■ R uraH ùder^rìsG ^e^tem ber^O ^^^ •*Vot-e*: HALSEY AND VICINITY BREVITIES tfce t rf.T V t t . - V? Douglas Taylor ol Halsey spent son and other relatives. Mr. Tuesday at the state fair. Wheeler was accompanied home Mr. F. M. Grey o f Halsey, is by his sou and daughter-in-law, reported to be recovering from her Mr. ami Mrs. Marion Wheeler, and and their two children, Eugene and recent illness. Mrs. M M. W ard of Halsey Nellie. Mr. Wheeler came home spent the week end in Brownsville with no better health than when where she was the guest of rela­ lie left and for the past few days has been under the care of Dr, T. tives. I. Marks who is treating him for J . Douglas Pritchard of Blatch- iieart trouble. ley was in Halsey Friday and while here made arrangements for open­ ing a watch repairing shop which he expects to open here next Mon­ day. From O ur Rt guiar Corre» pondent« Mrs. K arl Bramwell and two children returned to their home in The reception for which the Halsey Tuesday from Drain where members of the Parent Teacher * they had visited at the home of association will be hosts this even- Mrs. Bramwell’s sister, Mrs. F. M ine and which has been planned Maxwell, since Saturday. for the pleasure of the teachers and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dove of new students, will open the social Pueblo, Colorado,- arrived in H al­ affairs of the Halsey schools for sey Friday evening for e visit with the winter. A program is one of Mr. Dove’s sister, Mrs. Anne Max- t ie features of the evening. The well. The visitors are to well public has been extended an invi­ pleased with this section of Oregon tation to be present. • • • • that they may decide to loca'e here later. Lake Creek—Mrs. Thomas Ardry Ed Sawyer has started an ex­ was hostess to the Women’s Mis- press line from Brownsville to Al­ sionary society of Peoria Thursday bany via Halsey. Shedd and Tan- afternoon. An interesting lesson gent. He will arrive in Halsey, from the study book, ’’Healing going north, at 10 a. m. and coin­ Ourselves.’’ was given. During the ing south at 1 p. m, AH express social hour the hostess served de­ will be loaded and unloaded at the licious refreshments. S. P. depot. * * «. * C. Adrian Siaa has accepted a Lake Creek —Thursday evening call from the local board of the of last week about 25 frieuds of Miss Church of C h ristas pastor of the Fay Hathaway met at her home church for ths coming year. Rev. and surprised her with a kitchen Sias expresses keen delight in the shower, the event having been spirit of the congregation and in planned in houor of Miss H atha­ the fíne attendance and interest of way’s approaching marriage to the young folks. Roy Roland of Philom ath. Games, Mrs. Balvarv Logan of Corvallis songs and reading made the even­ his been visiting in Halsey the past ing pass pleasantly and the serving ten days at the home of Mrs. L. A. of refreshments completed the en­ Pray, and other friends. Mrs. joyable evening. Miss Hathaway Logan is a former Halsey resident was the recipient of many kitchen and while in the city renewed her Utensils for her new home. subscription to the Enterprise which • • • • she says the cannot get along with­ Last Saturday evening about 35 out. frieuds ot Mr. and Mrs. JessSatley Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Clausen if met at the Safley home two miles Los Acgeles, are spending the week north of H ahey and gave them a in Halsey, and while here are the farewell surprise party, and it was guests of Mr. and MrsB. M. Bond. a real surprise to the honor guests. They were recently married and Mr. and Mrs. Safliey have lived in are returning home from a wedding the Oak Plain district for the past trip through Oregon, Washington, ten years, and they are now mov­ Idaho and western Canada. Mrs. ing to a fam s east of Tangent. The Clauseu and Mrs. Bond are cousins. visitors cam e prepared with well SOCIETY NEWS William H. Wheeler returned to hts home in Halsey Sunday from Greenleaf where he spent the past ten days visiting at the home of his Mr. and Mrs. Safliey happiness and 1 Bert Clark and Mrs. F. M Gray, prosperity in their uew home. were reported ill and were remem- • • • • ered with fl >wera. The aftsm oon A pretty home wedding took place was closed by the hostess serving a delicious two course luncheon. Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. L. H athaw ty of Mrs. E. B. Penland and Mrs. Mar- Lake Creek, when their daughter, were complimented guena. Fay, became th? bride of Roy Rol­ and of Philomath. The wedding Members of Vine Maple circle, t >ok place at thr e o'clock in U e Neighbors of Woodcraft, aie look- presence of about 25 relatives and iug forward with a great deal o' friends and was performed by Rev. Continued on P .ge 8 Leaning of Corvallis. The tit g iirvice was used. The bride wore a lcvely dress of white crepe de chine and carried an arm bouquet. Following the wedding a buffet luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Roland will make their home on a farm near Philo­ math. When Autumn Comes to Town and Country For the first meeting, after the summer vacation, of the Halsey Women’s Study club, Mrs. B. M. Bond extended the hospitality of her home. The rooms were bright­ ened with vases filled with gay colored autum n flowers Mrs. C- P. Moody, president of the club, presided during the short business session, which was follow­ ed by a social hour. During this part of the afternoon the members made hot pot holders which were later given to Mis. Melba Rossman Muller and Mrs. Genevieve Wells Kendall, two brides of the summer and both members of the club. Then the hostess invited her guests to the diuing room where two daintily appointed luncheon tables were waiting. Each table was centered with a bank of flowers from which was extended a gavly colored streamer to each plate. When the guests were all seated they were told to pull the strean - ers and many were the delighted exclamations when it was found th at each stream er was attached to a ncs?gay, while those extending to the places marked for Mrs. Ken­ dall and Mrs Muller were attaclr d to b iile ’a bouquets. The napkin holders were clever litte wedding rings made from horse shoe nails. Mrs. Muller and Mrs. Kendall re­ ceived many pretty and useful gifts from their fellow club members. Sixteen members were present for this delightful afternoon. * • • • Mrs. Fred Robins was a charm- iug hostess to the members of the Past Noble Grand club Friday a'- ternoon. A brief business meetii g ! was held after which needle wo k] filled lunch baskets and after sev­ and conversation were pleasing d’- eral hours spent socially, a sump versions. Three members of the tuous supp*r was served. At a c u b , Mrs. Genevieve Kendall, Mr?. late hour the- visitors left, w ehing Z CANDY! by the Box B ar or Bulk Ice Cream Bricks, Bulk. Dishes, Cones, Dixie Baskets, Eskimo Pies or Ice Cream Sc das.____ School Books, Stationery, Tablets and A H other School Supplies. Clark’s Confectionery FINE LEATHER COATS ADD COLOR TO THE AUTUMN PICTURE ortunate is she whose privilege F It Is to go a late vacationing, not only the pleasure standpoint, but fro m j / BUTTERICK / 1600 HE s m a r t w o m a n chooses a new sport coat o f simple line and becoming fabric. T W ill yours be a plain or’ a novelty weave, a gay color or something darker? You w ill find whatever you wish among the excellent new coatings at our Piece Goods Department. You can easily make one o f the smart new Butterick coat styles, now on sale at our Butterick Pattern De- jartment. The straight- r. tne coat illustrated—But­ terick 1600— is designed for sizes y i to 51. '7.’ C1 * 1 I A elgn ami domestic models. These coats arc In the mala confined to regu­ lation straight sm art Hues with patch pockets, belts und with wool lining* In sports effects. Copies of Imported models urc very attractively priced. So much for the motor-travel coat. As to the biker, the skater and every outdoor enthusiast who must have freedom of limbs, the short leather types ure of greater appeal. I.lnlngs In these ure sometimes wool and some­ times suteen, according to their price. Now that the football season la nigh, leather coats are taking on an Irresistible lure for college girl and debutante, nnd you may ba sure th at they will make their appearance moat colorfully In great numbers. L eather lumber Jackets with knit­ ted bunds are popular with the young­ er set, also for Juniors nnd children. JULIA BOTTOMLET. <>'. m t . by Western Nnwnpnpnr Union > & ¿f && & &&&&& ¿r <& t+t f t t 't 't 't t 't t 't t t't'-t f f-t’t-t't4^*-> For Your Fall I House Cleaning See us for up-to-date line of Wall Paper, Paints, Varnishes, Brushes H onk! H onk! In five veers 100,000 dashed into eternity. W h at’» out there? Nobody knows. Better come around and have brakes relined or adjusted. Also you can get a can of tire patching for two bits. FISK A N D F E D E R A L TIR ES The Halsey Garage from the clothes phase ns well. Choos­ in g an autum n vaeatlon wardrobe Is quite Insplratlonul, considering that everybody Is In the zest of things new. with full style exhibits vying with each other ns to which enu display the more beautiful apparel. One has the satisfaction, too, of knowing that clothes bought now will be timely even after return from the vacation Jaunt. * Of course no up-td-uute woman Is golug to be contented to start on a motoring trip without providing her­ self with one of the new stunulng leather coats which are so enlivening to the autum n landscape. They're thrilling when It conies to “looks" and ns to service, well, every one with ,i fur-seeing eye to practicality should own a leather coat. The Imported models are very a l­ luring. They have that Indefinable something In niceties of detail and coloring which proclaim their foreign origin, and the higher grade shops all carry them. The original of the one in the picture Is n marvel of line col­ oring. being of violet leather trimmed vlth sn n l. skin. It Is topped with a hat o f le . t ier In the same tone. However, blacks, browns, wine -liaJcs and greens prevail both In for- ,7. S . W o rkin g » /' LEE DRUG STORE Albany Cor. First & Ferry Sts. J Important Changes IN S o u th ern P acific Service S ep tem b er 1 5 th E have the best equipped shop in Halef*.v> and for that reason we give you a b e tte r job and more for your money. We also carry the largest stock of tires aJid accessories. Bring in this ad and 25c and get a 50c oizo of tire patching. W ARROW GARAGE ■ ■ ■ ■ * ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ Rally Day Sunday Church of C hrist A D R IA N SIAS M in iste r C0MT£ If We Can’t Clean It THROW I f AW AY WE DO Cleaning, Dyeing, Steam Pleating Tailoring. Alterations and Repairing. v Jfi Change« will be made in Local Train service, now supplemented by the Silver Grey Motor Coaches of the Southern Pacific Motor Transport Co. operating over principal highways. Now you can go Southern Pacific by R a il or H ig h w a y to P o rtlan d , Salem , Albany, Corvallis, E ugene, Roseburg, Grants Pass, Medford, Ashland All clau e. of Southern Paoftc railroad ticket. bc.?'onorJ'' transportation on the Silver Grey Coache, of the Southern Pactfic Motor Transport Co. between point, they .erwe and reach. P i t a n p h o n » o r c a l l on o a r A / m l fo r n u l lim o t a k i t f o ld tr an d a n y a lh tr travel m fo rm a lio n Southern PaciSic C. I’. M w xh. Agent !