HINDENBURO HONORED BY GERMAN PEOPLE W ork on the first unit of the Bend- Burns highway sta rte d last week with T. G. SH A W RAYM O ND L. ROSS crew s startin g a t B rothers and head­ ing tow ard Bend. D eschutes county road crew s and equipm ent are being used by the sta te in construction work. » • ' P re s id e n t of the Republis Gets B rief Resum e of H appenings of H undreds Are In ju reb by T o r A large am ount of fall plowing is being" done th roughout the Sandy- Big O vation on His 80th the W eek C ollected fo r nado and P ro p e rty D am ­ G resham section, and more fall seed­ B irth d a y . O ur R eaders. ing will be done th an ever before. It age Runs High. is found th a t grain sowed in th e fall The annual convention of th e Ore­ produces b e tte r th an spring sowing. B erlin.—Von H indenburg was fir,,. St. Louis, Mo.—E ighty persons were gon Bar association was held In Bend T he sta te tre a su re r has received In th e h e arts of his countrym en Sun­ known to have been killed, 1200 in; from th e secretary of state a w arran t day as never before. Ni/i since Will- last week. jured and property w orth *50,000,000 ¡am I led the G erm an arm ies through The Oregiwi sta te fair, for th e first for *900,000, w'hlch Is the three-fourths damaged by a tornado w hich devas th e B randenburger gate in 1871 on time In history, was held over on Sun­ proportion of m otor vehicle fees col­ tated an area of six square m iles In lected during th e sem i-annual period th e ir re tu rn from the Franco-Prussian day this year. the residential d istrict of th is city. w ar has B erlin w itnessed an ovation House to house canvasses gave 5500 W alter L. Tooze, Sr., for m any years M arch 16 to S eptem ber 15 of this year. like th a t show ered on P aul von Hin­ the approxim ate num ber of build­ G overnor P atterso n has issued an a prom inent resid en t of Oregon, died denburg on the occasion of his 80th ings destroyed o r damaged. suddenly a t his home in Salem last o rd er extending the reprieve Issued to birthday. More than a million dollars’ w orth Jam es Willos, convict, for a period of week. It was prim arily a trib u te to Von of autom obiles w ere destroyed. 30 days. W illos is under death sen­ Bids have been opened a t Medford H indenburg, the man, th a t found an Survey of the en tire storm a r on widening and clearing th e channel ten ce for the p art he played in the o u tlet in the veritable drum fire of showed th a t the bulk of serious storm and stabilizing the banks of Bear slaying of gu ard s during a break at cheering which echoed and re-echoed damage was done to residence houses, th e sta te p en iten tiary here In August, creek. along th e route which he traversed, 1925. apartm ent buildings, sm all stores, The date of th e Sherwood potato but its political significunce is set sm all factories and churches. C racksm en blew th e safe in the and onion show has been changed down as a tangible asset to the Ger­ The stricken area, irreg u lar In from November 5 to Saturday, Novem­ sto re of Gilliam & Bisbee of H eppner T. G. Shaw, World W ar veteran and m an republic, for the president's natal shape and of varying w idth, showed last week and escaped. They secured ber 19. Fort Worth, Texas, oil millionaire, day was the signal for a political truce plainly th a t the tornado, in cutting a Five fish boats came In to Coos about *150. It is th ought the men who has donated the proceeds of an In which his services to th e new Ger­ crescent-shaped sw ath which em ­ Raymond L. Ross, who has been bay recently with about 25,000 pounds w ere a fte r th e funds of the rodeo, appointed chief of the new airways braced th e exclusive resid en tial sec­ oil well to erect 50 homes In which m any found free acknow ledgem ent of salmon, the larg est offshore catch which closed h ere S aturday, but m ost mapping section of the United States tion, hum bler hom es and business American Legion convalescents and from friend and foe alike. The colors of these funds had been taken to the of the year. of the republic predom inated iu the coast and geodetic survey. He has streets, had hopped, skipped and their families will reside. bank. Between 55 and 60 per cent of the display of bunting throughout the city. charge of producing maps for commer­ Jumped. From Lindell boulevard, a The s ta te banking departm ent, cial flyers. U m atilla w heat crop has been sold, A warm autum n sun beamed benign­ street of tall ap artm en t houses and according to an estim ate of H enry Col­ which has been located In P o rtlan d ly on the octogenarian president as fine homes, it hopped some eight (or m ore than two years, will be moved lins, Pendleton miller. he leisurely m otored through a 12-mtle blocks to V andeventer place, form erly lane, flanked w ith guards of honor, W ashington county has no bonded back to Salem, according to announce­ the most exclusive residence center back of whom men, women and chil­ indebtedness and approxim ately 40 m ent m ade by A. A. Schram m , Btate of St. Louis, and thence th ree blocks dren w ere m assed until the house- miles of paved highw ays and 520 miles su p erin ten d en t of banks, a t a m eeting to Cook, th e cen ter of a large d istrict of the sta te banking board held In Moscow.—Leon T rotzky, once all fro n ts form ed unyielding barriers. of splendid level m acadam roads. devoted to hom es for negroes. Salem recently. V eteran police officials were in­ The tw ister reached a velocity of 90 pow erful w ar m in ister of the soviets, Completion of the digging of nine T om atoes a re ripening fast and are acreB of potatoes on the Newton Miller S eattle, W ash.—A tax reform pro­ miles an hour in a few seconds, and has again felt th e w eight of discipline clined to estim ate the tu rnout which farm on Grand Island gave 1000 sacks, of w onderful s ite and flavor and in gram which urges fu rth er slash es in subsided as m any m inutes la te r to be for his out-spoken opposition to the applauded the president on the drive running from 100 to 120 pounds a sack. sufficient am ount to keep the G rand individual Income taxes and Im medi­ followed sh o rtly by a b rilliant sun Stalin and Bucharin group, controlling to the stadium a t not less than 1,000,. Island cannery running continuously. th e com m unist p arty and the com 000. a te repeal of the federal e sta te tax shining through wind-torn clouds. Marion county produces m ore than C anning of puree has begun. Melons m unist or th ird in ternational. wras adopted by the Investm ent Bank­ 10 per cent of all th e pepperm int also are ripening fast and a re rich S horn of governm ental posts and e rs ’ association of A m erica in con­ grown in the United S tates, according and sw eet. C lover hulling Is pro g ress­ dem oted in th e R ussian com m unist cluding its 16th annual convention to L. C. Herrold, Lake Lablsh refinery ing and quality and yield continue p arty for his a tta c k s on the control­ here. expert. good. ling group in th e past, he has now The program , w hich w as presented At a public auction held recently on been expelled from the executive body A to tal of 1104 forest fires caused by by the taxation com m ittee, also pro­ the Claude Fulgham farm n ear Day- of th e international, to g eth er w ith M. lightning, with 418 man caused fires posed reduction In th e corporate in­ ton, dairy cows brought good prices, W ashington, D. C.—Before 300 in­ for the season up to Septem ber 20, is come tax “until it accords m ore nearly W ashington, D. C.—Sixty persons Vuyovich, one of his chief aides. his entire herd av erag in g m ore than te re ste d guests, including his entire The expulsion was unanim ously vot­ shown in the fire sum m ary ju st re­ with th e rate of the norm al tax on in­ have filed claim s w ith the postal au­ *100 each. leased by the forest service offices at dividual Incom es," and recom m ended thorities for the *15.900 In gold offered ed by the presidum . or controlling o r­ cabinet, P resid en t Coolidge exchanged g reetings with P resident Calles of Ashland will celebrate Thursday, P ortland. In spite of heavy rains so elim ination of the item s of capital as a rew ard for inform ation leading ganism of the in ternational, w hich di­ October 6, with a big fall festival, far In Septem ber, 48 fires w ere re­ Mexico by long-distance telephone and gains and capital losses in the federal to the a rre st and conviction of the rects in tern atio n al com m unist activi­ which, it is said, will eclipse anything ported by the forest rangers from Sep­ th u s opened a new ch ap ter in the for­ ties. three D eA utrem ont b ro th ers — Roy, Income taxation. of the kind ever held in 'h a t city. All tem ber 10 to 20. w ard m arch of in tern atio n al commun­ The association w ent on record as Ray and Hugh. ication of this continent. of Oregon has been Invited. The three-year h u n t for th e boys, T he state tre a su re r has deposited favoring protection of the proceeds of W O ULD P E N S IO N JUDG ES T elephoning from the Pan-American A fter being mangled under the with the sta te 's fiscal agent in New "green " co nstruction bond issues by a fter they had blown up a Southern wheels of a locomotive, Anthony Me- York *2,197,552.69 to pay principal and the deposit of the funds with a disin­ Pacific mail train n ear Siskiyou, Or., Oregon Bar Association W o u 'j Retire building here, the president expressed the hope th a t the "new facilities thus Gibbon, Brooks Scunlon logging train in terest on Oregon bonds due. A total terested corporate trustee. Judges at 70 Years. O ctober 11, 1923, and killed a mail conductor, died while being bruught of *588,316.25 w as deposited to pay Bend, Or.— M em bers of the Oregon provided will prom ote a b e tte r under­ Hope was expressed th a t congress clerk and th ree trainm en, w as conduct­ standing betw een the peoples of the to a bend hospital last week. in te re st on *27,000,000 of v eteran ’s aid will sim plify the provisions of the ed on a world wide scale. H undreds S tate Bar association in th e conclud­ Sam S tarm er, sheriff of Douglas bonds and *1,609.336.44 to pay *800.000 federal tran sp o rtatio n act under which of false trails and clews w ere run ing session of th e ir first convention tw o countries.” The president spoke county, was elected by the state board principal and *809.336.44 in te re st on th e activ ities of the railroads are so down by postal Inspectors and d etec­ under a new constitution, approved in English and when he concluded P resid en t Calles responded from the of Control ns com m andant of the Old state highway bonds. largely controlled by the In terstate tives. H ugh was captured in the P hil­ resolutions favoring am ong others the national palace in Mexico City with a ippines, w here he was serving in the S oK lers’ Home a t Roseburg, to suc­ re tire m e n t of judges on full pay at com m erce com m ission, to the end More than 80 per cent of the Lane brief speech in Spanish, ardently ex­ ceed the late George W. Riddle. county prune crop has been ruined or th at the comm ission will be given wide U nited S tates arm y. R ay and Roy the age of 70, the re-zontng of judicial pressing th e sam e hope. The speeches Union county farm ers are looking badly dam aged by recen t rains, ac­ discretion in reference to consolida­ w ere taken at Steubenville, O. All d istricts, an Investigation of charges th ree now are serving life sentences th a t unlicensed atto rn ey s are p ractic­ w ere tran slated by official interpret­ forward to one of the best potato crops cording to one prom inent grow er, and tions of railroads. in th e state p en iten tiary a t Salem , Or. ing in Oregon and the draw ing up of ers a t eith er end of the line. in many years when the croop Is dug some grow ers estim ated the loss to be new legal code. this fall. T here are 1300 acres and m ore than that. The rains cam e In B R IE F G EN ER A L N E W S Judge John L. R and, P ortland, w as W O M AN SH O O TS JUDGE the estim ate is 250 bushels to the acre. Ihe m idst of picking and continued to LYLE H O LDS J 0 3 • ' ~V. * • nam ed president of the association, W arren P ershing, only son of the The fifth rase of Infantile paralysis such an ex ten t th a t the prunes not ucceeding W. L air Thom pson, P o rt­ Four Bullets Fired Into Federal was discovered by Dr. P. M. Drake, only cracked, but began to rot on the com m ander of the A m erican expedi­ Indications Are That He W ill Retain Jurist’s Body. land. W. M. Davis, P ortland, w as Office For a Time. tionary force In the world war, is Coos county h ealth officer, last week, trees. S alt Lake City, U tah.—Scream ing • • ' • ’H i » » nam ed vice-president. W ashington, D. C.—Although prohi­ am ong the freshm en who sta rte d their knd resulted In th e closing of the Toy T he "to w n ” of N oonchester, born The resolution calling for re tire ­ "I'll show you how to get justice,' bition enforcem ent officials here pre­ ichool, near Coquille, until October 10. th ree weeks ago of a gold rush th at four-year course a t Yale university. m ent of judges on full pay a t 70, pro- Mrs. Eliza Sim mons, 46, a widow, P ursuing th eir annual custom . P res­ dicted some tim e ago th a t Roy C. The 1927 U niversity of Oregon sum ­ collapsed when rocks failed to react tding they have been in office 10 fired four shots into the body of Judge Lyle would be supplanted by O ctober ident and Mrs. Coolidge Sunday a t­ mer sessions at P ortland and Eugene to gidd tests, was moving down the years im m ediately prior to reaching T illm an D. Johnson of the United tad a total enrollm ent of 1324, as com- w estern slopes of the C ascades in tended outdoor divine services by Dis­ 1 as ad m in istrato r for Oregon, W ash­ th is age, was tu rn ed over to a com ­ S tates d istrict court here as he step­ ington and A laska, he continued on trict of Colum bia M asonic organiza­ pared to 1225 in 1926, Dr. Arnold Ben tru ck s from W indy point last week. ped to the rostrum in his courtroom. m ittee. te tt Hall, president of the university, F inal traces of th e town will be re ­ tions a t T em ple heights, site of the th e job w ith indications th a t his s ta ­ Mrs. Sim mons was overpow ered and proposed Masonic tem ple. tu s would not be changed for an o th er moved In the next few days, according tas announced. C. L. Babcock Heads Good Roads Body taken to the county Jail, w here she m onth at least, if then. The six m onths' coal m ining suspen­ Congressm an W. C. Hawley hug rec- to Inform ation from the storm y sum ­ sion in Illinois which threw more than Longview, W ash —The 28th annual was held w ithout charge pending the Inability of th e civil service com­ tm mended the reappointm ent of Fred m it of the m ountains. 70,1100 men out of work, was settled m ission to certify resu lts of exam ina­ convention of the W ashington sta te outcom e of Judge Johnson's Injuries. P o rtlan d sm ashed two foreign trad e K'agner as p o stm aster of Ashland. when m iners and o p erato rs accepted tions for th e post of a d m in istrato r good roads convention was concluded She stead fastly refused to talk, but a His present term will expire D ecember records in Septem ber. More w heat a proposal of a joint com m ittee by w as given^at the tre asu ry as the rea­ here w ith peace and harm ony pre­ statem en t found at h er home by de­ 19 and his reappointm ent will be for was exported from th is port th an in which o perations are to be resumed. son no action had been tak en w ith re­ vailing to the end and final business partm ent of justice agents disclosed any m onths in Its history. T otal v alu­ lour years more. enacted sm oothly, w ith Clifford L. th a t she believed she had been grave F ifteen hundred stu d en ts of E m er­ gard to Lyle. Norman C hristensen, cheesem aker ation of foreign exports eclipsed the son high ichool of Gary, Ind., returned At the tre a su ry it was said still to Babcock of Tacom a unanim ously elect­ ly w ronged when Judge Johnson dis­ it the Heil Clover cheese factory of figure for any previous month. Almost to th e ir classes a fter a strik e lasting be th e intention of prohibition cheifs ed president and W alla W alla chosen m issed a suit for *25,000 in 1924. 14 years a fte r her husband was killed in !he Tillamook County C ream ery asso- nine and a half million bushels of four days, having forced the school to supplant Lyle in the W ashington- as the 1928 convention city. a m ining accident. tiation. received first prise for cheese grain, 9.495.747 to be exact, valued at and city au th o rities to oust 24 negro O regon district, probably during a gen­ Governor Peay of Tennessee Dies. Ixhibit at the W ashington sta te fair, *12,306.163, w ere cleared through the stu d en ts from the classroom s. eral shakeup in the field when th e local custom s house for the m ark ets N ashville, T enn.—G overnor Austin Machine Gun Gang Rob* Bank of I350C •ecently held at Yakima. Manuel Quezon and Sergio Osmena, prohibition bureau Is placed on a civil Peay, chief executive of th is sta te Los A ngeles.—Six men, advancing During th e first 29 days of Septem- of th e world. independence leaders and presiding service basis. since 1923, died in his home here. under cover of a m achine gun m anned All early reg istratio n records for officers respectively of the senate and le r perm its w ere issued in P ortland tor construction am ounting to *1,470. Oregon A gricultural college were brok­ house of rep resen tativ es, have sailed French Note Cites U. 3. T a riff Act. The 51-year old executive was the by a seventh robber, rushed a branch first governor of T ennessee in 100 of the M erchants N ational hank, held 115. The volume for Septem ber, 1926, en last S aturday when, for the first from Manila to W ashington for a con­ W ashington, I). C.—Study of the years to a ttain the office th e third up five em ployes and 60 custom ers, s a s *2.617.530, and in August this year tim e In history, m ore than 3000 stu ­ ference with P resid en t Coolidge on la te st French note on tariffs received tim e in succession. clubbed a man and a woman and es­ den ts w ere enrolled at the close of P hilippine affairs. ihe total was *1,700.045. S aturday has satisfied adm inistration caped with from *3500 to *5000 in Struck on the head by a ten t pole the first day for retu rn in g students. officials th a t it w as w ritten in a con­ cash. T H E M ARKETS. it the C lackam as county fair grounds The actual total of 3055 regular stu ­ *300.000.000 U. S. T a x C u t Feasib le. ciliatory spirit and th at It contains a it Canby Inst week, while taking down den ts is expected to reach 3500 for W ashington. D. C.—D espite Increas­ possible basis for ad justm ent of the Portland. Seattle Customs Collector I* Dead. Ine of the big tents, William W ehner. th e term with long-term stu d en ts for ed governm ent expenditures and ex­ difficulties betw een the tw o countries. W heat—B. B. bluestem . *1.28; hard th e e n tire yeur closely approaching Glendale, Cal.—M illard T. H artson. IS. of Canby, died In the Oregon City pected loss in some revenue, tax re­ T he new F rench note cites the equali­ the 4000 m ark. white, federation, soft white, w estern collector of custom s of S eattle and Hospital from a fractured skull. duction of *300.000.000 will be feasible sation provisions of the A m erican ta r­ The W allowa county fair at E nter T he Pacific northw est Is expecting next year. C hairm an Madden of the iff act. section 315, as authority under white, hard w inter. »1.25; N orthern prom inent in republican political cir­ cles in the sta te of W ashington, died prise was held last week with favor the larg est potato crop In Its history house ap propriations com m ittee de­ w hich tre a ty negotiations m ight pro­ pring. ,1 24; w estern red. *1.234*. Hay — Alfalfa. *16.50017; valley in a sanitarium here, w here he had »hie w eather and with a large crowd and present indications are for fine clared a fter a conference a t the W hite ceed. T hat section authorizes ad ju st­ m attendance. R eports state th a t ex quality In a large proportion of the House. He expressed the belief the m ent of ra te s up or down to allow for tim othy, *16.50017; eastern Oregon gone two w eeks ago for re s t and tre a t­ ment following a general breakdow n io hlblts were of b etter q uantity and fields. Several years of prosperity for reduction bill would center around a any difference in American and for­ tim othy, *20. B u tterfat—44c. health. (ualtty th an In nny past year. potato grow ers have served steadily 1 per cent cut In the corporation tax. eign production costs of the articles Eggs—Ranch, 32039c. The 11 banks of W ashington county, to Increase the Oregon and W ashing Involved In order to rem ove the dif­ C attle— Steers, good. *8.7509 50. Coolidge Opens Service with Belg um. kccordlng to a recen t report, show an ton acreage In the old producing sec­ Roads Oppose Cut in Deciduous Fruit. ference when the articles are placed H ogs—Medium to choice, *10 0 0 0 W ashington, D. C.—Pi evident Cool­ Increase of *293.762 58 in resources tions and have resulted in very heavy W ashington. D. C - N orthern tra n s­ In com petition h ere with American 11.85. idge and King A lbert of Belgium ex­ over liabilities, and combined deposits p lantings in at least two sections new products. continental railroads have requested Lam bs — Medium to choice, *10 50 changed w ireless m essages early Mon­ sre *4.372.911 56 as com pared with *4. ly discovered especially suitable for the in terstate com m erce comm ission 0 1 1 50. day. m arking th e opening of direct 517,403 84 for the sam e period of 1926. the crop. to modify its order of last July reduc­ 100 Scheduled to Face Whip Charge Seattle. radio-telegraphic service betw een the A cred it association has been P ortland city expenses for next year ing freight rates 13 re n ts a hundred Montgomery, A la.- Indictm ent of at W heat—Soft white, w estern w hite, United S tates and Belgium. form ed In e a stern M ultnomah county will be *4.880.013 70. or about ,219 000 pounds on deciduous fruits, other than least 100 persons on kidnaping and hard w inter. *1 26; w estern red. *1.24; with G resham as its center. The new h igher than for 1926, but *490.513 17 apple*, moving from C alifornia east­ whipping charges In connection with northern spring, * 1 2 6 ',; bluestem . Milwaukee R. R. Value It *558.914,672 officers of the bureau are A. W. Met» less than the d ep artm en ts asked and ward, via m iddle and southern trans a aeries of whippings in Crenshaw *1 29; dark n orthern spring, *1.40; W ashington, I). C.—A te n tativ e val­ ger, p resid en t; L. A. W alrad. vice- *30.000 less than the limit which the con tin en tal routes. county in the last year was predicted dark hard w inter. *1.36. uation of *558.914.672, as of June 30. presid en t, and Glenwood Miller, secre city might raise, d espite the grow th In by A ttorney G eneral C harles McCall Hay — Alfalfa, *25; tim othy, *28; 1918, was placed on the Chicago, Mil­ tary . th e city service for the new year Babe Ruth Break* 1921 Record. P. S.. »22. w aukee A St. Paul railroad by the in­ Removal of a q u aran tin e on all Kla R esignation of E E E lliott as di­ New York. N Y.—Babe Ruth cracked I Milwaukee Has Right to Spend Million R utter—Cream ery. 45c. te rs ta te com m erce comm ission. m ath F alls children 15 years old and recto r of vocational education and su- hl* own season record for home ran* Eggs Ranch. 3 3 46c. younger w as au thorised last week by pervisor of ag ricu ltu ral education for when he belted hts sixtieth high up | C h ic a g o -F e d e ra l Judge John W. W ilkerson has granted receivers ol C attle -S teers, choice. *90 9 40. Pittsburg Pirate* W in League Pennant th e city council, following a report by the s ta te board for vocational educa­ into th e right field bleachers in the C incinnati.—T he P ittsb u rg P irates Dr. G. M. Newsom health officer, that tion, effective O ctober I. has been an- eighth Inning of the game with Wash- I the Chicago. Milwaukee A- St. Paul ) Hoc*—Good (12 00 0 1 2 15. railroad authority to spend approxl Spokane. clinched the N ational league pennant in fan tile p araly sis had been definitely noum ed by (' A llcw urd sta te i s tngton. Ruth * record of 59 homers m ately *1.000,000 in Im provementa oc C attle—Steers, good. *8 50 0 9 00. S aturday by defeating the C incinnati uerintendent of public In s tru c ts * . checked. was made tn 1921. the road H gs—Good, *11.0001150. Reds by 9 to 6. OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERARINTEREST MANY LIVES LOST IN ST. LOUIS STORM TROTZKY EXPELLED BY COMMUNIST PARTY BANKERS URGE GOT IN FEDERAL TAXES MANY PERSONS SEEK D'AUTREMONT REWARD COOLIDGE GREETS CALLES BY TELEPHONE