PLAN TO MAKE SWEET CUCUMBER PiCKLE sstA X 1 l¡Á ’ improvsd Uniform International W h a t ’s t h e f A nsw er~~~™ < ï ♦SV H,- —, V SeM T z1. < f Questions No. 18 The &nday$ehool BABY ' Lesson ’ (B y M V H B F I T Ï W A T 1 R , D D .. D m « 1— What United States ship won a M o o d y B ib i« l u c l l t u t « o f C h ic a g o ) 1117. by W e s te r n N « w « p e p « r U n i o n ) famous victory over » hut French war ship and when? 2— Whnt American leader In th Lesson for October 23 Revolution was named the “Swamp Fox"? THE CALL OF THE PROPHET 8— Who invented the cotton gin? LESSON TE X T— I K in g s IS IS. 2»; SHE C O U L D N ’T MISS IT ♦—Whut dute did Charlie Robert 7 10-15, Isa. « 1-8. son pitch his no-hlt game against Dv Amos OOLDEN TE X T— I heard the voice of trolt? “M.v wife," said Brown, “has a ter­ th« Lord sa y in g . Whom sh a ll I «end. L She simply forgets 5— What actor, critical disputes and who w ill go for ua? Then I aatd. rible memory. Here am I, ten d me. everything.” notwithstanding. lives In the trad! PRIMARY TOPIC—God Chooaea Hla “Well," remarked Jones, “mine used tlons of the stage and of theater goers Helpers. JUNIOR TOPIC— Qod'a Call to S erv­ to he that way, but 1 found a way to as the greatest America ever has pro­ 1 ice. cure her.” duced? INTERM EDIATE AND SENIOR TOP­ "Hew was that?* 6— Whnt city of the British empire IC—Spirit o f the Volunteer. "If there Is something I am anxious YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP­ Is known us the “Modern Athens”? Ai ^ >** IC— The Need for Modern Prophets. for her to know and remember I write 7— Whnt great historical work had It on a card nnd put the card In my to be re written because the manu A prophet Is one who speaks forth trousers pocket.” script whs accidentally burned] the message of another. A prophet No mother ln this enlightened age Making Sweet Cucumber Pickle. 8— Whut nre the most Interesting mny foretell events, but his primary CA PA B LE A N D U P -TO -D A TE would give her huh); jomethlng sh« (P r e p a r e d by th e U n ite d S t a t e i D e p a r t m e n t o f A g r ic u lt u r e .) and attractive of the ungulates of the business Is to speak forth God's mes­ did U9t W iV W VvrR'v'lj’ harmless^ sage. Dill pickles nre used for making the sweet cucumber pickle deserllied Asiatic stepiies? ^specially when a few drops or plain" below. If you want to make the dill pickles first yourself, send to the United T I. The Call of Elisha (1 Kings Custorla will right a baby s stomach 0—Is this sentence corrtsrt Eng­ States Department of Agriculture for a copy of Farmers’ Bulletin 143S-F, lish : "She could tell by the sound of 10:19, 20). and end uTinost Any ftttTe III. Fretful­ “Making Fermented l’lckles." Otherwise use any good, firm dill pick!« pickles. 1. His occupation. He seems to the engine they were going slower*’? ness and fever, too; It seems no time 50 firm dill pick les until everything Is serene. ^3 cu p fu l w hole black pepper, or 6 hot JO— Whut Is the meaning of "Lamb have been a well-to-do farmer, us 12 peeled garlic buttons red pepper pods there »’ere twelve yoke of oxen In That's the beauty of i ’asto rla; It» of God"f •' .¡ tj- e — _ 3 pints cider vin egar 10 pounds gran u lated su gar service when God called hint. It was gentle Influence seems Just what 1» 1 pint tarragon vin egar 1 pound brown su g a r I l —What led Brvon to write "Eng while engaged In his common duty needed. It does all that castor oil H cup fu l w h ole allsp ice 1 cupful olive oil llsh Bards and Scotch Reviewers"? that he received the divine call. might accomplish, without shock tc Cut pickles tn cross slices one-half Inch thick, and drain In a collander ?-•—Who was the American com 2. How he was called. Elijah cast the system. Without tho evil taste. overnight. In a three-gallon stone crock (with lid) pack the pickles In layers, mander nt the battle of Bennington?" his mantle upon him as he passed by. It’s delicious 1 Being purely vegeta- using two garlic buttons to each layer. Boil together the vinegar, sugar, Ul—W ho was the British governor II. The Call of Amos (Amos 7:10- nble, you ean give It as often as nud spices for 15 minutes, watching carefully that this does not boil oven of 5 irglnla at the outbreak of the 15). there’s a sign of colie; constipation) and pour at once over the pickles. Next morning stir In the olive oil. Stir Revolution? 1. His occupation (v. 14). He was diarrhea; or need to aid sound, nat­ the pickle well eucli day for ten days. It Is then reudy to serve. ural sleep. Id—Who Invented the phonograph? a herdsman and gatherer of sycamore Ju st one warning: It Is genuine \X> LI—Who Is champion British wom­ fru it 2. He was a prophet, not by suc­ Fletcher's Cnstoria that physician» an golfer? TWO RECIPES FOR I ARRANGEMENT OF cession nor trained In the prophetic *Ts Hie gardener’s daughter capable recommend. Other preparations mny 18—Whnt modprn French painter be Just ns free from ull doubtful drugs, HOMEMADE CANDY COOKING CENTER helpetl to found and has been the chlel schools. and up-to-date?” 3. God called him from his humble but no child of this writer’s Is going “I’ll say she Is—hoes her own row Influence upon the impressionistic life to stand before the king. God Is to test them I Besides, the hook on school ? and knows bow to handle u rake.” care nnd feeding of babies that come» Can Be Tried at Next Candy Equipment Placed to Avoid 17— What greut pianist, nn especial not straitened for helpers. He raises up workers from unexpected quarters, with Fletcher's Cnstoria 1» worth R* Pull by Young Folks. Paging Inventors favorite In America, made Ills flrst via fills them with His Spirit and sends weight In gold. Ad Unnecessary Steps. I w ish th«t I could find the mnn It to this country as an infant prodigy them forth. ( P r e p a r e d by th e U n ite d S ta te s D e p a r t m e n t W ho would invent and sell (P r e p a r e d by th e U n ite d S ta te » D e p a r t m e n t anti had his tour interrupted by the III. The Call of Isaiah (Isa. 8:1-8). An onion w ith an onion tuats o f A g r ic u lt u r e ) o f A g r ic u lt u r e ) Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Rut not an onion amell. 1. Isaluh's vision of the Lord (vv. Here nre two recipes for homemade Ln the Meal kitchen arrangement Children? 1-4). No one's ministry will ever be candles that can be tried at the next the equipment is placed bo that one 18— What river Is the largest Chi­ fruitful until he has had a vision of No Interest in Life candy pull given by your young people. moves with the fewest possible steps the Lord. Husband (noxiously) — My wife The United State» Department of Ag­ from one task to the next There nese waterway? (1) He saw the Lord on Ills throne seems not to have the slightest Inter­ riculture supplies the recipes. 18—To what region Is the mountain will be a definite center for each type (v. 1). The supreme need of a serv­ est In life. of work—a food preparation center, beaver restricted? Peanut Brittle. Doctor — Whnt makes you think a cooking center, a service center, and -O—What Is wrong with this sen ant of God Is to have a vision of Him, I cup w h ite corn 1 teaspoon vanilla a clear-away and d'shwushing center. fence: "I like those sort of people"' even to see Him on Ills throne. Just that? sirup 1 cup f r e s h l y now, perhaps as never before, we Husband—Well, I’ve tried her with 1 tablespoon v in e­ roosted peanuts To some extent these centers may need a vision of the enthroned Lord, golf, billiards, football and racing nnd gar halved coincide or be placed very near each “•« teaspoon salt as the awful darkness Is settling down It's Just like talking to u stone.—Mon other. For example, the food prep Answers No. 17 upon the world. treul Star. Cook the corn sirup, vinegar and aration center must lie fairly close 1— An English ecclesiastical his­ (2) He saw the Sernphlm above salt In a saucepan until a little to the sink, which Is the main piece « r e n ot only a n n o y in g , but d an gerou s. Pneumatic Trouble If not atten d ed to at once they m ay dropped in cold wuter forms a soft of equipment ln the dishwashing cen torian of the Seventh utid Eighth cen­ (vv. 2, 3). Their standing Indicated turies. d evelop Into aerloun a ilm ent. that they were In reudlness to do His ball. Put the peanuts and this sirup ter. “My hack feels terrible—rheunin bidding. Their equipment with six tlsm, I think.” One of the best ways to arrange a 2— Calcutta. Into an Iron skillet and stir until the wings showed their ability to execute sirup becomes a golden brown. Re- kitchen so that these various require* 3— The fuct that he never smiles. “Didn't I hoar you say you’d pumped la noothing nnd healing' In such cage«, the divine will. In the divine pres­ up four tires?” inove from the tire and stir In the va­ nienta will be met is to plan a pass 4— Uhle of Cleveland. and hnn been used for six ty -o n e years. ence, one pair was needed to veil the nilla. Have ready a shallow buttered closet in the wall between the kitchen 2<*c and 90c b ottles, Ruy It at your drug "Yes, why?” 5— Maj. John Andre. head from the divine glory, one pair pan, pour candy In and spread out In “Then Il’s pnetimnllsm you’ve got, not ■ t o r e . O. a . G reen, Inc., W oodbury, veiled the feet which had been soiled rheumatism.”—Boston Transcript. 6 — Isaac Hull. u thin sheet. Allow to cool, then re­ In contact with the world, while the move from pan and crack Into pieces. 7— George Westlnghouse. third pair wus suspended In midair Nut-Coated Marshmallows. 8— Four, two auricles or receiving waiting to deport on the divine er­ Costly Diplomacy chambers and two ventricles or driv­ rand. As they waited In His pres­ 1 cup blanched al- 2 cups medium She—Darling, which of these new .monda brown su gar ing chambers. T ry H A N F O R D ’S ence their continued cry wus "Holy, dresses do you like? 1 cup pecan k ern els 2-3 cup w ater II—No; nn Olympiad was the period holy, holy." He—Why, ther're both very pretty, 1 cup E n glish w a l- 1*4 pound, or 120 nut kernels fresh so ft m arsh­ from one Olympian festival to the (3) He saw manifestations of dear. Ail 4«alara ar« aatiariiad ! • reftutJ y m r noaer f«r th« 1 tí teasp oon s sa lt m allow s next. She—Oh, you're so generous I Now lust hottl« if aol Mitad. majesty (v. 4). As the holy ones 10— find Is Incorporeal, divine, so cried the very doorposts moved and I won’t need to send either of them Chop the nuts very fine, and shake pretne. Infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, the temple was filled with smoke. hack.—Pathfinder. through a sieve to get the pieces uni­ Principle, Life, Truth. Ixive,' Smoke Indicates the divine presence form. Add the salt to the chopped nuts and stir well. Slipped His M ind 11— To protest against the order for In anger (Ex. 19:8; 20:18), 2. Isaiah’s conviction of sin (v. 8) Make a sirup of the brown sugar the scrupplng of the frigate Constltu Office Iloj Lady fo see you, sir. When he got a vision of the holy God nnd water, boiling It to IOS degrees O„ tkm. Absent-minded Employer—Tell her Inhal« Oil»« Tar ae«1 he was smitten with a sense of sin. I’ll! engaged. or 228 degrees F. If no thermometer lira« CKOtJP, «ore throat, 12— Ecuador. rot da. bronchltia ( h e r b infle- The reason that men think well of Is available the sirup should be boiled Ollice Boy—Thai's Just what she'» •n ta Hub o n r h e e t t o re»ro»v« 13— Easter Island. ronirvotion KeliaveW n ru ra lfta themselves Is that they have never come about, sir. She says you were till It ‘threads’’ from the spoon; hut and riieumatbrn 14— Paderewski. seen God. Face to face with the Io have married her this morning. this method of determining the right ■ALL a BALL A A AUCKtL. U C XIL. New York T o rt Lord, Isaiah saw himself as wholly moment to take It off the tire Is not so 15— —George Crulkshnnk. e » • accurate or satisfactory. Remove the 18—Old Rosebud won It In 2:03 2-8 vile. He realized that he had sinned A H A R D GUY In speech, and If In speech, then In saucepan from the flame when the 17— Constitution. heart, therefore the cry of despair. temperature of 108 degrees ()., or 228 18— Zachary Taylor, In the Mexican 3. Isaiah cleansed from sin (vv. 8, degrees F. Is reached, and set In a war. 7). Having been convicted of and larger vessel of hot water. At once L ■V Therrs quick. positive, 19— Lord Lister. confessed his sin, a burning coal sal drop the marshmallows one by one relief in Into the hot sirup, using forks to 20— Helps them to avoid enemies, sent from the altar which purged #, “ handle them. Remove promptly, and find food, recognize kin and discover away his sin. His penitential guilt was forgiven and removed. roll at once In the chopped nuts. Place mutes. W ctN itous to t eox 4. Isaiah'» call (v. 8). HI» call on oiled paper to dry. If the sirup fA AH DruAAieU — Money back uuaianU« from God did not come until after gets so cool that It begins to harden, Cooking Center Near Dish Washing hi» cleansing. The purged soul Is the place It over the flame to reheat, but Matinees Looked Upon S K IN BLEACH Center. soul ready ft>r the Lord's service. do not allow It to come to a boil. He-kiuta w on d e rfu l and «nr«*. ( M W M t w M b»,> r»f K K R M U I.A w ill « » n rln e e th e utoat ab rp tl as Wrong Innovation 5. Isaluh's dedication (». 8). As If there Is a coating of loose starch and dining room In such a way that oal. Alao earws aew m a. I • r 1 < • • • l » Aafe t<»er d e ale r l l w a n f y FR K K . hr C II. or powdered sugar on the marshmal­ the sink Is at right angles to It on the Matinees originated at Astley’g the­ soon as he was cleansed he quickly B * r r y Oo . lie p t. « . A ffi M 1« hlenny- assured him that their blindness and Specialist—1 nssure you, mndame, These cookies are easily made and as they are made ready to go Into the guff," hut despite attacks the daylight sin would not continue forever. The my course will make an entirely dlf performances prospered and In time people would go on In sin, he taken wholesome, says the United States oven, or as they are taken from it. The illustration, which was made became a recognized Institution. Into captivity, and the land left deso­ ferent woman out of you. Department of Agriculture. Client's Husband—That settle» It Astley’s had been acquired In that by the United States Department of late; but 8 S the oak. after shedding Oatineal Drop Cookies. Agriculture, shows how easily this ar­ year by Dion Bouclcault, father of Its leaves Is for a time apparently Take IL Margaret—never mind the H cupful sh o rten ­ m cu p fu ls fine rangement can be carried out ln a the actor of the same name, after lifeless, yet It retains Its substance co st—Boston T ranscript in g oatm eal resigning the management of the Win and so can manifest Its life, the relatively small space. I t i cupfula flour 1 tu p fu l auear Insulted *4 cupful milk 1 egg ter garden In New York. He was a prophet Is given to see under this I cup fu l r a s H teaapoonful pioneer In the matter of more com­ “This fluid." urged the girl nt the figure that despite the deadness of salt 4 cupful chopped Can Pickled Beets fortable and attractive theaters, which the natloD a remnant shall be saved. glove counter, “Is fine for cleaning 2 teaapoonfule nut m eats zait lor your customers Pickled beets, which contain a high In those days were mostly dingy, The holy seed of the kingdom shall kids." cinnam on to complain aboot the variable ti teaapoonful soda dissolved In proportion of vinegar, are easy to can dirty. Insanitary and Ill-ventilated.— come to fruitage In the Inst days. 'I wssh my baby,” resjonded the color of vtiur butter. Keep your 1 teaapoonful w ater and may be processed In the water Exchange. woman customer, with some hauteur. butler that golden June color bath canner. For pickling, select Cream the butter and sugar, and iki by putting everybody likes T h e H ig h e s t E n e rg y young tender beets of uniform size; lew drops of Dandelion Butter add the beaten egg. Sift the dry In­ Chess Ancient Pastime Too Silent “Prayer Is the very highest energy cook and peel them, and pack In a Color into the chum. It is purely gredients, except the oatmeal, to­ Cliess Is acknowledged as one of the of which th» human heart 1« capable.” Buyer of Second hand Automobile— vegetable, wholesome and ab­ gether and add with the milk to the mixture of hot vinegar and brown world's oldest games. John tie Vlgney —Coleridge. Didn't you tell how silent the inotoi solutely tasteless. It meets all egg, sugar, and butter mixture. Add sugar In the containers. Process the asslgnlng Its Invention to a Baby State and National Food laws. wns In Die car I bought from you7” the soda which has been dissolved In pickled beets in the water bath for Ionian philosopher, Xerxes. Others All large creameries have used Ifealer—Ye«, Isn't It? 30 minutes. Beets canned without L ife the water, and then the oatmeal D a n del Bin B u tle r C o lo r for have attributed It to Chilo, one of the "It certainly Is—It'» been silent for years. Il does not col- p— which has been mixed with the n*ts vinegar should he processed In the seven sages of Greece. Gibbon be­ Life I» th» soul's nursery—Its train­ two weeks now.” or buttermilk. You can j and raisins. Mix well. Drop by tea- steam pressure canner at 240 degrees lieved the Indians conceived the game, ing place for the destinies of eternity. gel I he large bottles / spoonfuls onto a greased baking sheet F. for 40 minutes if packed In quart and that Persia perfected It. Earlier -W . M. Thackery, lor 3Sc from ull drug / O f f . M ade H er Shuffle and bake to a golden brown In a glass Jars, or for 35 minutes if In dates have been suggested, however, or grocery stores Andrews—Jones can't help cheating fairly hot oven. Remove from the pan pint glass Jars or No. 2 and No. 3 by the depletion of chess In the paint­ P ra y in g and L iv in g » * t R u W 4 m Ce.. hv I tin cans. at cards, can he? while hot. ing of the ancient Egyptians and the He who prays as he ought will «a- a.rln>,l«. WrMat ( ¿ ¿ m p fe Blake—No. Even when he play» descriptions of It In the Chinese books eevor to ll-e us he ought—Owen. solitaire lie lias to have his wlf> of wisdom. shuffle the cards. j* uroor C hildren C ry fo r Coughs and Colds B o s c h e e ’s S yrup For Barbed Wire Cuts B a ls a m o f M y r rh tor ASTHMA R O IL S TARBOIL Keepfour Butter Uniform and Hold Your Customers