M AKING SELECTION OF WASHING MACHINE Iiaproveti Uniform International USX l i l t . W eetern N ew sp ap er Union. > A hom e based on righ t principles w ill be sim ple. No osten ta tio n of liv in g beyond one's m eans: sim ­ p licity in en tertain m en t in offer­ in g freely o f w h at one has to frien d s, w ith ou t ap ology or ex p la ­ nation. the f Sb-ndaySchool What’s Answer___ 7 Lesson7 (B y REV P P FlT Z W A T K lt P D . P e a « Moody B lbl« In stitu te o f C hlcngo ) • X. i> t t . by W estern N ew sp ap er Union > Lesson for October 2 DA IN TY DISHES ELIJAH ON MOUNT CARMEL Borne time for Sunday night lunch put sweet corn or ¡mpped corn through I.ESSON TE X T— I K in g s 12. the coffee mill GOLDEN TEXT—Choos# you th is day whom ye w ill s e r \e and serve It with PRIMARY TOPIC— God H ears E li­ top«milk or thin jah a Prayer. cream. JUNIOR TOPIC—S tanding Alone for Spiced Tomato God. Q uestions N o . IS 1— What Is the name of the highest peak of the Pyrenees? 2— Who was the winning running horse of 1920? 3 What was the first steamship to cross the Atlantic and when? 4— When was the first census taken? 5— What Is copra? 0— What composer and master of the pianoforte created the form known as the symphonic poem and wove Into It the folk songs and dances of his nation? 7— Who was culled "The Good Gray I’oet” ? 8— Of what country Is the Raphia palm a native and where does It grow? 9— What Is the meaning of "Innocu­ ous desuetude"? 10— In what chapter of Proverbs Is this verse: "It Is nn honour for a mun to cease from strife; hut every fool will he meddling"? 11— What range of hilts ts called the backbone of England? 12 Who was the winner of the New York-Port Chester marathon? 13— In whose administration were the alien and sedition luws passed? 14— What President served two terms with an Interval of another administration In between? 15— Who was the first to make an airplane flight to tlie North pole? 10—What movie comedian In Amer­ ica, prior to Charlie Chaplin, achieved celebrity for his acrobatic clowning? 17— Where did Bret Ilarte die? 18— Where are Gobles found nnd on what do they live? 19— Why Is the sentence "Tills Is the best of the two" Incorrect? 20— What Is the remainder of the 5th verse. 37th chapter of Isaiah, which reads: “So the servants of King lleze- kiah came—” ? Mrs. Newrlche (patronizing)—Wers sny of your ancestor» men of note, Mr. Cynic? Mr. Cynic—Yes, madam, I should say so. One of them was the moat famous admiral of hts day, and com­ manded the allied forces of the world. Mrs. Newrlche (with altered tone of deep respect)- Is It possible? And What was his name? Mr. Cynic—Noah, madam. INTERM EDIATE AND SENIOR TOP- Soup.—Take the J u i c e f r o m a IC—Standing for God A g a in st tha Crowd. quart can of to­ YOVNO p e o p l e and a d u lt t o p ­ matoes, one small ic — The C ourage of C onviction. can of pimentoes, I. Elijah's Message to Ahab (vv. 17, one potato, one onion, three table­ spoonfuls of butter, salt, pepper, cay­ IS). When Jezebel became the wife of enne, a whole clove and a little minced Various Type« of Washing Machine« on Exhibition. AFTER HER H EA R T parsley. Cook the onion chopped with King Ahab, she waged a savage war­ (P rep ared by th e U n ited s ta te« D epartm ent In the other. The corrugations of the the parsley five minutes in the butter. fare against God's prophets, killing all o f A gricu ltu re ) Most women realize the convenience sides and bottom of the tub help to Pour over the tomato, add the potato she could flud, and thus seeking to of a washing machine, especially if it cleanse the clothes partly by friction. chopped fine and the seasonings. Cook abolish the true religion and set up In the oscillating type of machine, for hulf an hour, ibldlng water If Idolatry Instead. Elijah suddenly ap- can be run by electricity, but they are i peared, announcing the suspension of the tub Itself rocks and tilts back and needed. often puzzled when it comes to making Olives Stuffed With Anchovies.— I moisture (I Kings 17:1) as a Judg­ a selection from among the many dif­ forth, tossing the clothes from one Peel large olives from the stone, leav­ ferent makes. All of the makes on end to the other, and the water moves ing the meat In a spiral form. Wipe ment upon the people for their Idol­ atry. He sounded three striking notes the market can be classified Into four In a curving path. The vacuum-cup type of macjilne is the oil from anchovy fillets and press In his message: types, according to the principle on one into each olive. Set on a bed of 1. "As the Lord God of Israel llv- which they operate. Selection be­ a development of the funnel on a water cress in a glass dish. Serve eth." He knew that he represented stick device In vogue twenty or more comes a matter of personal preference with bread sticks, or before soup. the living God, therefore did not fear for a particular operating principle. years ago. The soapy water is forced Watermelon Cocktail.—Cut the ripe Each type has Its advantages. In all, through the clothes by the pressure portions of a good watermelon Into to come Into the presence of the king. 2. "Before whom I stand." Ills the washing Is done by some device and suction produced by the cups. balls with a French potato cutter. Fill standing before God Indicated his con Buying Electric Machine. thot forces soapy water through the sherbet glasses and cover with an When buying an electric mucbine, orange sirup made from the Juice, j stant readiness to go on Ills errands. clothes until they are clean. 3. "There shall not be dew nor rain specify the voltage of the local cur­ The bureau of home economics of rind and sugar cooked together. Be I these years, but according to my the United States Department of Agri­ rent, and whether it Is direct or al­ sure that the pulp is strained from word." This suspension of moisture culture has a permanent loan exhibit ternating, and if alternating, the cycle. the Juice or It may be bitter. When continued for three and a half years, of a number of makes, differing within Consider the shape and size of the well chilled pour over the glasses of and rain came In answer to Elijah's each type only In detail of construc­ machine in relation to the room, where fruit and decorate with a sprig of She—Teddy, you're a inuu ufter my I prayer (Jas. 6:17). tion. A visit to this exhibit would be you expect to use It. Be sure It is mint In the center of each glass. own h ea rt II. A Challenge to Baal Worship not too large. Choose a flat top if a help In deciding which machine was Banana Fluff.—Peel three large ripe Ho—Good. you are likely to want it for a working bananns. cover them with two table­ j (I Kings 18:17-40). best for one's purpose. She—But that’s not saying you’ll As soon as Elijah had delivered his surfuce between wash days. Buy a spoonfuls of lemon Juice and one ta­ gvt It, though. Cylinder Type of Washer. j message concerning the drought, he machine of the right capacity for your blespoonful of grape Juice. I-et stand The cylinder type of washer has a average washing, and of the right on ice for an hour. Mash them and retired from the king's sight S u m m e r Styles 1. Elijah shows himself to Ahab perforated cylinder of metal or wood height for you to operate. Find out beat well, adding one-bnlf cupful of In w isdom , w om an w ear« a d ress In which the clothes ore placed. This whether the manufacturer’s repair powdered sugar, and the unbeaten (vv. 17. 18). W hose w e ig h t Is sc a rcely felt. (1) Ahab's question (v. 17). Ills revolves In an outer container holding service Is easily available. Simple whites of three eggs, one at a time, W hile man s t ill dons In m ute dis trees A co lla r and a belt. soap and water. The cylinder has construction Is etdvlsable. The frame beating until light. Add a teaspoonful [ aim In this question was no doubt to blunt projections on the Inside, which should be strong and rigid, but it of vanilla and serve In glasses with Intimidate Elijah. A n s w e rs N o . 14 (2) Elijah's answer (v. 18). He de­ carry the clothes along as It revolves. should be possible to roll the machine fruit Juice and minced pistachio nuts. Ju st W a it 1— I.. Goelirlng made It In 1912 by It reverses its direction automatically about on casters. The mechanism and Lady of the House—As cook I shall Cottage Cheese With Preserved Cur­ nied the charge and boldly declared Jumping 5 ft. 5% in. from time to time. The water gushes gearing must be properly covered for rants.—l'repnre balls of cottage cheese that the calamity which had befallen expect you to rise early. We break­ 2— Ellas Howe, 1840. through the perforations and cleanses safety and cleanliness, and the motor well seasoned. Mnke a depression In the nation was caused by the Idolatry fast at eight, and I will permit you the clothes. There Is a second type should be lqcated where It will not the center of each and drop In a of Ahab and his family. one evening off every week I 8—Aaron Burr. 2. Tbe bold challenge (vv. 19-24). of cylinder machine In which the cyl­ get wet. Ask how often the machine spoonful of thick currant preserve. Cook You ain't been married long, 4— The science that treats of thi (1) The people assemble (vv. 19. 20) history of the earth and Its life. inder Is in the form of a flattened must be oiled and whether that can be Serve with crackers and coffee as ‘nve you, dear? At the urgent request of Elijah the perforated box which moves back and done easily. Any movable parts, such dessert 5— Becky Sharp, Tess of the d'Ur forth so that the clothes tumble from ns a cylinder, should be light In Froi«n Cheese with Figs.—Mash n king convened the people. H u s b a n d a n d W if e liervllles and Leah Kleschna. one end to the other. (2) The ringing call to decision good sized cream cheese or two with weight and easy to handle. The wa­ They met at dinner. 0—Ben Nevis. The "dolly" principle consists of a ter outlet should be practical for easy enough whipped cream to soften. (vv. 21-24). a. The question asked "Why have we no guests tonight revolving device suspended In the cen­ drulnage. See whether the wringer Sweeten to taste and pack In baking (v. 21). Many of the people had not 7— The Legends of King Arthur nnt my dear?" ter of the tub, fastened either to the can be used when the machine is wash­ powder cans and put Into ice and wholly forsaken God. They attempted Ills Round Table. “Come to think of It we were both lid or to the bottom. This carries the ing. Consider the possible advantages sa lt When serving, cut Into slices, to worship both God and Banl. b. The 8— A tropical bird of South America Invited out somewhere.” clothes first in one direction and then * of a centrifugal drier. make a depression In the center anil Rllence of the people (v. 21). This whose most conspicuous ornament 1« irop In a preserved flg. may have been because of fear of the a high rounded crest of slender feath­ H a r d ly Muskmelons are delightful served In king or Ignorance, for mnny were of ers drooping forward over the end o’ Marie—Do you have a girl In ever, the some way with lemon sauce or the opinion that to be religious was the hill. Veal Timbales Provide EXTRA MEAL GOOD port? with candled or preserved ginger with the only thing necessary, Irrespective 9— No; the word used should b* Unusual Dish for Lunch FOR ACTIVE BOY some of tl»e sirup. Sailor—Don't he misinformed. We of the being worshiped, c. The meth­ alias some |x»rts. Perhaps you have not thought of od of decision (vv. 22-24). Two sac­ “suspect." Seasonable Dishes. 10— "And there were horn unto him using your custard cups to prepare a A good salad which may be used rifices were to be provided, one to be meat dish. Timbales, which are dainty Needs More Calories Than with a light main dish at luncheon Is: offered to Baal, the other to God. seven sons and three daughters.” F if t y P e r C e n t B e tte r combinations of eggs, bread crumbs 3. The test applied (vv. 25-39). 11— Brltjany, In France. His Parents. Green Peas and and other Ingredients, nre made in (1) Offering by the prophets of Baal Nuts Salad.—Take 12— Ixicke of Nebraska made It In ramekins or custard cups, baked In u (P rep ared by th e U nited S ta tes D ep artm en t a cupful of cookiul (vv. 25-29). Elijah gnve the prophets 9 9-10 sec. pan of surrounding water, and man­ o f A g ricu ltu re.) green peas and of Baal the first opportunity to prove 13— 1894. aged In much the same way as souilles The active growing boy sometimes one-third cupful of whether Baal was a real God. 14— John Quincy Adams. or custnrds. For lunch or supper they needs more calories In his dally ration (2) The Offering by Elijah (vv. 30- walnut meals. Mix provide Just the "different” touch that than his father or mother, If they are 15— In Colombia, South America. with highly sea­ 39). a. The people Invited near (v. 30). makes food interesting. Veal almost people of more or less quiet habits. soned boiled dress­ His object In Inviting the people was 10—John Ruskin. always tastes better if a few drops of Ills fix'd must be wisely chosen to sup­ ing and serve on to see clearly In order that they might 17— Two series of humorous satir­ lemon are added to It, and If you like ply the elements he needs for develop­ lettuce. grasp the genuineness of the test ical poems and articles written by It, Worcestershire sauce may be used ing his body and creating his appar­ Combination Salad.—Drain and chill b. The altar repaired (vv. 30-32). Eli­ sparingly, too, as a seasoning. Chicken, ently Inexhaustible energy. A mid- after cooking a pint of lima beans. jah took twelve stonps, representing James Russell Lowell during the Mex­ lamb or any other left-over meat may morning or mid afternoon snack con­ Dice two tart nppleg and a green pep­ the united nation, c. The offering on icali anil Civil wars. 18— It Is a genus of orchids, of be used Instead of veal in making the sisting of a fruit drink, or milk, and per, add a little onion Juice or finely the altar (vv. 33-89). After the bul timbales. The recipe Is from the bu­ minced onion for flavor and mix with lock was In place he had four barrels commercial value uh the source of an extract widely used In flavoring choco­ reau of home economics. mayonnaise. Serve on crisp lettuce. of water three times emptied upon the Lettuce and Peanut Salad.—Take sacrifice and the wood so ns to fill the late. Ice cream, etc., and Is native tn Veal Timbales. one-half cupful of freshly roasted trench about the altar. So sure was N'ortu and South America. Friend—Well, old chap, how do you 1 t e n s p o o nful 1 pound veal peanuts, crush nfter removing the Elijah that God's power was sufficient 19— The latter. The funner Is af­ like being married? You were always finely chopped 2 egga brown skins, sprinkle over head let­ that he heaped difficulty upon diffi­ fected by some would he purists, with­ lamenting when you were a bachelor. p arsley I? teasp oon ful sa lt tuce, adding a sprinkling of minced culty. d. Elijah's prayer (vv. 30, 37) out Justification. 2 tablespoonful« Onion Juice Benedict—Oh, It's much better, flour onion and French dressing. 1 cu p fu l mlllc or thanks. Before I was miserable at This was a model prayer, (a) It was 20— A sacred song. 2 tab lesp oon fu ls m eat broth Celery Roots With Drawn Butter.— based upon covenants (v. 86). All real home and miserable when | went out; butter Wash, scrape and cut into dice cel- prayer rests upon covenant relation now I'm only miserable at home Lemon J u Ic « to W itty Retort That erluc. Cook In boiling salti-1 water ta ste ships, (b) Its object was God's exal until tender. I»rain, cover with drawn ration (v. 30). Elijah was Jealous for Put End to Heckling B re v ity Simmer the veal In a small amount butter sauce, cover and stand ovi r God's glory, but the only thing that The late Rev. K. B. Henshaw, primi­ A man who ta lk s for hours Is heard if water until tender, then put through beat five minutes, then serve. W ithout ap p reciation, be asked for himself was to he known tive Methodist minister, will long he the meat grinder, using the fine knife. Fruit and Nut Sandwiches.—Put A nother, w ith a sin g le word. is God's servant (c) It was for the remembered in Khetheld, says an Eng Prepare a cream sauce of the butter, E lectrifies the nation. through the meat chopper a quarter salvation of the people (v. 37). e. The llsh jierlodlcal. In curlier days he the flour and the liquid. Add to this of a pound of blanched almonds result (vv. 38. 39). (a) The fire ol ‘ was an active radical, and did much the well-beaten eggs, the seasonings, with one-half pound of figs and a N o t E n tir e ly and the meat. Mix well. Grease cus­ cupful of pecan meats, mixing and 'he Ixird fell and consumed, not to help the parliamentary candidates “I understand you've gut rid of your >nly the sacrifice, but the wood, stone« of Ids party. A little man. he hsd a tard cups and pour In the mixture. grinding until all are well blend>-p[*ed very j thers living still,’ “—Iter. B. Allen Norman castle, now used as barracks D'ye like de bark loud or aoft? enonomics, especially If he has Just fine. Mix with any good salad dress- i below yields three quarts. It Is a place of great natural beauty. used up most of the fuel provided by 1 Ing and spread on buttered bread. | Reed. R ig h t Dress Richmond, In Surrey, England, was 2 cups sm all w h its t teasp oon s celery the preceding meal In playing baseball Kolla may he hollowed out. butter well j Saved From Doubt on io n s seed formerly called Skene. The view over "Have you seen Norah's new eve or on a visit to the nearest swimming on the Inside and fill with salad. These j 2 cups ca u liflo w er < teasp oon s m us- At last Thotnns was saved from the Thames la celebrated. The capl ulng gown?” hole. Food of this kind given rather are fine for outings. in sm a ll se ctio n s tard seed "N oj'w hat does It look like?” doubt. What saved him? Ixive for tai of the state of Virginia, on Ihe as an extra meal than as "eating be­ • cups cu t str in g 4 teasp oon s horse- vrtXQ. C hrist lit had anchored his soul to Janies river, Is the city of Richmond. "Well, in most places It's very Ilka b ea n s radish tween meals" will not dull his appe­ 'y U x C e a . 12 areen peppers, 1 cup su gar tbe Nazarene with a mighty and abld It whs the capital of the Southern Norah.” tite for the next family gathering at m edium six« I cups cider vin egar Confederacy during the Civil war.—* ing love.—Vance. the dinner tabie. 1 red pepper Montreal Herald.