Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, October 13, 1927, Image 5

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    ìural Enterprise, TTalsev. Oregon. October 13. 1<>27
A io a u y .
th e
Albany Creamery now occupies
Halsey and V icinity Brevities this site. The mare was born and
raised on a farm northwest of Con-
Mr. and Mrs. A- J. Hill of Hal­ ser station.
sey drove to Salem Tuesday, the
C S iU rc/i -^ N o tices |
trip was made both for pleasure
and busioesa.
Mayor Clark, accompanied by Methodist Episcopal Church
his daughter, Miss Georgina, were
All day rally day at the Meth­
business visitors in Albany Mon­
Episcopal church uext Suu
day afternoon.
day. At 10:30 a. in. recitals by the
Silo filling seems to be the order classes, speeches, instrumental and
of the'day. Both Hurly Overton vocal music. Speeches by Messrs.
and Fred Falk's silos ioath east of Wells, Hill, Bob Miller Nicewood,
Halsey are being filled this week. and others.
Among recent sales of Bridge &
Everybody bilng their dinuer.
Beach ranges by Hill <fc Co., are Hot coffee will te served.
those of N. E. Chandler of Pine
After dinner sermon at 2 p. m
Grove, and Mrs. Philpot of Mon­ by the pastor, subject: “ By-laws
of Social Clubs.’*
0:30 p.m. League, 7.30 sermon,
Mr. and Ole J. Kayser and son
Edwin, of Silverton, were visitors subject: “ Learu of Me.”
at the home of Mrs. Kayser’s D on't knock and kick and slam and slap
everybody on the map
mother, Mrs. W. H. Wheeler of But A t push
and pull and boost and boom
Halsey, Sunday.
And use up all the standing room
A t church next Sunday.
Mrs. Pa'mer of Brownsville is
staying with Mrs. A. G. Waggener
no.v. Mrs. Shaw who has bi en
The Church W ith a Vision
at the Waggsner home the past
Sunday school at 10 a m. A real
year is returning to her home in live, growing Sunday school. 11:00
morning worship and communion
The Enterprise office has a tine .erviee for all saints. Sermon top­
line of Christmas card samples, ic: “Give God a Cbause.” 6:30 p
which the public is cordially in­ m. Christian Endeavor. The con­
vited to call and eee. Or if you test is on and bids fair to furfiish
have your own cards we will gladly much enthusiasm. Get in now and
make points for your side. 7:30
quote you prices on printing.
service of praise led by Miss
This office has just printed
eermon ‘‘The Last Night.’’
postals announcing the auct'on
without a church home?
sale of stock, farm machinery, etc ,
of Joe Hetzel, which will be held
Tuesday, October 18, at one o’clock
with Ben T- Sudtel officiating as
The first meeting of the year of
the Parent-Teacher association will
be held Friday evening, Oct. 14, at
the school house, commencing at
7:45. All parents and teachers in
Halsey and the surrouning dis­
tricts are urged to attend.
When A u tu m n
to Tow n
a n d Country
Sunday evening the members of
the Christian Endeavor decided to
put on a contest for new members
with the result that two tpams were
formed. Clifford Thomson is lead­
er of the “ Go-get-’em"and Gladis
Willbanks was chosen as captain
of the ‘‘Go-fetch-ems.” The con­
test will end December 19. Poinis
will be counted for new members,
for attendance, being on time, and
many other things Carl Isom
was the leader Sunday evening.
J. M. Porter of Cotv,‘Ilia spent
the week end in Halsey at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. Karl Bram.
Mr. Porter and another
daughter, Mrs. Edith Rohnelt,
recently moved from Halsey to
Corvallis so that Mrs. Kobnett's
son might attend O.A.C. Mrs.
Bramwell drove to Corvallis Friday
evening for Mr. Porter and Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Bramwell and Mr.
Porter drove to Eugene where an­
other daughter of Mr. Porter s,
Mrs. F. M. Maxwell, and her hui-
band met them and took Mr. Port­
er on to their home tn Drain for a
visit with them, while the Bram-
wells returned to Halsey.
Henry Zimmerman, who likes to
dabble in things of the past, delved
into ilia box of relics, Monday, and
unearthed a photograph of a horse
belonging to Perry Adams along
about 1888. The animal under
discussion was noted for her long
heavy mane and tail, which were
snow white, while her body was
clothed in the conventional chest­
nut of the Clydesdale, which she
inherited from her sire- Her mane
was about seven feet long and very
heavy. Her foretop and tail were
also heavy and snow white. The
picture was taken near a livery
stable which stood at that time at
the corner of Second and W ash-
j \ / | 11
XT A U n i V U
Phonographs and Records
Pianos and Player Pianos
Stringed Instruments. Band Instruments
Sheet Music, Radio.
Easy Terms—Service
The Music Shop
Phone 168.
• ■
Albany. Oregon
u s u a i.
a ■ a ■ a
: The Gift Store
O ur e n tire Balcony has been co n v erted into a
G IFT STOKE whore von will find a rticles from
all countries. A visit here and y o u will n o t
need to seek fu rth er.
T h ere are gifts for th e Bride, lo r
th e B irthday, lo r th e New Baby, or
for F a th e r and M other.
Be su re to \ isit o u r Girt shop th e n ext tim e you
are in A lbany.
Fisher-Braden Company
E uiiuiiE acasadianiiiii
Second a n d llio a d a'h iu Streets, A lb an i. Oregon
S TO the sleeveless mode, Purls
fashionlsts come out strong for
It now that midsummer Is here. Quite
Interesting this, when one recalls how
at the beginning of the season long
sleeves seemed Inevitable. However,
at present w riting, the French stylist
relents and says: "Take your choice."
I t Is this very teiiiperninentnllsiii o f
creative genius which always has and
always w ill lend zest to the inode.
As to the at-tbls-moinent vogue for
the sleeveless type, there Is no h a lf­
way road to modlsliness—either a
frock Is uncompromisingly sleeved u>
the w rist or else It Is boldly minus a
Three typically French summer
gowns are shown In this picture pho­
tographed 11s they were, directly on
the grounds. O f course the first Item
to attract In the costuming of the fig­
ure In the center Is the m u ltitu d i­
nous bracelets encircling the arm. Well,
to he fashionable, one Just must wear
bracelets, anil "the more the m errier."
Thus the gleeveles mode and the
bracelet fad play lo each other's suc­
Printed chiffon frocks, such ns are
here Illustrated, flu tte r their colorful
transparency nt every gathering of
the elite In Pails, now that the warm
The sleeveless sports frock Is out
standing among French outdoor cos­
tumes. The model shown here *11 the
left makes sleeves conspicuous 1>J
their absence.
As is so fnslitonabl«
this season this two piece dress I-
of white flannel, the necessary "tom I
o f color" achieved w llh handsom
peasant embroidery.
The large rose designs noted In ear
of the cldlTon garden party frock
lu re shoHti, compete for favor wll
the little figured effects, which Inn
been so exploited (Ids season.
Practical and adaptable to tuldsei.
son wear Is the short cape and-blous
costume which has either a sepnrul.
or an attached sleeveless blouse. Fo
street wear these youthful lookliu
cape suits are developed either of (lin
novelty wooleu checks or of satin 0
These sleeveless daytim e frock
which have a cape to match are Idea
fVr early autumn when cool breeze-
struggle for supremacy w ith depart
Ing summer sunglow. Then, too. w llh
out the cape, one Is charmingly attired
for afternoon bridge or five o’clock
tea. W ith the cape, perfect street
apparel Is achieved.
<£. 1327, by Weatern Newspaper Union »
■ ■ M U ■ ■ ■ I | ^ i a a il ■ ■ ■ ■ ! ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ «
For future success with your flock of
chickens use
- t - ' - r 4
* ,4,i4‘ 4* 4,'4-,4"4- 4- 4* 4,,4> 4,,',k'4,'4*'
& & & £> G & & & <& & O
T 'T T T T T T T T T T T T
& & ft'
For Your Fall
House Cleaning
See us for up-to-date line of Wall
Paper, Paints, Varnishes, Brushes
Cor. First & Ferry Sts.
a a a
V a a a a a a
a a
a ■
■ ■
■ a a
Lang Ranges
Will pay for them selves iu fuel saved.
A re fully g u aran teed .
Developing Mashes and Scratches
Complete itcck always 011 band.
used and new
New reduced p rices now iu effect. Y our old
range taken in exchange. Ask ab o u t th e L ang
range to he given away tree.
O . XV. F K I M
HE s m a r t w o m a n
chooses a new sport
coat of simple line and
becoming fabric.
Will yours be a plain or a
novelty weave, a gay color
or something darker? You
will find whatever you
wish among the excellent
new coatings at our Piece
Goods Department.
You can easily make one
of the smart new Butterick
coat styles, now on sale at
our Butterick Pattern De­
partment. The straight-
line coat illustrated—But­
terick 1600—is designed
for sizes j i to 51.
Albany, Oregon
i n
If W e Can’t Clean It
Motor Coaches
■ ■ ■
— supplementing Southern Pa-
o /ic r a il service in Oregon.
W E IX) Cleaning.
S team P leatin g
T ailoring A lteratio n s am i R epairing.
N ow ride in the big, luxurious silver gray motor-
coaches to Pacific Highway points. Travel comfort
ably and at low cost via Southern Pacific either by
rail or highway.
The silver gray motor coaches are of latest design,
w ith every modern improvement for your conven­
ience and comfort. Experienced, careful drivers.
Bartcher Furniture Co.
11 '■
by the Box
Bar or Bulk
e Cream Bricks, Bulk. Dishes, Cones, Dixie
iskets, Eskim o Pies o r Ice Cream Sodas.
School Books, Stationery, Tablets and ail other
School Supplies.
Clark’s Confectionery
Your Southern Pacific rail tickets are good on these
motor coaches operating daily to and from Salem,
Albany, P o rtla n d , C o rv a llis, Eugene, Roseburg,
Grant's Pass, Medford, Ashland and intermediates
Get your copy of the new time table folder today
Southern Pacific
Motor Transport Co.
i !|
P h o n e 209
I2U W est Second Street
C. P. Moody, Agent. Phone 226
F. II. Bu.-s ird
Albany, Oregon