------------------------------------ wonder what his next move would he. i He had purchased a home b u ilt' for polo ground and a swim m ing pool." gaging or dismissing servants. It large entertainm ents and determine I “ Oh, hut Paul,” she cried, "I shall must be understood that I have com to become known as one of America's have to ask you when I don't kDow.” plete charge o f the household arrange great hoxts. And w ith thia he would I cannot possibly run this “ Ask me as little as you can," he ments erect a reputation fo r those domes»: • snapped. “ I t w ill coat you money to establishment smoothly i f I am to virtues which count so much when run this place lik e a well-oiled ma have the help running to yon w ith electioneering. Kuxon smiled grim ly chine, but I'm not lim itin g you. H ire complaints. Lady Horsham wanted when he reflected this meant he should anyone you want to help you.” me to relieve her of every domestic he on good terms w ith his wife. Mrs. She looked again through the lis t of responsibility." itaxon. unaware o f his ambitions, was names “ That's exactly what I want,” Mrs. Among them were those of amazed at finding him so reasonably whose doings she had read In the so­ Raxon said enthusiastically. "W here human. Complete stock always on hand. cial columns fo r years. Some were are you g o in g?" Miss Brown had risen She was not unaware o f her own equally prom inent In po litics and “ To get my trunks. I shall move lim itations. The Idea that she must finance. The name M cKim ber headed In at once.” F L E E C E T W IN E used and new W OOL SACKS w ith a bound become a famous hostess (he list. Mrs. Baxon sought out her husband was disquieting. The years had not “ Make the most yon can, w ith ou t and told him the news. dealt so kin dly w ith her ns w ith Paul, overdoing It. o f the M cKlm bers,” he b ine, he suld. “ Anyone recoin “ I have here,” he said one morning, commanded. “ I w ont the w orld to mended by Mrs. Buxton w ill be all "a list of people w ith whom I want to thin k M cKim ber and I are bosom right. I suppose you looked over her establish social relations. At present friends. C u ltivate his wife. She'« testim onials?” I don't know a qu arter o f them ex­ fat. too, 60 you c O f course,” said his wife, conscious *ulk calories to ­ cept by name.” gether. Young B : ,i M cKim ber Is thut she had forgotten all about It and “ Why fill the house w ith strungers?” more or less a society type and w ill not anxious fo r him to find it out. she asked. (Continued from page 4) he glad to find a polo field here when You'll like her. She's so distinguished. "Because 1 wunt something from he conies.” 1 don't th in k she approved o f the •—for summer outings “ I did not want to influence yon. 1 every name on this list. We've got to draw ing room fu rn itu re ." wanted you to decide fo r yourself.' Reduced ro u n d trip fares are “ I wish 1 underwood you better," We shall agree on that. Rel’liig- She listened to M alet's story and entertain so well that they ta lk about she said a trifle w is tfu lly . She had in effect th ro ug hou t th e sum­ us. This social racket w ith me Is a lon furnished It like an hotel recep­ her fa th e r’s. m er season. Tickets w ith 16- not been the only woman to say that. tion room. One thin g more. I t ’s day a n d season lim its ; week " I shall be n great help to you," she means to an end. I ’m playing a game, " I in glad you don't," he said cryp ­ e n d , S a tu rd a y to M o n d a y , and I f you play it w ith me you can “ boot M cKim ber. I forgot to tell you said cheerfully when she was in pos tic a lly ; “ that prevents your giving me Frid ay to T u e s d a y , S u n d a y before. I f anyone asks you I f I have session o f what facts they could give be a grent W ashington hostess. away. I ’m one o f those men whose o n ly tickets. " I don't know anything about bein political aspirations, say so. This her. "A woman’s brains are always peculiar Joy It Is to play a lone hand. T r a v e l co m fortab ly and at goes p a rtic u la rly w ith the McKlmbers useful. You see, she so often Jumps a great hostess," she grumbled. low cost on the train . Y o u c a n You've got to learn. I ’m counting I f you share secrets, they are only You and I know, and that's enough to the rig h t conclusions when you men fifty per cent your own.” save m oney by talcing advan­ on you and the g irls to be an asset fo r the present.” are floundering along In doubt.” tage o f s u m m e r r o u n d t r ip She was vastly relieved thnt she to me." fares. Save precious vacation “ We haven’t one Idea w orth discuss­ (To be continued) had confessed her Ineptitudes. She Mrs. Baxon was a fra id o f him. Sht h o u rs — nervous energy, too, in g," M alet admitted. could go the more cheerfully about in traveling by tra in . " I noticed th a t.” She laughed. “ I knew he would not forgive her If she her tasks now. She wondered why fallesl. anti yet was conscious th u l she Pin# Grove Points th in k I see exactly how It can b> F A M E D RESORTS lacked a b ility fo r the part she was to the McKtmhers were so Im portant In done.” Y o u r f a v o r ite r e s o rt play­ (B y Special Correspoadeot) Paul'« eyes. O ther names exceeded play. He came o f a better fam ily than grounds o f the west are easily “ N lta ." cried her father, lie them fa r In the social scale os Rhe ap­ she. He was never at a loss converse a v a ila b le to y o u . V i s i t th e Mrs. J. R. Mode of Peoria, who thought she was m aking a Jest of it. prehended It. T hat he had been cha ir­ beach es, m y s te rio u s C ra te r I mean It, daddy," she said earn­ tionally. It was wise, she thought, t lived st Pine Grove until last fall, man of the national com m ittee o f her L a k e , fa s c in a tin g n a tio n a l estly. “ Fellow-conspirators all, listen." point out her lim ita tio n s now. parks offering varied interests husband’s pa rty meant nothing to Mis. suffered a stroke of apoplexy at ‘I don t ^xpeet you to catch onto Raxon. new an d d ifferen t. H er thoughts turned t > this social end yet. You can hire a Robin, the polo-playing heir to great her home Sunday morning and Plan a trip to C a lifo rn ia ; see C H A P T E R VIf well-bred woman to teach you. When riches. Well, her own Gertrude was passed away. The funeral was at San Francisco, Los A n g e le s , H o lly w o o d w it h its m ovie Paul Raxon knew very well that his you've learnt all she can tench, fin good looking and a great heiress. She Pine Grove Tuesday. studios,Y osem ite,D el M o n te . sudden success would make enemies her and get another. It's a good sys felt a s p irit o f gra titu de toward her A num ber of foil s from ' Striug A sk yo u r a g e n t lo r d e ta ils for him among the established powers tern. I've used It a lot. Don't expect husband which had long been a stran a n d illu s tr a t e d booklets in M all Street. But he also knew that to consult me. I shall be too busy. ger to her. Most men hated the ir town attended the dance at M a­ he was not to be brought low by any I've got to remodel th is place so it wives em barking on deliberate a t­ son’s dance hall the evening of the combination against him go long as doesn t look so much like a summer tempts to capture society. fourth. hotel. I'm a little doubtful o f the he kept his head and resisted specula­ The idea o f h irin g the w ell bred tion. furnitu re. A ll Belllrtgton knew was to woman came hack to her when she felt Miss Pearl Pehrsson cams up F or the moment he was content to put his fa ith In upholsterers. I ni go­ her b u tle r’s sneer. How that man from Sxlem Sunday to spend a “W h at Does It All Mean?” the Girl rest and allow financial w rite rs to ing to make a nine hole g o lf course, a seemed to dislike her. How superior Whispered. he seemed and how nwure o f her so­ week at home. C. 1’. Moodv whispered. There was no doubting cial deficiencies. Yet she lacked the lda Schick, who has made her Agen t the friendship, almost the affection, courage to dismiss him. She opened her mouth as though to fram e a sen­ home w.th her aunt, Mrs. Me- w ith which the other men regarded Mr. Milmau. There was a sterner air tence which would annihilate Idm ami Laren, fur the last two years, left about her fathe r when he faced her reduce him to the ranks o f one looking last week (or Monmouth, to live than she had ever seen before. for work, when her courage failed. Brokers Jubilate N lta, he said, "w ith one exception, D istin ctly there was something to he with her father all the hurts I've received, all the bad We've put it over on the goops said fo r the well-bred woman. Such Mrs. A F. Albertson spent Mon­ hurts that Is, have been from pals And squelched the odious income tax. a one would know how to deal w ith The chumps can tend the chicken coops who thought they were acting for my butlers lik e this. day with lu r tujiher, M m . Higbee. W hile on conmiisaous fat we wax good. You’ve been dangerously near A Miss Brown to see you, madam,” Saia Campbell and family of doing that tonight. You've got every, said the butler. From Ids tones It They stayed at home and tended farm King's \ alley and relatives from W hile we were early out to vote, seemed Miss Brown was only less dis­ th in g twisted. You have made rn. Tis brat the measure that m ight harm tasteful than his employer. He pre Albany spent the 4:h at Mis. J. A. appear In a very poor lig h t amont our pocket.«. W e made them the goat. wen I respect.” sented a card on a silver tray. Un­ Johnson's. There were tears dim m ing her vio der Miss Brow n's name was penciled, Chorus- I'hat'a the way we do " I am calling at the suggestion o f Mrs. le t eyes when she looked at him. Meet of the Pine Grove people A re n 't we jo lly jokers? H am ilton Buxton.” “ Oh, daddy," she murmured, ” 1 only , M aking money, too. attended the celebration at S m ith ’s wanted to help you. When you cam. All by being brokers Although Mrs. Raxon had not been grove. to my room I said, M y fathe r and hi.- In her native land fo r some years, she f ‘ T v d8’ r eht or wron«-’ I meant It.” knew M is. Buxton's name very well Albert Heinrich spent the vaca­ Charity and the Poor lo u did not know what you were as a distinguished member o f the tion viait ng borne folks. prom ising,” M l I man declared. "Do C h arity In various guises Is an In ­ sm art hunting set. Also Mrs. Bux you mean that I f you found vour fa ton's name was among those to he The Pine Grove community trude r the poor see o fte n ; but cour­ ther engaged In doing something the tesy and delicacy m e visitants w ith cultivated. She would see Miss meeting will be Priday, July 8. , which they are seldom honored._ world thought wrong you would take Agatha Brown. his part?” Miss Brown was young, pretty, and L idles are requested lo bring I f I thought he was justified, I d e lig h tfu lly dressed. T his was, no cakes. would. * doubt, one o f Mrs. Buxton's personal Have you any “ Is I t fa ir to Involve h e r?' Bradney friends. Robert black Ins purchase! the , broke In. “ Mrs. B uxton," Miss Brown begun, Brock farm, formerly occupt d by j "C ertainly not," M alet decided “ thought that as you had bought this John Bass, and will move lliere "Perhaps you are rig h t," M ilm an lovely place and were going to enter sighed. " I only know that you might The Sbrpberd plete, tain a lot, you might need a social this fell. have been a great figure In the world secretary. I was going to her. hut she occupied by the Sisck family, has for eale? Ship them to o f art, and Mr. Bradney world famous has taken Lord K lte n isn o r’s hunting been leased by Ray Hover as a scientist, and I myself w ith a fo r­ box In Leirestersldre for the coming tune and a home, but for the matevo season. I have Just come hack to the lence o f one man.” United States, where I belong, after "D id that man in ju re my father?” spending some years abroad." Boys' and Girl»' Club Charters she demanded. “ You speak French, then?" said “ But fo r this man your father would Sirs. Baxon In the G allic tongue. |i Ou approval of their pleas of Call Empire 1661 and ask for not have been warned off the tu rf. was her one accomplishment. work for Ibe )ear the following B u t fo r him the clubs th a t he had to “ Yes," said Miss Brown w ith s till A l b r l g l i t on m arket quotations resign from would have welcomed greater fluency. I have been m ainly boys' and girls' clubs in this h in t.” In England. My last position was with county have been a warded charters " alt, w a it," she begged. “ I want the countess o f Horsham at Horsham by the fu lle d Slates department to th in k ." N a tu rally It was o f her abbey. She was one of the Boston fa th e r she thought. She had always FesRrndons. as. o f course, you know. ' of agriculture through O. A. C defended him against her aunt, but "W h a t did you do the re ?’ Mrs. Jolly B o y Bachelor sewing club, she had never been able to dismiss Itaxon asked. Mrs. Coleman leader; Sunshine the accusations as worthless. She had "L ite ra lly everything," Miss Brown fought because she loved him ; not be confided " I t Is an Immense place, Sewing club, Mr«. Foote leader , cause she believed In him. And now whether you buy fi om fu lly twice the size of thl«, and for Daisy Sewing club, Mr?. D. H to learn that, a fte r all, his past was your Local Dealer or three years I managed It from cellar Sturtevant leader ; Grand Cham- not disgraceful, filled her w ith hope from us direct. to attic. I wrote the menus, engaged and courage She was ashamed of the servants, saw they did th e ir work pion Sheep blub, C, L. Falk jr. herself that she had ever doubted him and dismissed them If they did not." Iead»r (these four are Halsey There was no sacrifice he demanded Mrs. Raxon smiled happily. On Fowe Sfeys/e clubs); Little Priacila Hewing club, o f her she would not fu lfill gladly. "You understand,” Miss Brown con­ Price# From *2154 Up "W ill you tell me all about It? ” ahe Shedd, Olive E. Pugh leader; tinued, "th a t I was not a servant or G et full p a rtic u la rs pleaded. “ No, daddy, not you. You Do Mother's Fyea Bother? Linn County Holstein Calf blub, even a housekeeper. I ’m a great be­ always wander in to the bvpaths o f by mail today. Use liever in social distinctions. They Remember that mother it not at young H arrisburg, 11, 1 / Brunts leader ; narrative. Let Mr. M ilm an’ tell me. coupon below. at the Used to be and along w ith her make entertaining so much easier, Very concisely he laid before her don't they? Most people thin k I am McDowel Sewiug c lu l, Wgterloo, advancing years her evesight begins to what he had told the other men of Let us fit her w ith glasses before a guest like themselves I have often Naomi Swink leader; Knox Butte ( t il Paul Baxon and his way o f life. As it i t too late, You are allowed 30 been taken In groups w ith even roy­ Pig club, Albany, N. V. Shelby she listened she saw clearly that It For future success with your flock of' chicke ns use t r ia n g l e D e v e lo p in g M a sh es and S cra tch es o . \Y. F R I M Vacation Fares Southern Pacific £ have (he best equipped shop in Halsey, and fer that reason we give you a bettor job and more for your money. W e also carry the largest stock of tires and accessories. Bring in this ad and 25c and get a 50c size of tire patching. ARROW GARAGE Come to BRAD MOSS SERVICE STATION for G eneral 1 G asoline Oils and Grease G o o d r ic h , S i |v e r t o » n LIVESTOCK J im s Albright Commission Co. Inc. G ood year North Portland Stockyards 30 Free Trial On Any MEAD Bicycle Sold On Approval was to the m align ity o f one man that three lives had been ruined and a fo u rth brought to a penniless old age. She listened atten tively to the fu tile plans they had elaborated and re­ jected. Perhaps to her fresher and more alert mind these plans seemed commonplace, and doomed to failure. B u t she knew It was not to common­ place men she listened. “ Now, Mr. Bradney,” she com Bended, “ tell me your story.'' When he had finished she said: “ O f course it was Mr. M ilm an who was the unknown giver of th a t h u n d re l thousand dollars,” . Peter M ilman turned red. B ut he could not deny IL “ W hy didn't you tell me?" Bradney w ith reproach Jp his voice. d a y s’ actu al roding te s t b e fo re sa'le is binding. Write Today alty." K^'Ssir name of nearest R t»?ad Dealer. OUT OH T H I I L I I K ! »«ad Cyeta 0*., Chlsage , 1 .1 A. ! Please send full inf »rmation and name af near- i ’ est dealer. I Tires *1; } K am t. ! Street or P .O .B o x. J Guaranteed. — Lamp«, Toun__ { Low price«. Send no i money Usethe coupon. J .w rw i i wheel«, equipment. — Slate Mead2S,'.c5SS{f W ith an unaffected absence of mod­ esty. Miss Brown. In the course of h a lf an hour, managed to Impress Mrs. Raxon most favorably. “ You would find very I f t l e to do here at first," •aid the elder woman. "W e huce no house guests at present, but we are going to entertain a great deal.” I s’ n u ll find a very great deni to do at once,” said Miss Brown em­ phatically. io begin w ith , I should dismiss y o tir butler, who Is Iru pertinent Mid offensive.** Im pulsively Mrs. Baxon leaned fo r­ ward and kissed Miss Brown. “ Dearie,” »he said. "I need you at once.” Good." said Mlaa Brown, w ith o u t exceaalve gratitude. "A nother thin g I I mu£iu'l I? feampered lo en­ L a d e r; aaa.iam Poultry club, Albany, Mrs Paul Smith leader ; Foster C»mp Cooking club, Foster, Mrs. Lena Harrang leader ; Kill- Kare Katnp Kookery klub, Scio, Ethel Ypset leader, Shedd has been the leader in the county in school club work, but the Halsey parent-1> achera have had their shoulders at tl e wheel, seconded by loyal juveui e workers, and (our Halsey c 'u la bave won the above honor, while only two winnera are credited to Albany and but one to any other cooimuiiily. Broken I-enaea Duplicated You may break your glasses—acci­ d e n t! may happen—but save the pieces. Bring them to u t and we w ill duplicate the o rigin al lenses w ithout re easniin- ation M E A D E 8c A L B R O Optometrists, .112 First st , Albany, Ore W L. W R I G H T FUNERAL DIRECTOR I) C. R ' SSMAN, Local Manager Lady Assistant All calls answered d ay o ru ig h t Phone 255 Halsey, Oregon