K u r a lE n te r jT H ^ J T a ls e v ^ r e ^ o n ^ û c to b p H i^J2£L R u r al E n t e r p r is e /^ibany.£7)ireclory I O A .C . R a d io F a r m be 60 feet wide and construction Wbeia they have been working c d Published Thursday at Halsey Oregon, according to m arket road specific«» the highway for some time. H F u r f A A LAKE tions. Such a road would be of M rs. Hazel Munkers is keeping Fubhthcn great help to the farmers of th a t house for her father, H. L Stralav SI a year In advance. Arrearages 1214c section. while Mrs Straley and son Leroy a month. Stops when time expires are at Marshfield visiting Miss unless continuance is ordered. 1 here is consolation to the users Merle who was injured iu an auto Advertising, 20c an inch; no discount of a certain popular “ roll-your ac d lent recently, for time or space; no charge for own” tuhacco in the news item composition or changes. Announce­ Merwin Van Nice and family ments of entertainments, food sales, th at profits from its sale are to motored to Salem Friday. Merwin etc., whose object is to raise money, build a university. Twenty mil- attended the fair and Mrs. Van- charged at regular advertising rates lien dollars will be expended in Nice and the children went on to Announcements of religious meetings this monument. not exceeding four inches, free if Portland where they attended the copy is received before Tuesday. wedding of her sister, May Snider. H L ak e C reek N ew s Program Broadcasting » v v v v v v v sa v a v * a a v « a m a a (By an E nterpiise Reporter) A LB A N Y Radio Station K. 0 A- C. 270.1 meter«; 500 watte; Pacific Standard Time. Monday evening, October 10. 7 :00 The campus reporter. 7:10 4 11 club meeting. 7:30 Farm utility program. Tuesday eveuiug, October 11. 7:15 The campus reporter. 7:20 Oregon Quizzisms. 7:30 Timely farm topics. 7.35 When to m arket livestock. 7:45 Chats with the homemaker. 8.00 Offerings in Am. Literature. Wednesday evening, October 12. 7:15 The campus reporter. 7:20 Oregon Qtiizzisms. 7:30 Farm utility program. 8:00 The grange lecture hour. Thursday eveuing, O ctoler 13 7:15 The collegiate sporilight. 7:25 Oregon Quizzisms, t :30 Use and value farm manure. 7:40 Timely farm topics. 7;45 Chats with the homemaker. 8:00 The Forum, Friday evening, October 14. 7:15 The campus reporter. :20 Oregon Quizzisms. ;30 Farm utility program. Henry Cook of West Fir was vis iting in this community last Sun day. He is employed in a store at West Fir. Rain has prevented a number a fartne.s iu this neighborhood from tbreshiug their clover and it re mains in the fields, Oliver Coldiron harvested his corn crop last week. With the help of some of hts neighbors the corn was cut and put in the silo Harry Davis and family and Mr and Mrs. C. R. Evans, M rs.Laura Woodward, Mary anti Marie Evans and Martha Cook were among the Lake Creek folks who attended the state fair at Salem Friday. Dempsey says he’s a better man Mr, and Mrs. E.S.M arsters were than Tunney. Of cou se when he Now comes a cry from tlri larg at Brownsville Sunday and on re­ buyers of cheap labor to let (low aays "b ette r m an’’ the definition turning home were very disap ­ loes not extend beyond the priz the bare on immigration from Mex pointed on finding a note inform ­ ico and cimoullage their cry by ring and we doubt even that far. ing them that their son, Carlos and ringing that same old alarm bell family of Portlaud, had called “ the farmer needs more cheap la while they were gone. ► Sp oon R iver S p a rk s bor.” We’d like to get a hold on Mr. and Mrs, G. J. Rike, C. L. come of the "shortage of b b o r,’ Falk, J r., and W. A. Falk, were (By bd Enterprise Reporter) calamity howlers and take ’em fu among those to attend the state a short walk down Burnside streei FOR SALE Mr. and Mrs O-M. Rankin wen fair. The Falk brothers returned IF YOU WANT a piano now is in Portland most any time when ruests at VV• R K 'rk ’s Sunday. Friday. While in Salem they were they could man any job tl.ei your chance. We want w< o 1 or The Misses Grace Kirk and Dor- hay. Get busy. C allatD av en . limited executive ability coul< s Howard spent the week end at the guests of Herman Stienke who port’s Music House, Albany. ives within three blocks of the fair wade through, with dependable A’. K. K irk’s, {rounds.- help. 'Ihe farmer isn’t apiing foi 19 W EANLING pigs, seven weeks Mr. and Mrs. VV- A. Carey and cheap labor, it's too expensive t The Enterprise and Portland old. Phone or enquire of Art Vlis. Inez Freeland of Salem, wen fuss around with. The plea winds Oregonian both one year for $6 00 Foote. S 22-29 Sunday dinner guests at E E. Ca up thus; "Keep the common lahoi ey’s. ports of Mexico open. Clos them Alex Snodgrass and family, am and the industrial West will b Mayme Falk and Kenneth Van paralyzed to its center.” Come on Nice were visitors at H. J. Falk't paralysis I Su day. Halsey, Oregon C. B, Gibson moved to Ihe plac» A survey of a wagon road fiou he has rented and known as the Springfield t j Coburg and then t< heo. Fullt and Hogue farm ueai a point at or near Alford station C A P IT A L A N D S U R P L U S Nixon station, last week. where it will connect with the state highway, is being strongly agitated Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited All ert West, George and Leste and promises to bo a leality in u'P ow ell returned to this neighbor year or so. The right-of-way will hood Sunday from near Newport IIALSEY STATE BANK OU arc doubly assured of quality and continuing Frigidaire and Delco-Light stand the resources of the Whole family of General Motors. Each is tested and Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmcr TE BANK w , P A S T B U R N 'S GROCERY 4th and Lyons Street The place to buv good groceries at the right price. On the corner, plenty of room to park. Albany. EVirtmiller Furniture Co., fumi. ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges Funeral directors. 427-433 west First street, Albany, Oregon. f 2 K H L E R T ’ S G R O C E ICY 401 W First street Successor to J. D. sears We will tay to please you D O L M A S & JACKSON Grocery—Bakery Everything in the line of eats Opposite Postoffice I M FERIA L CAFE, 209 ’V. b •I . Harold O. Murphy Prop. Phoue 665 W e never close ien n in g s Auto Top Shop— Auto Hotel Albany Manicuring, niarcePing, facial Miss l.aniphear, operator oscoe ames hardware traC(jve rates Specializ- ing in automobile and truck insurance. I l l o i n U llU u J. L Stuart, Insurance Agency, 110 W. 2nd St., Albany, Ore. Phone 733 Fisher Bros. Implement (3 Phone 47 122 N. Broadalbin st. A lbany, Oregou John Deere Implements DeLaval Separators and Milkers Fencing and Farm ers’ Hardware K F is h e r -B r a d e n Lady Assistant. Chapel or Residence Funerals. Phone 95. Albany, Orego FARM LOANS at lo-vest rate of interest. T U N IN G Rebuilt. CHEVROLET Jæ Out of town mail and telephone orders will receive prompt atten­ tion. Formerly with Cluckering Piano Co., Boston Davenport Music Store Albany, O Telephone 312Y Reasonable Puces OLDSMOBILE. 7 models, $875 to $1075. New lower prices round out Olds- mobile's m aster-stro k e of G eneral Motors’ value giving. 4-wheel brakes. Insurance PARAGON CAFE Tuesdays GEO- M. G ILCH R IST ALBANY Ticket office Bell l.ine Stage. Albany to San Francisco, $15. ft-’............... ....................... ....... y Real Estate Prompt ser »ice. courteous treatment. W m . B ain , with Lane County Abstract company, Albany If you enjay a good meal And know a good meal when you get it You’ll be back for you’ll not forget it. C. W . RYDER Pianos and Player Pianos Tuned, Repaired and A lb a n y NMIIIIIIUIIHimilHIIII.IIIIIHimilHIIIIIMiMliHNUHIHIIIIIIINHimitllhmilllttllllUIHmmiltl Creamery Association W L. W R IG H T M anufacturers of FUNERAL DIRECTOR LINN BUTTER D. C. ROSSMAN, Local Manager Lady Assistant a n d B u y e r s o f Eggs A F a r m e r s ’ C o - o p e r a tiv e C ream ery All calb answered day nr night Phone 255 Halsey, Oregon ft-,— »— MMHMIHIHnM!.HM,NIIMIIHM—.-I W .1 1 . i ’ BUICK. 16 models, $1195 to $1995. All the world know sBuick's worth. “Get­ away" like an arrow from a bow. Vibra- tionless beyond belief. Famous 6-cylinder “ valve-in bead" engine. 4-whcel brakes. Beautiful low bodies. s ia _______ The Winchester Store Cali At Davenport Music House A A OAKLAND. 6 models, $ 1045 to $1265. The “AU American" model is a bigger, better, more beautiful car, typifying General Motors quality and value in the medium price class. 4-wheel brakes. ALBANY oA invite your business. Savings and commercial aceounts. Capital, surplus undivided profits, $100. COO. IlKllfiM PP A General Line with it- proved. And in the prices you pay for these products, you share in the economies of vast production. We invite you to learn more about these products by sending in the coupon below. Mail it today before you forget. No obligation, but interesting reading. PONTIAC. 6 models. $745 to $925. Lowest priced six with Bodies by Fisher. Duco finish. Estra - powerful engine. Value proved by ever increasing sales. J P AST ALBANY BARBER S ilo? Charles R. Goltra, Proprietor Specializing in Ladies’ and Children's Hair Cuts and Bobs. Work Guaranteed 1029 East Second S t Albany, ijre. R L A D Y A S S IS T A N T Brownsville, Oregon P IA N O CHEVROLET. 7 models, $525 to $745. Amazing combination of beauty, perfor­ mance and low price. 3-speed transmis­ sion . Beautiful Ftslier Bodies. Duco finish. Fully equipped. A/sq truck chassis; Pi­ ton, $395; 1 ton, $495. and all occasions _______________ Flower plione 458-f. agel’s Bob and Beauty Shoppe, Funeral Directors-Embalmers when you buy a General Motors product. Y service Behind the resources of these seven famous cars and of A lb an y Floral Co. Cut O*- and plants. Floral art for ever» N D ELBER T STARR For New and Second Hand Pianos. Pianos For Rent. A lbany, Oregon You can buy these products with confidence 405 West First BUTTER-NUT BREAD trim m ing, seat covers and winter in- closures. 202 E. Second. Plione 41sJ. ___ ________ N. I.. Jen ningsMan ager The Enterprise $1,00 a year $35,000 B aking co ~~ Chrysler Cars and A tw a te r-K e n t j K o ls ttr . F e d e r a l,] L a SALLB. 11 models, $2495 to $2995. New and beautiful car designed and built as companion car to Cadillac. Has V-type • cylinder engine. Marvelous lines and bodies. Continental in appeal ance. I’ . A . K L I N E A u c tio n e e r and C ro sley Radio Accessories Live Stock and Farm Sales Waldo Anderson & Son PHQNE 4F J Corvallis, Oregon. Charge 2 per cent Farm Sales. Albany, Oregon Guaranteed House Paints $2.60 gal Barn Faints, red oxide $1.43 gal Gr*.v................................$ .1.78 gal S t e t t e r ’a SJ.I r. c . _ r •R IG ID A IR a CADILLAC. 26 mudels.$3.3S0 to $5.500. The standard of the fine car world 90 degree V type engine. Bodies by Fisher and Fleetwood. 500 color and up holstcry combinations to choose from D E y e S t r a in FRIGIDAIRE — the electric refrigerator. General Motors has applied the processes which have made the automobile avail­ able to every family to the production of Frigidaire, its electric refrigerator. (A L L P R IC E S FO DELCO-LIOHTelectric plants. Provide the conveniences and labor saving devices of the city for the farm. Electric light and power planta, water pumps, etc. Used in over a quarter m-lhon homes. T h e S c ie n c e o f O p tom etry d B. F A C T O R I M ) E. L. Stiff Furniture Co. C tlP THIS C O U PO N --------- -- G eneral M otors (Dept A \ Detroit. Mich. Please se -J without any obligation to me, your illustrated book- let, "V here Motor Cur Facia Are EstaMfshcd." together with Information about the particular General Motors product or products 1 have chcckedat the right. CHEVROLET □ OAKLAND □ CADILLAC □ PONTIAC □ BV1CK □ FRIGIDAIRE □ L a SALLB □ DELCO-LIGHT □ Nnnte A ddress------ George William Wright Attorney-at-Law SkiP and experience in the profession of S Licensed to Practice in Unitid optometry cannot te acquired in a month I States Conn and all Courts n or a year. Modern optometry is the re- ® Oregon. O ffices in B a ltim o re Bldg g Albai y, Oregon suit of long and exhaustive study. Such g ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ * experience is our bid for your patronage and good will. 'A car for every purse and purpose1 OLDSMOBILE □ A lb a n y , O re. Eye strain means nerve strain—correct glasses improve vision aud nerves. Our methods assure accurate examinations. GENERAL MOTORS ■— Dishes and Crockery ware N e r v e Strain 422 W est E ir s t S tr e e t A lb a n y , O reg o n Complete Home Furnishers M EADE & A LBRO Optometrists, 312 First st . Albany, Ore. Universal & Colonial Ranges