OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST A thorough liftin g of th e Salem po lice d ep artm en t and a shakeup on grounds of gross carelessness among officers of the dep artm en t will be m ade by Paul Johnson, chairm an of the police com m ittee of the city conn- N ELSO N T. JOHNSON B rief Resum e of H appenings of «*»• The report of the county treasu rer the W eek C ollected fo r E. B. Sappington, which was com plet­ ed Monday, shows W ashington county O ur R ead ers. AMERICAN LEGION CONVENES IN PARIS SEN ATO R C APPER G eneral P ershing and His Doughboys Are W a rm ly W elcom ed by French. M'ADOO NOT TO BE CANDIDATE IN 1928 R esponds to R equest That He Announce H is S tand on C a n d id a c y . free of bonded indebtedness. T he re­ port, compiled for S tate T reasu rer The annual reunion of th e Hood Kay. is for the fiscal year ending Au­ P aris.—G eneral P ersh in g and h is W ashington. D. C.—W illiam Gibbs R iver Pioneer association was held g u st 31. doughboys are back in F rance again, McAdoo, whose p residential campaign Saturday. and the a ir of P aris Is filled with lilt w as w recked in th e titan ic struggle A nother candidate for th e title of ing w artim e tunes. “M adelon” and The new $175,000 Hood R iver high w ith the forces of A lfred E. .Sm ith at cham pion corn grow er of Jackson “ Over T here,’’ and thoughts of F rench school will be form ally dedicated F ri­ couny Is J. 8. Vandorfy of O rchard M adison S quare garden three years people have turned back to rem em day afternoon, Septem ber 23. ago, announced th a t he would not en­ Home district, who brought a stalk of brancea of those days of 1917 when te r the race for the dem ocratic nomin­ In the opinion of A ttorney G eneral the field corn m easuring 13 feet into Europe m ade the acquaintance of the ation in 1928. Van Winkle, the city of Bandon m ust th e cham ber of com m erce from his Yank in uniform. T here w as im m ediate speculation pay a tax on its hydro-electric system . ranch n ear Medford. This tim e Yank—30,000 of him, they am ong p a rty lead ers as to the prob­ All the schools of K lam ath county How a m otorist stopped his car to gay—is in “c its” and th ere isn ’t a able effect of his announcem ent on Will rem ain closed Indefinitely in an pursue a deer, caught the anim al man in all Europe to p revent him as th e fo rtu n es of G overnor Sm ith and effort to check the spread of Infantile barehanded" and sat on It until a he goes about the job of seeing F rance o thers. M any of them read in the paralysis. farm er cam e along and len t him a as a civilian. sta te m e n t an invitatio n to the New Schools throughout Yamhill county ham m er with which to kill the quarry, All P aris has caught the carnival York governor to w ithdraw , also, but. are fast preparing for the opening Is the story being told am ong Eugene spirit th a t th is second A m erican ex- few of them thought he would do so. days, which vary through the Mondays sportsm en last week. p iditionary force has brought and the G overnor Sm ith him self declined to of Septem ber. O peration of the Bohemia L um ber whole country took a holiday Monday m ake any com m ent, as did his friends A recent p o rtrait of United States Two persons are dead and an o th er com pany, a sh o rt distance south of when A m erican legionnaires paraded here. Senator A rth u r Capper of Kansas. Is In a serious condition as th e resu lt C ottage Grove, will be resum ed Mon­ Mr. McAdoo’s decision was com­ Nelson T . Johnson, who has been through th e capital before opening of hopyard accidents in the Salem vi­ day, Septem ber 26. T his p lant was m unicated to G eorge F. Milton, pub­ appointed assistant secretary of state. th eir convention on soil they helped closed down during th e sum m er for cinity last week. save ten short years ago. lish er of the C hattanooga, Tenn., Twenty thousand men of the A m eri­ The w inter cam paign ag ain st coy­ lack of w ater to operate its flume. News, in a le tte r se n t in response to can Legion who fought for F rance, otes In K lam ath county, in which pol Seventy-five men will be employed. a req u est from Mr. Milton he an­ and m any of th e ir womenfolk, m arch John I,. Rand has succeeded th e late Son is spread, has opened in th e east nounce his candidacy. ed in a g reat parade under the Arc de George II. B urnett as chief ju stice of ern part of th e county. D eclaring th is his “chief concern" Triomphe, and in hom age to th e un­ Oregon’s five state owned moose in the Oregon state suprem e court, the w as the "suprem acy of dem ocratic Geneva.—The Dominion of Canada principles and progressive policies," known soldier, placed red, w hite and the Siltooos lake d istrict are m aking clerk of the court announced. U nder was elected to one of the non-perma- Mr. McAdoo said th a t “perhaps 1 can blue flowers around, his grave. th eir annual raids on gardens and o r­ th e rules of the court, the office of P aris.—The F ranch reply to th e The procession of A m ericans, re­ n ent sea ts on the council of the do m ore to advance th ese objects as chief ju stice will now alte rn a te be­ chards of the Ada vicinity. A m erican rep resen tatio n s concerning ♦ turning in peace to th e stre e ts w here League of N ations. tw een Ju stice Rand and Ju stice Thom ­ a p riv ate citizen than as a candidate Dairymen and poultry raisers of the th e new F rench ta riff ra te s proposes O ther n ations elected to non-perm a­ for th e presidency.” they had once m arched in the grim as A. McBride. Hood River valley m et a t L ibrary ball to accord A m erican com m odities a 50 The Jackson county products show p er cent reduction of the general ta r ­ days of w ar, sta rte d from the Place n en t seats w ere Cuba and Finland. I p refer to stan d aside," he added, last Saturday to discuss plans for o r­ The election of C anada to th e coun­ “in o rd er th at th e field may be left d'lena, moved through th e A rce de ganizing a co-operative buying society. opened its doors last T hursday with a iff now effective, to hold during nego­ good exhibit of livestock, farm prod­ tiatio n s for a com m ercial tre a ty be­ Triom phe and then down the Cham ps cil m arked th e elevation of th e first clear, so far as I can clea r it, for the A Port Orford cedar tree from Coos Elysees to th e P alace de la Concorde, of the independent B ritish dom inions county will rep resen t the state of O re­ ucts and school work done by clubs. tw een France and the U nited S tates. w here the m archers w ere review ed to m em bership in the superior govern­ developm ent of a leadership th a t can T his year, due to lack of funds, no m ore effectively gain th ese ends. Since the general tariff is four gon in the national mem orial grove county fair could be held, but th e tim es the minim um rate, A m erican by F ran ce’s tw o g re a te st soldiers, ing body of the league. I shall not, th erefo re, be a candi­ in Golden Gate park, San Francisco. G reat B ritain, as an em pire, holds d ate for th e dem ocratic presidential granges of the d istrict voted to spon­ products th u s would have to pay tw ice M arshals Foch and Joffre, and A m eri­ One of the most Interesting exhibits sor an exhibition. ca's w ar leader, G eneral John J. one of the p erm anent sea ts on the nom ination in 1928.” th a t assessed on im ports from Ger­ Pershing. at the Josephine county fair was the league council, to g eth er w ith F rance, The sta te prohibition dep artm en t many and o th er countries with which three-room house furnished by th e Italy, G erm any and Japan. A gainst th e colorful background women of the county a t a cost of only p articipated in 93 a rre sts for liquor F rance has com m ercial treaties. provided by the F rench governm ent, T he non-perm anent m em bers a re law violations during August, accord­ F rance asks th e U nited S tates for »27. the ninth annual convention of the elected annually. T here a re nine non ing to a report filed in th e executive reciprocity in th e com plete segise of During the rainfall year which dep artm en t by George Alexander, state A m erican Legion got off to a whop­ perm anent m em bers of the council. th e word as the only acceptable basis F orty-nine of the 56 nations which ping s ta rt M onday m orning. Closed Septem ber 1, Newport received prohibition com m issioner. Fines im­ for a tariff tre a ty betw een the two hold m em bership in the league par 73.13 Inches of precipitation, 5.71 posed aggregated $5000 and jail sen­ countries. ticipated in the voting. C anada re ­ Inches more than h er average allot­ tences 1140 days. In a note replying to A m erican rep­ W ashington, D. C.—A ugust m erchan­ m ent. ceived the sm allest affirm ativ e vote th e new On and a fte r Jan u ary 1, 1928, all resen tatio n s concerning of any of the th ree n ations elected dise exports of the U nited S tates were One of the most rem arkable hay ow ners of m otor vehicles m ust carry F rench tariff schedule, the F rench for­ valued by the com m erce departm ent Cuba received 40 affirm ativ e votes crops ever harvested in Yamhill coun­ in th e ir cars certificates of re g istra­ eign office set forth the F rench con­ a t »375,000,000, w hile Im ports were F inland 33, and C anada 26. ty was that of George H. Finney of tion Issued by the state d e p a rtm e n t ception of reciprocity as the condi­ set at »371,000,000, leaving a favorable Sheridan, whose 375 acres produced T his is required under a law enacted tions for en terin g upon fruitful nego­ balance of »4,000,000. Grand Rapids, Mich.-—D espite th eir H IN D E N B U R G 65o tons. D E N IE S G U ILT at th e last legislative session. Con­ tiation of a ta riff treaty. F o r the sam e m onth la st year ex­ rapidly thinning ran k s and the w eight A fire of undeterm ined origin de­ tain ers for the certificates will be fur­ The im pression in both F rench and ports am ounted to »384,449.000 and im­ stroyed a group of buildings outBide nished by the state w ithout cost to A m erican circles w as th a t the note of advancing years, m em bers of the President o f Republic Declares Ger­ ports »336.477,000. Both exports and Grand Army of the Republic voted in m any’s Hands A re Clean. th e main business district of Salem the m otor vehicle owners. sim ply was th e first step in opening im ports last m onth gained over July, th e ir annual encam pm ent th a t th e last week, with loss variously estim at­ T annenburg, E ast P ru ssia.—U nveil the form er Increasing »33,000,000 and Dividends from th e defunct T illa­ w hat are likely to be prolonged treaty tim e has not come for the relinquish- ing a m onum ent in com m em oration of the la tte r, »52,000,000. ed at »50,000. mook County bank were d istributed negotiations. m ent of th e ir duties In the yearly ob- th e famPUS battIe of T ann en b erg in Lee C. Rogers, city engineer of Sea­ am ong the depositors of the com m er­ Gold exports in A ugust reached »1,- servance of M emorial day. A ugust, 1914 P resid en t Von H inden side, was instantly killed and W. A. cial and savings d ep artm en ts of the 524,000 as ag ain st $3,803,000 in July. B R IE F G ENER AL N E W S A proposal to delegate the leading ' burg, wbo was victorious in th a t bat H attrem was seriously Injured in an bank recently. This is the first divi­ Incom e shipm ents, how ever, exceeded role in annual M emorial day services autom obile accident a mile south of dend to be distributed by th e state Cannda will pay off in O ctober in to the m em bers of the A m erican Le­ tie, delivered a speech repudiating the outgoing by $6,353,000, totaling G erm any’s w ar guilt St. Helens last week. »7,877,000 la st m onth, as ag ain st $10,- banking dep artm en t since th e bank cash the »100,000,000 loan m aturing in gion and the veteran s of m ore recen t It was in self-defense and w ith a 738,000 in July. This week will see the completion was declared Insolvent, and closed by New York, according to advices from w ars was defeated a fte r several of pure conscience, he declared, th a t th e th e m inister of finance. S liver exports topped im ports in of the 600-foot tunnel under the slido th e banking dep artm en t March 19. the gray-haired veteran s had favored sw ord was unsheathed by G erm any. An estate of »100,000, of which »70,- A ugust by »1,101.000, am ounting to »5,- on th e Roosevelt highway between A rrangem ents were made last T h u rs­ tu rning over th eir honored place. At any m om ent he was' ready to prove Marshfield and Coquille, by the state day for eight ‘‘echo’’ conferences to 000 is in personul property, was left E lridge R. Hawk of Sacram ento, this fact before im partial judges, he 590,000 as against $6.650.000 In July. by M ajor-General L eonard Wood, gov­ Im ports totaled »4,489,000 and com­ highway departm ent. be held in Oregon cities as an after- Cal., w as elected com m ander in chief said. pared with $4,288,000 In July. The Southw estern Oregon Produc­ m ath to a three-day evangelistic con­ ern o r general of the P hilippines, when of the G rand Army of the Republic at T he speech was the m ost significant ers' association, formed in Coos coun­ vention held a t Eugene recently. Cities he died recently. the annual encam pm ent here T h u rs­ form al u tteran ce the field m arsh al has Rodman W anam aker, New York ty for the purpose of raising broccoli, In which the m eetidgs will be held are day. H is election was m ade unani- made since his accession to the presi­ C RO SBY W IN S COW BOY TITLE has offered a prize of »5 for a nam e Albany, Salem, K lam ath Falls, Med­ m erchant, carries $7.500.000 insurance mous when all of the candidates with dency. H is w ords w ere spoken am id a for the local product. W in n e r Presented W ith Roosevelt ford, Roseburg, N orth Bend, Dallas on his life, the larg est am ount carried drew in his favor when he le.l In the spectacular setting, surrounded by w ar by any A m erican, according to a sur- balloting but did not have a m ajority, Tro ph y at Pendleton Round-Up. Announcem ent was made recently and Bandon. T be m ortality ra te nm ong t he vet. com rades, including G eneral Luden P endleton, Or. — Bob C rosby was of pluns for im m ediate construction The W hite House pool hall and con­ vey made public. D eaths from su n stro k e and heat ex , ran s Is about 12,000 a year. Com- dorff and Field M arshal Von Macken proclaim ed the w orld's cham pion cow­ of a »50,000 sawmill by the Milton Box fectionery, built years ago when Cas sen, governm ent leaders and dep u ta­ company at Milton, on a ten acre tra c t cade Locks was a bustling town, with haustlon during the middle west hot mander-in-Chief F rank A. W alsh said tions of w ar veterans, ag ain st a back­ boy for the second tim e a t the Pen­ adjoining Its present plant. large crew s working th ere budding the spell last week w ere placed at 18 In and the G. A. R. will have disappeared ground of old arm y b attle flags and dleton Round-Up grounds as one of the ( hicago, which seem ed to have been alm ost entirely w ithin th ree years. He final ev en ts of th e 18th annual Wild regim ental colors. W hile driving his autom obile down locks, was burned in a sp ectacu lar fire hardest hit. Four persons died in St re iterated his statem en t of a few days W est classic. Mlnam hill M. R. Chenoweth collided late T hursday night. G overnm ent em ­ Louis from the heat and a few deaths Ry w inning highest honors at the w ith a bear. Before it recovered from ployes on th e locks stretch ed hose and d irectly or indirectly due to the high ago th a t “while two of us are left we F lier M eets D eath in W reckage Trap. C heyenne F ro n tier Days he outdid his the shock of collision Chenoweth pick­ saved th e town, which was seriously tem p eratu re w ere reported elsewhere. will stick to g eth er.” San Diego, Cal —J. K. K ruger, avia­ The pension com m ittee was in stru ct­ n e arest com petitor. Dick Shelton, for ed up a large rock and killed the bear. th reatened. "A voluntary universal arb itratio n " ed to m ake efforts for the raising of tion pilot In the U nited S tates fleet 11>> honor a t Pendleton by only a few The new half mile track at th e state L ast Friday the Linn county fair pack, introduced In the league of na­ the pensions of widows of veteran s a ir service, m et death by drow ning points. board acted as host to all the school fair plant at Salem was tu rn ed over to tions assem bly com m ission on dis­ m ore th an 65 years of ago to »50 a when the torpedo plane he w as pilot­ Je sse L aw rence won th e northw est children of Linn county at the annual the sta te fair board last week. The arm am en t by Dr. F rid tjo f N ansen of m onth. ing fell into San Diego bay. bucking cham pionship. Joe B ryant track will be used for the first tim e fair In Albany, which was voted by pa­ Norway, created trem endous interest was seKmd and Fred H uggins third. tro n s to be one of th e best ever held. at th is y ear’s fair. The sta te now has as concrete developm ent of a move­ Strahorn Sells O. C. & E. Interest. C rlts in g e r Quits as Reserve Governor. Bob A skings w as declared w orld’s The new Southern Pacific bus serv ­ both a mile and a half-mile track. It m ent to outlaw war. The pact would W ashington. D. C — The resignation cham pion bucker, with Phil Yoder sec­ Spokane.—R obert E. S trahorn, capi­ was said th at the new track would ex­ ice will retu rn to the sta te of Oregon m ake w ar betw een signatories im pos­ ta list and builder of the Oregon, Cali­ of Daniel R. C rlssinger as governor of ond and W alter H eacock third. In annual m ileage tax es aggregating »16.- pedite th e races and at the sam e tim e sible by provision for settlem en t of all fornia & E astern railroad, announced the federal reserve board was an­ the Round-Up Derby event, first hon­ 600, according to announcem ent made give th e sp ectato rs a b etter view of questions by arb itratio n . ors w ent to D usty Dick, ridden by the horses. he had sold his half in te re st in th at nounced by S ecretary Mellon. a t the offices of the public service Jesse Farrow . line to the Q reat N orthern. The pur­ C anning of vegetables on a dim m er- commission. Land Flying Takes 10 Lives. THE MARKETS. chase price was reported to be »900,- Plainfield. N. J. — Seven persons Tom atoes are ripening well In the citl scale will be tried out in Salem 000 and th at of other property sold Nevada Ex-O fficials Get Prison Term . Grand Island d istrict, considering the th is y ear for the first time, according were killed and five Injured whqjj a to be »600.000. but S trahorn declined Portland. to announcem ent made recently. The C arson City, Nev. — F orm er S tate F okker airplane crashed In an apple cloudy w eather. G rowers are d esir­ M h eat— Rig Rend blueatem , »1.24; to nam e the exact sums. Sale of the ous of sunny w eather to speed ripen­ Paulus cannery will put up a large orchard n ear New M arket. The m a­ In terest in the railroad places ow ner­ hard w hite, »1.23; federation, $1.24*6; T reasu rer Ed Malley and Form er S tate ing in sufficient am ount to keep can­ q u an tity of carrots, parsnips, beets and chine was owned by the Reynolds air ship in the road jointly In the hands of soft w hite and w estern white, $1.22; C ontroller George Cole w ere each sen­ o th er Vegetables. Officials of the cor ways and it set out from H adley field n eries running steadily. hard w inter, $1.23; n o rth ern spring, tenced to spend from five to 15 years portion said the pack probably would with its load of passengers seeking th e S outhern Pacific and the Great in the sta te prison as a resu lt of th eir E. E. G ervais of Marshfield killed exceed 15,000 rases. N orthern. O peration will be Joint and $1.24; w estern red. »1.20. th eir first thrill in the air. conviction on charges of em bezzling a H ay — Alfalfa, »16.50017; valley a th re e p o ln te d buck with a bow and neutral. S trahorn said D espite the oft repeated estim ates tim othy. »16.50 0 17; eastern OregoD half million dollars of sta te funds. arrow at a distance of 45 paces He Lindy Gets »95.000 Royalties on “ W e" Both declared th eir innnocence as sen­ of som e of th e leading cran b erry in­ tim othy. »20. Used a 70-pound yew bow made by Cabinet Members Favor Long Flights. te re sts th a t th is season's crop in Ore­ New York, N. Y.—T he New York tence was passed, and notice of ap­ B u tte rfa t—45c. him self. The arrow p en etrated the W ashington. I). C. Air secretaries peal was given. gon and W ashington Is going to be a Evening Post says th at Colonel E ggs— Ranch, 29036c. d e e r’s neck and shoulder 20 inches. record breaker, latest p rivate survey C harles A. Lindbergh s book "W e" has of the arm y, navy and comm erce de­ C attle— S teers, good. »9 0 9.75. The reg istratio n of to u rists and oth fails to confirm such reports. The already netted him »95,000 in royalties. p artm en t decided against all m easures 452 Sheep Bought by Soviet Agents. Hogs— Medium to choice, »10 0 0 0 er out of the state autom obiles at the latest Idea of the crop from independ­ The publishers said that sales of “ We" to curb pioneer lo n g d istan ce flying 12.00. P ortland, Or.—A fter several days in Medford branch of the Oregon S tate ent sources Is for a ra th e r good pro­ would pass the 190,000 m ark over the through legislation. While recogniz­ Lam bs — Medium to choice, »10 50 the Pacific northw est, with Portland M otor association shows an Increase ing the hazards of such flights, the duction but no records a re likely to week end. 011.50. as h ead q u arters, the R ussian sheep­ Of 800 th is year over the correspond­ be broken. com m ittee is saiisfled public sen ti­ Seattle. buying comm ission, rep resen tin g the ing tx rto d of last year, th e total reg­ H undreds of pounds of honey have Dry O fficers Must be Above Suspicion. m ent will discourage all enterprises W heat — Soft w hite, hard w inter, U nited Soviet S tates, has purchased istratio n s being above 10,000 so far undertaken by Incom petent personnel W ashington, I». C.— W ith oral testa been taken from betw een the walls of »1.24'y; w estern red. »1.21)6; n o rth ­ 452 purebread sheep, according to an th is year. the C arroll Miller firm residence, six virtually com pleted, the civil service or in unw orthy t |U.; iuenL ern spring »1.271«; bluestem . »1.28; announcem ent m ads when th e commis­ comm ission has announced th a t the Shortly before the city of Portland m iles north of Coburg. Bees had dark northern spring, » 1 2 8 )6 ; dark sion left for Chicago. Will offer for sale »1.000.000 w orth of been w orking there for a num ber of next slep In th e exam ination of appli­ Washburn-Crosby Company Buys M ill. hard w inter. »1.34 >6. w ater bonds for the construction of years, according to the ow ners of the cants for the ad m in istrativ e positions P ortland, Or.—The W ashburn-C ros­ H a y -A lfa lfa , »25; tim othy $28; Around Globe G lrdlers Abandon Flight In the prohibition service would be a th e Dear Creek dam. City Auditor house It was derided to rem ove them by com pany, one of the largest flour P. 8 , 22. Toklo.—F orm al announcem ent th a t Punk has issued a statem en t of the and in o rd er to do so It was necessary c h aracter Investigation. m illing firms of Minneapolis, is enter- E u tte r—Cream ery. 45c. W illiam S. Brock and E dw ard F. financial condition of the city, show ir g actively into th, flour business of to rem ove the p laster on the wall from Eggs— Rar. th . 39041c, Schlee had ebandoned th e ir proposed Ing th at the total bonded debt now is celling to floor. Almost th e en tire Lindsey W ould Practice in California the Pacific n o r th « .- t. The companv Ca tie St. rs. choice, » 9 0 Loa A ngeles, C al. -Ju d g e Ben Lind has Just completed the purchase of the I flight across the P acific via th e Mid­ (43,407.224 79. about half of which is space betw een the walls was filled H ,;s —C "O•!, »11 50011.75. way islands and Honolulu w rs made by paid from taxes and the other half Is with honeycomb. One section of the sey. noted Denver jurist, filed applies plant and buslnes- f th Pasco Flour I Spokane. the agent rep resen tin g th e Li rs. The paid fr >n revenues o r front assess comb tak en out was m ore than four tlon In the district court of ap p eal, for M ils com panv gt Pasco W ash., from C at: .i— S t­’"re. good, »8 7.0- 9.0C. adm ission to the C alifornia bar. effort to fly around the world, he said, B u n ts ag ain st property benefited. and a h alt feet long. the ow uers, ,M W. H unt and E. Franx '• »11.50 012.10. ' il g had been abandoned. CANADA GIVEN SEAT ON LEAGUE COUNCIL FRANCE SEEKS NEW COMMERCIAL PACT AUGUST U. S. EXPORTS PASS THE IMPORTS GRAND ARMY NOT TO RELINQUISH DUTIES