Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, October 20, 1927, Image 2

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E fforts will be m ade by the Oregon
state fish comm ission to wipe out this
year moat of the deficit of $25,000
which faces th e organization.
The contract for sidew alks, curbing,
I gutters and paving of five blocks in
Hum es Held in Contem pt ot
L a w m a k e rs and O thers at
B rie f R esum e of H appenings of j the business d istrict of N yssa, was
aw arded to th e Acme C onstruction
C ourt fo r W ithholding
W o rk on D e ta ils of Re-
ffs W eek C ollected fo r
R ecords.
¡lie f M e a s u re .
O ur R ead ers.
La G rande Is p reparing for the
twenty-second annual convention of
the Oregon Congress of P aren ts and
Olympia, W ash. — Sam uel Humes,
W ashington, D. C.—F arm relief leg.
P o rtla n d ’s annual Comm unity Chest
Teachers, which will open th ere T ues­
state highw ay engineer, w as ta k e n tc
lslatlon is being explored in the ad­
cam paign is scheduled for November
day, October 25,. and continue through
the T hurston county jail by Sherifl
m inistration, in congress and outside
1 I 23.
Friday, O ctober 28.
Claude Havens, following the filing ol
of g overnm ental circles in the hope
More than 400 Marion county teach­
A pproxim ately 102 blocks of pave­
a state suprem e court decision hold­
th at an acceptable and practical ineas-
ers gath ered in Salem last week for
m ent were laid in Salem during the
ure can be w orked out at the coming
th eir annual institute.
presen t year, according to a report
The court ruled th a t H um es must
session of th e house and senate.
P ontifical high m ass was celebrated j prepared by W alter Lowe, stre e t com­
stay in jail until such tim e as he shall
S ecretary Ja rd in e and others in the
a t the dedication of the new St. Mary’s m issioner. The pavem ent was laid by
deliver the m inutes and o th er books
ad m in istratio n a re giving the subj-ct
Roman C atholic church in Eugene last th e municipal plant.
of record seized by th e d ep artm en t of
close atte n tio n and P resident Cool­
Deposits in P ortland banks to tal
efficiency for auditing purposes after
idge has been Informed that ex Sec­
C arbon monoxide gas from an un­ 1165,997,790, according to rep o rts pre­
W ebster Hoover, form er sta te highway
re ta ry N agle of the com m erce depart­
ventilated gas h eater caused the death pared in response to a call for sta te ­
comm issioner, w as discharged and
m ent is a m em ber ot an unofficial
of Ross Orison, 19, of Pendleton, last m ents as of O ctober 10. T his is $6.- 1
Humes appointed io his place.
com m ittee which is working out a
405,232 more th an the to tal for June
The court's decision precludes exer­
suggested d ra ft of a bill.
cise of the governor’s pardoning pow
F arm relief has been th e foremost
The budget for th e city ol North 30, th e date of th e last call.
Dw ight M orrow of New Jersey, for
su b ject in the conversations among
Poisoned bait has been sp read over tw elve years a mem ber of the firm of er. it was said.
Bend, to extend over 1928, calls for
It is the first tim e in 38 y ears ol
sen ate republicans from the western
$72,325, 870.025 of which m ust be an area of five m iles betw een Sheri­ , J. P. Morgan & Co., and a classmate
- / z
ag ricu ltu ral sta te s and it was dis­
dan and W illa m in a to end destruction
President Coolidge in A m h e rn , h a. statehood th a t a sta te officer diso­
raised by taxation.
Edward E. Spafford of New Y o rk,
H. H. Tomlinson, 72, dean of U pper ot sheep by coyotes. N early $1000 been appointed ambassador to Mexico. beyed th e court and was held for con who was unanim ously elected national closed th a t th ese sen ato rs, making up
tem pt. The case opened S eptem ber 6
now only a sm all group variously re-
Valley pioneers, who settled in Hood worth of anim als have been killed and
com mander of the Am erican Legion
when the court called on H um es tc
ferred to as progressives and insurg­
River 47 years ago, died at th e Hood some turkeys preyed upon.
at the convention in Paris.
deliver the records. On Septem ber
ents, would invite all others from the
Oregon C ity’s fifth ann u al corn
R iver hospital last week.
20 H um es was cited for contem pt
w estern s ta te s to lend th eir aid in an
The state highw ay com m ission’s show, sponsored by the Bank of Com­
The case w as h eard before th e su
attem p ted solution of th e problem.
road report, issued recently, reports
preme court O ctober 7. L aw yers for
Some of th e sen ato rs participating
the W apinltia cut-off road leading from and g irls’ clubs and o th er young peo­
Humes contended it w as physically
In the conferences are hopeful that
the Mount Hood loop highway closed.
impossible to deliver the records be
an ag reem ent can be reached on a
corn grow ing will display th e ir prod­
W ashington, D. C.—A lbert B. Fall,
The deficit in the general fund of
bill which will be acceptable to the
ucts, will be held S aturday, O ctober form er secretary of the interior, and cause th ey w ere held in a safe by
the state October 8 was 8685,367.69, as
A. R. G ardner, d irecto r of efficiency
farm ers as well as to the adminis­
H arry Sinclair, oil m illionaire and
against $373,662.74 O ctober 1, accord­
H orta, Island of Fayal, Azores.—A tratio n . T hey concede th a t the Me-
G overnor H artley ordered the in
sportsm an, w ent on tria l M onday In vestlgation May 3 and the findings story of th e heroism of R uth E lder,
ing to a statem en t issued by the state
N ary-H augen bill as such, with its
tion,” reports th e keeper of th e N orth the D istrict of Colum bia suprem e
treasu rer.
showed alleged irreg u la rities In the relatin g bow she pleaded with h er re s­ equalization fee, is a closed issue, but
Head light station, n ear Seaside, court for conspiracy to defraud the
Special irrigation specialists from
handling of highw ay funds.
It was cuers to have h er com panion, George they hope to work out from that
crashed through th e glass on th e w est governm ent out of Its T eapot Dome
all over Oregon gath ered In P rineville
charged th a t m ore than $70,000 of road H aldem an, taken from th e Icy w aters m easure one th a t can be enacted
side of the big illum ination Sunday naval oil reserve.
last week to take p art in the seventh
money had been sp en t w ithout audit of the ocean before rescuing her, was into law and afford a large measure
morning. T h at afternoon th ey formed
The battle prom ises to develop into lng or accounting.
told by m em bers of the crew of the of relief and aid to the farm ers.
annual session of the Oregon Irrig a­
the piece de resistan ce for the keep­ one of the m ost spectacular govern­
tion congress.
t - ■ >•
In ordering the a rre st of Humes, D utch ta n k e r B arendrecht, which
As yet th e discussions of desirable
e r’s dinner.
m ent trials of the la st decade. It Is however, the court em phasized that brought the crew of th e A m erican
featu res have reached only the most
Onion grow ers in the Brooks section
Governor P atterso n , S ecretary of expected to last from four to six the main issue at this tim e was com Girl to land safely.
are anticipating a crop th is season of
gen eral stages, but the talk now ap­
S tate Kozer, S tate T reasu rer Kay, weeks.
W hen the A m erican Girl descended p ears to be directed at two principal
pliance with a court order.
400 cars. Sacking and shipping has
m em bers of the sta te board of control,
U pw ards of 150 w itnesses have been
onto th e tum ultuous sea beside the ite m s—tak in g up the slack between
been g reatly retard ed by the unusual
and Dr. G. C. B ellinger, head of the called by both sides and an e x tra jury
B arendrecht, 360 m iles from land, Miss w hat th e farm er gets and what the
ly wet w eather.
Salem tuberculosis hospital, were In panel will be pressed Into service to
E lder and H aldem an clam bered onto consum er pays for agricultural prod­
The public schools of P ortland are The Dalles la st week, inspecting the enable a jury—which may Include wo­
the w ings of th e land plane. The crew ucts. and creation of a board to ad­
doing more In the in terests of fire pre­ site of the new tu berculosis hospital men under new D istrict of Columbia
of the B arendrecht, under orders of m in ister a federal revolving fund.
vention than the schools of any city to be erected there.
reg u latio n s—to be chosen.
C aptain Goos, launched a ship's boat.
In the country, according to City Com­
It will be th e th ird of the big crim ­
By m eans of ropes the two aviators
Judge R obert L. Morrow of P ortland
m issioner Bigelow.
W ashington, D. C. — T he French m anaged to get into th e boat.
was elected grand chancellor com­ inal tria ls grow ing out of the fam ous
The N ewport cham ber of commerce m ander of the K nights of Pythias, Ore­ naval oil scandals. The governm ent compromise proposal in the ta riff dis
Miss E lder and H aldem an said th eir
served bear m eat to its m em bers for gon domain, and the K nights of Py­ has been com pletely victorious in the crim ination dispute w ith th is govern plane developed a defective oil line re ­
T hursday luncheon. W hen bear m eat thias and P ythian S isters brought th eir civil phase of the litigation and somo m ent was found to carry a rldet ducing the pressu re to five pounds.
Is served about tw ice as many mem­ annual convention to a close at The of th e reserves affected have been which may prevent com plete accept­ T his was not sufficient p ressure to
bers and guests attend.
force into th e m otor enough oil to keep
ance hy th e U nited S tates.
Dalles last week a fte r selecting Salem retu rn ed to the navy.
Los A ngeles, Cal.—O rganized labor
A. C. Schoonover, C. B. Stroup and as the 1928 convention city.
A ccording to the F rench note, de­ It from running hot. T h eir fear th a t closed Its ann u al congress here with
H erm an H untinan, all of Florence, are
Fifty-eight cars of celery w ere ship­ ALASKA E LE C TIO N S C A N N ED cided by the state departm ent, France they would not be able to fly 360 m iles a d eterm ination to p articip ate active­
dead as the resu lt of an autom obile ped from Brooks last week, and by
will postpone the discrim inatory ta r with th e ir m otor in th is condition was ly, but not as a part, in the national
accident last week n ear Beck, on the th e close of this week a to tal of 350 Dan Sutherland, Alaska Delegate,, Ac­ iff ra te s as dem anded and re tu rn tern given as th e ir reason for landing be­ political cam apign of 1928.
Florence Eugene highway.
porarily to the rate in effect before side the B arendrecht.
cused by Defeated Candidate.
cars will be on th e way or delivered
The final adm onition of William
The fliers, while they w ere unsuc­ G reen, president of the A m erican Fed­
W ashington, D. C.—E xpenditures In S eptem ber 6, except w here th ese are
Coos county this year will produce to various eastern , no rth ern and south­
about 160.000 bushels of potatoes, it ern points, all of it raised on th e re ­ the 1926 cam paign in A laska for the low er than the new m inim um ratee cessful in th e ir attem p t to reach P aris, eration of Labor, In bringing the 47th
was sta te d ’ by H arvey S. Hale, Coos claimed Lake Lablsh land by th e La­ election of a congressional delegate on G erm an goods, but F rance w ants which would have m ade Miss E lder annual convention of the organization
county agricultural agent. The 1927 blsh Meadows Celery union, composed to W ashington are being investigated in retu rn assurances th a t th e United the first woman to fly across the A t­ to an end, w as th a t each mem ber do
S ta te s will low er certain American lantic, established a long distance his sh are in the big political year.
hy th e d ep artm en t of Justice.
crop Is exceptionally heavy.
of about 40 grow ers.
it was said a t the d ep artm en t that ta riff ra te s and lessen sa n ita ry r e over-w ater record.
One thousand sacks of potatoes run­
D uring its ten days of session the
V ictor C. Folletiius, general m anager
ning from 100 to 120 pounds a sack of th e Apple G row ers’ asso ciatio n of one of its in v estig ato rs Is out in Alas­ strlctio n s w hich F ran ce p ro tests as
convention declared against commun­
were dug from nine acres by Newton Hood River, has received notice from ka Investigating com plaints th a t the prohibitory.
ism and fascism ; favored modification
An agreem ent depends on French
M iller of McMinnville. They were S ecretary Phillips, R ochester, N. Y„ co rru p t practices act was violated dur­
of the V olstead a c t to perm it sale of
w illingness to accept as adequate the
ing th e cam paign.
A fter 17 hours under a well cave-in, "w holesom e b eer” ; condem ned the
m arketed at 1'4 cen ts a pound.
of the In tern atio n al Apple S hippers'
W hile no definite announcem ent governm ent’s prom ise to investigate 52 feet below the surface, Lloyd Low­ equity court in issuing injunctions in
Lake Lablsh grow ers rep o rt th at association, th a t he has been appoint­
was made, it us understood one com­ th e ra te s and re strictio n s and tc er, 36. DeKalb, Mo., farm er, is expected labor disputes, and took action on nu­
more than 15 per cent of the oil was ed chairm an of th e local com m ittee
plaint was made by T hom as M arquant, change them if such changes a re ju s to recover.
m erous m easures concerning Immigra­
lost by the wet w eath er In the m int to arran g e for celebration of Apple
th e d efeated candidate, who charged rifled under the A m erican law.
Sale of a New York sto rk exchange tion and o th e r problem s construed to
fields. The anticipated 55.000 pounds week, O ctober 30 to N ovem ber 6.
th a t Dan A. S u therland, his victorious
seat has been arranged at $270.000, a be relativ e to th e problem s of trade
from th at section will not be realized
Apple grow ers of th e mid-Columbia opponent, had spent more than $5000
new- high record and an advance of unions.
T eachers employed in th e Salem have taken full advantage of th e past allowed under the law.
$5000 over the previous sale.
public schools who refuse to subm it sev eral days of sunshine and It was
B razil’s Coast Reached from A frica by
The board of directors of the G reat
to a physical exam ination will be dis­ estim ated th a t 80 per cent of th e sea­ Soviet Aide Snubs Paris by Getaway
Costes and Le Brix.
railroad has authorized con­
charged. according to announcem ent so n 's tonnage had been picked. Stor- | P aris.—D isregarding all diplomatic
Rio de Janeiro.—D leudonne Costes struction of 180 miles extension of
President Coolidge W ill Keep His
made by George Hug. superintendent. age space o t Hood River packing ] custom , C hristian Rakowsky. recalled and L ieutenant Lebrix, F rench avi­
lines In M ontana a t a cost of $2,000,-
Policy on Foreign Deals.
The 1928 show of the Pacific North plants Is crow ded with lug boxes of Soviet am b assador to F rance, Sunday ators. arrived at P ort N atal. Brazil, 000.
D. C.—P resid en t Cool­
w est Dahlia G rowers association will
took French leave of P aris. W ithout com pleting the flight from St. Louis
D isapproval of the application of
idge contem plates no present change
be held In Tacoma, It was announced apples will continue for several weeks. p resen tin g le tte rs of recall or paying Senegal.
the city of San F rancisco for perm is­
Motor vehicle reg istratio n s for Sep­ any of the usual diplom atic visits to
at the close of the 1927 show In P o rt­
W hen the fliers landed th ey com ­ sion to build a bridge across San in the sta te d ep artm en t policy of ex­
land Inst week. It will be held in
P resid en t Doumergue, P rem ier Poin­ pleted the first flight made from the F rancisco bay north of H u n ter’s Point tending or w ithholding its consent to
bringing th e to tal reg istratio n for the care and Foreign M inister Briand,
Septem ber.
m ainland of Africa to the m ainland ol was announced by the w ar departm ent. loans by A m erican bankers to foreign
first nine m onths of the y ear up to th e am bassador secretly left the Rus­ South America.
governm ents, although he recently
O. T. M cW horter, ag ricu ltu ral agent
Mayor John L. Duvall of Indianapo­
237,441. Of th ese 217.528 w ere for sian em hassy with his fam ily at 6
for W ashington county, h as been ap ­
T he flight across the South A tlantic lis was sentenced to 30 days im pris­ considered abandonm ent of the prac­
passen g er ears and 19.913 for trucks. a. m. bound for Berlin.
pointed head of th e w alnut, filbert
was made in very good tim e, the onm ent. fined $1000 and disbarred tice.
T his show s an increase of 13.677 reg­
T his was sta te d officially a t the
and prune division for th e Pacific la
French aviators traveling the 2,125 from public office for four years for
istratio n s over th e eorrespondlng peri­
W hite H ouse In connection with the
Grand Jury Indicts Young H ill.
tern atio n al P roducts show in Portlund,
m iles in about 22 hours.
od in 1926. and 3307 over the to tal reg­
sta te m e n t issued by S enator Glass,
O ttaw a, III.—H arry Hill was indicted
N ovem ber 29.
A lthough th e ir s ta rt and m ost ol ing the 1925 campaign.
istratio n for 1926.
dem ocrat, V irginia, assailing the poli­
by th e LaSalle county grand ju ry on a the flight was fine, the aviators said
Bend faced a future of w hiskers and
P o rtlan d 's population Is 337,042, ac­
cy as unauthorized and opening the
long hair, as a resu lt of a general cording to a statem en t released by the | charge ot m urdering his m other, Mrs. d isa ste r th reatened them when they O’Conner to Head Governm ent Fleet.
field both for possible scandal at
walkout by journeym an b arb ers caused , recently organized cen tral sta tistical Eliza Hill. Young Hill was raptured w ere alm ost to th eir goal.
W ashington. D. C —R eturn of the home and difficulties in the conduit
“ W hen we were near the mainland,
by m aster b arb ers reducing prices of | bureau of the C ham ber of Commerce, ! in S eattle a fte r several w eeks’ search.
fleet corporation to the d irect m an­ of foreign relations.
we noticed th at som ething had gone
h aircu ts for women and children from i operating through th e In d u stries de- I
agem ent of th e shipping board, to g eth ­
T he president feels that th e advis­
wrong with the propeller,’’ C ostes said
75 to 50 cents.
[ p artm ent. T he statem en t, covering ■
er with reorganization w h l.h places ory contact of the state departm ent
T h e Mercy hospital of Eugene hns cities w ith a population of 100,000 or J
W h eat—Bluestem . $1.28; hard white, forced down, but the m otor and the control of governm ent owned lines in w ith A m erican han k ers in such mat-
been sold to the Eugene Bible u n iv er­ more In th e Pacific Coast states, is
soft white, w estern white. $1.254; propeller held out and we continued.’ the hands of T. V. O C onnor, chairm an ' ters should be m aintained, as drastic
sity. according to announcem ent by based on the ratio of total population
of the board, was ordered at a special regulatory law s passed by congress
hard w inter, $1 26; federation. $1.26;
th e S isters of M ercy of th e Roman to school population, which in P o rt­
no rth ern spring, $1 24t$; w estern red Seventeen Killed on W ay to Dance m eeting of the shipping board. To m ight prove em b arrassin g to the con
Catholic church. The consideration land is placed at 56.666.
put a single executive at the head of duct of foreign affairs. He also takes
$1 24.
Indianapolis. Ind.—S eventeen per
Is said to have been $50,000.
W ith the no rth w estern Italian dried
H ay — Alfalfa. $16.60® 17; valley sons, five of them women, were killed the corporation, the board elected the view th a t the p-oeedure Is au­
A lthough no new cases of infuntile prune output shortened by rain to a ' tim othy, $16.50® 17; eastern Oregon
O'Connor, president of the fleet cor­ thorized by th e constitutional provi­
when th e autom obile tra ile r in which
paralysis have developed In the city . total of not to exceed 40.000.000 tim othy. $20.
poration and chairm an of the board of sion placing the conduct of foreign
they were riding to a pre-Hallow een i
of Medford or Jackson county for a I pounds, no large am ount rem ains to he
B u tterfat—45c.
affairs in th e hands of th e chief ex­
barn dance wag sm ashed to pieces b>
week or m ore, at a conference of city J sold. A good volume of business was
Eggs Ranch. 37® 4,o.
a M uneie-to-tndianapolis interurban I
health and school officials it was de­ done before the crop was grown, the
C a ttle S teers, good. <8.75®9.
car at the edge of the city. F ive oth­ Albanian M inister Killed at Prague.
cided to continue indefinitely the pre­ trad e then believing there would be a
H ogs—Medium to choice. $10.00® ers were so seriously hurt they may
Prague. C zechoslovakia. — T sena Bryan's Daughter to P.un fo r Cong'-ess
cautionary q u aran tin e estab lish ed in I norm al production. The sales aggre­ 11.25.
die About 50 w ere in the party. The ! Hey' nt*w,y appointed A lbanian minls-
T allahassee. F la.-R uth Bryan Owen,
Medford tw o w eeks ago, which con­ gated about 80,000,000 pounds, which
Lam bs — Medium to choice, $10 50 men w ere m em bers of the drill team
_____,e r t0 (’« ‘Clio-Slovakia, was a ssassin ­ of Miami, will e n te r the race for con­
fines youths under 16 to th eir home ’ leaves only 10.000,000 pounds In the 11.26.
i l i the
S ahara G rotto of the Masonic ate<* here ^-v an Albanian student, Ag- gress from the fourth d istrict, accord­
- hands ot packers and grow ers.
prem ises.
order._______________________________ iviabh Bebi, while he was dining a t ing to advices received here. Mrs.
The first carload of grapes from
W ork on the m arket roads thro u g h ­
W h eat—Soft w hite, w estern white,
his hotel. Bebi was arrested im m edi­ Owens, who is a d au g h ter of the late
out Yamhill county has been held up Josephine county was shipped from hard w inter, n o rth ern spring. $1.26'..; Propoae Rehabilitation of Irrigation ately. He calm ly adm itted his in ten ­
W. J. Bryan, ran in 1926 for th e demo­
for a week, according to C om m issioner ■ G rants P ass last week. The car was w estern red. $1 25 4 ; B. B. bluestem,
Salem , Or.—Reorganization and re tion to kill T sena because he said cratic nom ination cam paign against
Saw yer, because of th e heavy rainfall. composed of tokavs and m alagas and $1 29 4 ; dark n o rth ern spring. $1.4i- financing under state supervision T sena wished to betray A lbania to
C ongressm an W. J. Sears. He has rep­
Rock cru sh ers have been unable to was the first of 16 cars to be shipped dark hard w inter. $1 37.
probably will be the m eans of saving Czecho-Slovakla.
resented the d istrict since he was
Hay — Alfalfa. $25; timothy. $28; and m aking profitable a num ber ol
work and g raders also have suspended th is season. The grapes a re of exeel-
elected to the sixty-fourth congress.
| lent quality th is year.
P S.. $22.
th e m ost backw ard irrigation districts M ain Shansi Arm y Reported Crushed.
B u tte rfa t— 50c.
S treet car service In Fugene ceased
A nnouncem ent was m ade recently
lb e a stern and central Oregon, ac
P e k in —The main Shansi arm ies Lower F ruit R ate Delayed by I. C. C.
E g g a—Ranch, 45c.
th at th e W est C oast People's Hydro- at m idnight S aturday. It was an­
cording to Governor P atterso n and which have been driving on Pekin
W ashington. D. C.—T he in terstate
C attle— S teers, choice. $850® 9.
E lectric corporation would sta rt con nounced hy th e Southern Pacific c o b -
other m em bers of the state board cd have been crushed, but scattered
com m erce com m ission has ordered a
More m otor busses w ere put I Hogs Prime. $11 15® 11 25.
stru ctio n soon on th e rebuilding of pany
control. _
board r*>,urn«‘d here bands are still in the field, some w ith­
30-day delay In m aking effective it»
the main service lines serving the bus on Sunday m orning and the old street
after Inspecting several irrigation in 20 miles of Pekin, w ill northern
Iness section of Toledo with electric cars will be sent to the Brooklyn shops
projects and attending the annual Ir forces at th eir heels, a spokesm an for order reducing freight ra te s on Cali­
fornia deciduous fruit destined lor
H ag s Good. $10 50010.7$.
in Portland tor disposal.
power and lights.
rlgation congress at Prineville.
the n orthern alliance said.
i eastern markets.