¿A■ i t o Î RURAL E A g rc u ltu re Ho rtic u ltu re L iv e s to c k A \\ eekly Chronicle oi Local Events and Progress in Linn County E stablished 1912 HALSEY, O REG ON, THU R SD AY, JU L Y 21, 292? t l a year i n advaarc From the E d ito r’s 1) a i r y P o u ltry \V o o 1 i station more expeditiously and Wheelers. Mrs. Buttson and H om e Cures for HALSEY, LINN AND OREGON j more economically than he could Mrs. Wheeler are cousins who Point of V ie w ( with horses and wagon—and i had not seen each other foi f armers’ Ills At the teachers’ examination more safely when the roads are Lorena Kizer of Harrisburg got reported a fine time, but L i t I seventeen years. The Farm er Doesn’t Need full of people in rushing cars. a five-year certificate and one- sun failed to appear, although Mr. Goff, from Oakland, Ore- Inventions Steadily Add He takes his family to church, year papers were awarded to there was no rain. Commiserajion gen, purchu-ed two carload« of to Efficiency Mi. and Mi- Ralph Ackley lambs from From an d M inckley the movies and to visit friends Nadine Sawyer and Mrs. E. I). We hear a great deal about i to more frequently and over long­ Isom of Halsey; Viola Talent, and son and daughter of Port­ 1 Saturday. (Junction City Times) the “farm problem.” If we put er distances than he could with land called on Mrs. Mary Hayes Bee Miller and Edna Turner ot 1^.. t. 1. oiarws aim wue went , The. Keetz balers, now in Dr. T. I. Marks and wife went the usual construction on the horses and buggy. His city critics Brownsville and Pearl Shedd and Sunday. on a fishing trip to Fast lake, the lield- have received many term we find “There ain’t no can reach all these by walking Lora B. Moore of Shedd. Miss Lavelle Palmer, who is near Bend,the last of the week. a few blocks. compliments on their new power such animal.” Harry Hussey left by auto en attending summer school at conveyor. The auto is a factor in bring­ W ilson Carey and wife of Sa­ Monmouth, visited at home over The politician, out after votes, route to North Dakota last Sunday. Heretolore the customary lem visited at the home of their declares that the fanner suffers ing advantages of civilization to Tnursduy to reside there. method of lifting the hav front i the farm, and today there is a son Everett over Sunday, ills that legislation will cure. Mrs. Grace Brund and little This year 1400 barrels oi the ground to the top of tho larger percentage of greenhorns F. M. Robii • son Hiid daugh­ Can you remember when the strawberries were packed at daughter Marcia of Cottage machine has been a horse-draiwo politician, seeking votes, was not and chumps in New York than Lebanon. ters of Junction City attended derrick. Grove, were in the Brandon vi­ that way? Can you remember among dwellers on farms. cinity Sunday with Mrs. Brund’s Mrs. Foote’s funeral Sunday. ! £his system required a team Mr. and .Hrs. Lake wen in father, Mr. Marsters. They wen- an instance when such a cure Eldon Cross drove to Port­ oi horses, a driver and an extra By absence from the polls the Halsey Saturday afternoon and calling on George Brund, son of land was applied to a real ill? Saturday evening. "agon called a derrick wagon, both took hold and helped with majority consents to be govern­ None of us knows it all, and Mrs. Brund, who is helping Mr. io move and set up this contriv­ there is room for the farmer, as ed by the minority. Just powers work in the Enterprise office. Quinby in the hay hauling. ance required a large amount I Mr. Lake appears to be expert of government are derived from well as for others to learn. In Church Notices oi tnue, besides being slow, awk* Kenneth Van Nice and Edna this day of progress he is learn­ the consent of the governed. Ail at fine printing and with new Het hod is l — N ext Sunday : "aid and dangerous. of Salem visited Hakey friends is lovely. » additions he plans to make to the ing as rapidly, and to as good an the nevz ; -wer convevor, 10 a. io., Sunday school and i datives Sunday. stock of type here the schools effect, as the manufacturer, the ''Inch -.as built by the Reetz will probably find it to their ad­ Mr. Levine finds it difficult 11, preaching. city mechanic or anybody else. , Miss Ethel Quinby is staying '»'others, overcomes all of the.-« More fanners are using cer­ to come home from Europe, vantage to get their annual in Albany for a few weeks’ vis 7, Epworth Leugne difficulties. though the department of jus­ printing at the office of the pa­ tified seed and pedigreed ani­ 8, pub.in servlo-t The power i.« taken directly tice would be glad to see him. per which does so much to it with «relatives and friends. mals than ever before. 8 Thursday, prayer meeting from the fly wheel of the baler Mrs. Andrew Brund of Cot­ More farmers are thoroughly The walking from there hither boost their projects. Here a ll w ill find a welcome, by a set of pulleys and gears, cultivating tilled crops. More is not good. Elta Bramwell of Salem is vis­ tage Grove and Mrs. Will Saw­ regardless of social standing. Your the conveyor itself resembles a yer of Los Angeles, Cal., visited farmers are otherwise adding iting relatives in Halsey. their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. presence w ill help, and we w ill try threshing machin teedert and is soil fertility—for thorough cul­ To the politician the most I Dwjght Smith spent a few an endless belt affair. The hav to do yon good. S. Marsers. Sunday. tivation adds to the available is pitched on to the belt by two acute farm problem is how to days in Portland the last of the J 8. M ille r, pastor. plant food in the stirred tract. corral the farm vote. A hay baler has taken care men standing on the ground and i week. More care is being given to of Harry Chandler’s hay on his is carried up to the top of tho young animals. More baby beef Mrs. M . M W ard is home from faini and some of the neighboi baling machine where it is shov­ Albert Foote and wife of I her B ru w o svilia visit. and fewer runts are being raised. ing farms and is still busy. ed into the baler by’another Cost of production and quality Springfield spent several daya man. Halsey get out of wheat last Billy Wahl had the misfor­ at the home of Albert’s broth­ of stock have been beneficially i V has been com­ affected by the adoption of im­ er, Arthur Fcote, during the ill­ tune to step on a nail which con­ week, but it w ill goou come and tax pleted three men fold the con­ fined him to the house several ness and death of their mother, the capacity of the ware­ proved methods and machinery veyor into two sections and the days. houses. in every line of farm endeavor. Mrs. Dav-id Foote. "hole machine is placed on top In small quantity production N. T. Sneed was walking on of the hay baler. It cin be as Mrs. Brund is visiting at tht these mark an advance. In larg­ Mrs. Lloyd Beirley of Albany, the highway near Shedd Satur­ easily unloaded and put into ac­ er units the benefits are greater. daughter of Mrs. Hugh Leeper, day night when a local auto, at­ home of her parents, Mr. and tion. Thus the Mason Alfalfa Pro-' came to Halsey and packed up tempting to pass another cai, Mrs. Marsters, on the Halsey- Church of Christ— A representative of the Unit­ ducts company, as has been her mother’s household goods. struck him and badly lacerated Brownsville road. S u n d a y s c h o o l, 10. ed State» department of agricul- shown in these columns, gets Mrs. Leeper will live in Albany his right arm. Mr. Sneed was Hay baling is in progress on Preaching, 11 ' several photographs more nutritious alfalfa meal at in the future. walking on the gravel shoulder the D. J. Hayes farm and all Of the device this week for use C hristian Endeavor, 7 a lower cost per pound with its of the road. A driver has no over the valley. in an agricultural bulletin. Precachir.g, 8 $80,000 plant and the product right to try to pass another cat of 800 or 1000 acres. lopic for next Sunday even on the highway with a pedes­ D. H. Sturtevant and family W izard Fluid Lubricates trian in front of him. Mr. drove to Lebenon to attend Chau­ ing, ' Harvest and Laborers.” Thus a Lostine farmer raises C liffo rd L. tt-rftv nnvr'-, Sneed’s arm is in a sling and his tauqua Sunday evening. 300 acres of wheat at a cost of the Plow chief concern is over the extra 20c a bushel and no probable Alford Arrows (I nited States Department of The Karl Bramwell family en Coo/, too burden of work impossed on market slump can deprive him (I.n te ip rio a correspondent) joyed the week end in a tnp Agriculture) Mrs. Sneed. of a profit. i . Sc,ieflce again lightpnea which struck the Roosevelt high­ J. D. Brubaker and family the labor of has Thus the Reetz brothers at Willis Reeves is spending two way at Hebo and took in Tilla­ the farm. In Eng­ is the new visited Mrs. Brubaker’s par­ Junction City, working on a weeks with his aunt, Mr. Hur­ mook, Seaside and Astoria. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ringlet, land. at the famous Rothamsted smaller basis, cut the cost of ley Wallace, in Portland. Experiment Station, Dr B A Sleeveless Frock Sunday. Harvey Wright will preach at baling hay, as described on the Keen and Dr. W. B. Haines hav,; A year or so ago David Foote Methodist church Sunday last column of this page. Every body is busy either haul­ developed a plowing apparatus and wife, parents of Arthur the morning and Gilbert Carey in Electricity, that mysterious ing hay or harvesting the grail which moistens the soil, to the and Albert Foote, came front the evening. crop. force about which the wisest hu­ proper consistency for plowing, their eastern home and bought man learns more every day, tho a little 20-acre farm at Halsey. Mrs. E. D. Isom and daugh as the plow moves through the There were thirteen full he probably has even now made For many months Mrs. Foote’s coaches in the Odell lake excur­ ter Beverly spent Saturday earth, by means of an electric but a slight beginning, is re­ health had been failing, and sion train when it passed here night and Sunday at the home current. The process was ex­ vealed in a new role in an article last Friday evening about Sunday morning. From Halsey of Mrs. Isom’s brother, Frank plained and an apparatus for re- in that same column. Were not 5 o’clock, her busy life ended. went C. H. ami M artin Knonta, Bond, and attended Charity oording the resistance of the soil the story vouched for by the to the plow exhibited at the re­ S ’ie wan 68 years olp. The fu. Lawrence Taylor, Earl Frum and Grange Saturday night. federal department of agricul- cent international congress of neral was Sunday afternoon at Loren Nelson. true it would probably be reject­ Mrs. Michael Rickard visited soil science, held in Washington the Methodist church, with in ed as a hoax. Read how the Harold Buttson and wife and her daughter. Mrs. Ruth Me June 13-22. terment at Alford. fluid has been used to lubricate The plow passes more readily two sons, from Braymer, Mo., Kee, at Eugene Sunday. the plow and make land workable J H. R ickard and fa m ily a t­ through a moist soil. Moisture, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Straley passed through Halsey Sunday that otherwise would be too dry and Mrs. Charles Straley went on a Pacific coart vacation trip tended the campineeting at Me as is well known, acts as a con­ to plow . ductor of electricity, effecting a to Summit the first of the wee < in th e ir car arid bad dinner at Farland Sunday. More farmers each year are ireuit between the positive and to attend Mrs. Cain’s funeral. W. B. Hamlin spent Sunday negative poles of a charge ano increasing their incomes by co­ w a s h B’e modern way ami at Chester C urtis’. Ray Wilkinson has been help operative marketing. Railroad producing a condensation ot ing A. G. Waggencr with hl- let H o a g lin ’a w hite laundry coin ' employes, iron molders, hod car­ moisture on the negative pole. Mr. and Mrs. John Rolfe vis­ hay and is now at the Curtia poor d do vonr w ishiogs Wa»b rier« and others had marketed Slightly moist soil will also ited the latter»’ son, George Veatch ranch. clothed dpi lle td iy clean w ithout Godwin, and family near Reuea conduct electricity. Thus by a t­ their labor profitably this way. taching to an ordinary plow a Willard Marks, the Albany at­ rubbing A ll p a rtic u la r wisher« Vista Sunday. Farmers are slower to co-oper­ mall electric generator and by torney, passed through town u«e H oaglin'a white laundry com ­ ate, but they have taken great Jr.c.b Ringler took Keulren (he use of a metallic eletrodc in strides along that line recently-. Monday and visited the Enter­ pound io make w hite clothed w h it­ prise office with a cheerful er and colored clothe« b rig h te r.! Rinebold to Sheridan Saturday I a f« rm of « cutler rigidly * at This year 50,000 wool growers night, where he expects to work pended a short distance in front greeting. market their products co-opera­ Large package, 30 wi ekv’ washings, tively. Poultrymen, dairymen, of the plowshare to create a posi­ _ t ’s never too hot for (Continued on last pigs) A ounch of boys from neat- 50 c tu tr . K o a g lin ’ i toilet, c le a n -! fruit growers and others have tive pole, an electric circuit may y o u r fa v o r ite s p o rt Halsey, including Ray Wilkin­ ing, Lleaching. tbam pooing and i profited by co-operation. be brought about between this when you wear this de­ son, Wayne Veatch, William A. n e haiiic«' soap, a ll in one. Once ' The farming industry is not utter and the steel pinwabare, lightful cardigan frock. Smith, Earl Smith and Cairo) trie d , always used. Two.pound- in a decline. There may be vhich is made the negative pole Morgan from Harrisburg, made It is so smart, and so fewer farmers, but they are bet­ Choice assortm ent of i an, 85 cent«. For «ale at Koontz' m3 receives the film of mols- a flying trip to Newport Sun­ very easy to make, that ter farmers. and Sturtevant'« groceries, Halsey. Fancy Box Papers at u r 'Ihi.-, acts as a lubricant to day. They started early and had you w ill surely want to There is a radio in every L aM ar & L a M sr'a store, P e o ria ,1 duoe the friction between tht» ample time to go deep-sea fish­ have it in several of fourth farm house in the United blade of the plowshare and the 69c 89c H i ni I en'« »tore, A lban , and 49c ing, hence their respective fam­ your favorite summer States and an auto on nearly oil and makes the soil slide over ilies are feasting on fish. Tliev( Irish & I aylor «tore, C orvallis colors. every farm. Farm electrification he moldboard of the plow more is progressing with astonishing easily’. You w ill find them all, Grab Bag Sale rapidity. in lovely silk, linen and City workmen, both the hand M a n g o in A m e r ic a cotton materials, at our Watch for this sale some The mango and the brain variety, point to ha« been cultivated to Piece - Goods Depart­ time in the near future some extent In southern Florida and the autos on many farms as ex In five veer« 1 0 0 . 0 0 0 daabed m t, e te ro iiy . ment. The pattern, in It ha« heen »«id »hat some travangance», while they them­ W h a t's o ut there ’ A 5c purchase entitles. C'allfornla the right size for you, eight-year old tree» In Florida have selves ride in their cars to and Nobody knows aa many «a \< W i f r u lt i In » is at our B u tte r ic k you to one of these bag« home from their employment, though •Ingle reason. Better come around aud have brakes relined or adjusted. Pattern Department. they would probably have bet­ Something valuable in A lio you can get a can of tire patching for two bit«. ter health if they walked. every one, and in some O n e U n d o u b te d T ru th TTie auto is less a necessity to FISK A N D F E D E R A L TIR ES Man may possibly have sprung from there is an extra prize. them than to the farmei . Tht the monkey, hut the average woman latter can take many of his pro­ The Halsey Garage w ilt spring from a mouse.—I.oa A„- Halsey Pharmacy i ducts to market or to a shipping I'-lcs Times. I S M A RT I Summer Stationery Specials H o n k ! H onk! r s.