A g rc u ltu re H o rtic u ltu re L iv e s to c k I ) a 'i r y P o u 11 r y W ool Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County ale in Fine Condition I irte P a rs e s H er By HALSEY AND VICINI TV BREVITIES : V :»• V-cV-- V :T-.V-?».rV-rt-rt-et s Defeats Watkins By Large Majority Vote Franklin F- Korell, republican, is United States congressman from the third Oregon district, succ ed- ing the late Maurice Crumpacker. Multnomah county Tuesday elect­ ed him with a large majority over Elton W atkins, the democratic candidate in the campaign. Koreli’s majority is estim ated at about 6,000. Tangent Cow Wins Silver Medal of American Jersey Cattle Club 10 O K OCT. 29 Mrs. Bert Clark spent today in Albany ou business. Spencer Long of Albany was hunting pheasants arou id Halsey Sunday. Despite the fact th a t Vale was slow In g e ttin g down to hard p ra ctice this fa ll, Coach Tad Jones has stra ig h t ened the teaiu out and the players are now reported In fine condition. The photograph shows a close up o f T in! Jones. home and as the young pheasants grew tin y fed along with the chickens, gradually becoming very tame. It is poor sportsmanship that will go into a man,s yard and Mrs. Minnie Reynolds and Mary kid birds. Lieut Byron Taylor, a former LaRue were among Halsey people visiting in the county seat last Sat- Halsey boy but recently of Corval­ urday. lis, visited Buford Morris Sunday J- L. Bird, automobile salesman, evening while on his way to San and Fred Ward well known mercb Francisci where he has accepted a , ant, were in Halsey Wednesday posit'Oti as civil engineer with the from the ceunty seat. government. Lieut Taylor only A pet pheasant was shot by n recently i t turned from the nation- hunter at the Charlie Falk borne al title .-boot at C>nip Ferry, has ibis week- The mother pheasant 1 re-igned as first lieutenant of the batched her brood near the farm OX I Football Game,Noise Parade and Other Sports Events T h is Is Mrs. Saucy Cluck S q u irre l M ille r o f the Tonaw anda reservation New t o rk state, whose nge Is e s ti­ mated io he hetwven one hundred tw elve and one bundled sixteen years D u rin g u recent ceremony In ttoehes ter, N. V , in w hich members o f her trib e took part, she sal In the door way o f her tent p la c id ly sm oking het corncob pipe m id weaving n bnskei 1 he annual trek to Corvallis will he on Saturday, October 29, when alumni, editors of the state and football fun- in general flock to the Oregon State campus fir homecom- ■ug events l'fie football game, Oregon State vs. Washington State, at 2 o’clock will he the feature event of the day. Guests will he met at the trains by otlici.il cars and convey­ ed to the men's gymnasium for reg­ istration. Seats have been reserv­ ed for the editors as guests of Dr. W. J. Kerr, president of the col­ lege, for the football game. Although tbs main program < f homecoming will he Saturday, other events are scheduled to start llittri-ilay with the homecoming sign display und the pre-rally dances. 1 be notorious noise pa, rade to he Friday evening at 7;I5 o’clock has become a tradition of the O. A. C. homecoming. The parade will move through streets lighted by burlap torches and pre­ ceded by the famous Gold Beaver. Saturday’s events will include swimming meet , mounted wreet- liug, tug of war, rook-sophomore hag rush and push hull contest. The Paient-Teachers’ aeaociation held a meeting at the school house pp'i¡day evening. After the meet- li-g the auuierce was divided into (E n terp rise C orrespondence) VAVAVXS two groups, the “ I hunderers’’ and • V W IV .V A W l A S B Sawyer of Brownsville was i A lf o r d A r r o w s < aud ‘‘Lightnings.” A contest was L a ke C reek News < a business caller here Monday. held and the Thunderers were • V W W V 1 W Z V A M A V « L. E. Eagy and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Clark of Hal­ awarded an onion hecause they (By an Euterpiiso Reporter) sey were afternoon callers at Chest­ at the Will Eagy home near Oak- ‘'knew their onions” and the ville Sunday. er Curtis’ Monday. Miss B ‘»»¡0 Harvey and her ' ‘Lightnings'’ received a bottle cf Mr. and Mrs Ray Hover visited mother visited Mrs. Maitiu Cum­ B. E. Cogswell and family re- ketchup because they needed to mings Monday afternoon. turnod to their home in Portland Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hover at “ catch up.” Jarrisburg Sunday. Sunday. Mrs. J. W Evans and Mrs. C.8 The girls of the High School Mrs. Floyd Nichols aud Mrs, L were examined by the school phy­ Williams were Corvallis visitors Wilma and Lois Falk are the proud possessors of a Ford which E. Eagy visited Mrs. Ray Hover sician at his office fist week. He last Monday. S P c o r ia N e w s I t e m s they drive to Harrieburg to reboot Wednesday afternoon. Miss Florenco Sisk who is at­ sn last week. town ball, fm a general good lime. W G McNeil and daughter, I.ulu 7.3) Cattle m arketing invest igt- a so a guest. day. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wbitbeck C>ri Spcrliug wr» absent part ol of Lacomb, attended church al tion at Forllaod, Rev. and Mrs. Smalley and Mis. and the Lie Ingrain family from Karl Williams came up from two d ais this week. 7.10 Timely farm t.p iis Fine Grove Wednesday ev< ring F »rtlan I Fii lay evening t> make Charles Shaw attended church at Bmwnsville were callers at the B. Ilie programs to be given every and agent the night at the Esto» suje he wasn't f>rg>tting how to 7:45 Chats with the homemaker. Pine Glove Sunday. E. Cogswell home Wednesday even W ein esliy ut assembly have been Bass home ‘ hit 'em’’ Bill Atlinghani accom 8 00 Off rings in Am. Literature. Carl Nichols, Russel Githens, J ¡ng ot Irst week. arrange 1 for the n e t of the year, Fins Grove Church- - pan id him and they got the limit S. Lamar aud ]. W . Lamar a t­ W’t-diiesdjy evenii g, October 26 C E. Mercer of Eugene spent and aie as follow : Sundiy School 10u m. of b ird «. tended lodge at Shedd Saturday Saturday and Sundiy at the J . F. 7.15 The campus reporter Nove nhyr 9, M s. CrosP pupil» Preach ng 11 s. in., by- - Rev. night. 7:20 Oregon Quizsisms Miss Mary Evan», whose sister, Isom home and enjoyed a pheasant will give a program on Robert L. Smalley. Mr. and Mrs. Bridge Woolridge hunt. Mr-. Luckey, has been very ill at 7:30 Farm utility program Stevenson. Prayer mseting Wednesday at and mother of Alpine visited Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Guy Roberts and November 16. the Juniors will her home in Eugeue, received word 8:00 The grange lecture hour. 8 p. m. M. Fruit here Sunday. tin t she is much im jriv ed and 9:00 Homecoming High Jinks. chi*dren of Toledo spent the week have charga of the program. Mr. and Mrs. J W. Lamar and end at the Michael Rickard home November OB, a Thanksgiving hope is entertained fur her recov­ Thursday evening, October 27 Mrs. J. S. Laiuar visited Rev Mr. and Mis. Rob.rt McKee of ery now. program. - 1'» 'I he campus reporter, Walbeck and family at Myrtle Eugene were also guests on Sun­ R-v, Metcalf of Peorfa will 7:17 t he collegiate sporilight November 30, Mrs. Kizt-i's room Creek Thursday. preach In re at 11 o'clock Sunday i :27 Oregon Quizzisms day. will give the program. Edited By Wjlma Wahl Mis. Jessie Carothers and child­ morning, Octol er 23, and also in 7.30 Timely farm t »pics December 7, the sophomores wii H erteit Tandy of Vernita called ren, wha have been working in the the evening at 8 o'clock. The text < io F ruit h .tier, tahie delicacy o i bis sitter, Mrs. Chester Cortis, Mr». Coleman, an instructor in entertain us. prune orchards, have moved back for the i vetting yy ill be “ ¡’laying 8.00 The Forum, Jason Lee.” December 1 1, a program honor Sunday. the grades, ie again teaching tie r home and Esther has started to the Game.’’ ing Jobu Greenleaf Whittier. Mrs. E. D. Isom si eat Mon ley room after a weeks absence. Mrs. Fi iiLu evening, Octol er 28 school. Mr. Lloyd Simon is having more Rev. and Mrs. Metcalf were Cor- with bereister, Mrs. W- C. Sickels. I.aFollette substituted for h r FULLER BRUSHES - For Fall than his share of “ hard luck,” 7 1-5 The campus reporter wbile she was gone. bouse cleaning. Free bandy W hile working with his tractor a 7.20 Oregon Quizxtsms vallis visitors Friday. Mrs. John Rolfe called on Mrs. Ernestine Coleman is hark in brushes given. Watch for the short lime ago lie had the misfor­ 7 30 barm utility program Mr. and Mrs. J. S. L u n a r were A. E. Wbitbeck one afternoon last high school. She was absent last Fuller mau. B >x I, Albany, tune to have his arm broken and 7 50 The agricultural ail nation. Albany visitors T jesday, Mr. La­ week. week. Ore. olB mar going dowo to attend a meet­ HaturJay a h »r»e kicked biiu al­ Mrs. L. A. Armstrong and ing aad banquet given by the Royal Livestock Quotations most breaking his leg An X-ray daughter Hazel were guests of Arch Masons. »bowed co broken hones, however, U. 8. D. A. Portland report, Mrs. J F. Isom Thursday after­ Cate Gibbs of Albany is working noon of last week. hut the injury was »try painful. Sept. 28 on the Fisher ware house here. (Sent in by A lb r ig h t C o ititttiia io n house, Mr. aud Mrs. B. E. Cogswell W ayne Frady of Eugeue is visit­ N o rth P ortland s to c k y a rd s ) Hog», Veal, Pcu try ing his grandparents, Mr. and Mis. spent one evening last week at the Steers good.......................$8.75 t i 9.00 Oregon Savinar Produca Ex- A. E. Wbitbeck home. m e d iu m ....................... H 00 to ') co J. R. Frady of Peoria. change, 100 Front »tieet c o m m o n ____ ______ fa.50 to 7.75 Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Gibson of Mrs. Dorothea Stanton and Fort lam), Oiegon, Sept. 28 H eifers, (food . . . . . . ____ 7.5.5 to S.OO Eugeue and Mr. and Mrs. Dale daughters, Barbara and Marjorie, Veal-,80 to 120 Ibi., 2)t-21c 11». com m on am i m edium fa.On to 7.50 Lam ar of Corvallis were dinner called on Mrs. Wbitbeck Friday Gows, g o o d .............................6.75 to 7 50 Hogs—Tup light 16 l-2c comm on and m edium .5 ot) to fa.7.5 guests Sunday at the J. W. Lim ar afternoon. Poultry -.'» per ct c o t . Portlund— c u tte r ........... .........2..50 to 5 00 home. Heavy colored hcu», 23c; Mr. and Mrs. Hal Howard of Bulls, g o o d .............. ............ .5.7.5 to 6.2.5 Monday afternoon and evening Albany were Sunday afternoon light ben:, H e ; Leghorn spring» c u tte r to m e d iu m .. . . 4 50 to 5.75 Mr and Mrs. J. W. Lamar and callers at the E D. Isom home. 25c; colored springs 24-25. Calves, m e d iu m ............ . 7 50 to 10o n Mrs. J. S. Lamar attended the Red c u ll and common . 5 ,50 to H 00 All prices aro less -5 per cent TH E MARCELLER from Browns­ Veals, good to choice ___ 10 50to 12.50 Cress meetings in Albany. commission including poultry. ville, Mrs. Vadnsis, will be in m e iliu m ........ ............ .. 9 00 to 10.50 Mr. and Mrs. Del Carpenter and c u ll and com m on . . . . 6.00 to 9.00 Halsey on Thursday, in Miller’» son of Monroe visited her mother, Roy Kropf of Route two. H arris­ Ilog«. 2V) to JJO l b s ...........10 (Ml to 10 75 Barber shop. Make your ap­ Mrs. Jessie Carothers, Sunday. burg, was in Halsey today and an­ 2«« to 250 lb s ..............10.65 to 1115 pointments early. 822-013* Helen Lamar attended a meeting nounced th at he would bold an S. Q. Simon, of Tangent, is the proud owner of the young pure­ bred Jersey cow, Viva la Vail, which has completed a production record of 555.53 lb9. of butterfat and 9202 lbs. of m ilt in 305 daysf The milk tested on an average o. 6.04 per cent butterfat and she was with calf for 224 days of that t n.e, qualifying for a silver medal i war Jed by the American Jersey C ittle club. > P in e G r o v e I t e m s ¡SCHOOL NOTES? h ’s Politics Not? of the Rainbow girls in Albany FOR RENT BARN IN Halsey, with garage, Monday evening. hay mow snd stalls. Fee P. J. Rev. and Mrs. Roy Metcalf were Forster, 013* Albany visitors Monday. aucti n ill» Tuesday sfter.o o n at one o,clock ou the George Turner farm five miles southeast of H al­ sey. Fen Sudtell ii auctioneer. I6 0 to 2 0 0 .. ........ 10 75 to I t 25 1.10 to 160.................... 10 50 to I I IS) p a c k in g ,....................... 7.00 to 9 (S) P ig ', slaughter. W ) to 130 11,25 to 12.75 feeder and Stocker, 70 totJO................... 10 75 to It 5