Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, July 07, 1927, Image 9

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    Lianket Sail Saved
Life of “Jeff” Davis
Use of u blanket us a sail once
saved Jefferson Davis, later to be
president of the southern Confederacy,
from death at the hands of hostile
Indiana, a writer In the Kansas City
Star reculls. He was IJeutenant
Davis then and hud beeu sent to sup­
erintend the cutting of timber on the
banks of the Red Cedar river In north­
ern Wisconsin. His tusk consisted
mainly of cutting logs, dragging them
to the water, fastening them together
in rafts, and guiding them down the
Chippewa river and thence to the Mis­
Once Davis' party, paddling along a
stream, was halted by a party of In­
dians who demanded a trade of to­
bacco. Davis and his men paddled
over to the bunk to parley. Some one
In the party discovered that the peace­
ful ones of the Indians were merely a
cloak to hide their hostility and
warned Davis of the danger. The sol­
diers hurriedly pushed out Into the
stream and the Indians followed.
Realising what little chance white
men had against such experienced
paddlers, Davis conceived the Idea of
rigging up a sail with a blanket. A
strong wind made this rather danger­
ous, but as It was a chance between
death from the Indians and possible
death from drowning, they were will­
ing to take the risk. The sail was
quickly hoisted and It worked well.
They soon sped on far ahead of their
e tu d tie ^
Events in the Lives o f Little M ai
Unless you see the “ Bayer Cross” on tablets you are
not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe
by millions and prescribed by physicians for 25 years.
Accept only “ Bayer” package
which contains proven directions.
H andv “ Rayer” boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists.
Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of MouoaccUcacldv.t.r of SallcyUnscM
Happiness in Labor
Great Joy of Life
1 believe the right question to ask.
respecting all ornament. Is simply
th is: Was It done with enjoyment—
was the carver happy while he was
about It? It may be the hardest
work possible, and the harder because
so much pleasure was taken In I t;
but It must have been happy, too, or
It will not be living. . . .
We are not sent Into the world to
do anything Into which we cannot put
our hearts. We have certain work to
do for our bread, and that is to he
done strenuously; other work to do
for our delight, nnd that Is to be done
heartily; neither Is to be done by halves
and shifts, but with a will; nnd whut
Is not worth this effort Is not to be
done at all. Perhaps all thnt we have
to do Is meant for nothing more than
an exercise of the heart and of the
will, and Is useless In Itself; but, at
all events, the little use It has may
well be spared If it Is not worth put­
ting our hands and our strength to.—
John Ruskin, in “The Seven Lumps of
(CopTTtrht. W H. u.)
Bell-Ans Universally Used
Will He EVER Forget
NOW rtu g .-v b y CA(siy
n a v s ic k uji T h m e - if fr
WAS AMY ÖTwee l.-tAN T m &
B ing ham s we wePE G o in g -
To S E E .'ibdb BE WELL
S m o u g h - GET OH
FEEb 1 TE'AVfeu-
isn ' t a n V T o s n c - •
T h r e e N a tio n a l C a p ita ls
The nation’s capital was moved
from New York to Philadelphia on
December 1, 1790, for a period of ten
years, ending December 1, 1800, prior
to Its removal to Washington. After
the burning of the capitol during the
War of 1812 a strong movement arose
for removing the capital from Wash
tngton. In fear of such a result the
local Interests formed the Capitol
Hotel company, and erected a building
for government occupancy until the
repairs on the capitol were finish. It
was occupied from 181-1 to 1819 and
was afterward known as the "Old
Capitol” and was used I d the Civil
w ar as a military prison.
o - H f u o O O F aw H y / w
G o o d n e s s r ELt x - houu
f i n e y o u l o o k - SHOWS
w hat
G o o d C o o k c a m
WELL Y bulkiO
T im e
I SAW Y o u - WHEN
WAS IT ? —
i l a s t T ue sd a y EP om ,
E'SUT T h ir t y T i l l
a o
“ T h a n k s fo r t h e B u g g y R i d e ”
The live-wire son of parents on the
East side of ludlannpolls became ill.
The mother rose early one morning,
nnd, In an effort to cheer the nlilng
lad, played several selections on the
phonograph. After she had slopped,
the hoy .veiled to his mother:
“Thanks for the buggy ride, mam­
ma.”—Indianapolis News.
O u r M illio n a ir e C a b in e t
There nre nt least live millionaires
In the present cabinet. They nre Sec­
retary of the Treasury Mellon, Secre­
tary of Commerce Hoover, Secretary
of State Kellogg, Secretary of Labor
Davis, and Secretary of the Interior
Work. Their wealth rating probably
corresponds to the order In which
their names nre given.
In s la t on h a v in g D r. P e e ry ’a "D e a d Phot”
fo r W o rm « o r T a p e w o rm and the druKWiat
w ill g e t It fo r you. 372 P e arl 8t.. N. Y . Adv.
T r e e - P la n t in g E x p e r im e n t
Seedlings of California redwood are
Soon to be planted In the Natural
Arch nnd other forests of Virginia,
uceordlng to Science. It Is hoped to
reproduce the giant trees of the Pa­
cific In many other parts of the coun­
i W aa J
11 I
(© by W'Hwfprn Newspaper
try .
I ’ n l.
BAC m R? t*i9»C£DlF ,
After Thirty-five Years
ft's A WOMAN’S
Tka lalaaU* and CEildrta’i Regulator
Pleasant to (rive—pleasant to
take. Guaranteed purely veg-
•ta b le a n d absolutely harmle««.
l I t q j : k ! y e v e r e o r a e t c u H i i li c ’ , ,
I ’ dlarihoca.
other like disorders.
N ora K n o w s
Jones—Nora, can you (ell me of tu/|
wife's whereabout!?
Nora—They're ull on the wuahllns^
Ends pain at oncef
In on e m in u te pain from corns is ended.
Dr. Scholl's Zino-pat!s do th is a a f e ly
by rem oving the c a u s e —pressing and
rubbing of sh oes. T h ey are thin, medi­
cated, antiseptic, healing. At all dru<
and sh oe stores. Cost but a trifle.
D r Scholl's
TA no-pads
Put one on —the pain is gone I
h ea ls Inflamed eyes, g ran u lated lld^
sty es, etc. Sure. Safe. Speedy. 2So a t
a ll d ru g g ists. Ifall & K uckel, N. Y.G,
r e m o te tnnk<*N tho akin beautiful fo r only 11 'A.
r denier or write hr.
C. 11. Berry Co. l»ep- ’ ’ '/*/.&M itblgaii Ave.,Chicago.
H A N F O R D ’S
B a lsa m o f M yrrh
For Mosquito Bites, Sting of Beet
and Venomous Insects
All dealers are aetherijed I« rrfaad roar bos »? lor th e
f ir s t Settle if aot sailed.
T h e y C e r ta in l y D o
Examiner—The farmers raise the
grain; now what do the grain mer­
chants do?
Hoy—They raise the price.—Paris
P r e f e r s th e T e le p h o n e
"Does your wife enjoy the radio?"
“Not yon see It's all listening.’’—
Boston Transcript.
N e w Y o r k a t B o ilin g P o in t
New York city has transformed
rush into crush. It - h im tunneled un.
(ler Itself and built over Itself, It has
bridged nnd burrowed and bussed un­
til It Is a city of entrnnees and exits.
But so far it hasn’t been able to find
room enough for Its feet.—Woman’s
Home Companion.
S o C o n s o lin g
Beatrice—And he hns never told in
what he thinks of me, you know.
Millisent—Perhaps he Is waiting ur
III he gets another girl, my dear.-
New Bedford Htinnlard.
A .;-
w h in
OttlTvY M a QV
t; -
Pa B u z z p ic k s a n ic e c a m p in g p lace
L IT ip ray dears your home o f flics and mos­
quitoes. I t also kills bed bugs, roaches, ants,
and their eggs. Fatal to insects but harmless to
m ankind. W ill not stain. G e t F lit today.
\ txt’1 n
(15 tfy w««t»ra
h —
■ ■
Union )
> The o p en published
formula appears on
every label.
W. N. U., PORTLAND. NO 28 1927.
E x p l a in e d
“Are you a college man?"
"No, Pm wearing these clothes to
pay an election het.”
G o lf I n s tr u c tio n s
An absolute beginner was tolling
round the links wondering If '.he game
was really worth while and vowing, to
his grizzled Scottish cnddle, that this
would be his last round.
"And what should I take now?" he
asked a moment later, finding his ball
in a terrible lie.
“Well, mon,” replied the caddie,
"you have three alternatives. For a
•tart, you might take me and get me
something to drink; secondly, you
might take a’ your dubs home and
give up golf; thirdly, you might try
throwln’ the ba’ I”
P u z z l e s R a d io E x p e r ts
In a Toronto flower shop It has been
discovered that everything that Is
broadcast from a nearby radio station
Is received and made audible by the
faucets of a metal sink, the sink It­
self acting as a loud-speaker. Music
can be clearly heard ten feet or more
from the taps, rt Is also said thnt In
London a certain metal lamp pole has
been found to act In the same way
Radio experts have so far been unable
to explain these newest mysteries of
wireless transmission.—Youth's Coro
HA m a
Friend Tells Friend of This Wonderful
SURE RELIEF for Indigestion
Samples on Request
For correcting over-acidity, normal
Izlng digestion nnd quickly relieving
belching, gas, sourness, heartburn,
nausea and other digestive disorders.
The great value of BELL-ANS hns
been proved by over HO years’ use.
Doctors, Nurses nnd Dentists recom­
mend this tested Safe, Pleasant, Sure
Relief for Indigestion. Not n laxative.
Send for free samples to: Bell & Co.,
Inc.. Orangeburg, N. Y.—Adv.
me /z
eties, Top Prices. Valcauda Fur Co
1103 W estern Ave., Seattle, Wash.
“H e lp Y o u r s e l f ! ”
An Invitation to "come in nnd con-
aunie all you can eat and drink” Is
displayed outside a cafe In San Diego,
On entering the customer Is con­
fronted with a lunch counter, appar­
ently ordinary In all respects, except
that It Is circular, and a revolving
circle of wood moves clockwise on a
roller around the Inner edge of the
A waitress seated at the counter
serves butter, wnter, soup and sllver-
wnre, but after thnt the customer
looks after himself. An assortment of
meat, vegetables, salads and desserts
rolls past on the moving circle. This
circle runs through the kitchen, where
the cook fills up the dishes os thef
are emptied.
B e lo n g T h e r e
An old Indy was out riding with hor
son and his wife. Presently they
came to a group of buildings sur­
rounded by u high stone wall.
“Whut Is thnt, son?” she asked,
pointing to the buildings.
"That Is the state Insane asylum,
mother,” explained the son.
Next they came to a golf course. ad­
joining the asylum, which was well
populated with the Sunday crowd.
“Oh, Isn’t that nice of them to lei
the poor crazy people out Into the pas­
tu re!’’ exclaimed the old lady. “But
they do act queer, don’t they?”
D ie s Mosquitoes M oths
Ants Bed Bugs Roaches
Kith Ibt