footing by giving all alike accurate through western Oregon September R ural E n t e r p r is e Published Thursday at Halsey Oregon, and timely information on tbs na 20. F and A A LAKE The first coach left Portland at tion-wide movement of potatoes, PubJuhcrt Gi’ain Marketed by Cooperation /^ b a n y . £ 7 ) ir e c t o r y F is h e r -B r a tle n Funeral Directors-Embalmers Lady Assistane tb® actual price« received for them 7:30 a m. Tuesday, bound for Cliapel or Residence Funerale. Ashlaud by way of Kugeue and ' *1 a year In advance. Arrearages 12‘Ac 1 iu the consuming market« day by Pitone 95. Albany, Orego Show s G re a te s t D e v e lo p ­ a month. Stops when time expires day, and the prices being paid Roseburg At 8:30 a. in. the sec-* unless continuance Is ordered. m ent in F a rm e rs ’ E le v a to rs for them in competitive producing ond highway liner got under way ' Advertising. 20c an inch; no discount in W e ste rn S ta te s. sections. This daily aervice iafree for McMinnville by way of Hill«-! for time or space; no charge for for all interested parties aud may­ boro. A third coach left at 3:00 W L- W R IG H T composition or ctianges. Announce­ (P repared by the U n ited S tate« D e p a rtm e n t o f A g ric u ltu re .) ments of entertainments, food sales be secured by application to its of. J p. in. for Corvallis and Newberg, Co-operative marketing of grain In etc., whose object is to raise money (ice at 129 Union Avenue, Port- aud at 3:35 p. m. another left for the United States shows Its greatest FUNERAL DIRECTOR charged at regular advertising rates land, in charge of K L Kinger. Oswego and Cook. These are the development, from the standpoint of Announcements of religious meetings D. C. ROSSMAN, Local Manager four routes established by the new the volume of business handled, in not exceeding four inches, free ii farmers’ cooperative elevators, of Lady Assistant The scbooltna’am and her little copy is received before Tuesday. Southern Pacific Motor Tran-sport which there are more than 3,300 listed coupe are conspicious by their ab­ Company to supplement its train with the United States Department of All calh answered day or night The recent conferring of degree, sence on the highways. You will service. Frequent departures from Agriculture. Most of them appeared Phone 255 10 tlie Middle Western states. Farm by a middle western university up now find her guiding the young each terminal of the routes insure ers’ elevators are most numerous, in Halsey, Oregon on a number of farmers wboee work American mind through the in tri­ rapid service. Illinois, Iowa. Kansas, Nebraska, I a 1 been of aid in the progress of cate channels of educational traffic North Dakota, Minnesota, South Da­ kota, Ohio and Missouri. There are agriculture, is a salient example and just as sure of herself there as O A .C . I ù ttlio F a r m a few co-operative warehouses in east- of American demccracy. It bu- when wending her way through P r o g r a m B r o a d c a s t in g 11 n Washington which receive and shows again that this is the one the maze of autos. market grain. Some attempts have great country in the wor’d where e t- eu made by farm organizations to Radio Station K . O A. C. form federations of local elevators, man is rewarded and judged en­ I t ’s a mighty hard thing for a 270.1 meters; 500 watts; Pacific out on the whole these attempts have tirely upon his work, and not In tourist to get through the Willam- 422 W est E ir st S tr e e t not been successful. Staudard Time. aociul and economic standards be­ elte v»|'ey this kind of weather Organize Wheat Pools. A lb a n y , O regon A total of 16 wheat pools have been Monday evening, September 26. yond his cout.ol. These men he They just sort of want to hang iganized since 1020, but only 8 of ing given this honor was hut Iittl* iround and enjoy themselves. 7:00 The newsboy. these were active in 1025. The first commented upon for the reason 7:10 -111 club meeting, a-social ton was formed in Washing­ ton and a second association was that it is nothing unusual; the peo- We failed to get a glimpse of /:30 Farm utility program. ide rea'ize it is natural that any­ “ Lindy” aud bis old bird as they Tuesday evening, September 27, formed In Idaho in 1020. Organiza­ Universal & Colonial Ranges tions were set up in Oregon, Montana, one who distinguishes himself ii flew up the valley Friday morning 7:15 The newsboy. Oklahoma and Kansas the following Huy way will get credit for it. year. In 1022 the Arizona, California, hut Corvallis did. Ain’t it awful 7:30 Timely farm tcpici. ti­ 7:45 Chats with the homemaker Colorado, Nebraska, North Dakota the way we’re siigbivd. aud Texas associations were organ­ Telephone 312Y Reasonable Prices Cost of producing alfalfa hay ii Wednesday evening, Sept 28. , — ized. South Dakota and Miunesota Oregon varies from <6 56 to $9 11 7:15 The newsboy, did not organize until 1023, and the Tundey and Dempsey are doing C. W . RYDER h ton finds the experiment Ration most recently organized association, t grandstand stu n t by writing 7:30 Farm utility program. Pianos and Player Pianos lhat of the Central states soft wheat in summarizing the results of two naughty letters to one another, 8:00 Grange lecture bcur. Tuned, Repaired and growers, began operating in 1024. years study iu the cost of produc. lhat shoo'd help box offi?e receipts Thursday evening, Sep'. 29. The wheat pools quite generally Rebuilt. ing forage crops in the state. Fig 'ome and thrill the fans. utilize the facilities of the farmers’ 7:15 The newsboy. Gut of town u n it and telephone elevators in receiving and forwarding tires on every type of hay produc 7:20 The collegiate spori I igbt. orders w ill receive prompt atten­ grain to market. Several of the asso­ tion have been compiled by II. E Farm ers are coming more and 7:30 Timely farm topics. ciations lease or own terminal fa cili­ tion. Formerly with Chickering Selby of the depaitm ent of farm more to the idea of letting electiic- 7,4 5 Chats with the homemaker ties for the handling of grain, while Piano Co., Boston certaln of the pools are now rsi d- management who made a survey ol ’ty and machinery rather th m F rida) evening, Sept 30. Davenport Music Store Albany, O ering, or have already organiuei sub- eight W illamette valley counties. muscle do larm work. 7:15 The newsboy. llllllltfNMIHIIIIIIl:tMIIIIIIIIIIIHI .■ fiillaries for the acquisition a id oper­ In the Willamette valley clover ation of country elevators. 7:30 Farm utility program. Organize Sales Agencies. hay eost »7.38 when seeded with S .P . M o t o r C oaches E ye S tr a in N e r v e S train A number of attempts to organize grain, 110.32 when aeeded alone. Card of Thanks co-operative sales agencies have been I Eye strain means nerve strain—correct V etch and oats hay costs $10.29, M a k e M a id e n T r ip s I wish to thank the members of unsuccessful, but In spite of this other glasses improve vision aud nerves. Our cheat hay $8.77 and altulfa $9.11. associations organized for the same | methods assure accurate examinations. the Fair Committee who so gener­ purpose have been successful. There Corn silage was produced at »7.72 hollowing an inaugural ceremony are at the present time at least four T h e S c ie n c e o f O p to m etry a ton, vetch silage $1.10 and kale in which city officials of Portland ously helped with their time in central selling agencies operating on making our booth a success. To a t »3 75. a id representatives of the state of the pa trons who loaned their trucks our principal grain markets, as well as S kil1 and experience in the profession of several sales agencies which serve optometry cannot te acquired in a month Oregon participated, the new or a year. Modern optometry is the re­ I he I nited States department of S luthern Pacific Motor Transport to haul our exhibit, and to the peo­ only certain of tire wheat pools. The total volume of business han­ sult of long and exhaustive study. Such ple who gave fruit and vegetables agriculture has a market news ser Company of Oregon staited its new dled by all co-operative grain market­ experience is our bid for your patronage ing associations in 1023 was »750,000,- out good w ill. vice designed to put every grower palutial passenger coaches on their and for the individual exhibits. Mrs. 8. J Smith, 000, transacted for 520,000 members. and shipper of potatoes on an even maiden trips over the four routes' President P.T.A E. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Complete Home Furnishers Som e S p ecies o f H a w k s B eneficial to F a rm e rs OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS Two Pants Suits Lor Men and Young- Men $30, $35, $40 Not all liuwks are harmful, iu the sense Hint they are supposed to he; that Is, In catching chickens and song bird» and quail. The biological survey of tlie United Stutcs Department of Agriculture points out that there are a number of different species of hawks, and the food habits of all are not the same. Some prey almost en | tirely upon small mammals, such us mice, ground squirrels, and rabbits, whereas the food of others consists chiefly of birds. The latter are the species that are responsible for the bad reputation of all buwks. The bird eaters Should be killed at every oppor­ tunity, but It Is equally important that the others be spared, for they do u great deal of good In destroying small- animal pests of the farmer. The bird eating hawks include the Cooper hawk aud the sharp-shinned hawk, and these species prefer to capture ttieir prey by swift, fierce darts from the concealment of thick foliage. Most of the other hawks are beneficial to the farmer. 170«-0-»-0 « O-» • O*C>:; | Agricultural Items | lban y B a k i n g co 405 West First BUTTER-NUT BREAD A lb a n y Floral Co. Cut flowers •U*- and and i plants. Floral art for every and all occasions, Flower phone 458-J. P A S T ALBA N Y BARBER SHOP Charles R Goltra, Proprietor Specializing in Ladies' and Children’s Hair Cuts and Bobs. Work Guarantee.! 1029 East Second St. Albany, o ,e. SI All-; BANK A LB A N Y We -^» in vite your business. Savings and commercial aceounts. Capital, surplus u n d iv id e d profits. $lo0.10O. P A B T a U R N ’S GROCERY 4th and Lyons Street The place to bnv good groceries at the right price. On the corner, plenty of room to park. Albany. F 'ortmiller F urniture Co., furni. hire, mgs, linoleum, stoves ranges Funeral directors. 427-433 west First street, Albany, Oregon. E H L E R 1“ 8 G R O C E R Y 401 W First street Successor to J. D. .-sears ___________ We w ill tay to piease you U O L M A N & JA C K S O N , Grocery—Bakery E verything in the line of eats Opposite Postoflice IM P E R IA L ('Al l-:. 209 * 1-,r-t Harold G. Murphy Prop Phone 665 W k nkver cuosa fennings Auto Top Sb >p—Auto ** trim m ing, scat covers and winter in­ closures. 202 U Second. Phone 41hJ. N. L. J e n n in g s M anager agel’» Bob anti Beauty Shoppe N Hotel Albany Manicuring, marcelling, facial Miss Laniphear, operator R OSCOE AMES HARDWARE The Winchester Store Insurance A General Line w itli at­ tractive lates. Specializ­ ing in au'omobile and truck insurance. J. L. Stuart, Insurance Agency, 110 W. 2nd St., Albany, Ore. Phone 733 Fisher Bros. Implement (3 Phone 47 122 N. Broadalbin st. Albany, Oregon .John Deere Implements DeLaval Separator» and Milkers Fencing and Farm er»’ Hardware FARM LOANS at lowest rate of interest. Real Estate Insurance Prompt ser »ice. courteous treatment. | )V m . B a in , with I.ane County Abstract company, Albany If you enjoy a good meal \nd know a good meal when you get it I You’ll be back for you’ll not forget it. PARAGON CAFE G E O - M. G IL C H R IS T M EADE & A LBRO ALBANY Optometrists, 312 First s t, Albany, Ore. Ticket office Bell l.ine Stage. Albany to San Francisco, $15. C o m i n g to A lb a n y A lb a n y | C re a m e r y Dr. Mellenthin A s s o c ia tio n M anufacturers of S p e c ia lis t LINN BUTTER in In ter n a l M ed icin e fo r th e | a n d B u y e rs o f E ggs p a st fifte e n y e a r s A F a r m e r s ’ C o -o p e ra tiv e C re a m e ry D o c s N o l O p e ra te Chrysler Cars HOTEL ALBANY ^!Ya‘ei'l$en,1 W ill be at - O - .O - .-O - — - o ♦ - o : - : o - » o ^ o . o . o x U The only good corn borer Is a dead A Monday October 3 and |K o I s ttr , F e d e r a l, an d C rosley Office hours 10 a in. to 4 p in. A barn owl makes a valuable mouse catcher. . . . Sharp tools save power, power costs I N o C h a rg e fo i C o n su lta tio n | money, hence— ? . . . Dr. Mellenthin is a regu’ar graduate i Send for experiment station bulle­ in medicine and surgery and is licensed | tins on fertilizers and soils. They w ill by tlie state of Oregon He does not help your garden. operate for chronic appendicitis gall . . . stones, ulcers of the stomach, tonsils The crop that suffers most for | or adenoids. proper cultivation is the crop of coun He has to his credit wonderful re­ try boys and gtrls. sults in diseases of the stomach, liver, . . . bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kid Competition may be the life of trade ucys, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, but co-operation w ill certainly a,Id weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, lag ulcers and rectal ailments. vigor to the life of farming. • • • 3Voot should be stored In a clean Below are the names o f a few of h it dry place until It Is sold. It should many satisfied patients in Oregon w ho) never be stored in a basement. hive been treated for one of the abeve' • • • nruled causes: The farmer who has no more live Elmer Booker, CouJou. stock than a chicken on the farm Chas. Desch, Portland. should have a permanent pasture. • • • D G. Horn, Bonanza. Sweet clover may be sown alone in Fred Shields. Klamath Falls. the fall like alfalfa. I f sown in wheat Daniel Stienon. Alleghany. It should not be seeded until spring R. E. Nea’, Central Point. • • • Joe Sbeoships. Gobbon. Discouraged farmers have this con soling encouragement: When yon are Remember the above date, that ..... at tt.e bottom of the grade the onlv consultation on this trip w ill be f rce way you can look I» up. and that this treatment is different • • a I f wire fences are grounded to per- I Married women must be accompan­ mènent moisture every five or ten rods the danger of stock being killed while ied by their husbands. near the fence during a thunderstorm Address: 211 BradMiry bldg , Los Is materially decreased. Angeles, Cal. R a d io A c c e s s o rie s ONF DAV ONLY I Waldo Anderson & Son Overcoats and Top Coats $18 to $40 ( omplete Line of Furnishings FRED WARD 206 W est First Street. Albany, Oregon Albany, Oregon S t e t le r ’s Dishes and Crockery ware A lb a n y , O re. a ■ ■ ■ J. F. Emmett Insurance Agency c n 106 Weat Second St.. Albany, Ore É F IR E , AUTO, BONDS, LOANS | a H ■ ..H Allphin's Auction House Broadalbin St , Albany Auction Sat. Sep. 17, 1 f.m . Furniture— live stock — w ill be sold. I f you have anything you want sold, bring it in. Furniture sold at private sale anytime. Faria machinery sold at all times.