N C LO A K CHAPTER I B y Y O R K E D A V IS ’ FARM» POULTRY £77 îc CROSSING BREEDS GOOD WEIGHT FOR IS NOT FAVORED i SIZE OF CHICKEN there would he no difficulty on that WNU Service Copy right. ■«]« score; he would present his refer­ The results of painstaking care “ Heft” your chickens often. Every Doctor McAlister has often told me ences In a day or two. As a matter fowl should he a good weight for the exercised by breeders for centuries that I take life seriously because I of fact, he never did, but as he paid am young That may or may not be with a hand bag and a check for a a quarter's rent In advance, and as he size. Birds that are "going light” are being wiped out In some sections where some dairy farmers are cross­ the reason, but I am convinced that I small steamer trunk, both well-worn signed an indeterminate lease o f a w ill not show loss of weight fo r some time after they begin losing. Trust ing breeds In a mistaken effort to se­ know the reason why he takes It so and both unmarked with any Initial. house which the agent never expected light-heartedly. It Is not because he He went straight to the real estate to get off Ids hands, McCloskey didn't the hand rather than the eye for cure a -higher quality of milk and more of It, says E. J. Perry, dairy Is old, but because he has already won office of one James McCloskey and like to press the matter. He used weigliL In fair weather or foul, Poultry cullers expect light-colored specialist at the College of Agriculture from life all the reward he wants. In said be wanted to rent a house. furniture that he found In the house, xero nights or rainy In New Brunswick. shanks and beaks In yellow-legged "McCloskey took him house-hunting, his own department of science—ap­ and never brought In any effects of his days, I have always “ The development of each dairy plied psychology—be has achieved and, much to that gentleman's sur­ own, beyond whut came with him on hens and pullets after a season of lay­ found that my car starts about us high a place as It Is possible prise, the only place In town that took the first day, In his bund bag and his ing, but light-colored shanks and beaks breed,” explains Mr. Perry, "Is the re­ instantly and performs i In pullets that have not commenced sult of a process of selection covering for a man to reach. In this held his Morgan's fancy was a large, dilapidated little trunk. He never got any letters perfectly with Cham. hundreds of years. Thousands of men reputation does not have to lower Its old house In one of Its remoter quar­ from out of town, and apparently io lay, Indicate lack of vitality. A bright-eyed, alert female that flies have spent the best years of their p io n Spark P lu gs— colors to any other In the w o rld ; and ters. The old place was In a state of never sent off any. What his business they’re dependable. If In his periods of relaxation he considerable disrepair, and It con­ was. If he had any, no one ever down from the roost at the first break lives In breeding up pure strains of C ham pion it the better I of lig h t; that scratches and sings till cattle. Through persistent selection chooses to be frivolous, oo one can tained a lot of rattle-trap furniture knew.” ' the lust bird Is on the roost, does not certain characters have become fixed. afford frivolity any better than he. I which the owner had never moved “ You say that oothlng on the first core — iu tiko.pieca away. McCloskey had confessed that suppose that the very Idea of frivo lity or on the second floor had been dis­ need handling to show she has vigor. By crossing different breeds we Inter­ construction a n d i t t t p + he had never expected to find a tenant d a l a n a ly tit electrode«. used In connection with I’ rof. Itonald turbed. That would dispose of .the It Is tlie inconspicuous female that Is fere with the transmission of the fac­ apt to become a carrier of disease. tors which account for the distinct McAIIgter’s name would make most for IL The question of repairs didn't theory of robbery." C h am pion X - for r Ford« ] The kind of hen that w ill not see an characters of each breed. people laugh because of the grotesque seem to Interest Mr. Morgan much, a “ The whole appearance of the house open door; tlie fowl that squawks untitness of It; and the people who patch or two I d the roof and new 60/ "In crossing breeds there Is not an and Its condition would contradict the know him only ns a gaunt, gray old lights of glass In the broken windows CFusmftion-» theory of any ordlnury robbery," the when she Is cornered. These half- exact blending of the characters as Is Car« oth er bachelor, with a rugged, homely, deep­ comprising all he asked for. often supposed. Instead, an entirely doctor said. “ No one would break Into sick hens go around as In a fog. th a n Fonda “ When McCloskey asked him what The healthy, productive hen Is cu­ new combination usually results. The ly lined Scotch fuce and a big rough that dilapidated old structure for such family he had and when he expected rious and friendly. She shows an In voice, would be right to laugh. offspring of the cross may be fa irly a purpose, unless he had knowledge of Hut I am more an adopted son of them to arrive, Mr. Morgan answered desirable, but fo r breeding purposes some secret and unusual sort of treas­ telllgent Interest In her surroundings that he had no faintly and Intended to his than a mere assistant, and after ure there. But to my mind, the man­ she looks th rifty. Human qualities In they are always uncertain. For in spending the dally number of hours In live nlone. He did, In fact, live alone, ner of killing disposes even of that chickens have a commercial value just stance, In crossing a Guernsey with a his laboratory, watching him work his without even the service of a house alternative. The house Is situated In as good disposition In horses and cat Holstein the offspring inherit the , TO LEDO, O H IO miracles, I see his great mind relax, keeper, fqr a number of months, but a lonely gpoL remote from all other tie is of value commercially. One quality o f the Holstein and quantity For your protection be sure the' and find that he Is Just a boy, more of finally engaged a respectable old wom­ habitation. If a robber had found can’t tell the condition of a fowl with of the Guernsey fu lly us often as they an. who lived In straightened clrcum a hoy than ever I was In my life. himself In a position where he was out handling. Fowls that can be tian inherit the quantity of the Holstein He likes the dally papers—the yel­ obliged to kill, he could have risked a died without upsetting them nervous­ and quality of the Guernsey. lower they are, the better; and he “ The dairyman w ill do best to pistol shoL and he couldn't have gnr- ly are the kind to keep. devours a perfectly Incredible number choose the breed that best suits his S C H O O L F O R MEN roted his victim without taking him T r.io i., I . , BUSINESS. TRADES or PROFESSIONS of detective stories, good nnd bad. tastes and meets the market require­ unawares. No, I believe It to be a Fattening Turkeys Is E n r o ll a n y tim e . S en d .fo r literatu re Ills delight over a good one Is almost ments. Select good Individuals of a OREGON IN S T IT U T E OF TECHNOLOQV case of murder, pure and s im p le - pathetic. g . M . U. A . iild g . P o r tla n d , o r , g o . Simple Kind of Work certain breed, and use a registered murder committed for Its own sake So when I read the headlines In the sire of superior merit both as to type nnd not the by-product of some other Fattening turkeys for the Thanks­ S tra n g e In d iv id u a l morning papers that dny, I knew per­ result. And these cases, you know, giving market, or for the home tulde, and as to production. Then the build­ fectly well that when work was over An East Grand boulevard resident are rather rare—" Is tlie simplest kind of work. A1 ing up of a good-looking herd having and we met at our special little table high average production is reasonably received a shock recently when a mo­ “ Here comes Mr. Ashton now, sir,” though people confine chickens In a corner of the brilliant dining torist, who proved to be from out of snid Wilkins from where he stood not -'oops and pens and stuff them with certain.’* room of The Meredith, I should he town, knocked at the door and said he far away. " I ’ll have dinner served at feed, the successful turkey raiser regaled with a thrilling nnd enthusi­ had accidentally collided with a parked once, sir.1 usually lets his flock run free In the Prevent Ropy Milk by astic account of the Oak Ridge murder. car In front of the house. In answer Both the doctor and I like Ashtoh, fields and gives them all they want It was easy Indeed to prefigure the Proper Care of Cow I t0 the motorlst’s request to muke it and he often dines with us, even when I to eat twice a day of good yellow com 1 right tlie resident said: “ I can see whole scene. Similar ones had been During the summer milk often be­ there Is no particular excuse, such as j During the first part of October one that the car isn't hurt much, but if enacted so many times before. I didn't was offered by the Oak Itldge mur­ feed per day of yellow corn is usually comes abnormal in the respect that altogether relish the prospect, for I It were, I wouldn’t charge you a thing. der, for doing so. it becomes quite stringy and ropy. sufficient, hut during the last three hate to see people smiling and nod­ You’re the fifth man to h it that ear He Is a burly, confident, quick-tem­ weeks before killin g time they should This ropiness is not always tlie result but the first one to stop and own up ding behind my old chief’s back, peo­ of a gargety condition of the udder pered, generous-minded young chap have all they w ill eat, morning and ple who, Intellectually or socially, or to IL ” —D etroit News. of about thirty, and If he keeps on as night. The exercise they take makes as is usually thought to be the case, In any other way, aren’t fit to tie Ills he has begun, he w ill some day ac­ them hungry, and they consume lurge but is sometimes the direct result of ehoes. He doesn't mind their smiles, G o t H is M o n e y B a c h quire a reputation as one o f the quantities of the corn nnd, being the action of an organism, B. vlscosum, and the light-hearted emptiness of In plowing near Fairlee, Md., a writes G. 11. Trout in the Dairy greatest prosecutors In the country. healthy, they turn It Into flesh and fat their lives has a mysterious sort of farmer turned up a pocketbook which attraction for him. He was not In evening dress tonight, with but little loss. Moreover, they Farmer. he had lost two years ago while at This organism grows best In hot LS’ and he dropped Into his chair al oui 1 p,ck up considerable feed on the runge And when I see him across our little table with the air of one who has put and In that way make up a ration that weather and Is found growing espe­ work In the same spoL The wallet table, Ids twinkling gray eyes glowing In a trying dny, makes them fu ll fleshed nnd fa t at cially in stagnant pools and marshes. was practically decayed and a $5 bill with excitement, Ids long ungainly Cows wading in such places get the It contained had fallen Into seven “ Confound these suburban trains," killing time. arms and expressive hands working pieces. The money was forwarded to he said. " I Just spent the better pait away In enthusiastic gesticulation, Ids I f It Is necessary to separate those organism on the udder from which Washington to be redeemed for the of an hour In one coming In from Ouk to he fattened from the rest of the they find their way into the teat canal Idg voice booming out the story of benefit of the owner. H a lf an Hour Later Some Passers-by Ridge,” »ome sensational crime, I can’t really flock, they can be put In a large yard, and into the m ilk pail during milking. Scalding of the m ilk palls tends to Saw H im S trid in g Up and Down H is wonder that a good many people nod " Ila I” cried the doctor, with an air but as the usual thing they w ill not A c tiv e ly E n g a g e d Rickety Old Veranda." and wink nnd giggle. of the most Intense satisfaction fatten so well as when allowed free keep down the spread of the trouble, Mae—Don’t overexert yourself. "Then you're Just the man I want to range, hut w ill get nervous and spend but is not entirely satisfactory in The thing I did wonder nt some­ John—Thanks. I find it terribly see. Did you turn up anything at the most of their time trying to get out. eliminating the condition from the times was, that Wilkins, the obsequi­ stances not very far away, to come afternoon session of the Inquest? Th" Under these conditions they require dally m ilk supply. The cows must be hard to keep from kissing you. ous, omnipresent. Invaluable head- every day and cook tils meals and keep kept from such marshes or else the account In the evening puperg leaves more careful feeding also. waiter, contrived to preserve tus re­ his house In order. He let her In every stagnant pools must he drained. Kopy off at noon.” spectful mask of professional Imper­ morning In lime to get breakfast, ami she went away every night about milk caused by 11. vlscosum Is not In­ turbability, Ashton laughed. “ Ton’ll not get a seven o’clock, after washing up the jurious to health In any way, but be­ word out of me about that murder, How to Determine Body I luid a sneaking fondness for W il­ supper dishes. cause of its stringy, slimy appearance until after the fish. I f you attempt Io kins, based upon the fa d that lie at "There, you have, prnctlcally, the Conformation of Fowls Is fu r from being desirable. I shall cnll on W ilkins here for help. least did not underrate Doctor Mc­ story of his life In Ouk Itldge, up to To determine the body conforma­ However," he added seriously, "1 do Alister. Tonight, for Instance, It was two nights ago. Two nights ago the want to tnlk about this case with you, tion, grasp the bird In both hands, More Poor Cows Should Wilkins himself whom I saw conduct­ old woman got supper for him for the for I think It not unlikely that you holding the head toward the body. ing Idin down the long lane of tables, last time, and went hottie as usual Be Fattened and Killed Especially Prepared for Infants Span the hack with both hands, point­ may be able to help us." to the corner of the room where we al­ about seven o’clock. H alf an hour Is a common practice among ing the fingers toward the keel bone. (TO UB CONTINUED., ways sat. and Children of All Ages later some passers-by saw him striding Shuffle the bird around between the dairymen to fatten a cow fo r the beef ‘¿I ell our man what to bring us, up and dowu bis rickety old veranda, barrel each year. More of our poor hands In order to get Its shape and Wilkin«,’’ lie said, waving away the Curious Old Custom Mother I Fletcher’s Castoria has smoking ii pipe. Yesterday morning handling qualities. Cure should be cows should be fattened and sold for menu which that Irreproachable func­ been In use fo r over 30 years to re­ when bis housekeeper knocked at the of Literary Giants beef. After a cow lias passed the mid­ taken not to pinch or hurt the bird In tionary offered him. “ You know what lieve babies and children o f Constipa­ kitchen door, there was no answer. I.lpogrnmmntlc works, the product any way. A heavy producer w ill show dle of her lactation period or lias Jieen we want to eat, better than wo do." Then she went around to the front of of the early Greek authors, are those a long keel bone. The body and ab­ bred It Is natural for her to drop tn tion, Flatulency, Wind Colic nnd Diar­ Then he turned to me, "Well, have the house and rang the bell, also w ith­ hooks lu which one letter of the alpha­ domen should show capacity. The pel­ milk production nnd gain In weight. rhea; allaying Feverishness arising you read about It?" therefrom, and, by regulating the out resulL She walked back a llllle bet Is omitted throughout the volume vic hone nnd abdomen should be free Feeds which w ill fatten an animal for "Tlie link Itldge murder?" I asked Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimi­ way tip the lawn nnd saw that one of beef should be wide In the ratio of Tryplilodorus, when w riting his o.iys of fat at the close of a heavy laying •Billing. “ No, I've waited to get the the windows In a sort of study he had protein to carbohydrates and fab or lation o f Food; giving natural sleep sey, had not un “ a" In his first book, account of It from you." without opiates. on the third floor was open. nor a “ b” In Ids second. In go doing In other words you should feed a ra­ "You renll.v haven't read a word of The genuine bears signature of "Well, It seems thut she told vari­ he was hut copying the blpogrummatlc tion low in protein, us protein feeds It?” ha asked ous people about her fears that all Hind of Nestor. stimulate milk production at the ex­ Capacity Is Essential "Not a word. I know that Oak was not well with her employer, hut Athenueus writes of an ode hy 1’in of body weight. Good cows Itldge Is one of our more remote and in Good Laying Hens pense you know what a town of Dial de­ dor In which the latter purposely omit­ w ill, however, continue to give some less fasblonnlde suburbs, ulid that Capacity is essential in tlie laying milk even though they are receiving scription Is like, Thera aren't any ted the letter "s,” thereby leading us there has been a murder there within police. Most of the tnen In the place to surmise Hint lids little honx was hen. I f a hen Is to lay an egg a day, a fattening ration. To futten a m ilk­ the past forty-eight hours. Beyond commute to town’ on the early trains, one of the literary fashions of the day. or even one every other day, she most ing cow quickly allow her to eat from that, my Ignorance Is complete." and with one tiling and another, it A Persian poet once rend to the cele have room for digestive organs tlint eight to twelve pounds dally of a ra­ "Y outh! Youth!" cried the doctor was ten o’clock, or so, before the hrated Jatnl one of his own composi­ w ill handle considerable food. The tion containing three parts hominy or In mock dismay. "What Is It coming house was forcibly broken open. tions with Ihe letter A llf consistently evidence of capacity In a hen’s body Is corn meal, one part bran, one part to? Fancy being under th irty nnd "The Investlgntors found nothing omitted throuehouL Jatnl, who did | shown hy tlie spread o f the pelvic oats and one part of linseed ollmeai. waiting all day for such a story as | bones nnd tlie distance between the disturbed either on tlie first floor or not care for the sonnet, sarcastically that, rather than read an account of It on the second, hut In the old gentle­ made the following recommendation: I pelvic hones and the end of the breast In had English. Well, yon shall have ......... . ■ » ..‘ • » m i » o iio io n n . i i i i i i : h ,,-- 1 „ . . . I , .................... — man's study, a finished off room In the “ You can do a better thing vet take b 1 ? nonlaylng hen these bones 9 T N ’ c, •> 0 the story now from the beginning — , T tl" 'r’ Th” lmndlln't of 8 6 D a i r y S q U lb s Y uttlc, with a couple of dormer win­ «way all the le tte r, from "vary word J " » Walt a bit, thoogh. W ilk in s — “ t o l i S O T Ï T " h ,v e r re lie f in 011,0 T«r S c dows, they found him dead In Ills yon have written." I few hens ” 111 rt'!,dnJ’ show this differ- m g and booling lo membranes o f throat . n l t o n - The head-waiter looked up from a chair. He was leaning back In a enee. Length nnd breadth o f body are Although the Greeks originated this HALL a RUCKEL. Now York low voiced discussion of the menu with queer, unnatural attitude, and when Keep salt In the pasture salt box Ingenious literary device, Its use was also essential In securing capacity. the man who liad special charge of our they looked more closely, they found every day. by no means exclusive with them table. "Yes, sir." that lie hud been strangled with a I-cpe de Vega, the celebrated Spanish "H a s Ashton come In yet?" Lime for Chicks catgut string from an old violin of The dairy cow must have what pro- dramatic poet of the Sixteenth «ten "Not yet, sir, hut lie should he here his. An A string," he went on, with An adequate supply of lime In the teln she needs or she cannot produce before long lie ’s seldom later than rising voice ami finger that gesticu­ tury, Gregorio I.etl, and at a much I rntlon Is In a m ild la x a tiv e , and haa been In us Important fo r growing milk economically, later day l.ord North of the court of this, sir.” fo r s ix ty yeara fo r the r e lie f o f con lated only about six Inches from my chicks. Experiment station results • • • "Serve for three at this table, then," nose—“ an A siring that had been de­ James I all employed this literary de have revealed the fact that the Inek The consumer of dairy products ap­ stlp a tlo n . In digestio n and s im ila r atom vice anil produced l.lpogranitnatlc M id tlie doctor, “ and when Ashton liberately removed from the fiddle ami of this element leads to a drain upon preciates quality nnd Is willing to pay a rh disorders. A t r ia l w ill convlr books.—Market for Exchange, comes In. ask him to dine with us"; slipped In a noose around his neck, you o f Its m e rIL 30c and 90c bottle« the reserve supply of the hones and for products that are clean and A t a ll d ru g g is ts. <3. G. Green, Inc then, tinning to me, "There are some while he sat there In his chair, and stunts growth. bs'on In the ense of wholesome. W o o dbu ry, N . J. points which the newspapers don't drawn tauL Whnt do you say to T r a in Speed Cuts S tatic matured hens, a lack o f lime w ill cover that he'l, be likely to kuow that, eh?" Static decreases and radio station lower egg production. For mature To make milk a more potent source about." " I don't see why they call It m ur strength Increases with and tn proper fowls, oyster shell or other inorganic Deafness—Head Noises of vltamlne D In a practical way, Ashton. I may say, was a rising tier." said I. "Why Isn't suicide the tlon to acceleration In the train's compounds ore sufficient, but not for cows should be given access to fresh^ R E L IE V E D B Y young assistant In the district at­ more likely explanation?" speed, exterlments with a receiver growing chicks. Lime must be add green pasture as long as possible dur-' LEONARD EAR OIL torney’» office. and I w ill add thnl he have shown, according to Popular ed In the form of vegetable foods. “ Oh, wise young Judge," he mocked. "Rub Bark of E ar.” Ing the pasture season. worked at the detection and prosecu­ "For Just tills reason, my hoy; that INSERT TN NOSTRILS Mechanics Magazine. A steel bridge At All hrugglst«. Erie. It tion of crime, con nuiore; It was not the end of the string wasn't fastened with no superstructure helped to In Tallkr ».»«it -D E A F N E S S " co rcswtL \ itamines and Minerals Cnlf pn|,a «houid be kept as dean upon his salary that be lived at The to anything. He couldn’t have com­ crease the volume of the reception A 0 IZOXARP. INC. T9 TUTII AVJ1. S. T. Heavy laying fowls require from ” the ml" ‘ ,’alls' p lrty palls cawe Meredith mitted suicide In that way, unless he while one with a superstructure de three to four pounds of oyster shell ,cours an<1 unthrifty calves. Tlie doctor leaned tils elbows on the could reach around after he waa dead creased IL • - * ‘ table and pointed a long Huger at me. and untie the knot behind the back of Dairy cows should have all of tha hens have enongh protein nnd other "Now. In (tie first place, all we know ■ RfC1* i n