Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, October 13, 1927, Image 6

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G reen C loak
The high egg production obtained
Not a year goes by that there are
during the past year on the demonstra-
One can never be absolutely sure ,,f
! tlon farms throughout New Jersey, not numerous complaints of heavy
' and at the Bergen and Vineland egg- loss of fruit trees due to the ravages the breeding value of a hull until his
laying contests. Is attributed by F. G of mice and rabbits. Injury from mice daughters come Into milk, it frt
I followed him, he looking completely
But my chief turned upon me sharp- ciickner, of the agricultural expert Is comparatively easy to control. The quently happens, however, that i g „ J
mystified, and I feeling scarcely less ly. "Don’t make the mistake of think- nient station, primarily to the' use of succulent bark of the young tree Is registered hull can bo bought fn -a
so. We drove back to The Meredith Ing that,” he said. “There Is no a fleshing mash during the fall and particularly tasty to them in the lean neighbor who can no longer ret-iln
with hardly a word, but as we crossed greater source of error In the world whiter season. The effect of the mash months of winter, but as they are him on account of having too n
D r. R o n a ld M c A lis te r, fa m o q i
In his s pecial w o rk , — a p p lie d
the lobby on our way to the elevators. than the belief that unlikely things ; has been to keep the birds up to under the snow and do not climb the of his daughters In the herd. suc|,
p s y c h o lo g y — e m p lo y s his le is u re
Doctor McAlister paused.
can't happen. They happen every day. proper body weight, so that they were trees, some means of protection will bulls, when their daughters have
tim e In th e e lu c id a tio n o f c rim e
"Ashton," he said, "I will be glad to coincidences, against which the chances aide to resist winter complaints and prevent their damage. Ordinary build Proved to be good producers, If u'lfv
m y s te rie s . As th e n a r r a t iv e open«
help you all I can—I mean In the mat­ are a thousand to one. Still,” he keep on a steady egg production basis. Ing paper does very well, not the I are free ,rnnl dlsPaflp. may oft. . he
he Is In te re s te d w ith A s s is ta n t
D is t r ic t A tto r n e y A sh to n In th e
ter of tracing Morgan’s New Zealand pd\ised In his stride and plowed his
The fleshing mash used was made tarred, but the plain gray building Purchased for leRS than their a-, iUu|
m u rd e r, In th e s m a ll to w n o f O a k
connections. But I'm going to ask a hands through his thick gray hair— up of the following Ingredients:
paper. Cut this In strips 6 inches or breeding value. A man runs no i-g
R id g e , o f a rec lu s e, H e n ry M o r -
favor of you. Give Phelps und me "still, to put it conservatively, It's pound corn meal, 1 pound ground 8 Inches wide and tie around the 11 "uJlng a healthy, proved bull, says
ban. T h e
m u rd e re d
m an ,
p apers r e v e a l, had been In N e w
here a chance to make a little Investi­ vustly more likely than not that there ' r„i|ed oats; 1 pound serai-solid but- trunk of the young trees, bunking up *be b,wu Homestead. Many . bull
Z e a la n d , w h e re D o c to r M c A lis te r
gation of this case on our own ac­ is a connection; that this girl has ] termllk, and 1 pint codllver oil, when around the bottom with a little eurth. I las been sent to the shambles before
had liv e d in his y o u th .
W i ll
breeding value was discovered la
some place In that unknown past of j codllver oil hail not already been In A better and more permanent way Is j ,
H a s v e y has te s tifie d he s a w a
"Any thing you like,” said Ashton his, which he thought he had sponged corporated In any other part of the to use wire protectors made from
w o m a n w e a r in g a g re e n c lo a k In
offspring. Don’t let a good bud Of
th e M o rg a n hom e th e n ig h t o f
heartily. "Go out to Oak Ridge and out so completely."
either galvanized wire of a fine mesh tb s sort B<> to tbp butcher If you n n
th e m u rd e r. D o c to r R e in h a r d t,
hunt about ull you like. I'll even
“Well," said I, “If she was any place
“This mixture," says Mr. Ciickner, or from expanded metal lath. Cut use bim‘ A,w'aY" bear In mind that
frie n d o f M c A lis te r, tele p h o n e s
turn my Impressionable Mr. Harvey at all, Isn't It altogether likely that “moistened with water so as to form this materlul Into strips about 18 I *be rea' ' a' ue of a dairy bull Is h :tr­
he has a q u e e r case In his h o s p i­
over to you after I've finished with she is the person who committed the a crumbly mash. Is sufficient for 100 inches high and 18 inches or so wide nilL“‘<1 by hls <*a“«hters.
t a l an d In v ite s M c A lis te r to see
th e p a t ie n t
him tomorrow morning, though I can't murder? And If that’s so—well, what birds at one feeding. It is best fed to allow for expansion of the tree,
dairyman. Intent upon building
guarantee there'll be much left of are we going to do about It? Tell sometime near the noon hour, prefer­ and fasten with smnll pieces of wire. I a blgh-produclng- herd, must con- ,.nt-
Ashton y
ably early In the afternoon, so that Thls material will last several years I ' y select the best females as well a,
CHAPTER II— Continued
We went up In the elevator to­
He wheeled round at that and smote the birds will have sufficient time to without replacing, and Insures ade- nia,M ior breeding purposes and wee.)
gether, and my chief, with u nod, In­ a near-by door panel with his great empty their crops and tuke on a good quate protection against mice and I ou* ,bt> P°l,rer Individuals. There Is
Her skin was very dark, a brownish
dicated that he wanted me to come to fist. "No, by thunder, no! Not that. supply of the scratch feed before against rabbits as far as the mate- on,y one way to
tbls Intelligently,
olive, her hair blue black, very abun
his sitting room.
, Not, nt least, until we’ve solved this perching. The real value In the flesh rlnl reaches, but ruhldts have the fac- ,Ie lnust kPep Pro<l“<'llon records of
dant and wavy, and the surrounding
When the door was closed behind us, mystery for ourselves; until we are Ing mash Is that sometimes we find ulty of getting on top of the snow and b,s co'vs' Hp must weigh and test
while of pillowcase, sheet and night
he filled his pipe and began striding, sure we understand It. And I mean difficulty In keeping the birds up to chewing the brunches above the snow *be milk of each cow at least once a
dress set off the richness and depth slowly, up und down the room. But by that,” he went on, looking at ine
fourteen pounds of scratch, nnd they line. This makes protection a rather I month. He can do that himself If he
of her coloring to the greutest ad
fixedly, “I mean a good deal more than are less likely to drop on this ac­ difficult matter. There Is not nny wants to. The time required to do
merely proving she was the woman count when the fleshing mash Is fed. really good treatment for rabbits, but the work Is smnll. Such a test can
Where the quality In her face lay
whom Will Harvey swore he saU In There Is no danger of forcing with the the following poison has met with be easily made once a month In (wo
that gave It that strange, weird, un­
silhouette upon the shade; until we’ve use of the fleshing mash since it Is some stweess and is worth trying: hours, nnd the operator will find it a
earthly look, even now In quiet slum­
proved more than that It was her not a wet mash for stimulating pro White arsenic, 1 part; corn meal, 3 mighty interesting task as well as a
ber, I could not decide. The features
that pulled taut the catgut ductlon."
parts. Mix thoroughly nnd spread very profitable one.
were bold, rather than line; the brows
string around tlie old man's neck."
Another way to accomplish the same
about the area to he protected. A re-
und lashes very heavy, and the nose
"Whnt more thnn that," I asked un­
pellant which has also been used end ls f,> J°in a cow testing assocla-
broad at the base, the lips full und
steadily, "can you hope to prove, or Laying Birds Require
wlth varying success Is as follows: tlon' Where that Is practicable we
rather wide, though not protruding,
want to prove?"
Unslaked lime, 20 pounds; flowers of strongly recommend that plan. We
the cheek-bones high nnd prominent.
"This,7 he said, stopping before me
sulphur, 15 pounds; water, 40 pounds. wlfdl ,o emphasize, however, that
But this analysis left me no wiser
Apply this to the trunks with a brush. whpre there Is no cow testing assocla-
nnd looking strulght into my face;
than before; it failed utterly to ac­
the poultry house, with no drafts.
M. B. Davis, Division of Hortlcul- tion' and no P™spect of getting one
count for that strunge different look
rected the hands, nnd not her soul This means a sufficient supply of oxy­ ture. Central Indiana Experimental established, do not neglect the testing
her face wore. There was no negro
j nnd record keeping on that account.
that was responsible for the crime."
blood In her veins, even In a remote
Do It yourself. Work of this sort
"You mean," I gasped with sudden er feeding and exercise will keep the
stnge of dilution. The fact was as
half-perception of his meaning, “that
blg ,ilvl,lpnils' rt brlll«s '“ “in
obvious as it was that she was not a
there may be another will concerned death to egg production and poultry
in the business?"
by Covering With Straw j Economy and Efficiency
“There will be no trouble about
reason that the birds breathe off prac­
"Exactly that," he answered. “1 tically 75 per cent of all the mois­
Everyone Interested In growing 1
Macbinpq in M ilking
Identifying her," Doctor Reinhardt re­
*VXclt.nmeS in Milking
mean that judging from that girl's ture taken into their systems; a hen's strawberries In any way, will find It a
marked, und I agreed with him, think­
condition tonight, It may very well he coat of feathers Is an almost per­ aluahle thing to mulch the vines well
An extensive study ns to the eon-
ing that he referred to the strange
that the real murderer of that old man fect non-conductor of heat when dry before the beginning of severe winter only and efficiency of milking ma-
quality of distinction 1 hud noted
was no nearer to the house In Oak and will retain the body heat, but Im­ weather. The best material and gen- chines ls being made by the dairy hus-
about her face. But It was evident,
Ridge the night the murder was com­ mediately the feathers become damp erally the handiest ls to employ straw. | bnndry department of Iowa State col-
the next moment, that he hud some
mitted than we are now."
more definite murk ip mind, for he
the body heat escapes and the bird Is When the ground Is frozen, apply the lege, Ames, Iowa. While the work Is
took up one of the pnsslve hands that
cold, resulting In a debilitated condi­ straw. Some four Inches deep as the not completed, the most recent results
lay upon the coverlid and sturted to
tion predisposing the birds to dan­ straw lies loose, ls a good depth for lndicatp that:
1. The use of the mnchlne does not
strip buck the sleeve of her night­
gerous colds nnd making them sus­ the covering.
Allow the straw to so remain until nffpct the milk flow,
The next day Doctor McAlister and ceptible to any disease that may lurk
dress. But the movement was ar­
early spring, or at the period when
2 With a herd of approximately 25
I each packed a handbag with enough unseen In their environment.
rested by an Imperative gesture from
vegetation starts a growth. Then with cows, time saving amounts to about
Doctor McAlister.
to keep us going for two or thre«
the fork remove from directly over 43.5 per cent. One man with a ma-
Looking up nt him, for the first time He Bent Down Over the Pillow, His days, and nbout noon set out for Oak
the hills or the matted rows of plants, I chine can replace two men hand milk-
Ear Not Six Inches Away From the Ridge. The weather had been fin« Drinking Vessels for
since we had stopped beside the girl's
nbout three-fourths of the straw, but ing.
and rather mild for November, bul
bed, I saw that his eyes were shining
Half-Parted Lips.
Ducks Should Be Deep leave It In the spaces between the 3. One man operating two units Is
shortly after our return from the hos­
with un unaccountable excitement. lie
Unless the duck has a chance to rows. Allow It to remain In that post- more efficient than if he attempts to
bent down over the pillow, his ear not he stopped before me nt last, and with pital the night before, the wind had
operate three units.
Bj thoroughly rinse its nostrils, and at tlon until the berries are all picked.
six fetches away from the half-parted a preliminary "Hump," and a grasp of whipped round Into the north.
same time dash Its bend in water,
There are several advantages of the
4. Unless great care Is exercised In
lips. Then we saw that the lips were a muscular bund upon my shoulder morning It had developed Into a lusty
gale, which drove the fine stinginf Injury may come from clogging the use of straw as winter protection of cleaning the machine and In operating
moving, and, In the suddenly enforced lie said:
'I suppose some people would call rain and sleet slantwise, down from nostrils or getting sore eyes, writes M. the plants. First, the plants do not it, the bacterial count will be higher
silence, caught the sound of a queer,
a leaden sky. By the time we wer« K, Boyer In the Farm and Ranch. become drawn out of the soil, If the than with hand milking.
droning chant. It only lasted a min­ that a coincidence.”
"Some connection, you mean, be­ ready to start, the rain was already The drinking vessels should be deep winter season ls one of much hard
5. The sediment content of machine-
ute. Then, with the sudden, luzy mo­
enough for this purpose.
freezing. Second, by leaving it In the drawn milk is lower thnn that of hand-
tion of one deep asleep, she turned on tween the woman Will Harvey testi­ turning to snow.
Annually a large number of yarded spaces, no grass or weeds can come up | drawn milk.
her side, cuddled her cheek on her fied he saw und the one we saw ly­
We rode In the half filled smoklnj
palm, and the chunt died out In a ing there In the hospital?"
car, nnd hardly exchanged a word, un ducks are lost by having sore eyes and much hard work Is saved. Third,
______ out ____
_ _ e and going blind. This is caused by the straw so placed conserves the
“Morgan lived In New Zealand, til after we had pulled
s Doctor McAlister straightened up didn't he? And Ashtop says he had tiny suburban station nnd the brake- lbrt *od8'inS In the eyes, Where ducks moisture, and fourth, the ripening fruit Buttermilk for Calves
suddenly, walked away three or four maps, vast numbers of maps of the mhn, opening the door umid a linll ol have access t0 n stream of water, or ls kept free from sand or soil. This Is
Favored by Two Experts
paces, then wheeled and came back. southern Pacific—large scute maps of cinders, had cried out: “Dak Rldg« have drinking vessels deep enough so mighty important, for unclean berries
E. V. Ellington and J. C. Knott of
the groups of Islands that are scat­ next.” Then Doctor McAlister, whe they may be able to get their heads are hard to sell and fail to bring re­
Ashton and I wutched Idin curiously.
(lie Washington experiment station
under water, they can readily wash munerative prices.
tered all through It, It's fair to sup­ sat facing ine, leaned forward.
“You started to show me her arm,” pose,
have ’ust reI1or,pd thplr results on
then, that he had some reason
“Our friend Ashton has a consider
he said to Doctor Reinhardt. “Is there for Interest in those fur-off South Sea
expensive, makes strawberry grow- I substlt,Itll“R dried buttermilk and
able power of vivid description," h« that opportunity, the eyes fester and not
u mark there?”
ing a pleasure nnd fully rewards any- ' seni,-solld buttermilk for skim milk in
said. "Unless I'm altogether mistaken loss of sight is the consequence.
With a nod, he pulled up the sleeve
one for the time and labor expended. I ,Ke cnlf ratlon" Twenty-four calves
'The girl!" I exclaimed. “The girl the young man who Is setting thre« I
•ml showed us, high on the forearm, a In tho hospital!—Did you mean that
were divided Into three groups of
queer little hit of tattooing In red and she conies from that part of the seats behind you, on the other side... Chicken Paralysis Is
iK,lt eacb-
blue. "I know something of tattooing,” world? From one of those Islands In the nlsle, is the witness of whom h«
n td u e a lieeS T lfld
milk, One
dried was butter-
told us yesterdny.
I felt tolerably
Causing Heavy Losses I.un Favor
he said, "but that mark und the way the South sens?"
in Many Sections In,,k at tllG rate
P®rt« water
sure of it when my eye first lkghter
According to Dr. L. P. Doyle of Pur-
It's executed puzzle me us much as
"The mark on her nrtn Is enough to on him. He's going to get off at Oak due university, chicken paralysis Is
her language does.”
prove that," he answered.
gr,’UP WBS fert "e,n' 8olld bu,ter'
Ridge, and I think that settles It. On» now recognized as a distinct disease scale a little more than twenty-five '
Doctor McAlister merely nodded.
He paused there, hut I knew that small town could hardly boast anothei which Is widely distributed nnd Is years ago created an immediate de-
, nt the r“te "f e‘K'lt parls wa“ ‘r
He hod understood the language; I was not all.
mand for low-headed trees This ex t0 ‘reP partS ° f "enll sGlld bu,,er'
would almost have taken my oath to
That queer mumbled song of
Ti"? reRU,t!’
,hPSe ,’"t‘
"How do you know he’s going to get that worms do not cause paralysis tended to a point where many arnle
that, from the expression Ids face hers?” I hazarded.
trees were headed as low as 18 Inches te,r " " lk
to t>e "««»factory sub-
off at Oak Ridge?" I asked.
In chickens,
wore us he bent over her, listening. I
He took unother turn across the
"He straightened up a little In hit
Birds affected with this disease con­ Now, the open center type framework Rt ‘" ‘7 f°7 "kl,n milk wbere 8k!,n
wondered If he understood the murk, room before he answered that ques­
k ’ "Ot nvallab,e-
to have good appetites and die Is popular for apples as well as
tion. "Yes, I understood It,” he suld
"You suy you've been trying to wake at Inst. "That song, as you cull It,
of the town."
they cannot reach a food supply. When er fruit districts.
her, and haven't succeeded?"
was an old Maori dentil chant."
In the attempt to secure a low, open
When I had made a pretext fot this disease Is present In a flock, there
"Yes and I confess I’m puzzled, be­
Doctor McAlister had resumed his
cause there's nothing trancelike about thoughtful patrol of the room. "Of changing over und sitting with the doc are nearly always mature fowls show- center apple tree, very little attention
In practice has been given during the
her pulse or her respiration,"
course," he said half under his breath, tor. I quite agreed with hls lilentlflcn lnB a peculiar type of blindness In
Rye nnd corn silage will help dairy
Doctor McAlister made an examina­ “It may be a coincidence, Just that and tlon. There, to the life, was the young which the colored part of the eye turns last 20 years to obtaining an ade­
man whom Ashton had described tc almost whit?. No cure has been quate spacing of the framewor# farmers to overcome hay shortage.
tion on Ids own account, hut it was nothing more."
• • •
Avoid hatching eggs front branches upon the trunk.
very swift, nnd I should have called
No," said I. "No, I can’t believe us. I thought I could see traces upon found.
7 hls fortunately has not resulted In
It perfunctory, yet it was dear enough that. There tnuat lie some stronger him of the grilling to which Ashton Hocks so afflicted.
Keeping records will show the dairy
any serious percentage of breakage of farmer how to make ten cow, do the
that this queer patient had, only a connection than mere chance, between must have subjected him this morning !
tops In New Jersey, Staymnn, how­ work of fifteen.
moment before, excited his keenest the murdered body of that man In the Ills eyes were sullen, hls color un
Comb of Laying Hens
ever, nnd to a less degree, Delicious,
• • •
Interest. Rut lie did one thing which house out at Oak Ridge ami the death stable and his hands fidgety. • I waj
It Is comparatively easy to tell have proved to be varieties that tend
I think must have surprised Doctor chunt of that girl nt whose bedside we half-incllne.1 to think there might h«
Dry pastures mean low milk pro­
Reinhardt as much ns It did Ashton stood tonight. It must he more tliun something In the theory of Mallory, whleh h^ns In the flock are laying. to form weak main crotches If the duction unless sows nre fed both a
Probably the first point to observe main branches are too closely bunched concentrate ration and good legume
the detective, nfter all.
and me. He turned hack tlie bed chance."
would be the comb, which in a laving
All apple districts ore, therefore, hay.
clothes and examined, rather minute­
hen Is usually of good size and bright urging a better spacing of the main
• • •
ly, the girl's feet.
❖ x*x->x->x%'x-:-x-:-x-:x-:x:x-:-x->x-:x:x-:x->x->x-:-x-:-x-:-x->x-:-x-:-x:-i-:-x-:-i:- red, while In a hen not laying the branches of apple trees. The open
“Well, I'm much obliged to you for
Much butter manufactured In the
comb will be pale, small, dry and cov­ center type of tree Is still the most Inte summer and fall has objection­
bringing me out for a look at her,” he
ered with a white scurf.
P resident in P ow er in Troublous T im es
popular In New Jersey. Because ot able flavors, not only because of the
said to I»octor Reinhardt, ns he
The next point to observe wonld ha this, a slight extension or distribution difficulty of keeping cream sweet anil
straightened up and prepared to leave
| i the vent, which
In a lavinff
laying hen
.. Presi­
_ a
a .
. .
wuirn in
h« n 1« of the head is the corrective pruning
the ward. "She's been that way, you
James Buchanan. ns fifteenth
I h - m I stirred the nation during hls admlnla- moist, soft and expanded while in a recommended.—J. a . Blake, Hortlcul. untainted In the hot summer weather,
any, ever since she was brought In?" dent of the United States, th
hut also because of the poor feed, In
the White House when the questions
luestlont su
b m ersed hls
hl« diplomatic
illnlnnm fln accomplish
Bddrtmniloh and puckered,
8 u r j ’ nart* turlst. New Jersey Agricultural College the dry pastures.
• • •
“She's in a hypnotic or subjective of slavery and states rights were dan­ menta of settling the question of Brit­
condition o f some sort. I'd he very gerously fermenting. Hls administra­ ish dominion In Central America and'
Cattle kept In a warm shed will do
YVhv II r,»,« D„„ x a
Earliest Berry Bushes
glad If you'd keep me Informed, over tion, from 1857 to is«51, saw the prvl . by atopplng Great Britain's "right ot
better every time than those left out
’’ - Hens Roost Out
the 'phone, concerning her condition. ude to the Civil war.
Currants and gooseberries are In the wind.
search" on American ships. The first
Sometimes people complain that
• • •
If there's any radical change. I’d like
Buchnnan was born April 23. 17»? Atlantic cable was laid In Buchanan « the hens do not like to moat In a
to come out and see her again.
As n Pennsylvanian lie disapproved of administration.
Chasing cows with dogs or driving
poultry house, but when one exam- to leaf out In the spring. For this
"If you don't mind my suggesting It, alavery, but being a strict constitution­
he died. June 1, 1868. Buchan lnes
hou,e It Is easy to see why reason the plants should he set In the them on the run with horses wilt de­
I believe It would he a good thing to alist and a Democrat, he held to offi an Before
to sta
y out ¿ f ' d o o r i T ' ^ m .°nentl7 Ï « a ^ L ’n " ? " “T m “
crease the flow of milk. Rough han­
wrote hls .o w n ’v in d ic a tin ';/h l, ,h?'y “
take her out of the ward and put her dal convictions. He publicly denied administrativ re M lclee -Exchange.
pf»pn 'he house I, dark, dirty, poorlv plànîs will g r o
*' Th* dling or loud speaking by the attend­
In a private room where she could he the right of secession, and refused to ;
v e n tilated and Infested w ith m ites . » x
,n fu " a n t will also have this effect
under constant supervision. If she treat South Carolina representatives i
• • •
which suck the very life from
‘"»•P '«»«*. But
Even In summer the silo competes
says anything. In any Intelligible lan­ as foreign delegates.
So T h a t ’» W h a t I t Was
fowl that dares to seek shelter in the
nOt rpsf'nnd and make the successfully
with soiling crops, for It
,h* firR'
,hat tbey
guage. It might be well to make a note
Ills chief difficulty wns an unsym-
A German biologist says the orang­ Pl«-“. OH drained from X
of It."
pathetic congress.
outang can sing, nnd we fancy we case of „n engine or automobile ¿n. ' 7<’U,,‘ 'f ,he p,an''’
<» a supplies a uniform grt«en feed Inde­
With that and a brief word of good
The Dred Scott decision and John must have heard It over the radio re- kill mites. save it ft."/ th^'p^ulu-y * >rn,ant r"ndl«oo when they were pendent of weather conditions and
with economy of time and labor.
night, he strode away, nnd Ashton and Brown's raid on Harper s Ferry so , cently.—Philadelphia Inquirer.
y i
W H fervtr«.
Dairy Facts