Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, September 29, 1927, Image 4

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    2 ? u r a P E n t e r £ r i s e i S e £ t £ ir n b e r i29i>2 9 2 7 i
R u r a l E n t e r p r is e vice on the railroads is featuring Ten Jersey cattle sell at auction
Published Thursday at Halsey Oregon, these diehes on their menus again. at Hillsboro at average of $115
Here's a good one found written
Dairymen and poultryinen plan
11 a year in advance. Arrearages 12S4e I across the hack end of an old rat. cooperative buying association at
a month. Stops when time expires I tie trap that first saw ths light of Hood River.
unless continuance is ordered.
lay in a small Michigan town in
Many claims filed on reported
Advertising, 20t an Inch; no discount [ the early ’90s " I do not choose to
deposits on Mary’s Pi a 1'.
for time or space; no charge for run in 1928.”
Enterprise stockmen ship 27 cars
composition or changes. Announce­
ments of entertainments, food sales,
of lambs in one train.
etc., whose object is to raise money,
Eighteen cars of fat cattle ship­
charged at regular advertising rates. Business Should Be
ped from Joseph in one train,
Announcements of religious meetings,
not exceeding four Inches, free If
copy is received before Tuesday.
Mentioned in Paper
Every business house in Halsey
should he represented in the dis­
play space of the Enterprise. It
is not only fair to yourself but to
your fellow business associates and
to those who make their home iu
Halsey. Not necessarily a large
a 1 but it should be a fair represen­
tative of your busines.
This is
wbat the Atuericttn Bankers’ Mag-
axjne has to say
say on
on the
the subject
subject in
Infantile paralysis appears on
the increase in Oregon and seven
ty-two cases have been reported to
the Oregon State Board of Hea'th.
Reports from other states indicate
an increase in the number of cases
of infantile paralysis reported as
well as In Oregon. Every precau
tion should be taken against its
spread d. Chi dren should not be
permitted to come in contact with jueatian:
sick persons whether it be adults
"A stranger picking up a news­
or children who are ill
paper should be able to tell what
business ¡s represented in the town
Through his ranch manager, the
by locking at the business men­
Prince of Wales recently signed a
tioned in the paper. This is the
marketing agreement with the Al
best possible town advertiser. The
berta wheat pool covering 1000
man who does not advertise his
acres of grain. Over half the wheat
business does an injustice to himself
growers of Canada belong to wheat
and (he town. The man who in­
pools A movement of this kind
sists on sharing the business that
would benefit this locality greatly.
cmies to town but refuses to ad­
Few people in the state realiz; vertise his own is not a valuable
the extent of our highway system addition to any town. The life
From figures compiled by the Ore­ and snap of a town depends upon
gon state motor association, a mo­ the wideawake libe-ul advertising
torist traveling 150 miles a day me?. I t’s the truth.”
would require almost 3J days Io
traverse t he state highway alone
Som e
In te r e s tin g F a c ts
The big sign at the intersection
Of Oregon Industries
of the east and west highways at
Junction City became so ashamed
The old war-time wooden bar­
of itself and the falsity it has been racks at the Agricultural college is
practicing on transient motorists, to give way to a million dollar
that it obliterated itself from the housing plan.
sight of man Monday of last week-
Russian soviet agents buy 452
blooded Oregon sheep for export to
There seems hope for the good Russia.
old fashioned dishes like corn beef
Oregon dairymen won first and
and cabbage, the boiled dinner and second butter prizes at California
Irish stew, as the dining car ser- state fair.
Alfred P. Sloan, Jr.,
Knows His Onions
> F i b a ny^0»rectory
7:20 Do you know Oregon?
7:30 Farm utility program.
F i^ h e r - B r a d e n
Furierai Oirectors-Embalmeri
8:00 Grange lecture btur.
Lady Assistane
Thursday evening, October 6.
Cliapel or Residence Funerali,
7:15 The collegiate sporiliglit.
l ’hone 95.
Albany, Orego
7:25 Do you know Oregon?
7:30 Timely farm topics.
7;45 Chats with the homemaker.
Friday evening, October 7.
7 15 The newsboy.
.20 Do you know Oregon?
7:30 Farm utility program.
U. C. ROSSMAN', Local Manager
A i.BANY baking co .
* *
A lbany Floral Co.
Charles R. Ooltra, Proprietor
Specializing in Ladies' and Children’,
Hair Cuts and Bobs. Work Guarani»,!
1029 East Second St.
Albany ore
Lady Assistant
(By an Enterpiise Reporter)
Cut flower,
, and plants. Floral art for every
and all occasions.
Flower phone 45f)-f.
L a k e C r eek N e w s
405 West First
TA-invite your business. Savings and
commercial accounts. Capital, aurolu,
undivided profits, $100. C00.
All calb answered davoruight
Rhone 255
Halsey, Oregon
4th and Lyons Street
Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., president cf
Mr. and Mrs. C.S. Williams and
■ X The place to buy good groceries at the
the General Motors corporation, ion drove to Corvallis Sunday af­
right price. On the corner, plenty of
room to park. Albany.
recently gave a strong indorsement ternoon to visit their daughter,
of the value of the country weekly Miss Helen, who is attending O
V ortm iller Furniture Co., fumi.
1 ture, ruga, linoleum, stoves ranges
newspaper. Indiscussirg this year A. C. this year.
Funeral directors. 427-43J west First
advertising campaign for General
Mrs. Dicey Brock has been visit­
street, Albany, Oregon.
Motors corporation, Mr Sloan said ing her son, Henry Brock and fam­
422 W e s t E ir s t S t r e e t
F-H L E R T ’ S g r o c e r y
n part; “ I believe in the country ily, this week.
401 W First street
A lb a n y , O r e g o n
weekly newspaper. I believe that
Successor to J. D. sears
Mr. and Mrs Arley Cummings
We w ill tay to please you
no printed matter in the United
attended church here Sunday
States is more thoroughly read, or
morning and were dinner guests
t Grocery—Bakery
has more influence than the pages
E verything in the line of eats
at the Martin Cummings home.
of these home town newspapers
Opposite Postoffice
Universal & Colonial Ranges
Mr and Mrs. Carter Alliogham,
Mr. Sloan, who heads one of the
MPERIAL CAFE, 209 W. Firet
of Portland, were week end guests
largest manufacturing industries in
Harold G. Murphy Prop.
Phone 665
the United States, backs bis state­
W k nkvkr closk
ment by the liberal u^e of adver­
ennings Auto Top Shop—Auto
tising space in the weekly papers in Portland accompanied them.
trim in in g , seat covers and winter in-
Word has been received that Mrs.
of the country in keeping the peo­
closures. 202 E. Second. Phone 418J.
Pianos and Player Pianos
N. L. Jennings Manager
ple posted in what is what in auto­ W. B Smith, wife of the former
Tuned, Repaired and
pastor here, is failing rapidly and
agel’s Bob and Beauty Shoppe,
little hope is entertained for her
Hotel Albany
Manicuring, marcelling, facial
Out of town mail and telephone
recovery. She is at the home of
O .A .C . R a d i o F a r m
Mias Lamphear, operator
orders w ill receive prompt atten­
P r o g r a m B r o a d c a s t i n g her daughter, Mrs.Eddy, at Marsh­
tion. Formerly with Checkering
field. -
Piano Co., Boston
Ray Barley of Tangent visited
The Winchester Store
Davenport Music Store Albany, O
Radio Station K. O A. C.
270.1 meters; 500 watts; Pacific
InClirDnPP A General Line with at-
! III3UI dllbG tractive rates. Specializ­
Thomas Palmer, who has been
Standard Time.
ill for some time, is now improv­ E y e S t r a in
N e r v e S tr a in ing in automobile and truck insurance.
Monday evening, October 3.
J. L. Stuart, Insurance Agency,
ing rapidly.
Eye strain means nerve strain—correct
i:00 The newsboy.
HO W. 2nd St., Albany, Ore. Phone 233
Mr. Lloyd Simons aud family glasses improve vision aud nerves. Our
7:10 4 H club meeting.
Fisher Bros. Implement ( 3
have moved to a farm near Harris­ methods assure accurate examinations.
7:30 Farm utility program.
T h e S c ie n c e o f O p to m e tr y
Phone 47
122 N. Broadalbin st.
Tuesday evening, October 4.
Skil' and experience in the profession of
7:15 The newsboy.
optometry cannot be acquired in a month John Deere Implements
Davenport Music House
7:20 Do you know Oregon?
or a year. Modern optometry is the re­ DeLaval Separators and Milkers
7:30 Timely farm topics.
sult of long and exhaustive study. Such
Good Used Pianos and Or
Fencing and Farmers’ Hardware
experience is our bid for your patronage |
gans $75 00 up. Also new
7:45 Chats with the homemaker.
and good w ill.
West 1st. St
Wednesday evening, October 5.
7:15 The newsboy.
E. L. Stiff
Furniture Co.
Complete Home
at lowest rate of interest,
t Real Estate
Prompt service, courteous treatment.
| Wn. B a in , w ith Lane County Abstract
company, Albany
I f yon enjoy a good meal
I And know a good meal when you get it
You'll be back for you’ll not forget it.
An Open Letter to the Editor
From the President o f General Alotors
J—/AST SPRING I wrote jo u that my belief
in the country newspaper had led us in General
Motors to decide to advertise our products
together in the small-city press of the country.
The returns from the series of the messages
recently published have justified that faith;
ond we shall continue to advertise in your
community through your newspaper this fall.
It occurs to me, however, that some of your
readers may be asking: “ What is General
Motors?” and “Why is General Motors?”
These are fair questions and I should like to
answer them as frankly as I can.
General Motors was organized some years
ago on the theory that a group of large com­
panies, working together, could render a better
service than they could separately. In this we
simply applied to industry a principle that is
as old as civilization as regards the human
family and human progress.
Oiiginal members of the General Motors
family • ere Euick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Oak
land and Oldsmobile, together with the Delco
Light Company and other well-known com
panics manufacturing automotive equipment.
By joining together their resources, we were
able to establish great Research Laboratories,
a 1245-acre Proving Ground and the GMAC
Plan of credit purchase; to effect vast econ
omies in purchase and manufacture and
distribution; to assure and maintain thequality
of every product in the General Motors family.
Has the General Motors family principle
proved itself in practice?
The best answer, I think, is to compare the
Chevrolet, Buick, Cadillac, Oldsmobile and
Oakland of today with the models of five or
ten years ago.
Then add Pontiac, a General Motors crea­
tion. Add LaSalle, another General Motors
creation. And then consider how General
Motors has developed these cars into a com­
plete line, within which any family may find
a suitable quality car at the price it plans to
pay: “ A Car for Every Purse and Purpose.”
Another example is Frigidaire, the electric
refrigerator. General Motors had the resources
to spend millions to develop a satisfactory
refrigerator, and then to apply to its manu­
facture the same processes which have in­
creased the utility and lowered the cost of the
We believe that this record justifies General
Motors as an economic institution. Its prod­
ucts are quality products, first of all. Their
prices represent the economies of united effort
passed on to the purchaser. In the last year one
in each three automobiles chosen by the public
has been a General Motors car. The service of
Delco Light electric plants has extended to
more than a quarter million homes, while
Frigidaire has become the world’s largest sell­
ing convenience of its kind.
We believe also that the values now offered
in the current General Motors products
(which are listed below) prove anew that
' many minds are better than one” and that a
family of companies, working together, can
produce results which are decidedly in the
public interest and of increasing benefit to the
individual family.
Very truly yours,
Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., President
General Motors Corporation
Detroit, September 23, 1927
f« /G /D .4 /Ä f—r * ,
Xr/ri<»ra/»r - V £ L C O-LIG H T - E l'C , rit p
C U .t C P l t >
/ T
im h
P e f t e t e is
G E O . M . G IL C H R I S T
l.ine Stage.
| Optometrists, 312 First st., Albany, Ore.
Albany to San Francisco, $ 15.
Com ing to Albany
Albany -
[Creamery Association
Dr. Mellenthin
Manufactuters of
| in I n te r n a l M e d ic in e fo r th e |
a n d B u y e r s o f EJggs
A F a r m e r s ’ C o -o p e r a tiv e
p a s t f if t e e n y e a r s
C ream ery
D o e s N o t O p e ra te
Chrysler Cars
W ill be at
Monday, October 3
Office hour« 10 a nJ. to 4 p. m.
K o ls te r , F e d e r a l,
a n d C r o sle y
Kadio Accessories
i ONE DAY ONLY Waldo Anderson
| N o C h a r g e for C o n s u lt a tio n I
& Son
Dr. Metlenthin is a regular graduate
¡1 surgery and is licensed
I ' the state ot Oregon. He doe« not
¡ crate for chronic appendicitis gal,
I-tones, ulcers id the stomach, tonsils
I or adenoids.
He has to his credit wonderful re­
sults m diseases of the stomach, liver.
I bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kid­
neys. bladder, bed wetting, catarrh,
v«ak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, lag
| ulcers and rectal ailments.
l ■ • ■
Albany, Oregon
S t e t l e r ’s
Dishes and Crockery ware
Below are the names o f a few of h i*
I many satisfied patients in Oregon who
Invebccn treated for one of the above
| named causes:
Elmer Booker. Condon.
Chas. Desch, Portland.
D. G. Horn. Bonanza.
Fred Shields, Klamath Fall».
Daniel Stienon. Alleghany.
R. E. Neal. Central Poin»,
Joe Sheoslups, Uobbon.
I Remember the above date, that
D M SUt,£ ,/ ° I ,».On. ,h i* ,r,p wiM
j and that this treatment is different.
A lb a n y , O re.
■" am
J. F. . Emmett Insurance
106 West Second St., Albany, Ore
ira. tir_a
Allphin's Auction House
Broadalbin St., Albany
Auction S it Oct. 1, 1 p .m .
Furniture— lire stock — w ill be
•old. I f you have anything yon
want «old, bring it in. Furniture
»old at private «aleanytime. Farm
machinery »old at all time«.