OUR COMIC SECTION ____________ » FAMOUS MINING STRIKES By T h o m a s Along the Concrete e . stew ar o 4-k-:--:-4-44-4-4++4-4-4-*W++*44-4-+WM “ H o ly M o se s” a n d “ La«» C han ce” Occaaion Found Sitter Equipped W ith Thrust “A lot of modern w riters—Samuel Butler, Bernard Shaw. Wells and ao on—preach that family life la a farce, hat relatives arc more apt to hate linn love each other, and therefore .'own with marriage. The speaker was Lester Scott, ex­ ecutive secretary of the Camp Fire Girls, lie continued: “These w riters are all wrong, of course. I told one of them so the I other day, aDd the best he could do was to come buck at me with an anecdote. But anecdotes, us 1 told him, prove nothing. It was on anecdote about two sisters. They sat on a moonlit pier, and a wealthy bachelor sat between j them. The older alster looked up Into | the bachelor's eyes and said In a far ' away voice: " 'I have alw ays had a presentl merit that I would die young.' “She drew a deep breath and nestled closer to the bachelor, and then the other sister said dryly In the silence: "'B u t you didn't, did you?’ " HELP FOR SICK WOMtN L y ib a r . P in kh xm 's V e g e ta b le C om p ..nd H as R estored th e H e a lth o f T h ousand s Brooklyn. New York.—Mrs. 0. Heg- m iiiti of 228 Schaeffer S t, was lu a run- down condition and could not do her h o u s o w o rk . She could not sleep s t night. H er story Is not an unusual one. T ho u san d s of women find them- selves In a sim ilar condition a t some tim e In th eir lives. "I found your ad­ vertisem ent In tnz ________________ letter box," wrote Mrs Hegmann, "and took Lydia B. Tlnkham'a Vegetable Compound and got relief." Mrs. Hegmann also took Lydia E. Tlnkham 'a Herb Medicine and Lvdla E Tlnkham ’a Tills lor Constipa­ tion, with good résulta. She says, “I am recommending your medicines to all I know who have symptoms th e same aa mine, and to others whom I think It will help. You may use my statem ent as a testimonial, and I will answ er any letters sent to me by women who would like Information regarding your medicines." There are women In your state— perhaps in your town—who have w rit­ ten letters sim ilar to this one telling how p.uch Lydia E. Tinkham 's Vege­ table Compound has helped them. The Tinkhatn Medlcics Company, Lynn, Mass., will gladly furnish olher women w ith these names upon request. ' 'T 'l l E rich strik es at Creede, Colo, « of ores containing silver, gold, lead and tine, brought about In 1891 and 1892 a rv|a>tltii>n of the enrly-day mining rushes th a t had been so pic­ turesque a phase of e a rl, w estern life. Creede became a roaring mining camp anil its population swelled to 10.UUO In W E L L , I RECKON < a few uihed ’ Ch.se beside It the Amethyst was ! form u la appears on tion In North W ilkes-Barre, to bring (CopTTtrbt. w N . U ) every label. staked out, and by the end of 18112 i the chldren of the parish, and all oth­ i t A t A it Druggist» ore valued at $4,21fl.