Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, September 29, 1927, Image 2

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B lastlng by co n tracto rs on th<
Roosevelt highw ay n ear W in d iest -t
bay la st week d isturbed th e w ater
i m ains leading from C lear lake and
shut off the R eedsport w ater supply
for a day.
B rief Resum e of H appenings of G overnor P atterso n h as Issued a let-
| ter urging observance of “A m erican
the W eek C ollected fo r
Indian day,” which falls on th e last
Friday In Septem ber. The le tte r was
O ur R e a d ers .
N e w Y o rk N a v a l C om m ander
N am ed P re s id e n t of O rder
in P a ris .
C om plaints A gainst U. 8 . T a riff
In vo lved in T re a ty
C on versatio n s.
issued at th e req u est of the A m erican
Indian association.
The school at Rogue R iver has been
P arla.—C om m ander Edw ard E. Spaf.
W ashington, D. C.—E uropean diplo­
R egistration on th e opening day of
closed on account of Infantile p ar
ford of New York, U. S. N„ and Mrs.
mats in W ashington including those
Albany college's 60th y ear indicates
R obert W albridge, P eterborough N.
of France, appear to view the tariff
a freshm an class of about 60 m em ­
H., w ere elected to lead the Ameri­
The Metolius m ark et road In Des­
and comm ercial treaty conversations
bers, the larg est in th e in stitu tio n 's
chutes county is now com plete. It
can Legion and the A m erican Legion
between France and the United S tates
history, and an increased enrollm ent
extends from S isters to th e Jefferson
auxiliary, respectively, during the next
as virtually a te st case of E urope’s
in th e th ree upper classes.
12 m onths.
county line.
complaints against A m erican high
B lister ru st, w hich blights and kills
tariffs, agricultural quarantines and
Spafford w as elected national com­
C. L, S ta rr of P o rtlan d was reap
white pine trees, has crossed th e Co­
sim ilar restrictio n s on commerce.
m ander of the legion w ithout opj , si-
pointed by Governor P atterso n a mem
lum bia riv er into w hite pine territo ry
One French diplom at who did not
tion. Mrs. W albridge defeated Mrs.
ber of the board of reg en ts of state
in Oregon, defeating th e restrictio n s,
wish to be quoted, even w ent so far
Louise Fiscklen, W ashington, Ga„ for
normal schools.
quarantines and em bargoes of the
th e auxiliary presidency.
as to say that F rance for centuries
Cottage Grove Is developing into a United S tates forest service.
had been fighting E urope's test cases
T he follow ing w ere elected national
shipping point for pears. A larger
The Salem public schools opened
vied com m anders:
international relationships and th at
p art of the pears are brought from
last week w ith a reg istratio n of 4064.
the tariff discussion with th e United
John T. R aftis, Coleville, Wash.;
Lorane, 10 miles, by truck.
The enrollm ent on th e opening day
States was only the m ost recent in
R alph T. O'Neil, T opeka, K an.; Paul
The Gilliam county fair was held last y ear w as 3973. School officials
stance of the historic fact.
R. Y ounts, C hai lotte, N. C.; J. m .
last week a t Condon, w ith a record a t­ said the enrollm ent for 1928 would
Brig. Gen. F. R. McCoy, appointed
A canvass of the privately expressed
H enry, W inona, Minn,, and Dan \v.
tendance and good exhibits.
The exceed 4500 before O ctober 1.
opinions of diplom ats and com m ercial by President Coolidge to supervise Spurlock, S hreveport, La.
town was decorated for the occasion.
the N icaraguan elections in 1928.
Fred Starek, former director of the attaches from several E uropean coun
The Rev. Gill Robb Wilson, a Pres­
At the special congressional election
The prune h arv est is now under full to be held in M ultnom ah county Octo­ W ar Finance corporation, has been tries shows them to be in substantial
byterian of T renton, N. J., was elected
swing In Polk county. The orchards
national chaplain of the legion.
ber 18, th is year, 92,589 qualified vot­ named preconvention manager for agreem ent that A m erican com m ercial
are very spotted, some running to a
Pelham Bissell of New York was
ers will be perm itted to vote, accord­ former Governor Frank O. Lowden of treaty negotiations pending or in pros
full crop and o th ers to pructically
t with a dozen or m ore countries
elected to the com m and of the "Fortv
ing to the com pilation of duly reg is­ Illinois.
and E ight" organization w ithin thé
are most unlikely to proceed with any
tered voters prepared recently.
The F irst S tate Bank of Seaside
rapidity until the French-A m erican
legion which m akes the fun for the
E xperim ents on th e east side places
failed to open its doors for business of Mrs. F rid ay and son and W. E. S h er­
controversy is settled. The one o th er
B issell's title is Chef De
Geneva. — The assem bly of the Chem in De Fer,
last T hursday, a notice being posted man a t Hood R iver have dem onstrated
aspect of the French-A m erican situai
th a t the banking house is closed for th a t codling moth may be controlled
tion upon which they also agreed w as League of N ations unanim ously adopt
The legion adopted a resolution urg-
that even the thought of a tariff w ar ed the Polish proposal for the outlaw ing the organization of a national de­
with d ust spray and th a t the fruit
was intolerable to the governm ents ing of war.
p artm en t of aero n au tics w ith cabinet
The four-day annual W allowa coun­ may be packed and shipped w ithout
The convention passed an o th er re s­ rep resen tatio n equal to th a t enjoyed
ty fair was held last week, th e only the n ecessity of hydrochloric acid
W ashington, D. C. — The G reat of all nations.
As some of the E uropean experts olution, also unanim ously, asking the by the A rm y and Navy.
county fair now held in eastern O re­ baths.
N orthern railw ay won a sw eeping vic­
see the situation, the dispute with league's special com m ission for the
gon, with o th er counties, p articularly
A nother resolution opposed further
A German cannon and a b reastp late
France Is certain to a ir not only the d rafting of an in tern atio n al conven reduction of A m erican naval strength
Union, participating.
arm or have been presented to the W il­ of tax appeals when th a t trib u n al- re­
tlon for th e control of the private unless o th er pow ers reduced propor­
A daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. lam ette university museum a t Salem duced back tax assessm ents on the Irritation felt in E urope over the high
American ta riff schedules, but also the m anufacture of w ar m aterials to m ake tionately.
E lm er Rue of Silverton has been by C harles J. Lisle, son of the curator. road by about >500.000.
a new a ttem p t to reach ail agreem ent
The com m issioner of in tern al rev­ question of A m erican agricultural
christened Lindaline. She was born The cannon w as captured a t Mont-
The com m ission failed the last tim e
at the mom ent Lindbergh was circling faucon during the w ar. The b reast­ enue had assessed the railw ay >677,- quarantines, which have vexed re la ­
a re su lt of the U nited S ta te s’ re ­
over Silverton recently.
plate arm or is one of the only two of 043 in back taxes for the years 1917,
fusal to p articip ate In the m unitions
other countries a t other times.
For the first tim e In m any years its kind in the state.
control convention unless the conven
th a t only about >100,000 was due the u . s , ^
z : T
z : :
Jackson county will have no displays
Oregon's 66th annual fair, which
tion covered the governm ent m anu
a t the sta te fair a t Salem, because opened Its g ates for a full week at governm ent.
facture of w ar m aterials.
the county court failed th is year to Salem Monday, saw the g re a te st exhi­
G erm any
once regarded as the
W ashington, D. C.— S ecretary Wil­
railw ay in the larg est issue involved,
m ake the usual appropriation.
bition of th e sta te 's agricultural
g reatest m ilitary pow er in the w orld— bur of the navy has under considera­
th at of com puting income of in te re st
Newt Downs, 65, a pioneer resident w ealth and poten tialities ev er dis­
Is now disarm ed and calm ly w ails for tion th e disciplining of one of the
of the Pow w atka d istrict n ear W allo­ played, according to Mrs. Ella Schultz on secu rities held which failed to pay
her neighbors to do likew ise, Dr. Gus service's chief officers, R ear Admiral
wa, was killed in stantly when Btruek Wilson, se c retary of the fair board
W ashington, D. C.— A m eeting of tav S tresem ann, the G erm any foreign T hom as P. M agruder, for a recent
on the head by a falling limb while and general m an ag er of th e event.
kane, P ortland & S eattle stock and the senior judges of the nine federal secretary, declared in a plea front the m agazine artic le criticizing th e navy's
cutting tim ber on Rear creek.
W ith scores of prospectors in the o th er tran sp o rtatio n lines’ stock, but circuit courts of appeal, presided over rostrum at the assem bly of the league adm inistration. ’
A con tract for the construction of hills and hundreds of q u artz claim the board held th at no assessm en t by Chief Ju stice T aft of the U nited of nations for the speeding up of pre­
A dm iral M agruder, who is command­
th e highway bridge over Deer creek, notices scattered through thousands
w as possible as the securities have S tates suprem e court, is to m eet here parations for an in tern atio n al confer­ a n t of the fourth naval d istrict, is said
in Roseburg, was let recently by the of acres of tim ber, cen tral O regon’s failed to pay dividends.
to discuss judicial problem s, including ence for reduction of arm am ents.
to have violated a naval regulation
city council to the firm of Samuel & g reatest mining excitem ent in over a
w hich stip u lates th a t articles on mili­
The governm ent won several points the crowded dockets of federal courts.
Neff of Salem, for $.17,239.47.
q u arter of a century has resu lted in nt issue when the board decided the
The conference, provided for by con­
ta ry affairs by persons in the service
Gusty wind storm s which prevailed the nucleus of a new town coming In­ railw ay could not deduct from taxable gress in a m ovem ent to speed the
shall be subm itted to th e secretary
over mid-Columbia orchard d istricts to existence in th e past few days at income >422.677 as necessary expenses som etim es leaden heels of federal ju s­ Western Democrats Indorse New York before publication.
Governor for Presidency.
last week took a heavy toll of w inter Windy Point, on the McKenzie P ass for o perating construction train s and tice, will seek m eans to expedite cases
T he article, which w as published
pears. In some instances th e wind highway, w est of Sisters.
tra n sp o rtin g w orkm en, and an o th er to early decisions, elim inating long de­
Ogden, U tah.—A1 Sm ith, governor of under the title of “The N avy Econ­
felled 30 per ren t of the fruit.
Judge George W. Riddle, 87, com ­ >4587 which the road paid in penalty lays caused by qppeals, which som e­ New York, had the alm ost unanim ous omy,” charged the navy w as over-or­
Five hundred North Rend citizens m andant a t the Oregon S tate Soldiers' as a resu lt of violating federal sta ­ tim es cost civil litig an ts much money Indorsem ent for th e presidency of ganized and failed to p ractice econ­
and som etim es delay for years th e rep resen tativ es of seven far w estern omy.
are petitioning the Coos county court home at Roseburg, died unexpectedly tutes.
serving of crim inal sentences.
to continue night ferry service across from a h eart attack last week. Judge
states, gathered here to form a “ work
W h eth er th e regulation of failing to
One of the obstacles to fast action ing organization" for th e party.
Coos bay on the Roosevelt highway Riddle, form erly county Judge of
supply a copy of his artic le would be
Douglas county and who rep resen ted
In th e courts is th e bob-tailed appro­
betw een N orth Bend and Glasgow.
Besides U tah, the s ta te s represented Invoked ag ain st A dm iral M agruder has
Killing a big black bear and wound­ his county in th ree legislative ses­
P rince W illiam of Sweden sailed on priation for the federal courts’ ex­ were California, Colorado, Montana, not been disclosed by navy depart­
m ent officials and S ecretary W ilbur
ing, probably fatally, a huge cougar, sions, was an Indian w ar v eteran and th e steam ship G ripsholm for the Uni­ penses, resu ltin g from the failure of Idaho, South D akota and Wyoming.
A ction of the conference w as unof­ has declined to com m ent on the article
were th rills reported by a party of a pioneer of 1851. The town of Kiddle ted S tates, w here he will make a lec­ the second deficiency bill in the clos­
ing hours of cflngress last March. Due ficial as far as having any binding ef­ beyond a brief statem en t th a t no ac­
tu re tour.
arch ers who have retu rn ed from a was named for his family.
E stablishm ent of a state analytical
hunting trip In the north Umpqua dis
P resid en t Coolidge has not yet de- to lack of funds betw een March and fect on delegates to the national con tion had yet been taken.
laboratory for determ ining and con term in ed how fa r the tax reductions July 1, m any cases had to be post- ventlon Is concerned, but it was the
The Berry Growers Packing com trolling the purity of drugs was a n ­ m ay be carried at the next session of poned’ although efforts w ere m ade to first definite indication th a t m ajor T U N N E Y
com plete all pending crim inal cases. sentim ent for th e New York governor
pany at G resham is m aking arran g e­ nounced in Corvallis by re p resen ts congress.
exists in the west.
E ighteen prohibition agents at New­
Boxing Commission Refuses to Consid­
m ents for the canning of 100 to 150
ried over cases left th is fall.
The resolution drafted by the con
er Dempsey Manager’s Protest.
tons of prunes, says th e weekly bulle­ cy. The labo rato ry is now being ark , N. J., were dism issed by A ssistant
ference com m ittee was especially plain
tin of Seym our Jones, sta te m arket housed In the pharm acy building to S ecretary Lowman “for the good of
Chicago.—Gene T unney will rem ain
enable the d irecto r to have the advan the service.”
MAYOR C O N V IC TE D BY JURY in stating, however, th at th e body had undisputed w orld's heavyw eight box­
■ cen t
tage of scientific lib raries and equip
no intention of binding or em b arrass­ ing cham pion.
With m any of the d ep artm en ts en­
m ent belonging to th e college.
John L. Duvall Found Guilty of Cor­ ing the p arty organizations of the
The Illinois boxing commission,
larged and several new ones added,
sta te s represented.
rupt Practices.
The Indian spectacle at th e P endle­ m erce com m ission.
Ill health was
John C. R lgheim er, chairm an, announi -
the 16th annual exhibition of the
ton Round-Up th is y ear surpassed any given by the v eteran m em ber as the
Indianapolis.—M ayor John Duvall of
ed, will not consider a p ro test of the
Coos and Curry County F air associa­
thing in form er years, th in k m any old reason for his decision.
Indianapolis was found guilty of vio­ Seaplane Record 281 Miles An Hour. decision of th e Tunney-D em psey bout
tion was held at M yrtle Point last
tim ers. A ctual count showed thaï
Lady Suffolk of London, siste r of lation of the corrupt practices act and
Venice, Italy —F light L ieutenant S. filed by D em psey's m anager. The de­
th ere were 1540 Indians cam ped on Joseph L eiter of Chicago, lost her long w as fined >1000 and sentenced to
W ebster, in a super-m arine N apier cision as ren d ered by R eferee Dave
The W estern Lum ber com pany of the grounds. T his num ber included
court b attle to have her brother re­ serve 30 days in jail.
S-5 m onoplane, sm ashed all existing B arry will stand.
M arshfield, m anufacturing white ce­ m em bers of th e th ree reservation
moved as tru ste e of the >30.000,000
H e w as convicted in connection w ith seaplane records in capturing the
T unney's victory was disputed be­
d ar veneer and other products, an- trib es th ere, Cayuse, U m atilla and
e sta te of th eir father, Levi Z. Leiter. his alleged acceptance of a bribe of famous Schneider cup for G reat Bri­ cause it was claim ed the champion
nounced that It would enlarge l>y 50 W alla W a„ a> an(, N el p erce and Yaki
>14.500 from W illiam H. A rm itage, In­ tain. Italy had held the cup for the was saved from losing his crown in the
per cent Its operations and m anufac ma and Toppenish area Indians.
Hill Roads Repeat Offer to Milwaukee. dianapolis contractor, for three m uni­ past y ear as a result of its victory seventh round by a count th a t was ac­
Five thousand male d eer w ere killed
P ortland, O r — P utting into w riting cipal appointm ents. It was charged over the U nited S tates at H am pton tually several seconds longer than the
A lion, belonging to th e H onest Rill in Oregon during the first 10 days of the offer made the Milwaukee by the th a t sum had been received by the
Roads In 1926. L ieutenant W ebster toll of nine.
circus, which showed at Port Orford th e 1927 d eer hunting season, accord S. P. & S . for th e use by the form er m ayor during his 1925 cam paign and
averaged 453 282 kilom eters, or 281.488
It was unquestionably a "long
last week, bit off the left arm of Oris ing to carefully considered estim ates of the la tte r's track s Into P ortland th e m ayor had falied to list the con­
m iles an hour.
count," from 12 to 14 seconds, In all,
From m , 12, son of Mr. amt Mrs. Robert m ade at th e sta te gam e com m ission
from Spokane, W. F. T urner, presi­
to tak e th e varying count of ringside
F"romni of B rushes Creek, n ear Port office. It was said th at th is alm ost
M ayor D uvall's trial was the first
dent of the 8. P A S„ addressed to
observers—but its explanation lay 'n
certain ly Is th e larg est num ber of d eer H. E. Byram, receiver for th e Mil­ to grow out of the Indiana political
the fact that Illinois boxing rules com­
P ortland set a new low record for ! oyer killed in th e sta te during th at waukee, a letter setting out th e term s scandal precipitated by charges of
pelled the fig h ter scoring th e knock­
fire losses since November. 1921, when length of tim e. T his is th e best d eer of the offer in som e detail. The orig D. C. Stephenson a year ago. O thers
W heat—Rig Rend blueatem , $1.27; down to go to his corner before the
th e losses for August w ere >7879 17, hunting season Oregon has had in Inal offer wns made by P resident under Indictm ent as a result of the
hard w hite. >1.26; federation, soft count sta rts. The tim e elapsing dur­
despite th e fact th at th e m onth set a many years.
T urner, upon authorization of Ralph third Inquiry are G overnor Ed Jack- w hite and w estern w hite, >1.24%; ing Dem psey’s harking off to a corner
record of its own in continuous hot
T h ere w ere five fatalities due to Rudd, president of the G reat N orthern, son, George Coffin, republican of Mar­
hard w inter, >1.26; northern spring, accounted for the late s ta rt of the
industrial accidents in O regon during and Charles Donnelly, president of the lon county, and R obert I. Marsh, form
>1.25%; w estern red. >1.23.
count, boxing com m issioners explain
A report Is cu rren t In M arshfield th e week ending S eptem ber 22, ac­ N orthern Pacific, parent roads of the e r law p a rtn er of Jackson.
Hay — Alfalfa. 11650'S 17; valley ed.
th a t announcem ent of extension of cording to th e report of the s ta te in­ S. P. A S . in answ er to the Milwau­
timothy. >16.50©17; eastern Oregon
the Hill lines into Coos bay from Eu d u strial accident comm ission.
The kee's objection to proposed unifica­ 102,450 Pay to See Big Chicago Fight.
tim othy. >20.
World Series to Open October 5.
gene will uv made shortly. The In­ victim s w ere Frank Spaettg. Mohler, tion of the n o rth ern lines on the
W ashington. D. C —Paid adm ission
B u tterfat—45c.
111.—T he first gam e of the
form ation says the work will be start (h aln m an ; H orace I. Laphain, Carlton, ground th at such unification would vir­ to th e Dempsey Tunney fight number- |
w orld's series will be played on Octo­
ed in the spring, and circulators de­ wood c u tte r; Orville H. G aines, P o rt­ tually bar the M ilwaukee from ever ed 102.450, Internal Revenue Collector ! Eggs— Ranch, 29®36c.
C attle— Steers, good. >8.75©9 50.
ber 5 in the city whose tiu b wins the
clare the Word comes from authentic land, tu etern ian ; Frank R Sagaberd. coming into Portland.
Mabel G. R einecks at Chicago re- J
Hogs— Medium to choice, >10 00© N ational B aseball league pennant, it
sources. According to the gossip, the M arshfield, boat operator, and How-
yorted to the treasu ry departm ent. The 12.00.
as decided h ere a t a confefence
road will come Into the Coos bay area ' <ril Clark. Coquille, wood cu tter. In
Ex S en a to rs on In te rn a tio n a l Body.
10 per cent ticket tax netted >252.065
Lambs — Medium to choice, >10 50 am ong rep resen tativ es of the leading
from the north east, down Coos river all 911 accidents were rep o rted to the
W ashington. D. C.—Two ex-l'nited
clubs of the N ational and American
and cross the bay at M arshfield.
comm ission during the week.
S tates senators. Irvine L. Lenroot of
Alleged Liquor Ring Broken Up
leagues and B aseball C om m issioner K.
The com m ercial fishing season at
The first p ru n e d rier fire In Doug W isconsin and O scar W Underwood
Indianapolis. Ind.—W ith the indict­
M heat — Soft white, w estern white. M. Landis.
W aldport began Tuesday, and, Judg las county th is season occurred when of Alabama, were appointed respec­ ment of 99 persons In Indiana. Illinois. >1 26%; hard winter. >1 27? w eatern
Ing from th e enorm ous ratch es th e big nine-tunnel stru c tu re on the tively as m em bers of the Anglo Arner K entucky and Missouri, federal auth
red. 81.25; northern spring. 51 29; blue- German Ambassador to U. S. Kilted.
brought In, th e run of sllversides and J 11. Booth farm , n ear M yrtle Creek, icsn com m ission and the Franco- orlties expressed the belief th at they
stem . >1.30; dark northern spring.
Berlin. — Five persons, including
Chinooks, as well as steelheads, will was burned to the ground last week American com m ission
Roth bodies bad broken up one of the largest liquor
>1.40%; dark hard w inter. 91 36%.
Baron Von M altzan, G erm an am bassa­
far exceed last y ear and several years The d rier was full of fruit. The loss deal with arb itra tio n questions.
rings In tne middle west.
Alfalfa. >25; tim othy. >28- dor to the U nited S tates, were killed
will be about >70(40.
P. S.. >22.
a p assenger airplane crash near
A h o rticu ltu ral freak was discovered
R anchers in th e Coquille valley who Los A n g eles C ity O ffic e s C leaned Out
S enator C lark's E state >48.000.000.
B utter—C ream ery. 45c.
Schletz. T huringia.
by N. S. B ennett of Medford on the harv est purple vetch th is fall are tn
I xjs Angeles.—In one of the boldest
New York. N. Y An estate of >48,-
Eggs—Ranch. 33© 44c.
S A Nye ranch at T alent, consisting some cases realisin g the equivalent of robberies here in years, two bandits
000,000 was left by form er United
C attle—S teers, choice. >9© 9 40.
Former Mayor of Indianapolis Dies.
of several "s p o rt” B artlett pears of a >110 an acre
It Is common to find w ithin a sto n e's throw of central po­
S tates Senator William Andrews Clark
Hogs—Good >12 00© 12.15.
Indianapolis. Ind.—Lew Shank, form
rich golden ru sset. All th e russets an acre running 1500 pounds. The lice head q uarters held up and robbed
of Butte Mont . who died here March
er m ayor of Indianapolis, was found
were found on th e one branch of the re tc h raisers are pooling th e tr crop, th e bureau of light and power offices,
2. 1928, according to an appraisal ju st
Cattle— Steers, good. >9 50©9.00
dead in bed at his home here, appar­
tree only.
« k ith Is expected to be about 30 tons escaping with >85404 in cash.
Hogs—Good. >11 50© 11.60.
ently from n atu ral causes.
$500,000 TAX GUT