This year's commercial pear crop of Medford and th e valley will be 2390 H E R B E R T W H IT E JUDGE BENJ. CARDOZA cars, which is 206 m ore than last year and g reatly exceeds th e early season estim ates because of the fruit having siz-d up b etter than then anticipated. j fa th e r of P ro h ib itio n L a w to Yawning at a hotel in Oregon City B rie f Resum e of H appenings of U. S . S u p re m e C o u rt Decision early Monday m orning. Jack Bates, Fight Those Who S e ll the W eek C ollected for R e tu rn s Oil L ands to ¡the traveling man of Seattle, found th a t be was unable to close his mouth. A S upplies. Our R eaders. G o vernm ent. physician was called and it was dis­ covered th at he had dislocated his Jaw. M inneapolis, Minn.—Andrew Vol­ The In te rsta te fair was held I d W ashington, D. C.—T eapot Dome s The P ortland school board at a spe­ stead. fath e r of th e n ational prohibi­ P r ce riile la st week with a large M in ­ m illions of b arrels of oil will go back, cial m eeting T hursday night fixed the tion a c t and now legal advisor to th e t e r to attendance. to th e governm ent. total budget for th e public schools n r t h w e s t prohibition enforcem ent Surveying la com pleted and right of for the calendar year 1929 at >(,001,- The U nited S tates suprem e court uric, has laid the foundation on w hich way virtually secured for a cutoff 631 50. Thia la an increase of >5(2.- has annulled th e lease of th e famous federal prohibition ag en ts have opened highw ay betw een Springfield and Co­ 519 67 over the presen t y ear’s budget. W yom ing oil field g ran ted to H arry a w ar ag ain st m anufacture of "hom e burg. F. S in clair’s M am m oth Oil company, Figures compiled In Salem recently brew ” for p riv ate consum ption. the sta rtin g point of the oil stands! The flower show g i v n io Woodburn Indicated th at th e state fair board will If Mr. V olstead's in te rp re ta tio n of Investigation of 1923-24. by th e G arden club last week was so have a surplus of betw een 110.690 and the law, on which th e m alt shops w ere T his decision brings to a success­ successful tb at it will be au annual 115 000, a fter all expenses of the 1927 raided, survives a court test. S. M. ful close the governm ent's long legal vent a re paid. The receipts from all ' event. Scvale. northw est prohibition adm inis­ b attle to regain th e two rich naval A butm ents for a new bridge over sources thia y ear ag gregated more trator. said dry ag en ts would a tte m p t oil reserv es, leased by th e then Seo- Me« bain < reek n ear Gibbon a re being than 1167,609, as ag ain st 1105.609 in to close every m alt shop in th e north: re e ta ry of th e In terio r A lbert B. Fail built by ibe U m atlba county road 1926 west. in 1922 and 1923. E. L. D o h e n j» crew s Fred Rogers, employed a t th e Con- A fter an investigation, Mr V olstead lease of th e Elk H ills reserv e in Cal­ logue logging camp on th e Coquille Last week th ere was a coat of gravel H e rb e rt W h ite, w ith the title of Judge B enjam in Cardoxa of the ann unced th a t in his opinion m alt ifornia has been annulled by the su­ placed on the roads betw een Sweet riv er n ear M arshfield, leaped on the New York Court of A ppeals, who has -hop proprietors could be a rre ste d un field supervisor, is the rig ht hand H eme and Poster, im proving traffic back of a buck d eer which en tered the been nam ed by P resident Coolidge to ■ der section 18, parag rap h 2, of th e na- man of Prohibition Comm issioner prem e court and P re sid e n t H arding s executive order giving the interior De­ riv er near him. R ogers rode the buck rep resen t th e U nited S ta te s as a ■ ti< nal prohibition act. T his parag rap h James Doran. conditions p a rtm e n t Jurisdiction over the navy until It becam e exhausted and was mem ber of the Intern atio nal C ourt forbids "possession or sale of mater- R ickreall school was closed last oil has been revoked by P resident drowned. He th en carried th e carcaaa of A rb itra tio n at The Hague. I ials designed for use in m anufacturing week on account of one case of Infan­ Coolidge. to his home. intoxicating liquor." It provides a tile paralysis being reported by the A ssociate Ju stic e P ierce B utler an­ R ep resen tativ es of a San Francisco penalty of >500. attending physician nounced th e unanim ous decision ct concern have been quietly engaged in Mr. V olstead fu rth e r ruled th a t T he first frost of the season nipped the court in an opinion which to es should a thalt shop p ro p rieto r be found th e late vegetable crops in the Rogue securing oil leases in p arts of Clatsop 47 m inutes to read. * county, south of A storia, it has been guilty under this section of th e law. river valley last week, when the m er­ B u tler’s opinion contained a long learned, and have m ade sufficient he could also be convicted of a con­ P aris.-M . B riand, the foreign m inis­ h isto ry of th e negotiations betw een cury reached 2 9 4 above. ! headw ay with securing th e options to spiracy to violate the d ry act. a charge ter, sent in stru ctio n s to Je a n H erbette, E A. Brownell rancher near Haines, oil men and governm ent officials, dis­ enable them to predict actual drilling - S p ectacular which carries a penalty of tw o years' F rench am bassador a t Moscow, to in­ W ashington, D. C. claim s the largest w heat yield per closure of w hich by th e sen ate oil by th e end of th e year. raid s on night clubs and c ab arets I im prisonm ent. form the au th o rities th a t the F rench com m ittee in 1923, 1924, stirre d the acre this year In Oregon. Hla crop will not be to lerated by P rohibition Six hundred and fourteen fam ilies governm ent no longer considered nation. yielded 73 bushels per acre. invested 12.229.739 in Oregon lands C om m issioner Doran, who sen t out a C hristian R akovsky persona grata, A R itchie of Baker was the success­ T here was n ev er any legitim ate during the year ending O ctober 1. new m anual of in stru ctio n s for dry and he should be recalled. ful bidder for the contract for con­ reason, B utler said, for the g reat se­ 1 purchasing 2C,3(9 acres, according to agents. The dem and w as m ade because of crecy w ith w hich Fall w as said to struction of the high school gym nasi­ th e rep o rt prepared by W. G. Ide. The ag en ts w ere ordered to cease a com m unist proclam ation th a t Ra­ have surrounded th e leases. um at Vale His figure was 112,944. m anager of the Joint land settlem en t th e p ractice of dram atically rushing kovsky. in his p riv ate capacity, signed H e found also th a t th e leases were The Bend Golf club's new nine-hole d ep artm en t of th e Oregon and P o rt­ in to cab arets with draw n revolvers at Moscow. It urged foreign w orkers not m ade to prevent drainage of Tea­ tu rf course, opened on October 1. The land cham bers of comm erce. in m aking raids. Arms, th e com m is­ Salem Or.—O regon's population has to refuse to support th eir governm ents pot Dome by nearby priv ately drilled new course, first of its kind In cen­ in any w ar with R ussia, and urged for­ fields. A quaran tin e statio n has been estab ­ sioner said, should be u sed only In passed the million m ark. tral Oregon, was seeded this spring. self defense, as th e ir u n necessary dis­ This declaration, contained in a lished by county health officials at eign soldiers in such circum stances to Fees earned by the Multnomah C anyonville to prevent the en tran ce play encourages shooting. statem en t issued by S ecretary of S tate d esert to the Red arm y. county clerk s office In Septem ber t o | oj from d istricts affected with A gents, how ever, may still use shot Kozer. is based upon figures available In m aking the dem and, F rance taied 114.54( 70, according to th e infantile paralysis into Douglas coun­ guns, rifles and m achine guns in from the 1926 school census. stressed the point th a t it need involve m onthly report of County Clerk Bev- ty, following the attem p t of paren ts o p eratin g ag ain st m oonshiners in th e “The estim ate th a t Oregon has a no bad feeling; m erely th e su b stitu ­ eridge. population of m ore than 1,000.009 Is tion of one am bassador for another. from K lam ath Falls and Medford to m ountainous sections. T he com m issioner also adm onished based upon careful calculation of th e "G entlem en professors" are p refer­ send th eir children to th is city to But Qussia, in a note, said th e recall ag en ts ag ain st unnecessary drinking ratio of the school population to the would precipitate a serious situation. red by both blondes and b ru n ettes at school. W ashington, D. C.—A >400,000,000 total population dating back as far as th e U niversity of Oregon, while men “The soviet governm ent h o ld ^ th at tax reduction program is being sub­ The N ewport C onstruction company, o t liquors to obtain evidence. 1910," said Kozer. "In th a t y ear chil­ your statem en t raises a question of as in stru cto rs are also p referred by Portland, probably will com plete Its m itted by th e U nited S ta te s cham ber dren of school age formed 25.52 per extrem e g rav ity to relatio n s betw een men studenia. co n tract w ith th e sta te highw ay for IN D IC T DRY O F F IC E R of com m erce to its 15oo-member or­ cent of the total population ot Oregon. our countries," the R ussian note had g anizations for a referendum vote to The McMinnville C hristian church, gettin g out 20,000 yards of rock for w hich holds the distinction of being m aintenance work on the Mount Hood T e r ry A. T a le n t to Face T ria l for Ten years la te r th is ratio w as 27.30 3aid. "T he recall of Mr. R akovsky is determ ine its policy during congres­ per cent. T hese figures a re d e te r­ so undesirable from the R ussian stan d ­ Death of Zim m erlee. the oldest mem ber of its denom ina­ loop highway this week. A large sup­ sional consideration of revenue legis­ tion in Oregon, celebrated Its 80th an ply of the crushed rock is piled at var Medford, Or.—T erry A. T alent, 22, mined from the federal and th e state point. and so inexplicable from the lation. Blversary Sunday tous points betw een Sandy and Rho­ federal prohibition enforcem ent offi­ school census taken in the years m en­ view point of the success of our pres­ The program as w orked out by a cer, w as indicted by a grand Jury un­ tioned and covering every d istric t in ent negotiations, a success obtained special com m ittee calls for reduction T here were ten fatalities in Oregon dodendron. the state. by M. Rakovsky. th a t th e soviet gov­ of corporate incom e taxes and repeal due to in d u strial accidents during the The Douglas county co u rt adopted d er th e d irection of A ssistant A tto r­ "A school d istrict census taken in ern m en t cannot tak e a decision in the week ended O ctober (, according to a the Scottsburg-D rain road, th e Elkton- ney-G eneral LllJeqvist, appointed by of federal esta te and w ar excise taxes. O ctober, 1926, showed there w ere 256,- m a tte r w ithout having a form al s ta te ­ report prepared by the sta te Industrial Diamond Lake road and the T iller cu t­ th e governor to investigate the death The recom m endations subm itted iu 884 children in Oregon. To th ese m ent of F rance's reasons for dem and­ accident commission. off as th e th ree m ajor road p ro jects of S eptem ber 29 of M ansford Zim m erlee, the referendum a re ; figures have been applied th e ratio ing M. R akovsky'g recall." Reported dam age of approxim ately the county. The first two projects (luring th e progress of a m oonshine of 26.41 per cent (an average of those "T h at th ere be im m ediate reduction The ap p aren t th re a t had no effect and repeals in federal taxes which, if T he bill ch arg es Involuntary 1100.909 to apples in the F reew ater are connected directly with th e Ump­ raid. for 1910 and 1920), w hich gives an es­ on the French attitu d e. The cabinet made effective, a re estim ated to and Milton d istrict caused by hail has qua highw ay developm ent now being m anslaughter. A bench w arran t was tim ated population for 1926 of 997.098, decided th a t R akovsky m ust go, and am ount to >400.000,000 in th e first full cat do n considerably th e prospect j u n dertaken by the newly organized ,S8Uei* for the a rre s t of T alen t and his a gain of 213.709 over the federal cen­ sen t a final note saying so. ball fixed a t >2000. The grand Jury Umpqua highway association. year a fte r the changes are made. for th e good crop at first in evidence. h eard 32 w itn esses and spent th ree sus figures of 783,389 for 1920. E m ­ "T h at the ra te of corporate income Pendleton will have th e beat equip­ A lbany's 1928 general fund budget ploying the sam e ratio of increase for days hearing th e testim ony. B R IE F G EN ER A L N E W S tax applicable to net incom e of 1927 to be raised by tasallo n was set at ped airp o rt in eastern O regon when the period since 1926, Oregon can should not exceed ten per cent. 139.753 80 T he am ount is 11990 more plans of th e governm ent a ir mail serv­ ju stly boast an approxim ate popula­ Six were killed and 15 others w ere “T hat congress should provide full than th e 1927 general fund levy, and ice are carried out to m ake this an Rain Prevents H arvesting of Crops. tion of slightly over 1,000,000. Injured when two floors of the K im ­ opportunity for the joint congressional Moscow, Idaho.—C rop dam ages are Is 1280(3 under the constitutional em ergency landing field on th e Elko- G rowth In population has been m ore Pasco route The com m ercial associa­ likely to be heavy In m any northern m arked in those counties of Oregon berly Clark paper m ills coljapsed at tax com m ittee to perfect proposals for maximum. ; Idaho com m unities as th e resu lt of which a re to the wept of the C as­ K im berly, Wis. revision of federal lafts and th e ir ad­ R egents of th e U niversity of Oregon tion field east of the city will be util­ M ajor-G eneral W illiam R. Sm ith m inistration." excessive rain s. The w heat crop in cades.” ized and fitted with beacons, search ­ have approved the 1928 sum mer school w as designated by P resid en t Coolidge the Moscow d istrict will suffer a loss budge! of 141.000. and authorised the light and o th er equipm ent. W ork is J of about 150,000 bushels, while the j to be superintendent of the W est P oint to sta rt in the n ear fu tu re and will be W AR PRO LO NG ED appointm ent of Alfred Powers as d i­ Y ANKS W IN PEN N A N T m ilitary academ y, effective next Feb­ M E X IC A N pea crop also suffered heavily. Re- recto r of the sum m er session in P o rt­ com pleted by June. 1928. ruary. — Calles Sends Big Force to Vera S tork killing hears w ere th e p artic­ ports from th e cen tral Idaho region W o rld 's Series Captured in 4 Straig ht land and Eugene. Lieutenant-C olonel John F. Dillon, a sta te th a t 40 p er cent of th e >3,000,000 Cruz, W here Rebels Concentrate. u lar object o f federal h u n ters during Victories from Pittsburg. F ire losses In Oregon resulting from m em ber of th e recently created fed­ grain crop and 90 per cent of the >350.- Mexico City.— P resid en t C alles of th e d estruction of m erchantable ttm Septem ber, when 14 of the anim als 000 bean crop a re still In the fields eral radio com m ission, died in San New York.—The last stand of a her were sm aller during the 1927 sea­ w ere bagged, according to the m onthly rapidly d ete rio ra tin g and in some dazed and b attered crew of P ittsb u rg F rancisco at L etterm an general hospi­ Mexico is planning for a long-drawn- out b attle with rebels in the sta te of son th an for 14 years, according to a report of S tanley O. Jew ett, in charge the t casea to n in g in the shocks. T his sec­ P ira te s cam e to an inglorious climax tal. He was 61 years old and was re­ Vera Cruz, it becam e evident with report prepared by F A. Elliott, state of th e p redatory anim al work in h ere S aturday when a wild pitch by tired from the arm y. • tion of th e sta te faces the heaviest Oregon d istrict. In addition, th e hunt­ forester. In Salem Long John Miljus in the ninth inning, R obert E. S trahorn of Spokane, the arriv al of 5000 additional troops ers accounted for 350 coyotes. 39 bob­ loss in h istory. j with tw o out and the bases full, gave W ash., builder of the Oregon. C alifor­ from Sonora. W ith freezing tem p eratu res and cats, one cougar, 97 badgers and 138 P a rt of the reinforcem ents will be [ the New York Y ankees the w inning nia & E astern railroad, of K lam ath heavy snow s falling in the m ountains porcupines Two C anadian lynx—an U. S. Favors Refund of French Loan. used to stren g th en th e cap ital g arri­ Falls, Or., and Miss Ruby G arland, and th e heavy rains drenching Uma W ashington. D. C.-— D espite the gov­ run and the w orld's cham pionship with anim al rarely found in O regon—also son and the rem ain d er will augm ent San Francisco business woman and tllla county farm lands, m ad co n stru e a record-equaling streak of four suc- ern m e n t’s ban on new loans to i were killed world traveler, w ere m arried a t San forces already in Vera Cruz pursuing tlon and fall plowing and seeding Is si F rance, th e sta te d ep artm en t has ap- i cessive trium phs, A tragedy was narrow ly averted laat rebel troops under G enerals Gomez a stan d still iu th at section proved th e refunding, a t 6 per cent. ! M iljus made a gift of the fourth and Francisco. week by the prom pt work ol a ranch- and Almada. A m erican hens are creating a record An ordinance regulating card play hand when George W. Johnston, prom- of th e >78.000,000 loan to th a t nation ,ln al *an,e ,o ,he An>«’>'‘<'a n league The fact th a t the fédérais have as Ing » a . adopted by the Roseburg city | banker aI)1, bu, )ne„ ()f which was made th ree years ago a t cham pions, spoiling a courageous come for them selves by laying collectively yet made no contact with the rebels at the rate of 760 eggs a second or 8 per cent. back by the B uccaneers and w recking rc u n ril It prohibits card playing in Dufur was attacked and tram pled by ____________________ an otherw ise sensational relief pitch­ 24,000.000.000 a year, the d epartm ent was felt here to indicate th a t the gov­ any pool hall or card hall except on a hull Mr. Johnston waa rolled and ing perform ance. T he score w as 4 of Agriculture said, explaining th a t ernm ent is proceeding slowly and cau­ the first floor, and m akes It unlawful tossed for a d istan ce of 50 feet before j T H E M ARKETS they accounted for about 16 per cent tiously and taking no chances on the i to 3. to perm it gam es behind locked doors his rescu er arrived and held th e in­ of the total value of all livestock and escape of th e rebel leaders. P ortland The Coos and Curry Telephone com­ furiated anim al at bay with a pitch- The w ar office announced th a t Its produc ts last year. Pershing to Head Church Fund Drive. W heat B. B. bluestem , >1.28; haru pany Is reco n stru ctin g Its line be­ fork The fact th at the hull had re­ heavy d esertions am ong the revolu­ W ashington, D. C.—G eneral John J. w hite, >126; federation, soft white. tw een Gold Beach and the California cently been dehorned probably saved tionists continued and th at the rebels, w estern white. >1 2 4 4 ; hard w inter, I P ershing has accepted th e chairm an- Illinois Bank W recked by President. sta te line, a d istan ce ot about 50 m iles Mr. Jo h n sto n 's life. on evacuating P erote and O riental, Aurora. Ill — W h ile John Esser, the >1.25; n o rth ern spring, >1.24; w estern ship of a com m ittee which will con- New poles are being set lo r (he en tire Apple grow ers of th e Milton-Free- ' duct a nation-w ide cam paign to raise young president of the Aurora T ru st left behind all heavy equipm ent, in­ d istan ce along the Roosevelt highway w ater section have appealed to Oregon ' red. >1 2 3 4 . cluding trains. ultim ately >30.000.000 for the comple- and Savings bank, lay In Jail lam ent- Mrs A lm ira Sparks. 84, early pio­ A gricultural college to help them solve j H ay — Alfalfa. >16 5 0 « 17; valley tion and endow m ent of W ashington Ing the gam bling urge which caused n eer of Oregon died at the home of the problem of fruit rot which has j tim othy, >16 5 0 0 1 7 ; ea ste rn Oregon cath ed ral and Its associated in stitu ­ him to steal and thereby blight the Oregon and fdaho Play 0-to-0 Game. h er (laughter Mrs Susanna Bowers. developed because of the use of wash f tim othy, >20. Eugene, Or. — Oregon and Idaho tions. T he cathedral is being built by progress of a q u arter century, auditors In Eug> ne last week Mrs Sparks ers Io rid apples of srse n a te of lead I R u tterfat—44c. the P ro te sta n t Episcopal C athedral worked over the closed in stitu tio n 's played a scoreless tie in th eir first Eggs Ranch, 32039c. came to this slate by ox learn over the residue Insistence by federal au th o r j Foundation of the D istrict of Colum­ books and found Indications the spec­ Pacific Coast conference gam e of the • Old Oregon T rail with her parents In Ities th at all apples he w ashed in or I ulations would run n earer >250.000 football season here. It w as the sec­ Hogs -M edium to choice, >10.000 bia. 1847 II required sis m onths to make der to win approval as grade No 1 than the original estim ate of >100.000. ond no score contest these tw o insti­ 11 85. th e trip The fam ily settled on a do­ has brought heavy financial losses to tutions have played in th e ir 19 sea­ A ustria to Recall Soviet Envoy. Lam bs — Medium to choice, >10.50 nation land claim of 640 acres near grow ers. It is claimed, due to open sons of com petition. Moscow.—A ustria has decided def­ Relief in Balkan Tension Seen. 0 1 1 50. W heatland, 14 miles north of Salem cores w here the rot sets In. initely to recall her m inister to Rus­ S eattle. Sofia. Bulgaria.—T ension betw een A tim ber sale totaling >46,853 87 Burt Brown B aker, noted New Babe Ruth" Lays 229 Eggs. W heat Soft w hite, w estern w hite, sia. It was said the recall had no B ulgaria and Jugo slav ia was believed was conducted by the United S tates York and Chicago lawyer, was elected Omaha. N e b —Showing her com ­ h ard w inter, n o rth ern spring, >126; connection with the French Russian to have been relieved following a land office in Roseburg laat week vice president, in charge of public re­ w estern red. >1 25; bluestem . >129; dispute, hut is due to dissatisfaction m eeting of the Jugo-Slav m inister plete unconcern for contentions of T im ber on seven tra c ts was sold the lations. at the U niversity ot Oregon. ! d ark northern spring. >1.40; dark hard in V ienna over telegram s sent by the here and the B ulgarian foreign m in­ Lady Skyline, Colorado hen. Babe lands being located in Polk, Lane A nnouncem ent of the appointm ent fol- [ m in ister during the recen t Vienna ister. I nfriendly feeling betw een the Ru’h. O m aha co n testan t in the Na­ w in ter >1.36. W ashington, Columbia and Jackson lowed a m eeting of the board of re ! riots. H ay — Alfalfa, >25; tim othy. >28; two nations has heen climaxed by tional Poultry L ayers' association con­ counties gents in Eugene P. S.. >22. the killing of G eneral K ovachevitch, test, laid 229 eggs in as many days. The Import duty on ch erries prob To com bat the low er fogs of the M edford Churches Closed Sunday. B u tter—Cream ery, 4(c. distinguished Jugo Slav arm y officer, ably will he increased from 2 to J low er Columbia highw ay, busses op- | E ggs Ranch, 45c. (30,000.000 Loan to Prussia Made. Medford. Or.—W ith all the leading by a band of Bulgarian bandits. cents per pound, according to M ai erated by the Spokane, P ortland A Cattle Steers, choice. >8 5009.50. churches closed Sunday In conform a­ Berlin.—D ifficulties encountered in S eattle railw ay have been painted a ! O ehlar, Salem altorney. who retu rn ed Hogs Prime. »11 16011 25 tion with the infantile paralysis pre­ th e negotiations of the P russian state Germany Gets F irst Rotary Club. from W ashington, where he conferred b right orange The carriers were for- ! Spokane. cautionary quarantine imposed for two H am burg. G erm an y —The first Ro­ governm ent for a >30.000.000 loan with m em bers of the federal tariff merly a light gray which blended loo C attle Steer», good. >9 50 0 9 00. w eeks by the city council, this city tary club of G erm any has been or­ from an A m erican banking group • a s tir with the lug. commission. U t i |i Good, >10 50010 75 passed a churchless Sunday. have been solved, it was officially ganised here. announced. VOLSTEAD WARS ON THE MALT SELLERS OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST L TEAPOT DOME OIL LEASE ANNULLED FRANCE ASKS RUSSIA TO RECALL RAKOVSKY SPECTACULAR BOOZE RAIDS FORBIDDEN OREGON HAS OVER MILLION POPULATION NATIONAL CHAMBER PLANS LOWER TAXES ■ a