A g r c u 11 u r e H o rtic u ltu re L iv e s to c k Established in 1912. Voi. 16. D a i r y Poul t r y \Yo o I No. 21. Halsey, Oregon. Thursday September 29, 1927. Devoted to the Interests ot Halsey and Linn County King Takes a Dip 5AY NA IW <30/h'TO GET A job • a h . th ' teacher Rev. Parounagian. As Field Worker, Depressed A not infrequent visitor at H al­ sey has been .th e Reverend M. B, Parounagian. field worker for the Near E ast Relief. Mr. Parottna- gian has been greatly depressed for years over the suffering of his people but writes now of Ids hope th at there may be some hope of aid for the refugees through the League of Nations. It seems th at for years Dr. Nansen, the great Arctic explorer, has been the com ­ missioner of th eL -ogueof Nations to study the reiugee problem aud if possib'e find a solution. A few days ago at Geneva Dr. Nansen served notice on the League that unless they m eant to do something he would resign. He was urged to stay on by some most influential men with the promise that the whole subject would be studied afresh- I P i i n e G r o v e K T ills is Gunnery Sergeant M orris Fisher o f the United States marine corps, who was w ith the corps ritte und pistol team at the shooting matches nt Camp Perry, Ohio. Ser­ geant Fisher won the world s cham­ pionship ln rille shooting in 1923 and 1921, and has also won huuors in Olympic games and elsewhere. He Is a native of Youngstown, Ohio. The county lias receive 1 in motor tax money the suin of $38,880,38 from motor owners. From Sep­ tember 16, 1926, to March 17,1927 the couoly's'sbare was $32,586.27. Receipts from this tax for the year ended September 17, 1926, were approximately #36,000. A check for $6,291 11, which ar- rived the other day brought the to ­ tal amount for the year to $3330.87. Each co inty recrives 25 per cent of the automobile license fees paid tile state by residents of the county. Here’s A Real Story ■ (Enterprise Correspondence) I'y Wilma Wahl, Reporter. Sunday beginning at 10 a m , an all day rally will be held in the Church of Chi ist. After the Suu- Jay school and church services of the morning a basket dinner, in which chicken will be featured, will be followed by a special after­ noon service at which time there will be an outride speaker, either Mesdames W D. McLaren, Ray Hover, Floyd Nichols, George Mc­ Neil, Mrs. Kuighteu and Mr.Chas. McLaree attended the Callaway sale uear Brownsville Thursday, Mr.and Mrs.E E. Hover aud sou Robert, \ ¡sited the R. K. Stewart family at Pleasant II 11 Sunday. Miss Eunice Sylvester went to Hariisburg Sunday to be ready for the opening of her school in the Summerville district Monday. She will board at W. E. Hovers. Mr.and Mrs.Ray Hover ntuved to the Shepherd place just vacated by the Lisk family Friday. Mr. and Mr. L E. Eagy and sons were Corvallis visitors Tues-, day. Earl Albertson went to Mon mouth Friday to take entrance ex­ amination to attend normal this semester. Mrs. Elsie Davis of Monmouth visited her sister-in-law Mrs. Ray Hover Monday. Adrian Sias, Pastor. Carl Nichols was a Cotvallis Rex Dallas of Albany or Michael visitor Thursday. John Dobrinius and Laurence Shelly of Eugene. Then, too, a fine Nichols started to school Monday service at n’ght. 8pecial music is making sixteen pupils at present. expected by a vocal quartet and M r. aud Mrs. Albertson attend­ an orchestra at all sessions. The following is the program as ed quarterly m eeting at Teona outlined: Sunday. 10 00 a. m. Sunday school. We note that the editor of the 11:00 a. m. Morning wotehip and Enterprise feels slighted because communiun services Lindbergh flew over Corvallis a d 12 m. Basket dinner (chicken !] not Halsey. Pine Grove had a 2:00 p, m. Afternoon service. good view of him as he flew low 6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor and almost directly down the road. 7:30 p. m. Happy song service [Since the correspondent to the and sermon Enterprise from Pine Grove was 7:30 p.m. Thursday, choir prac- fortunate in seeing the great avia- tice. tor and at such good advantage, oar disappointm ent is alleviated ter, Mrs. W. C. Sickels, Monday by the fact th at one of our valued Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rob?rts and co-workers in making the En­ children of Toledo, visited at Mich­ terprise one of t>ie best little papers in the valley, was on the job for ael Rickard's Sunday. Rev; and M 's Metcalf of Lake uews. Editor.] Creek were dinner guests at the J 11 Rickard home Sunday. J. D. Brubaker and family were < A lfo r d A r r o w s ( callers at the E. D. Isom home •V W X A V V A X V A * * Sunday evening. (Enterprise Correspondence) J. D.Brubaker and family visa­ Miss Velda Curtis entered high ed at the Sam Ringler home Sun­ school in Harrisburg la«t week. day. Bertha and Alice Comely called Deo Rolfe returned from the bop OB Velda Curtis Sunday. yards last week. Mrs. L. E. Bond of Albany vis­ ited her daughter, Mrs. E.D.Isoiu. Dick Duncan attended the state last week. tair at Salem Monday._________ Miss Hillis Rickard left Monday WANTED for Monmouth where she will a t­ MIDDLE AGED lady want« house tend normal this winter. keeping. Good cook. Address Mrs. E. D, Isom visited her sis­ P. O. box 118, Albany, Or. 06 Perhaps never before since kings were kings has a roler of a natlou been photographed taking a dip In the sea. The young tnan ile tu re d abo\i U J C IIU C I, ' king “ “ n o f * tiuiaanla, * ai I t i l i i l I C l, I hating Is . Michael, a wonderful tini? In the Black ora. SCHOOL NOTES DF INTEREST TO PARENTS AND PUPILS A A < \A A A ' Ite m s Motorists Pay Large Sum in Motor Tax To County WAY/ CHURCH OF CHRIST WILL HOLD RALLYJNEXT SUNDAY WWwWV rWVWWwWw w A . A. 538,880 AlllO TAX does is ask ne a l p i o r silly questioma I can ' t answer any * The second week of school has seen the settling dowu to regular work by the pupils and school ac- tivitiee for the winter are now in full swing. The first social event on ths school calendar is the reception for the teachers o, Halsey and outlying di-tricte, and for the new students, which will b; hell this evening at the school house beginning at 7:45 o’clock. The Parent Teachers aisociation will he boats and an in vilation h is been extended to all p itio n s of the schools to he pres­ ent. The sophomores announce a party to he given for the freshmen Ftiday evening, September 30, at the city hall. The freshmen girls are ri quested to b* drossed as boys and Ihe boys as g»rls. The boys must wear rolled Blockings and their dresses must come above thoir knees. A glee club has been organized by the students, with Miss Nelsuu as leader. Mamie F»lk was absejt from classes Friday. Pbylis Holt has been ill tin past week. M a ry A n n P erry lias been pro­ » V A X V A X V A X V A W A /X • » P e o r ia • N e w » I (e n i» > W X* W S X V W X ^ V ^ W V x » (Enterprise vorrespondent) The Women’s Missionary Socie­ ty of Peoria met at the home of Mrs. Tom Audry at Lake Creek Thursday for their regular meet­ ing. After a very interesting book study Mrs. Audry served lovely re ­ freshments assisted by Mrs. Martin Cummings. Mrs. Alice Bell of Oakville visit­ ed with Mrs. Alice Dunn Thurs­ day. Mr. and Mis. Horace Cfingman and Mrs. Ella Crewe« attended church and Sunday school here Sunday. Mrs. la y Githens return >3 f.om Portland Sunday where rite ha I been called by the Rinata of her father, Griff King. Mrs. Ruby Dorsey is quite sick n t the home of her father, J. R. W ade.' Rev, and Mrs. Metcalf, Mrs. J. W. Lamar and daughter Arlene attended the shower given Miss Hathaway at l ake Creek Thursday e ve n in g . Mrs. Alice Dunn visited with M's Halm Wednesday. School started in Peoria Monday with Miss Agnes Chandler as in­ structor M