H ural E n terp rise, H alsey, Oregon, O ctober 13.1927 R u r a l E n t e r p r is e Publish*! Thursday at Halsey Oregon, H F wd A A LAKE Pubh.he.1 |1 a year In advance. Arrearages 12ttc a month. Stops when time expires unless continuance Is ordered. Advertising, 20c an Inch; no discount for time or space; no charge for composition or changes. Announce­ ments of entertainments, food sales etc., whose object is to raise money, charged at regular advertising rates Announcements of religious meetings, not exceeding four inches, free if copy is received beiore Tuesday. Fur (be last three years farmers bought more than one billion (fol­ iar» worth of farm machinery, the number of tractors alone increased 105.6 p*r cent in five years. This great increase in farm machinery enables fewer farmers to produce America's food and feed crop»., re­ leasing vast amounts of human energy for other p jrposes To solve the problem, new industries must be found. Just what industries will be evolved cannot, of course, be foreseen. And yet there are those who see the industries of the great northwest standing idle if the im­ migration bars are not let down to permit the hordes of cheap Mexican labor to euter. Their argumei t i* prompted by very selfish motives. «own io Oregon in the fall, Jenkin Club and Kink are two of the best spring varieties for fail sowing in the Willamette 'valley. Both are h gh yieldtrs. Of the winter varie­ ties White V\ inter and Holland aie oest according to results obtained at the state college. These latter are especially suited to the heavier colder : oils. O A.C. Kadi«» Farm P ro g ra m B ro ad castin g Radio Station K. O A- C. 270.1 meters; 500 watte; Pacific Standard Time. Monday evening, October 17. 7.00 The campus reporter. 7:10 4-H club meeting. 7:30 Farm utility program. Tuesday evening, October lg. 7:15 The campus reporter. 7:20 Oregon Qntzziems. 7:30 Timely farm topics. 7:35 Value of waste crops for hogs. 7:45 Chats with the homemaker. 8.00 Offerings in Am. Literature. Wednesday evening, October 19 7:15 The campus reporter. 7:20 Oregon Quizzisms. 7:30 Farm utility program. 8:00 The grange lecture hour. Thursday evening, October 20 7:15 The campus reporter. 7:17 The collegiate sporiiight. 7:27 Oregon Quizzisms, 7:30 Timely farm topics. 7;35 Economical jelly making. 8:00 The Forum. Friday evening, October 21. 7:15 The campus reporter. 7:20 Oregon Quizzisms. 7:30 Farm utility program. Trees set idle acres, too rough or too sterile for planting, to work growing an always marketable crop. Though trees take a number of years to reach m aturity, a young plantation adds cash value to a farm, just as a young orchard does. In a few years it yields small m a­ terial in the form of thiuuiugs, such as poles and fence posts, later fuel and later saw timber us well as your fire wood. It is a savings bank that pays compound inteiest. Tim ­ ber growing is a necessary part of WATCH R EPA IR IN G - When your watch needs repairing re­ diversified fanning, affording em­ member I utn prepared to serve ployment and wages for winter you. I will be located in t i e work. A farm wood lot is security front window of the Stephenson to the banker an ! the farm loan barber shop about the first of the hoard. week. Cali on me. J. Douglas Pritchard. 06 Of th e w heat v arieties com m only the work carried on by the fund. “ If the outside communities find genuine value iu this work, now is a good time for them to say so If Portland people are convinced th at " W e a r -E v e r question of the Oregon Develop substantial good is being accomp- ALUM! ment fund, a fund which is used 1 ih eJ, they will find a way to carry to defray the expense of providing the work forward. information to prospective settler» and to tourist» visiting the state. There should be some method by A lf o r d A r r o w s which this fund could b» secured and the work carried on more ex I E n terp rise C o rresp on d en ce) Special Sale-O¿t- 6th teusively. The Voter »ays: - to i5 th Herbert Tandy of Elm ira and “ Outside of Portland there is Forest Tandy of Yoncalla were Cooky-Candy acute interest iu the question recent visitors at the home of their whether the Oregon Development sister, Mrs. Chester Curtis. fund will be continued. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Cogswell “ Drained by a m ultitude of con­ a id their daugiiter, Mrs. Dorothea tributions for public purposes, and Stanton, and children, all of Port­ weary of criticism, the Portland land, are spending a few dcys at people who have been putting up their farm here. Philip Cogswell, tae money and adm inistering the who is attending U. of O., spent fund, would welcome surcease from Saturday night and Sunday with expense and sorrow. “ Portland experience: no direct them, DELBERT STARR Dorothy Corcoran of Halsey was benefit from the fund, having to be ' Funeral Director and Licensed satisfied with the belief some good the guest of Beverly Isom Sunday. Embalmer is being done outside, and that Sunday afternoon callers at the L A D Y A S S IS T A N T whatever helps the state helps the J. F. Isom home were Mrs. Charles Brownsville, Oregon metropolis. Lusby and granddaughter, Alice niiHi ............................................ . ‘‘Numerous outside communities Lusby, Mrs. Sara Johns and son, have expeiienced substantial d i­ Lawrence, of Springfield. Call At Davenport Music House rect beucfiis, in location of settlers, Mrs. Ruth McKee of Eugene assistance in crop m arketing and For New and Second H and spent last week here at the home Pianos. Pianos For Rent. | growth of tourist travel. People A lbany, Oregon iu such communities are anxious to of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mich­ ael Rickard. have the good work kept up. ............""""""..."if “ There is some talk of reorga­ Vyron Isom entered the Alford F is h e r -B r a d e n nizing ttie revenue plan of the Port- school Monday, making a total of Funeral Directors-Embalmers lm d cham bjr of commerce, w berr. twenty pupils. Lady Assistant. by the finincial burden may be George Godwiu and family of Chapel or Residence Funerals. more evenly distributed and still Buena Vista spent Sunday at the Phone 95. Albany, Oregon vield sufficient income to keep up John Rolfe home. Oregon Development Fund Is Drained; Help Needed at Once ~ «m t The Oregon Voter takes up the 4 qt W Pot Roast 1 Kettle , Hill & Company b a k in g co 405 W est F irst BUTTER-N U T BREAD A lb an y Floral Co. Cut flowers and plants. F loral a rt for every and all occasions. Flow er phone 458-f. P A S T ALBANY BARBER SIID? * J Charles R. Gollra, Proprietor Specializing in I.adies' and C hildren's H air Cuts and Bobs. Work Guaranteed 1029 E ast Second St. Albany, Ore. ALBANY S I A IE BANK We x x in v ite your business. Savings and commercial aceounts. Capital, surplus, undivided profits, #100. COU. P A S T B U R N ’S GROCERY * J 4th and Lyons Street The place to buv good groceries at the rjg h t price. On the corner, plenty o| room to park. Albany. P o rtm ille r Furniture Co., furm- A ture, rugs, linoleum , stoves ranges. Funeral directors. 427-433 west First street, Albany, Oregon. G EH L E R T ’S GROCERY 401 W F irst street Successor to J. D. hears We will tay to please yon U O L M A N & JACKSON G rocery—Bakery E v ery th in g in the line of eats Opposite Postoffice L C A F E , 209 W. birkt I M P E RIA Harold G. M urphy Prop Phone 665 W e n e v er close e n n in g s A u to T o p S h o p — A u to trim m ing, seat covers and w inter in- closurea. 202 E. Second. Phone 4l8J. N. L. Jen n in g s Manager J N agel’s Bob a n d Beauty Shoppe, Hotel Albany M anicuring, m arcelling, facial Miss Lam phear, operator O O SC O E AMES HARDWARE The W inchester Store IlKlirUnPP A General Line with it- tractive rates. Specializ­ ing in autom obile and truck insurance. E have th e b e st equipped sh o p in H alsey, and for th a t reaso n we give you a b e tte r Allphin’s Auction House jo b an d m ore for y o u r m oney. W e also c a r r y th e larg est stock o f tire s and accessories. B ring in th is ad and 25c and g et a 50c size o f tiro patching. Auction Sat. Oct. 15, 1 p. m. W ARROW GARAGE Broadalbin St., Albany F u rn itu re— live stock — will be sold. If you have an y th in g you w ant sold, bring it in. F urniture sold at private sale anytim e. Farm m achinery sold ut all times. iiiiiiMiMiiniiiiinf.v ..... luiiuiiuiiuiiiiininuiiin C . W . RYDER Pianos and Player Pianos Tuned. Repaired and Rebuilt. FACTS O ut of town mail and telephone orders will receive prom pt atten ­ tion, Form erly with C hickering Piano Co., Boston D avenport Music Store Albany, O Telephone 312Y Reasonable Prices -A N D THE OPEN M IN D Insurance Agency, 110 W. 2od St., Albany. Ore. Phone 733 Fisher Bros. Implement <2 Phone 47 122 N. Broadalbin si. Albany, Oregon John Deere Implements DeLaval Separators and Milkers Fencing and Farm ers’ Hardware FARM LOANS at lowest rate of interest. Real Estate Insurance Prom pt service, courteous treatm ent. W m . B a in , with Lane C ounty Abstract company, Albany If you enjoy a good meal And know a good meal when voil get it You'll be back for you'll not forget it. PARAGON CAFE te^ 5’Z h G E O . M. G IL C H R IS T ALBANY T ick et office Bell l.ine Stage. Albany to San Francisco, $15. C re a m e r y W th em all, from every possible source, is the first objective in G eneral M otors. T h e Research L aboratories c o n trib u te som e. These are nuggets, left in th e c ru cib le, after h u n d red s of ideas th a t loo k ed good have been b u rn e d aw ay. T h e P rov in g G ro u n d c o n trib u te s others. D ealers c o n trib u te . T h e p u b lic co n trib u tes. Every d e p a rtm e n t c o n trib u tes. T h ro u g h th e w hole o rg an iz a tio n runs a spirit of in q u iry an d of rigid insistence o n proof. o GET T such th in k in g com e th e new m odels ' a n n o u n c e d from tim e to tim e by C h ev ro let, P o n tiac , O ldsm obiie, O a k la n d , B u ick , LaSalle, C a d illa c all w ith F isher Bodies. A n d by F rigidaire. E ach new m odel is a tested step forw ard. N o th in g goes in to it as a result of h a b it o r guess o r p rid e of o p in io n . L- W R IG H T A s s o c ia tio n M anufacturers of FUNERAL DIRECTOR LINN BUTTER D. C. ROSSMAN, Local Manager Lady Assistant and B uyers o f Eggs A F a rm e rs ’ C o-operative C ream ery All calk answered day or night Rhone 256 Halsey, Oregon Chrysler Cars and A tw a te r-K e n t I R o is te r , F ed era l,] P. A . K L IN E A u c tio n e e r Live Stock and Farm Sales PHONE 4F3 CV 1 °F Corvallis, Oregon. Charge 2 per cent Farm Sales. an d C rosley R a d io A c c e s s o rie s Waldo Anderson & Son Albany, Oregon G uaranteed House Paints #2.60 gal Barn Paints, red oxide, $1.43 gal G ray ................................. $ 178 gal E y e S t r a in I - . N e r v e Strain Eye strain means nerve strain —correct glasses im prove vision ami nerves. Our methods assure accurate examinations. N o th in g c o u n ts h u t h a rd -w o n facts, g a th e re d and used w ith an o p e n m in d . T h e S c ie n c e o f O p to m etry GENERAL MOTORS A c a r fo r < very pu rse a n d pu rpose > CJ □ P T H IS C O U P O N « — J. L. Stuart, A lb a n y r I A,,E most im p o rta n t e le m e n t in business success— A a n d th e m ost d ifficu lt— is to be sure th a t you have all th e facts before you act. — M otors (Dept. A), Detroit. Mich. P b a w »end with out anv obligation to me. vour Illustrated >ook- let. " U 'J im M o to r C o r Foots A r t E ita b lu h rd .'* together w ith Info rm ation ab m t the particular General M otora prodi Kt or products I have .becked at the right. r, A I.BANY •Cx II IJ U I U llu o PIANO TUNING general >any ¿ ¿ d ir e c t o r y / S t e t t e r ’s Dishes and Crockery ware ’