Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, July 14, 1927, Image 1

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    I ( 'y
t c
A g rc u ltu re
H o rtic u ltu re
L iv e s to c k
A \\ eekly (_ hronicle ot Local Events ami Progress in Linn County
HALSEY, O REG ON , T ill'R S D A Y , JU LY 14, ;»2?
From the Editor's
O. A . C. Radio
Point of View
Farm Program
11 a year in advance
P a ir y
P o u ltry
W ool
Market Prices
Loves Kids, bnt Too
Many A re Enough
and Conditions
Frank Gansle is winning his
contest with diphtheria and there
is hope that the quarantine may
be raised tomorrow.
Mr. Gelilert has -pent years in
the grocery business in Port
land, but since Septem ber has
Hogs, Veal, Poultry
Physician Flee» From Farmhouse on
been in the A'bany Produce
Oregon Savinar Produce Ex-
Since the eeriest history religion has
Claiming Canine When Faces
company. With E astburn and
change, 102 Front etieet
been a and cruel thing as prac
The Gansle family m ay have Holman & Jackson he complete
Appear Everywhere.
ticed by some of its devotees.
Portland, Oiegon, July 11
got some amusem ent out of the a trio of groceries represented
Sioux Falls. S. D.— When Dr. Anfon
Religious differences brought on the
report published on the 8th, un­ in the directory.
Veal —80 to 125 lb»., 19 to 19Jc
Kaufman set out at a farmhouse In
first homieide, according to scripture.
der date of the 7th, at the coun­
Hog»—Top light 10c
the Marlon (S. D.) district to reward
Many of the victories of the Israel­
Mrs. W heeler went to Cres­
ty seat, of various activities in
Net F. 0 . B P o rtla n d - the children of a farmer for hulling
ites in Canaan were turned into pitiless
which they v,t re said to be en­ well Monday, returning next
Heavy hen», over 4 lbs , 23c; und taking care of his lost dog he
slaughter of unbelieving meu. women
gaged in o th er cities. The En­ She made calls at Eugene, M onrte
found children to the right of him and
and children " in the service of God."
light hen», 15c ; Leghorn broil, to the left of him at well as In front
terprise of the 7th had stated and S an ta Clara,
The worship of Moloch and a host of
era, 19c ! colored, 24c
of and behind hint. Incidentally, he
th at the Gansles were in quar­
other gods had cruel slaughter as its
accidentally discovered what may be
antine. There th ey probably
outstanding feature.
ed on for appendicitis at an Al-
the largest family of children in South
need amusement.
The slaying by Jephtha of his daugh
Dakota. Even now he does not know
Sutop si ‘itfjidsot
j».«5 Xuvq
U. 8. D. A. Portland report,
how many children there were In and
ter is seldom cited as an example to be
Mrs. Bout), a sii-ter-in-lnw of nicely and has returned honl*.
July 11
about the farmhouse, but he states
followed in ssrviug a Uod who
Mrs. Hannah Cummings, from
Miss Bulah Miller has been on Sent in by Albright CoiHiumsion house. there were plenty and to «pare.
8 p. tn. — Farm reminders and near Lew iston.| Idaho, wa-Jhere
North Portland stockyards.)
sick list the last week.
The physlclnn was driving along a
Mohammed taught that the slaughter
Timely Topics
country highway In his car with hla
good. . . .
____ S9.50tilO .T5
of unbelievers was the highest service
8;20—“ Problems in harvesting the course of a tour of the coast
medium ..................... 8.50 to 9 50 valuable bird dog occupying a place
of God. His teaching was followed in
Portland last Thursday,
8.50 on tho fender. While the motor waa
Armenia but a few years ago.
Linn thrashers meet at Albany , Mrs. Nora Coleman and daugh­
traveling at a rapid rate the wheels
. cotter ....................... 6
to 7
8:30—All around the state
creed is openly declared.
Saturday to discuss this year's ter t trnestine have returned to Heifers, good ..................... 7.50 to 8 50 struck a rut In the road and the dog
But proclaimed followers of the 8:45— “ The Sheep-killing Tog,'
was hurled under the car. Fortunate­
their home in Halsey.
commou aud medium 6
to 7.50 ly the wheels did not strike It.
Prince of Peace have often been butchers
C. R. Briggs.
Biggest crop of hay and wheat
Hut the animal did not like such
quite as atrocous. In the crusades their
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mitzner, Gows, good....................... 7.00 to 7.50
Friday, Julv 22
common and meeiiim 5.25 to 7.00 rough treatment nml upon regaining
this year.
example to the paynira was not illus­
Miss Bessie Rond and Ida Mitz­
cutter............................ t
to 5.25 It» feet »tnrtoil off on a run aero»» a
trative of the dictum : "Love your ene­ 8 p. in.- -Campus news
Send us another year without a ner left the first of the week for Hull», g o o d .......................... 6.00Jto b 50 pasture. ft paid no attention what­
SflO—H itting the mountain trai's summer, cut from thia same pat­
cutter to medium.
4 50 to 6.00- ever to the whistling and calla of Its
Charles the First probably would not
rs.turn to Oregon a fte r a few Calves, m ilk fed............. .. 8 to l j 50 master.
io Oregon"
have been beheaded it to his other
Several dav» later the physician
cull and common
5’50 to 8
8:30—Summer chats with
Delos Wesley’s condition is
learned that his missing dog was at a
causes of unpopularity had not been
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Nash have Veal», medium to choice 19 to 12 00 certain farmhouse In the district.
somewhat improved and he is at
added a devotion to one of tbe different
cull and common___6 0 1 tp 1U. 00
to their home in P ort­
Supplying himself with silver dollars
home again
A son is with bim.
creeds whose followers were butchering
Hogs. 250 to 350 lbs........... 9 25 to 11,00 he went to the scene. It was hts dog,
each other in the name of Christ.
200 to 250 lb»............. 10 35 to 11 15
Mrs. David Foote is very low
nil right, but he asked himself whom
Mrs. Franklyn Stafford is
The Puritans fled from religious per­
160 to 200............... .10.38 to 11 25 should he reward? George, one of the
“ P a t h f i n d e r ’a " T r i p
and her recovery is despaired of.
home, a fte r a six-weeks visit in
secution to New England and then
‘ 130 to 160 ................... 9 65 to 10.25 children, saw the dog In the pasture
In 1850 ft took John C. Fremont,
Cut out the advertisement of tie Eastern Oregon and W ashing­
dissenters fled from persecution by the
picking, 90 to I JO.. 6.50 to Jo. 50 tlrst. Henry, another of the children,
lie “Pathfinder,” 75 days to make the
same Puritans.
Figs, »laughter. 90 to 130 Io,50 to 11 50 had told the other tots about the stray
rip from California to New York with Rialto theater from this paper aod ton.
dog Frank, still another ot the chil­
Last week's dispatches told of the 'ils wife and daughter. They set out f >r it and one ticket you can get
feeder and Stocker,
Mrs. Bob Miller visited Miss
dren, told them how to surround and
conviction of a southern schoolteacher front San Francisco on New Year's
two admissions to the show at Beulah Miller several days last
capture the dog. to all of them had
of being one of a mob who gave a lay.
Junction City or Brownsville next week.
assisted in "taking up” the atrny ani­
woman a brutal flogging and told her to
Wednesday evening.
be good and go to oliureh or she would
C h a r a c t e r S k e tc h
Princess llcana Starts
Six or »even hoy» were each given
get more .
If you tum ble into Tumble inn and. children visited B arnett .*
a silver dollar, anil then several girl
Every once in a while you meet a
Today thousands gloat over the pros­ man you know wouldn't play as a
members of the family appeared for
next Saturday night you will find parents, th e N. T. Sneeds, last
Bucharest. Kuulailla.—Prince Nhh
pect that other thousands, for a differ­ boy If he couldn’t bat.— Ashland In
their «Imre
He rewarded two little
ence in belief, w ill sirs!« io hell,
girl» with silver dollars and thought
lured chewing gum Into Kuniunlat
“ There was but one bid Jot tbe
he was through. But the door of the
t Zealots sing with gusto : 1ZZ7
fnrmhonse opened and three or four
depot-postoffice mail-carrying con­ covered from the surgical opera •loclety
•' Tekel on his brow is written.
The hnbit of chewing gum wn» al
Soon he shall consume in flame "
tract. It has gene, sealed, Io tion she underwent and is at her most unknown In Bucharest until they more little girls appeared. Aa the
physician prepared to take to flight tn
differing with regard to the individual
returned home from their tour of the
his car he snvs he saw two other tittle
Dr. T. I. Marks and wife were United Slates Shortly afterward (he.i facet appear in the dining-room win­
whose burning is to be the source of joy
Last week were reported from over-Sunday guests at Fred Ap­ visited a kiosk which carries foreign
A negro-burning mob in Mississippi
dow and the rattle of a poll tn the
Ferocious and Graceless
•Station KOAC, Corvallis, 270,
meters, 500 watts, Pacific stand
ard time.
Monday, July IS
8 p. m. — Farm reminders
3:05—4-H club activities
8:30 -A gricultural situation—re
8:45 — “ Precautions fcr grain
T hrashin,’’ D. D. Hill
0—“ Growing Seed Crops—a Prom­
ising Western Oregon In d u stry ,’
C. R. Briggs.
Wednesday, July 20
is as regardful of the rights of the b'ack
as many a "C h ris tia n ” is of those of
people who disagree in faith with him
Tbe New Testament parables do not
present for our emulation such cases as
massacre of Phillistines, Samson's kill
ing of a thousand men or the feat of
Judith, but the render care of a shepherd
for his flock, the forgiving of tbe prod
igal and the use of the talents.
When Paul passed from the rule of
the Old Testament to that of t ie new
he ceased to breathe^out threatening*
and slaughter and said that the great
estof the emotions is charity.
The race is progresilng, and there is
an honest offort to banish war, This
would be helped by revising the hymn
books so that they would teach that "the
good fight of faith ” is to be fought
with spiritual—not carnal—weapons.
Similes from peaceful scenes wculd
better illustrate the work of the Prince
of Peace than do those crawn from fields
of carnage
In his introduc'ory sermon here the
pastor of the Halsey M. E? church an
nounced his intention to emphasize the
fundamental doctrine of redemption
more than any of tho dogmas of fess
importance which are so much argued
pro and con,
Henry Ford says he has been too busy
to read his paper, the f Dearborn Inde­
pendent, and did not know what It
said about the Jews If the rest of the
people were as busy as that what wculd
be tbe use of publishing the paper?
Six years a fte r it began, re ­
ports say, the government has
made another move against
Lasky and Zukor on charges of
violating the a n ti-tru st laws by
stifling competition in th e mov­
ing picture business. T hat does
not mean th a t the present gen­
eration will see the trial of the
case. It probably means th a t the
case will probably soon die, as
have previous dem onstrations
under th a t law.
Brintania rules the wave« but
she balks when Uncle Sam
waves th e rules of disarm am ent.
Cesar had his Brutus, Charles
the First had his Cromwell, and
I n d epen d en t
///JU LY
£ 7 / 7EAR l o v e l y
b y frocks that you
know no one else
w ill have. Choose your
own styles, vour own
materials and combine
them to suit your par­
ticular taste. Get vour
pattern at our iBut-
terick Department, for
every B utterick Pattern
shows you two or three
versions o f a single style.
Then visit our Piece-
Goods D e p a r t m e n t
where all the newest ma­
terials are on display.
Linn county to tbe state hoard of
health 1 case each of pneumonia,
diphtheria and smallpox, 3 of
mumps and 2 of influenza.
The Oregon Produce Exchange
and the Saviuar company of Port
1 nd have conso’idated undsr the
name of the Oregen Savinar Pro­
duce Exchange See its market
report on this page. The Albright
Commission company eonds us the
livestock quotations.
Prof. Patton a n l B. M. Bond
and their wives, Mrs. T. 1 Murks.
Mrs. Wheeler, C. H. Koontz and
Alberta and Meedatnee B 8. Clark
and Karl Bramwell attended the
Eastern Star at Shedd last nigh)
and feasted at the witching hour.
Mrs. Jess Cross, Georgina Clark
and Miss Koontz participated with
srnie Tangent talent in an enter­
plegate’», in Y oncalla.
Albert Foote and wife of Cres­
well were :u
oweing to the illness of Albert's
m other, Mrs. David Foote.
John and W alter Bass- and
wives, who have been spending
a few day» with hotua folks, have
including D E L TO R
Church Notices
M ethodiit—Next Sunday :
10 a. in., 8uiidny school
returned to their work in Neva­
7, Epworth League
8, pub.ic services
Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Hillman
and son Theodore and family
8 Thursday, prayer meeting
spent Sunday a t the McCord
Here all will find a welcome
regardless of social standing Your
Miss Anna Heinrich visited presence will help, and we will try
friends in Halsey Friday.
to do you good.
Mrs. M. M. Ward visited het
J 8. M ille r, pastor.
daughter, Mrs. M o o r e , in
Brow’nsviiu »n-j Liat of the week.
R. A. McCulley of Eugene has
been on his farm south of town,
helpinar with his hay.
The S. P. extra gang has mov­
Our Water Bearer has solvid the ed to H arrisburg. It has bt.jn in
p'oblein of conducting the Halsey for three m onths.
qnenebing fluid across salt San
Otto Smith and wife and chil-
Francisco bay in spite of tide snd
raffic. Clear lake water could be
brought to our homes with Itss
trouble. Eugene, taking the cue
from Waldo Anderson, has already
turned the trick.
The number of radios on farms
n the United States has increased
two years from 555,000 to
,251,186, about one to every four
G ehlert’s grocery in Albany
succeeds S ears’ grocery and is
isted in our Albany directory.
Madison. WIs — Scientific rejuvenn-
tlon has rebuilt the six-inch telescope
In Washburn observatory, nt the Uni­
versity of Wisconsin. Info the most
“Itihorntely equipped telescope of Its
«Ixe tn the world.
The veteran of celestial exploration
has served science fur more than a
half century and ha» drawn Ila share
of fame because of service In Impor­
tant astronomical discoveries.
It* fume rests partly upon Its use
•n 1870 hy 8. W Iturnhsm In the die-
overy of double stars overlooked by
istrononiers using much larger tele­
scopes At that lime It was part of
'he Yerkea observatory equipment at
William» Bay.
In 1881 the telescope was purchased
for Washburn observatory, and since
ha* heen used by astronomer» of the
•tete university. Here It was used hy
George 8 Comstock, now professor
emeritu» of the university, In his cele­
brated determination of tbe aberration
of light—the apparent shift of a star
lue to the motion of tbe earth In Its
S u n d ay school, 10.
Preaching, 11
w h ite la u n d ry com pot nd make»
Christian Endeavor, 7
w h ile ilo tb e s w h ile aud colored
Piecichiog, 8
c lo th e * clean.
Large ihre e -p n u n d
Sunday morning the paetot
package, 30 weeks’ w a sh in g , 50
a report of the Turner
H o a g lin ’s to ile t arid c le a n ,
Sermon topic for the
it>g to a p , once Ilia d , a lw a ys used.
’plar Fur Bonnets
Hi» Likenesa.”
T w o -p o u nd ca n , 35 cents. I o
Lady Efikimo’t Choice
eale at K o o n tz ' alore, H a L e y , and
Alaska. — What woman who
H a m ilto n ’ » »tore, A lb a n y , and
gets her etylee from Paris can boast
Iris h & Taylor'» rash »tore, Cor- 1
of poeseealng in her fur cheat baby
» al lie.
reindeer pelts as soft at velvet, sliver
We still have
H on k ! H onk!
In five yecr» 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 dashed Into eternity.
W h at’s out there?
Nobody knows
Better come around and have brake» relined or adjusted.
Also you can get e cen of tire patching fur two bite.
Telescope 50 Years Old
Rebuilt and Modernized
The old telescope has now under­
gone a metamorphosis In the university
shops, end has emerged equipped with
ell tbe devices generally used only on
much larger Instruments, and with
some new machinery Invented by O. E.
Roma re, university chief mechanician,
who tor eighteen years was a mech­
anician at the Yerkea observatory.
Church nt Christ —
II o a g l i n ’s
'hlcken house was taken a» a hint
that «fill another child wanted gome
of the reward.
(Contioued on lait page)
Individuality in Style
and Finish Use
butterick patterns
newspapers and other kulckknacks de
oouiiled by tourists and visiting hut,
ness nicu and bought a whole box of
gum. Since then the dealer says his
sales of chewing gum among the mi
fives have increased many fold.
The Halsey Garage
.? s.
Epsom Salts
3 lbs, 25c
Siilnhnr fi’r yoMr ganteii
-juipnur plants...4 lbs. 25c
Arsenate of Lead 40c lb.
My Spray
50c a pint
Flit and Fly Foil
Morris Pharmacy
fox, seal, mink, ermine end wolverine?
All of these enter Into the making of
Milady Eskimo’s winter clothing
The Eskimo maiden labors with the
same enthusiasm as her white »later
In filling her hope chest. And each
garment hears acme mark expressive
of her dresms
Not only must de­
signs be consistent, hut color blend­
ings must create harmony.
The little squase» which adorn the
flonnee of her parka are cut from d if­
ferent colored pelts and the coat la
made from many fure, alternating tn
( color, je t harmonizing.
Polar bear and wolverine are the
most popular for hoods.