A g r c u 11 ii r e H o rtic u ltu re L iv e s to c k Established in 1912. Voi. 16. D a i r y P o u ltry Wo o 1 No. 23. Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County Notre Dame Grid Star HEADS LEGION WOMEN HALSEY j\N D \ IC1.M IY BREV11II > C. H. Davidson of Shedd was a at the L nited Presbyterian church business visitor in Halsey this in Shedd last Sunday morning, Ser» morning. Mr. and Mis. J. G. Gibson ‘and j A Good Program Arranged l Mias Doris Dykstra spent a few Boyd Thrift of Albany were guests Assemblies Honor Riley and For Enteitainm ent days with her sister. Mrs. C. E. at the home of Mr. Gibson's sister, ( hristopher Columbus Quimby the past week. Mrs. Lloyd Workiuger, Sunday. The first meeting (or the winter Mrs. W. H. Wheeler and Mrs. Mrs. Hussey has returned to her By W ilm a W a h l. R eporter of the Parent-Teacher association Powell of Halsey spent Monday in home in Ha.sey from a tiip to Cali- will be held at the school house Eugene looking after business foruia. Her son Geo.'ge. w h) ic- j A dramatic club was organized Friday evening. It is the wish of interests. c tn pan led her, remained in Cali­ Monday evening. Officers were the officers that every teacher in Hiram Bierly who lives on fornia. elected as follows Charles Wright, this vicinity and every patron of farm south east of Halsev, moved Lieut. K. Bufo'd Morris, Ralph president, Nora Coldiron, vice pres­ the school will be present. During a silo from his farm this week and Smith, aud Carl Isom of Halsev ident, Esther Seefeld, secretary. A the evening an interesting program replaced it with another one. drove to the county seat Tuesdiy cunm iltee was chosen to select will be given and will be followed evening to attend a meet inc of the Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Q limby plsys so the club could begin work by a social time. were business visitors in Albany 0 . N. G. with the least possible delay. Com- The following program has been J. Douglas Pritchsrd opened It is Tuesday. They are preparing to mittee is as follows: Mary Smith, Mrs. Iren e M c In ty re W a lbridge of prepared and will commence at watch repair shop this wee/ in the Peterborough, N. II., was elected pres chairman; Nora Coldiron, and VV’il- move to Blodgett next week. 7:45 o’clock: Ident o f the Am erican I.eglon a u x il­ m » Wahl. Mr ia Saturday evening a meeting of Stephenson barber shop. ry at the P urls convention. She Is Song, “ Sailing,” high school the directors of the telephone comp Pritchard expresses himself as well the d a u gh te r o f C om m issioner W ll Cast week s assembly on Wed. glee club; motion song, “ I Get the H aiti M c In ty re , bend o f the S alvation any, line two, was held at the pleased with Halsey. nesday was held in honor of James artav in tbe southern states, und Is a Rheum atiz,” interm ediate grades N o tre Parue Is represented by an Curtis Veatcb home on Route 2. Charity grange will hold the graduate o f M ount H olyoke college Whitcomb Riley, whose birth is on report of summer school work at excellent fo o tba ll team th is fa ll, but With the purchaee of a new John first all-day meeting for the «inter She served In Trance w ith the Salva October 7. Nellie Falk gave a brief they lack beef, w h ile they have speed O.A.C., Alice Sturtevant; in stru ­ to burn. W ith a squad nu m b e rin g 300 Hon a rm y d u rin g the w a r and was Deere tractor by Rodney Savage seasou next Saturday, October 15. d i e d tw ice In arm y orders fo r b ra ve r) biographical sketch of the poet mental number, Donna Cross; pa men, Itockne lias a squad ric h In re­ of Route 2, Halsey, this week. Hill During the summer months the under lire. She lias been presiden Charles Wright gave a reading of jama kids, Miss MaCornack and serve. O ur photograpn shows Capt. I lie I.eglon a u x ilia ry o f New U um ii Rilei s entitled, “ N atu ral Perver­ John P. S m ith, who was one o f the and Company have sold teu tract­ meetings wete held on Saturduy shire. Miss Nelson; pianologue, “ Foolish ou tstan d in g fo rw a rd s in 1920 In the evening. ors so far this year. sities," Eloise Smith gave the “ L it­ Questioas” Beverly Isom; song, M iddle West, and Is p la yin g le ft Mrs A. F. Bolton and Mrs. R. tle Bee Bonuef” also written bv Miss Esther Blackburn of Leba­ ‘‘Little Sir Echo,” Fern Rossman guard. Dustin of Albany aud Mrs. C. 1!. Kilty. Songs by the school con­ non is working for Mrs. P. N. s I ' •iv c ttv A t i l e K e n t s and Liuden Bramwell. J R. Mode visited bis daughter Bierly. cluded the program. Mrs. Bierly and Miss Pbilpott of near Halsey, nere in at the Corvallis hospital Monday. Blackburn were schoolmates when the city this moruiug on a drive This week's assembly wag held (By Special Correspondent) iu the interest of world up lift mis­ Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lamar and they lived io Rockhill. P in e G ro v e Ite m s in honor of Christopher Columbus Mr. and Mis. O. 11. Ftoman sions. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Gibbs and Pete Sears visited friends in H al­ who discovered America, Ootober motored to Roseburg Sunday to Lydia Gregory and Merle Githmis sey Saturday while enroute to his Phillip Tussing of Halsey left to­ (Enterprise Correspondence) 2, 1192. Tbs program was open­ visit Mr. Frotnan,» sister, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. 0 . Becker of Mon­ pent the week end at Triangle home in Albany from a business day for Trona, Calif., where he has Roadman, Ihey rclurued horns ed by a song by the grades entitled roe visited at the N. E. Chandler Lake. trip to B ind. He returned by way accepted a position with ait engi­ Monday evening. Chester ’’ Songs by the school neering company. Ercel Sneed, Mrs. Russell Gitbens returned of the McKenzie Pass. home Sunday. followed and the following program Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Dawson drove F. L. Bayne of Peoria has a new another Halsey boy, is k c a te i at to Albany Sunday morning and reading by E >rl Perry entitled, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hover were from Portland Saturday having the same place •Columbus,” the song “ Sailing,” Sunday visitors at the Bert Haynes been called there on account of outboard motor for bis p riv a t1 attended church services at the the serious illness of her father. Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Kizer of was sung bv the glee club. Pro- ferry aerdss the Willamette river, home in Harrisburg. Griff King, who is a little better which divides bis tarm . Hill aud near Halsey, are tie parents of a I nited Presbyteriau, Dr. White ol gram was concluded by the Fr«sh- Fred ar.d Mary Heinrich came Portland being tbe speaker. They but stiil very ill. nett singing the High School Song. Company of Halsey made the sale. baby daughter burn in an Eugene up from Corvallis Friday evening were dinuor guests at the home cl hospital September 30. This is W illiam Pence aud Hiram li erly * to spend the week eud at home. Miss Nelson proph.sies that the their soq I’aul, and family. • W i-e V W W W of the Charity grange neighbor­ the second child lu t first girl in English I students will all lie sit A rthur Dorsey of Peoria is stay­ ] A. Couev a n il son, H a ro ld , Spoon River Sparks hood, made a trip to Waldport last the Kizer home. The baby has thors in later years if one esn judge ing at the L. C. Hughes home and w tre H alsey visito rs M onday af. week and returned with a trailer been named Betty Beryl. by the quality ol work they have going to school at Pine Grove while Mrs. Bert Claik i f llaleev ac­ lernoon. (By aD Enterprise Reporter) load of salmon, which was divided ieen handing in this last week his mother, who has been quite ill. companied her mother and brother, Mrs. Stevens and daughter. Min­ rmong the neighbors for canning, Edna Falk visited the school is in the Corvallis hospital. A baseball game was played last Mrs. William Curtis and Dale Cur­ nie, who have been assisting iu Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Savage and Miss Grace Pehrsson visited Mies Tu ad ,y afternoon. tis, to their hunte in Lebanon Tues­ curing for tbe prunes iu ’ba Frank Friday. The h am s consisted of Lois Belle, of Sa Mrs. E. S. Marsters spent la » t ■ ittle daughter, Pearl Pehrsson of Corvallis, Sat­ a t , u a y e evening v e n i n g a and n i W l day will spend several l’ritiiin orchard, left Sunday fot (reshiiien-sophoniores aud junior- lam, attended morning service at. , 4l Tuesday at H. L. Siraley's urday. , - I day s visiting them, M r . Curtis is their home tn Yankton, South Da- senior». I'he more youthful tlud- of Christ here last Sun- ,, , , ents, the freshmen-sophomores won Gilbert Carey left for Poitland Ii the Church ii. i- visiting another daughter. Mrs. kola. Mrs. George C bandkr was an Jay, and later were dinner guests ,, B . , . . e ., , the game by a ‘core of 15 to 20. tha first of the wuey, and Mrs. II. E Coney and m ed iu m . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 00 to 9 CO for treatment. water. The latter came up to look c o m m o n . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.SO to 7 73 children, E t r io r and Harold Mel. Mr, and Mrs. Grant Brattain over the farm that hie father, J. H. 7.3.3 to 8 no viit, drove to H a ls e y where Mrs. Heifers, good . . . . . . com m on and m edium h.OO to 7.50 spent the week end at Toledo with Van Nice, recently purchased. He| J A. Cnttey visited .Mrs Dean 8. G o b s , g i x s l ___ . . . . __ 6.75 tn 7 50 their daughter, Mrs. Raymond plans to move hi* fatn ly to one of McWilliami, and Mrs. H. F. comm on and m edium 5 iiO to 6.73 the Van Nice farms when school is Stenson. Couey and cliidren were guests of cu tte r .......................2.30 to 5 00 Hulls, g o o d . . 3.73 to 6.23 Mr. and Mrs. J.VV Lamar, Mrs. out. M rs C iv ile K o o n tz . J««*“ I c u tte r to m edium . 4 50 to 3.75 Alice Barcus, Mrs. M. M. Fruit Mr. and Mrs E E. Gordon were Calves, m edium ............ 7 30 to 10.00 and Mrs. J.S. Lam ar attended the TH E MARCELLER from Browns­ business visitors in Albany Friday. c u ll and common 5..50 to 8 00 Eastern Star meeting at Shedd ville, Mrs. Vadnsis, will be in The Women’s Mosionary society Veals, good to c h o ic e .......... 10 50to 12.50 Wednesday night. Halsey on Thursday, in M iller’s m edium ...................9 00 to 10.50 of Willamette met st the home of c u ll and c o m m o n ----- 6.00 to 9.00 Barber shop. Make your ap­ Walter Bargu and wife of Eu­ Miss AI med a McBride Thursday Ilog« 2V) to ISO lb s ............ 10.00 to to 75 pointments early. 822-013* gene, visited Peoria friends Sun­ afternoon. There was a g >od a t­ 21« to 25U 11 m ...............10.65 to I I 13 day. The Bargu family were Peoria FULLER BRUSHES—For Fall tendance. l - J lt u 2 O > 10.75 to 11.25 residents years ago. 131) to 160.................... 10 50 to I t 00 house cleaning. Free handy I Miss Elizabeth Barton aud her packing. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.00 to 9 00 Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lamar have brushes gi ven. Watch for tbe | J brother, Charles Parton, were din Pig», s la u g h te r oo to 1)0 .11,23 to 1X75 a new cement walk in front of their Fuller mao. Box 4, Albany, ner guests at the home of Mr and »V feeder and Stocker, home. Ore. 013 Mrs. J. A. Couey Thursday. 70 tol.30........................ 10 7.3 to 11.90 H ÍZ Left Flat Í <*fcl Æ 1