Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, September 22, 1927, Image 5

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For future
success w ith
Mrs W .D.Jenks of Tangent, spent ' To Em ulate Fam ous Cousin
Monday io Sal m.
School started Monday morning
with Mies-Helen Patton of Port- . I
\ l a n d as teacher.
Miss Patton is
staying at August Sperling's
your flock of
chickens use
Developing Mashes and Scratches
used and new
i i i i z
i t i
(By an Enterpiise Reporter)
Miss Nora Coldiron moved to
llalsey Saturday to attend school.
N. H. Cummings aud family
spent Friday at the Linn county
crushable velvet types
Lake Creek News
Complete stock always on hand.
S oft
I « e » a ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■
Williams left Satur*
8 »lay Miss for Helen
Corvallis where she will
attend O A.C
Brandon school began its fall ilor of the Harrisburg Bulletin,
term Monday with Irene Quimby called on the Enterprise editors.
as instructor.
William H. Wheeler of Halsey
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Starr of is spending several days at Green,
Portland spent Sunday iu Halsey leaf where he is visiting at the
at the H. F. Lake home.
home of his grandchildren Mr. and
E. E, Chandler and brother of Mrs Steinbaner and their son, EJ
Albauy were but-iuess visitors ju ward Alfred. Mr. Wheeler ac­
companied the Greealeaf people
Halsey Friday evening.
home last week after their visit of
Wayne Veatch left Monday for
a few days here at the Wheeler
U of 0 . to begin bis junior year home.
at Ibat institution of learning
Charity Grange held their regu-
Miss Dcdge is again at the helm
lar session last Saturday evening
of the Rowland school and making
with about thirty members presr nt.
her home at the B.M.MilLr ra .ch
Nominations for state officers for
The joint sale held at the farm i the coming year were voted on as
of D. S Bow man was well attend- was also three names for teinstate*
ed and good prices prevailed for m eut. The juveniles had a good
nearly everything.
meeting with fourteen members
P. A. Matheny of Albany spent Pre»e»<- Alter their regular work
Friday afternoon in Halsey and was comp 'eted they enjoyed an old
while here made tbo Enterprise 1 lshioned candy pull. Needless to
office a pleasant visit,
they had fun
The barn on the property of Jonn
F Bu,ord Morris, proprietor of
LaRue has been treated to a naw lbe Morri# Pharmacy, is having an
roof during the past week. Gard- addition built to his store room on
ner aud Gansle did the work.
Second street. For the winter Mr.
Morris will use the front part of
C. P. Moody returned to his' the new room for a garage and the
duties at the Southern Pacific depot rear as a storage. In the spring
Wednesday after a two week’s va- however the partition between the
cation, during part of which time present store room and the new
be tried to be a d er buuter.
part will be removed making one
Miss Ethel and John Quimby re- large room. The enlarged quart-
turned Saturday from independ. era is made necessary by the grow-
ence where they have been at work iug business and latger stock which
for the past month. John took up Mr. Morris is carrying.
his school work at Halsey High
A lfo r d A r r o w s
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Clark of Hal­
sey sp tn t Sunday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Brook.
I ulks. tucel tlc le ii U n is e l ,vi
hinta. (¡a., cousin o f It.le u W ill« rht
famous, of C a lifo rn ia , women's chain
pion o f the w o rld
Helen o f AI him -
may become as famous w ith the rnckei
as her C a lifo rn ia cousin
Mrs W. C. Smith and daughter
of Halsey visited her sister, Mrs.
John Gormley, Saturday.
M iss Jessiline Hockensmith w- n'i
to Corvallis Sunday. She will at!
tend high school in that city.
Miss Lavelle Palmer who >e
teaching near Coburg, spent the
week end with her parents here.
Mrs. J. S. N ii'ewood, daughter
and son, and Miss Lucile Pnellps
of Halsey, spent Friday at the Liun
county fair.
When Autumn
Comes .
to Town
and Country
A V E you ever f, It the urge to own
Cut to c e n tim e about th is iiccm n-
a hut th a t you could p u ll on your
m o t.a lo i ; Io Ho I a t, I f (he vagabond
head In any sort o f a way and have H i n t | .1 you, p u ll one or Ils cut»»
It becoming? W ell, m any o f the l i t ­ h ilm le lo down 0:1 tlm side and denr
tle new crushable velvet shapes, so
lib ’ cr. ..a no chnivu In the lo w e r le ft
sm art fo r c u rly autunffi wear, are Jit 1 co rn e r t f group.
th a t w a y— the so rt one can J u .t slam-
i hi i ;e y o u r mood— aro u n d the hat
bang on the head and feci that It Is
a w ith tho w id e r p a rt o f the lir lu i
a ll rig h t.
' .rned up, I.nd y o u have an exceed-
And here Is Ju | tu . h a hat a rriv e d
li'g ly sm art lo o kin g cloche w ith tin»
from the a te lie r o f M adame Ague«,
crov a, folded s lig h tly down the hack.
w -11 known
I ’m 1 , ,11 ,1.
I . i - in i ,l.v, the d u ll. i
N orth, East, W est, South, com ing or
»civet to the face, as shown to the
Tomg, »'» Is u ll the same to th is little
r ig h t
I t can lie worn w ith dehonlar
A iio ih i r mood —you w o n t a d iffe r­
sm artness und case, any way you put
ent bonnet. T urn It u ll way round, as
It. See fo r yourself, fo r the p ic tu re
I 1 >r center »lew. Pull the crow n down
shows It below In lid s group w orn In
m i 1 ne side v h h the little s t rim In
three d iffe re n t ways.
fro n t. A lm o st fo rg o t to m ention th a t
T o u r mood changes, you want a d if
being made o f so fte st s ilk velvet, (Ids
ferent b o n ne t: very w ell, you sim ply
hat 1 III ro ll up go th a t you can pack
tu rn It urounit to please, lle ln g f a s h
It away In the c o rn e r o f y o u r »ve.'k-
loned h a lf In h a lf o f Vale and gobelin
end cuse.
velvet tills w orks out b e a u tifu lly . By
Thi> o th er tw o huts e x p lo it the Idea
the way, colors ure used so often this
o f s e lf trim , d im usc3 sm ocking f o r
season In tw o and more tones or the
decoration, the o ilie r em ploys an up-
same D a rk gray w ith silv e r, brown
p lique o f handm ade ve lv e t llow ers do-
o f v a ry in g degree, and the s m arte ,I
idgued In several colors w h ich blend
com bination at the m om ent Is beige
w ith the hat Itse lf.
w ith black. Beige Is Ininien. ely popu
J U L IA I 'd i'T d M I . I . V .
la r tv r fa ll.
Twenty-five dollass was realized
from the lunch sold at the W. S.
Baum girtner sale.
The ladies ot
the church wish to thank those who
so kindly donated the food.
Silo filling is the order of the day
now. The work is unusually ha:d
this year owing to the heavy rains
which caused the corn to fall and
consequently the corn binders can­
not be used.
Mr. and Mrs. John Purstroff of
Lewiston, Idaho, were visitors at
the M artin Cumuoiugs home Sun­
day. Mr. Purstroff is a cousin of
Mrs. Cummings. This is their first
visit to the Willamette valley and
they will visit C °rvillis, Newport
and McMinnville before returning
home. Other visitors at the Cum­
mings home Sunday were Mr. and
Mrs. R. M Jones and Mr. and
Mrs. V. C Jones of Benton county,
Mr. and Mrs. C, R. Rovan aud
children of Eugene, Mrs. Ada
Cummings of Corvallis and Dorris
Brock of Lake Creek.
HE s m a r t w o m a n
chooses a new sport
coat o f simple line and
becoming fabric.
I '. 7 by W r.te m N ew spaper Union )
O a k la n d ’s OcM N e w F ire H ouse
W ill yours be a plain or a
The Halsey Garage is making
novelty weave, a gay color
IF YOU WANT a piano now is
or something darker? You
improvements on the highway
(Enterprise Correspondence)
vour chance. We want wood or
w ill find whatever you
frontage which could well be follow-
J. D. Brubaker aud family visit­
hay. Get busy. Call at Daven­
wish among the excellent
ed by all. The street will he level­ ed the Sam Ringler home Sunday.
port’s Music House, Albany.
new coatings at our Piece
ed up and graveled the entire
Goods Department.
Jack Curtis o f Peoria visited hrs
length of the property.
You can easily make one
nephew, Chester Curtis, one day JERSEY COWS — Your pick of 5
o f the smart new Butterick
Mr. Ellis Callisou, of Portland, last week.
out of my herd of 9, for $100, or
coat styles, now on sale at
stopped bare for a couple of days
will sell singly. One fresh n w,
our Butterick Pattern De-
visit with his cousin, 8.C. Veatch,
The straight-
rest will be sour.
See Chancy
as be was returning from a trip to ,er- «“ «“ded ‘be county fair last
ine coat illustrated—But­
southern Oregon points.
He is Thursday.
terick 1600— is designed
to 51.
looking for a location and may re- j Mr. aud Mrs. John Starnes and
tu rn later to further investigate.
¡children of Albany visited at the GRADE GUERNSEY COW about
7 years old Coming fresh about
John Porter aud daughter, Mrs. i J. u Rickard home Sunday.
Oct. 1. Call or write W *botn-
I Y g OOÜ G O O D S0
E dith Robnett, and the lalteiT
Mrs. J. C. Southworth, late of
eon, R. 2, Hal.-ev,
son, Truman, have moved to Cor- Halsey, was buried in the Alford
vallia from Halsey for the winter. ; cemetery Monday afternoou.
Trum an will complete the course
J. F. Isotn and family went to
in pharmacy at 0- A C this winter.
Eugene Saturday. Doris Robnett
Mrs. Robnett will assist at one of
accompanied them home Sunday.
the frat houses.
In five yetrs 1 0 0 . 0 0 0 dashed into eternity.
Mrs A E. Whitbeck returned
Friday afternoon Mr. and Mie.
W hat's out there? Nobody knows.
Guy Hughes and two daughters of Wednesday from Portland where
around and have brakes relined or adjusted.
Harrisburg were visitors in Halsey she had h>en visiting friends and
get • can of tire patching for two bits.
while on their way home from relatives.
H onk! H onk!
a visit to the Linn county fair, and
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Rickard and
while here Mr. Hughes, who is ed- »1 a tight, r, Lillie, accompanied by
by the Box«
Bar or Bulk
School Books, Stationery, Tablets and all other
School Supplies.
job and more for yoiy money.
W e also carry the largest stock of tires and
Bring in this ad and 25c and get a 50c size of
tire patching.
S o u th e rn P a c ific S e rv ic e
S e p te m b e r 2 5 th
Changes will be tnade in Local Train
service, now supplemented by the
Silver Grey Motor Coaches of the
Southern Pacific Motor Transport Co.
operating over principal highways.
Now you can go Southern Pacific by
R a il o r H ig h w a y
to P o rtlan d , Salem , Albany,
Corvallis, Eugene, Roseburg,
Grants Pass, Medford, Ashland
A ll c latte« o f Southern Pacific ra ilro a d tic k e t* w ill be honored for
tra n s p o rta tio n on the Silver G rey Coachea o f the S ou th e rn Pacific
M o to r T ra n s p o rt Co. between p o in ts th e y serve and reach.
See us for up-to-date line of Wall
Paper, Paints, Varnishes, Brushes
Cor. First & Ferry Sta.
Im p o r ta n t Changes
,7 s.
For Your Fall
House Cleaning
Clark’s Confectionery
TTTE have the best equipped shop in Halsey.
I V and tor that reason we give you a bettor
The llalsey Garage
T he c ity o f O a k la n d ,C a lif., has Ju-t com pleted, In the Merngo »alley, w h a t
Is believed to be the most modern d ie house In the W is t, If not the oddest. It
Is h u lll o f concrete T he tire flg litliig apparatus I« I d :ed In the basement,
and the firem en hoie Ih e lr llt ln g ip iiiin r a upstair«
5* & 6r & ¿r
& & & & ¿r
d’-t't- t Y-'t-'-t-1 t 't T 11 f '+ + tT ’t 't t ' t t t
Ice Cream Bricks, Bulk, Dishes, Cones, Dixie
Baskets, Eskimo Pies or Ice Cream Sodas.
♦ ’ ■
P l t a u p h o n o n r c a l l on o * r
A fo n t fo r now tim o ta b lo fo tdo r
an d an y of Aar tra u o l in fo rm a tio n
S o u t h e r n P a c if ic
C. P. Moody, Agent