Hogs, Veil. Poultry FOB SALB Rev. J. 8 . Mirier retained ta groom. Mr. and Mra. K*epf .«ft Stage and Railroad T om H a *ey W e fa e s-d a y e v e n in g fre e 19 WEANLING pigs, seven weeksj oo a wadding trip to Yacbaals and 0-'t -7 Halsey and Vicinity B reviw i change. 1OJ F ro n ts tie d aid. Pbowa or e tq a i-e of Art I opon their re to rt » (1 be at bo ze the annaai eonierence of the Meth 9 0« a S3 io ta a.m .. I 05 p m , » 2 0 - x Vvw- ♦ - •»- - *- ♦.-♦.- w-.«--«- - ♦>-♦>- Arrises Brwr*sv_i> F»-ate 2 «aa aa Cal. on me any day. J. Dong as viaited the etata (air, —x colored springs 24 23. find a birthday dinner aw a.tteg Haiaey today aad stated th at ba V -G . HAM ER Pritchard. 82f* A«J prieec are lews 5 p ercen t Southern P&ciisc tracts arrive J. C. Brstawe!) waa among the The table waa oentar-d w.rb a b ü ­ bad received a letter from Sac. feirg c c tn i: ss’oe ine’od irg poultry. Halsey residents who «»«fled the ket of crixszo dah a«, wh.le a Havre cf Campbwl!, C alif . ia north .arge birthday case added to tbe , wh eh ha to d cf tbe death of Xo. 14 Flag 3.-10 a aa. «late fair Wedaeaday, -''Co. 32 Regular stop 3 41 p m. attract! renews of the ta 1« appoint Lirotscfc Quota ♦ions H R. Bifcfjy H a y « in twat city last SitwrdaT * left thia B to ro in g C o iag south for Haleta where ha spent the day . meats. P.area were marked for T te H s y « are f rm e r Ha sey reai- Methodist—Next Sunday r . 3. D. A. Portland report, Xo. 31 Flag 4;56 a m Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goltra B>b dent* and have many friends her* Swpt. 28 a t the slate fair. 10 a m ., Sunday school Xo 15 F lig S.I8 p. iu. and Coenia Goltra of A.bony, M ias who will regret to learn of l i t Sent iu by s.itng fct Commission hoc sc 11. preaching On September 24 a oioe pound J Southern Facific M otor Transport orth P c n liu d stockyards) Mariei Lake and Mr and Mr«- H death ot M rs Hayea. 6 :3»'. Epworth League bshy h >y arrived a ’- the bou.i of | N orth bound Stage i © j j a. m and South Etters g jo d .............................f A M t v l b S F Lake. Bound Stage 7:30 p m Mr acd Mrs Paul fiie tie * . .30 pob.ie services The E sle rprtsc I year m e d iu m ..................... 8.00 to 9 0« 7 90 Tbaraday, prayor m e e tin g com m on......................&7S to 8 00 M ' and Mrs Barry -a a ilb are ! FOÄ SALE BRAGGADOCIO Here all wiil fiod a welcome. He,ier^ r'» old Coming frwbobMU preaaaca will help, and we will try CC3!aic. inJ 6 7J D*«« of M es. Vaiveruty •( latt Monday. Laandrv seat Tuesdays Ml CM. 1. Call or write W. Then;. O do you good. C-Jtier........ ..................2.50 to 5 to Agency Hub Cleaning Works Mr and Mr«, Herbert Van D- to » , R 2 H i • J . 3. Miller pastor. »Bai:*, good........................ A 7 S to 6.25 A B E S P LA C E Rogart and daughter Ireue of V». . . . , — --------- ---------------------------------------------- J cu tle r to m edium ____4.50 to 5.75 » « v rO C T H a .rb its iawweaaN bwaat- berg, M ic h ig a n , who have near Calves, m edium ........ ........... 00 to 11 (0 » lawk’ la t ie way AMred Xoyc* T U S S 1N G & T V S S IN G ■ v is itin g at tbe home of Mr. e ra cu ll sad com m on___ 5 50 to 8 00 pats I t W * are sit kerw-werotipers. LAW YERS Veals, good to choice-------- l i to 1J.5« For future success with your flock of Mrs. B- M. Miller the p»»t week, *¡>1 yowtb poaelbly cx-re than ol4 «2»; and woesbfptaf the kero, we m ed iu m __________ n oo to 11.00 Hslaey and Browiuville have gone to reattle where the* • ¿ci to be nke b , a , and m a tin g ( • c u ll and eem m oa___6.00 to 9 00 chickens use Oregon will vuit tre n d s for a time. L~t- bo l.ke k in we rasr e w m ire a in b it Hogs, 250 to 350 lbs........... 10.50 to 12 50 Sunday Mr. ai. i Mr« 51 . er and role. A ll nf w \ ir h is an 2W) to 250 lb*............. U.75 to 12 50 G LO BE ALBANY family and their g .»»ta drove to ei|AoaM.nss ot yowh 160 to20C>................. 12 2 j to 12.75 T ta IritJUtr la a ’clxtio o * be woold 130 to 160...................11 75 to 12 50 Sun.. M o n ., Tues. Newberg and «pent the day with like t» arrive, bat. too often, be baa P e k in g ........................ 7.,0 to 9 75 M r. and Mr« W a s t e Yeung the am btlion wiskwot tbe per»S -’ enee O ct. 2, 3, 4 M*» 1 M odern B arberShop A ■ ■ ■ ■ « a I T R IA N G L E acd the to erg j to a tta in bis aa bttioa . 1 b id a Io n ; le t!* r from I>.X« a i l o rt tim e tgo. w ritte n irrtg w la riy a«rosa the pace w ith a pencil, rcaMK>i.My bat not always aerwrate. Bob M r. a n d Mr*. P. F o rs te r. O ther (a tea, and bis ambirtoa la to be an goes'.» at the Fora ter home over tbe athlete. Bed Grange and H arold fMv | week end were Mr. and i,re . Her- rz-rce acd f t ; traogberity and Spike Ewe are bis beroes. There are a ;r j acd s«..c fa rtl.e r and stay under the i Mr». Steinke. Mr*. Buchannan ano o tte r Inr-ger than any o'ber bnj of ' Mrs Roberta are daughters of Mr t.s age In p/wn. Some d a j tie In- j •••d a to swim | and Mra. Forster also the A tla n tic ocean ?• . sport» la beyond him Jast now he la I j ( b .n g hi» m o rc lc ;, to [rile vau ltin g | and lo high Jum ping He baa L it | attained the height reached by J Browned, hut he is coming along- ais I Famm G»ir tzywmr C-vw«a*«i feet two. I believe, is the ■ * ■■ he expects to do evaa I r. We Bled to say th a t children (ConLiraed from page 5) were u n trn fb fu l,' dow we adm it that 1 p ea- are to neat W »dr.'-day even­ they are a m h itiix » and have I magi ! ing » te n a ch,.dren a party baa •i. and Bob i* le ttii 1 i teen pianneJ by tbe committee in nation l.eip out d . -tance, no d o u b t Not all izwple boast o f the same 1 charge of the aoetsl part of the things. W arren want» to t»e a social - ever,.ng A prize wiil ha awarded s ta r; be weald like to he a knight for I ba b a te;,'e»er ted child edr- w ith fa ir la d i.-s breaking th e ir hearts ■ Mra Preatoc S eaton of Portland has been »pending tbe part week in , Halsey at tbe boaos of her parent* ‘SOCIETY NEWS Complete s t x k always on hand. F L E E C E T W IN E uaed ¿sd new W OOL SACKS • « e • Last evening the members ot Parity Re -ekab I'rdgc m e t at their bai and after a short boniness meeting spent aevcral boars social­ ly. A program was enjoyed and later rafreabmenta were served tfoetaaaaa ( 5.00 and $7 00. M O RRIS’ PHARM ACY C o n fe c tio n e ry , D ru g s . Phone 203 fo r m ail ord e rs Thur. and Friday Marion Davies in Tilly the Toiler • J F uneral D irector and Licensed • ■ I Emhalmer Saturday R IN - T IN - T IN L A D Y A S S IS T A N T Brownsville, Oregon H ^ ro (if tn/» Ritz Rno»< Bridge & Beach Line BRAD MOSS SERVICE STATION fo r G eneral G asoline Oils and Grease I ■ • i Goodrich, Silvertow n and : G oodyear Tires. : QQ Days' Free Trial ~ On Any i n? - -¿a M EA D B ic y c le whether you buy from your Local Dealer or from us direct. 5«ve»IO9lP23^ On Tour B lcj-clo Frlcei From Up G et full p a rticu la rs by mail today. Use coupon below. O ur stock will m eet your need and covers a wide variety for selection. Look them over now. For School Uae $2.75, $J 50, $5. and $7. We have the New 3 hole Note Books. W ith this book the pages do not tear out. Ire n e R ich in “ One Woman to Another’’ C o m e to W«-a«wrn X v w » p « p tf U n io n ) Pens Tue«, and Wed. o f the 1 I I Parker Fountain H a rry L a n g d o n in “ THREE’S A CROWD” The New R anges con-iuesta. o f the g irls who w rite him 1 rand las and ra il him up on tbe telephone In an effort to make eocial engagements w ith him. The girl« are crazy about him, be says. ’ and in saying so he makes him self the sort o f hern he would like to tie. Samuels would lik e to hobnob w ith tbe rich and tbe great, and especially w ith tbe great, go be tells casually of • I ju it week when I was in Washing­ ton. President Coolidge said to m e,’ as If be and tbe President were in the habit o f having regular confiden­ tia l talks w ltli each other. He speaks of »my friend Im uglas F airbanks" or it may Juat as well be Senator Owen or Secretary Kellogg, o r anybody of distinction whom Samuels has met, or has even bad a passing glace at. It 1« pare Imastlng, o f cawrae, but it makes Samuels feel a good deal near­ er Io what be would like lo be than be has really a llo w o l. We a ll boast a little , arid by boast­ ing. reveal our ambition« • «4 1»27 FOR SALE U ANT a piano now i« vour chance. We want wood or hay. Get buey. Call at Daven, port'* Music House, Albany. I F \ 0L I tomc. b arin g the botincea see- • n there w iil i.e initial on and a.M balloting on candidates. Pigs, slaughter. <*) to I30 ..1 I.2 S to 1 1 ,5 feeder and stacker, 70 lo l3 0 ......................I t 00 to 12.55 ■ ■ ■ Developing M ashes and Scratches See the B ridge & Beach C irculator before you put up your old heater. Ï Hill & Company Sold On Approval You are allowed 30 d ay s’ actu al riding t e s t b e fo re s a le is binding. Write Today name of nearest Mead Dealer. r~ — o u r OH THIO UHE J Maad Cyolt C«., Chicago. D.t k Please send fu ll information and name o f near- • est dealer. h’aat«^ • Street oe ! P .O .B o » , ! Town Tires »18 — I J G’icranteed.— Lamp«. I wheels, equipment. { Low prices. Send no i money. Uae the coupon. Mead&V