Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, October 06, 1927, Image 5

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    Rnra1 Enterprise, Halsey. Oregon. October 6,1027
• isted cf bla k angel food cake and ■
orange and choc date jello. In
keeping with the study of the
Italian Renaissance which the*
class is studying at present, and 1
to the fact that Italy is the borne
of early sculpture a small statue
was placed in the center of each
dish of jello.
A b this was the informal meet­
ing the members remained seated
around the table duung the dis­
cussion of the lesson the topic of
which is “ The Renaissance of
One of the pleasant features of
the evening was tin fact that every
member of the Gamma group as
well as Miss Flora Mason, presi­
dent of the Delphian chapter, were
p esen t. The perso nel of the
Gamma group is Mrs. Guy Lew-
elling. Mrs. Ethel I Braden, Mrs
Estella Kendall, Mrs. W. H.
Rhodes, Mrs. Dora Flood, Mrs.
Irene Graham. Mlgs Lenore Pow-
ell, Miss Sue Breckenridge, Miss
Magdalene Kuntz all of A ’banv,
\Ve sympathize with postmaster Miss Nelson is a graduate of Reed
Bramwell, he's co!le:t ng box rent college, Portland.
this week.
Ned Callaway was over from
Mr. and Mrs. Byrd W ‘ Brownsville yesterday and took de­
of near Halsey were Albany visit­ livery of a couple ot tractors. R.
ors Saturday.
N. Matlock was acting as assistant
Curtis Veatch returned from Cot- i i the preparation tor the drive to
tage Grove to visit Mrs. Veatch at Brownsville.
tbe home place in the Brandon dis­
Mr. and Mis. F. D. Owens of
Enid, Oklahoma, have leen visit­
Mr. and Mrs. Oren Frum and ing the A. H. Quimby family tl e
family of Hulsey spent Sunday at past few days while enroute to
Salem at the state fair. They report southern Ciliforuia to spend the
a good crowd.
winter. The two families were
Mr. and Mrs. Chastain and fam­ neighbors for many years when
ily spent Sunday visiting Mrs. theQuim by’s also lived in Okla­
Chastain’s sister, Mrs. Ira Van homa.
Epps of Holley.
Mr. and Mri. J. Brubaker, who
Wayue Veatch of U. of O. spent for the past year have been living
the week end at the home of bis on the B. E. Cogswell farm near
parents near Halsey, returning to Alford, are moving to Harrisburg,
Eugene Suuday evening.
where they will temporarily make
A. H. Quimby declares that the their home with Mrs. Brubaker’s
Concluded on page 8.
fall rains are spoiling his little po­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. B. Ring-
tatoes to such aa extent that he ler. Mr. Cogswell expects to re- TH E MARC’ELLER from Browns­
expects to harvest only.very large tnrn to the farm from Portland.
ville, Mrs. Vadnais, will he ini
Halsey on Thursday, in M iller’s
William A. Smith who is a t­
Barber shop. Make your ap­
tending high school in Corvallis
pointments farlv.
spent the week end at the home of
From Our Regular Correspondents
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Saturday evening a wedding of
J. W. Veatch was a caller in the
unusual interest to Halsey people
Brandon neighborhood Friday and
took place at the Methodist par­
from here went to Salem to attend
sonage when Mrs. Effie Wesley
the state fair. Mr. Veatch lives in
became the bride of A. J. Hill
. A
Cottage Grove.
Rev. J. S. Miller performed the
A social will be given by the ceremony which took place at 8:30
Christian Endeavor society at the o’clock.
Church of Christ next Saturday
Mr. Hill is the senior member Pot Roast
night at 7:30 o’cloclr. All high of the Grm of Hill of Co., of Hal­
Kettle \
school students and young folks sey, and has made a host of friends
near high school age, are invited. during his five years residence in
Spedai Sale-0 A 6th
Don’t miss it.
this city.
In a discussion Monday evening
Mrs. H dl has been a resident of
as to early rising, each trying to Halsey for a number of years and
outdo tbe other, the bouquet fell to is active in both the church and
Karl Bramwell who says he met, social life of the community.
They will make their home in
the night watch going home, but
the tru th of the matter is the night South Halsey.
U in. wide
watchman was going to work.
of friends of Mr. and Mrs. Hill
Ever since he and his Ford se­
met at their home and treated them
dan got bumped off the highway,
them to a real old fashioDed chari­
Mayor Clark vowed that hence­
forth the car he drives inu«t carry
• * • *
a protective banner, eo he pur­
When Autumn
to Toun
and Country
specials in
- 9$
HE s m a r t w o m a n
chooses a new sport
coat of simple line and
becoming fabric.
Will yours be a plain or a
novelty weave, a gay color
or something darker? You
will find whatever you
wish among the excellent
new coatings at our Piece
Goods Department.
You can easily make one
of the smart new Buttcrick
coat styles, now on sale at
our Buttcrick Pattern De­
partment. The straight-
line coat illustrated—But-
terick 1600—is' designed
for sizes jx to si.
HO SE tin y p rin t s ilk s wide!» come
e arly hr the season, a n il according
to fashion's prophecy, w ill stay late,
liuve com pletely captured the fancy
o f the fashionable w o rld . N t only
are they c h a rm in g made up atone,
fo rm in g th e ir own s e lf-trim , b u t they
have such a com panionable way o f
com bining w ith o th e r silks. T h e e
tin y (lower p a ttern e d p rin ts seem to
take on even more co lo r g lo ry , used
w ith solid navies and blacks.
Compose costumes, such as here p ic­
tu re d showing wee p rin t w ith p la in ,
liuve gained u place o f d is tin c tio n In
the season’s styles. A n o th e r In te re s t­
ing point about the lit t le patterned
s ilk s Is th a t they p la it so e ffe ctively.
Note th a t the s k ir t o f the fro c k Illu s ­
tra te d Is n eatly pla ite d , tis hem line
n d optlng a u .irro w border o f the solid
silk . T h is solid border t r i atm e n t Is
being much fe a ture d th is seat ai.
T h e blouse Is navy, o f course, fo r
Ib is color Is al present o u t-la u d in g .
The drape w hich appears at the le ft
Is re a lly a huge k e rc h ie f o f tin “ tig-
ured silk w hich may he w orn In the
pocket us shown o r knotted about the
shoulders nt the sweet w ill o f Its
wearer. T h a t's the way o f »ports
fro i l.s lid s season, most o f them have
Hill & Company
Tuesday evening the members of
chased a coupe, bearicg the warn­
ing on the radiator where all may j the Gamma group of the Delphian
chapter of Albany drove to Halsey
tee, “ Dodge Brothers.”
Miss Adah Nelson of the Halsey and m tt at the Lome of Mis. H ' F.
high school, and who is in charge bake. At 7:30 o’clock a covered
of the Glee club, has been elected dish supper was enjoyed. A glass
choir leadsr of the Church of basket filled with gold colored
dahlias formed the center piece for
Christ, and is featuring a young
table while the Delphian colors
folks choir. They will meet at the
and gold were carried out
home of Mrs. Cross this evening
the desert, which con-
at 7:30 o’clock for choir rehearsal.
4- 4•+ 4» 4* 4- 4>4-
Thurs., Fri., 13,14, “ WOMEN LOVE DIAMONDS”
The Halsey Garage
.?. .Ç. I, o r i i n g r r
Cor. First & Ferry Sts.
■ ■ c a s a ta
Lang Ranges
Will pay for themselves in fuel saved.
Are fully guaranteed.
New reduced prices now in effect. Your old I
range taken in exchange. Ask about the Lang |
range to bo given away free.
phonographs and Records
Pianos and Player Pianos
Stringed Instruments, Band Instruments
Sheet Music, Radio.
Phono 2G9
120 W est Second Street
Easy Term»—Service
Phone 168. Albany, Oregon
4-' 4 4 + 4« 4. 4. 4* 4* 4> 4« 4,'4,,4”4.
See us for up-to-date line of Wall
Paper, Paints, Varnishes, Brushes
The Music Shop
19ST, b» Wu.tern N «w .p»p.r Union.»
V T 11 C l P *1 I
iT X L lo lV C ll
For Your Fall
House Cleaning
If We Can’t Clean It
WE 110 Clean! ne, Dyeing, Steam Pleating
Tailoring. Alterations anti Repairing.
uinotig newest styles.
& ,© & & & & & & & & €»€»& & ©
-t-'-t'-t t t-'-t-'-t t 11 1 1 t 1 1 t t'-t't't t't't-'-t
Clark’s Confectionery
The World’s Most Famous W ar Picture.
. Wed. Oct. 12
Sat, Oct. 15
In five v' trs 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 dashed into eternity.
W hat « out there? Nobody knows.
Better come around and have brakes relined or adjusted.
Also you can get a can of tire patching for two bits.
Ice Cream Bricks, Bulk. Dishes, Cones, Dixio
Baskets, Eskimo Pies or Ice Cream Sodas.____
School Books, Stationery, Tablets and all other
School Supplies.
and tor that reason we give you a better
job and inoro for your monoy.
W e also carry the largest stock of tires and
Bring in this ad and 25c and get a 50c size of
tire patching.
‘What Price Glory’
H onk! H onk!
by tbe Box
Bar or Bulk
E have the best equipped shop in Halsey,
GLOBE, ALBANY, S u T n .f u c M tu o la n ., v
a m tch ln g . dashing s ilk square some­
w here lu sig h t I f not loosely tied
about th g neck uud shoulders.
T i e large navy i.i'.lan hat w hich ac­
companies th is costume deserves spe­
cia l m ention, fo r It expresses m illin e ry
at Ils sm artest. Not o n ly Is th is cos­
tum e tim e ly fo r Im m ediate wear, h u t
it w ill serve a d m ira b ly th ro u g h o u t the
soon to-be autum n days.
As to p rin ts , th e fu tu re prom ises
reve la tio n s In the way o f handaomo
pattern e d velvets w ith wee figures
som ew hat i.f.c r the s ilk s w hich are
at th is inom ait so populur.
These Incom ing costumes o f p rin t
velvet fo llo w th e system o f the sum ­
m er s ilk p rin ts . In th a t they are made
a .a c l ..r of
p rin t w ith p lu ln . One can re a d ily
foresee the tre a t In btore o f a linud-
m in e black o r navy velvet w ith pan­
els, le ve rs and o ilie r d e ta ils o f the
patterned weave.
Advance n o ve lty velvets show in ad­
d itio n to gay colore«! design, u fe tc h ­
ing In tro d u c tio n o f m eta l e m b e llish ­
ment. T he two-piece fro c k o f velvet
i rin t, ...... i- lln g o f blouse uud s k irt. Is
F. IL Bussard
Bartcher Furniture Co.
Albany, Oregon
Albany, Oregon
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