-T jlTi-F Always the Newest Hits- Sheet Music baking A lbany Floral Co. Cut BATH T O W E l I (Electric Process) A lbany , genuine Cannon There will be a coru an J potato show at H illsb rro o n October 26 and 27, sponsored by the chamber el commerce. Sherwood will alao have a big corn and potito »how on Saturday, N tvt m btr 10 E. D. Tha state of Oregon, known Hosmer, Sherwood, will give you throughout the nation since pioneer particular«* days as a veritable ‘‘land of proni- Cattle price» have been at a h ig h i>j’’ finally is coming into its own. level in the Chicago market recent­ Development of its unbounded lum­ ly, heavy weight» bringing $16.90j ber, mineral, agricultural aridother per cw t , and fat yearlings 116 45. lesourcis, while gradual, is taking Western range eteers brought <13.50 I on new activity and the fame of Hog and »beep prices were aleo its bouulies and rich returns has good and the wool market wae | traveled far. Rich mines, vast strong. forests, fertile grain and fruit Fall and Sinclair are enjoying a lands, ideal clim ate aud geograph­ ical location all unite as a powerful vacation and at the same time lis­ magnet to draw bomeseckers to tening to the government's legali this state. It is sale to predict tin t t »'ent “ b ittin ’ on all eig h t.’ t'te ratio of population gain will Judging from reports in tLe] advance rapidly in the immediate dailies of the many who are h<’[ • future and th at the federal cenfu" ping eff for one place and another I of 1930 will hear out the claim of there are lots of hop heads. those who hold Oregon’s future near aud dear to their hearts. We Knew nothing w ould stop I Miss Elder from reaching Paris and The conditions uul.-r which most those gowns. No, not even tb e| health officers have been upeeled Atlantic. to work and tn produce results have Have you gotle i your auto ac. been most discouraging, They are c lie n t policy yet? They’re cheap I uuderpaid and are given no finan­ now. cial lesourcss tor health activities; they are ippreciated by the com­ School Pupils to Vie for Medal munity for what they do not do, Oregon school hoys and girls I rather than for efficient service. It again will vie for cash, medals and is only by efficiency that he can honors offered by the Oregon His- gain the confidence of the public torical society for the best essays and the respect of the physicians on “ The Provisional Government No matter how conscientious a of Oregon.” That subject has bee health officer may he, his enthusi selehted for the Reekman prize asm soon wanes if he is conscious contest for 19 8. The committee I that his work is not appreciated. in charge of the contest is com- | Indifference on the part of physi­ posed of B. B. Beekman, George cians will often defeat the health II. Himes and Leslie M- Scott. officer's plans. The contest is open to school | . . . . . , ; boys and girls of the state betw esn Iu a test of representative farm ,,r , * . . , ages of 15 and 18, areas in three states it was fouud ,, . , , . . , , Manuscripts must he in the of- hat more than GO per cent of the of th e 'UrPgon Historical sne farmets were receiving bulletins iety, 253 Market street, Portland, from either the state agricultural by March 16 next. In C o lu m b ia R eco rd s ^ //¡ b a n y j2 ) ir e c to r y FREE Published Thursday at Halsey Oregon, ment of agriculture. Qf M EADE & A LB R O i Optometrists. 312 F irst » t, Albany, Ore. Universal & Colonial Ranges ____ _____ _X