It s not my secret.' he returned. and I ought not to say any more. I cun only assure you that M a le ta n d Bradney are splendid fellows, both far superior to me. Very high types. They believe that what we Intend to do Is the only right and logical thing. You must let it go at th a t" "And because there’s danger in it you think I ’d better keep out o f it?” "Exactly." he exclaimed, gratified at this attitude of obedience. "Then It Is dangerous." she cried. Barnes saw he had made a damaging admission. She had trapped him. “ Daddy, what makes you think I ’m afraid of anything that's dangerous?’’ "Ob, Nlta,” he said reproachfully, “ that's scarcely playing the game to i Tlie new« had been a blow, ! ..u [ i , Barnes flv e t the ln,prM . ■ glon , very ghrewd young , , d .. Malet , , ld> ..,nd one Dot eas„ ^/^lbanyJ-Z^rectory ful o f weapons af short range, the sawed-off shotgun. He remembered Its load of buckshot “ I fear I must remind you that we must insist on an I deceived. You all know th at when explanation from you, too. To allow once we start. It w ill be almost im­ you the opportunity of escape would A lbany baking 405 West First possible to keep one who is already a be most unwise." He raised his voice B U T T H R -N U T B R E A D a little, but he did not tuke his steady little suspicious In Ignorance." “ Yes.” said Bradney, “ I am afraid gaze from Barnes' face. “ Miss Barnes," he said, "w ill you be A lbany Floral Co. Cut dower, she cannot stay here." 4 * - snd plants. Floral art for every so kind as to come here at once?" “ Her godmother lives In Philadel­ and all occasions. 1 phia.” said Baines. “ She can't refuse Flower phone 458-f. to take her In for a month or two. She The girl's voice trembled as she an said something uhout earning her liv ­ swcied. It seemed to them all there ALBANY STATE BANK—We ing. but I should prefer her to go to wus a trace of defiance In her tone. -‘ » in v ite fyour business. Savings and Philadelphia." " I won’t be a minute. I t ’s uot very commercial aceouuts. Capital, surplus “ I am afraid she would be a source comfortable up here.” undivided profits, $100.000. of danger i f she remained,” Peter The shades were drawn again and Milman agreed. "Also. It would never the lights switched on more fully. EU STBU RN ’S GROCERY 4th and Lyons Street do to compromise her In an affair Neeland Barnes looked from one to the other of the men whose faces had The place to buy good groceries at the which might end disastrously." rig h t price. On the corner, plenty of C O P Y R IG H T ¡n “ We've been too busy with theories," been in the shadow. It seemed In room W.N.U to park. Albany. ro« UNITED STATES SER.VICC fl said Fleming Bradney when the prob­ credible that they could suspect him lem of Nlta had been settled. What of complicity In this eavesdropping. P O R D SA Lps AND SERVICE "Outside here,” he said, "In the dons luck, but I was the only girl In we are after should be original dis­ It was plain enough what her errand x Tires and accessories world which calls itself society, Peter the business school that gent me there wus. associating of ideas.” Repairs Milmau has the name of being a who could write as well In French as "Let me explain,” he began. “I can’t get that very clearly," said K ir k -P ollak M otor C o . soured old grouch and u disgrace to In English. IVe had a great many Peter Milman stopped him with a Neeland Barnes. "As I see It. all we his name. I ask you, as man to man, stockholders In Paris. I t »•«» rather want from Raxon Is a cold million. gesture. "W a lt,” he commanded. "We tp o rtm iller F urniture Co., fnrni. I f you’ve ever run across anyone more Jolly being his secretary. Sir John Half of that goes to Milman and we shall hear you when your daughter A ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. considerate? My God, Bradney, if you was one of those quiet, clever men, comes.” Funeral directors. 427-433 west First spilt the rest.” knew the sort of life I ’ve led since like Mr. Mllman, who deal In millions. street, Albany, Oregon. Barnes sank heavily Into a seat. He “ Exactly," Bradney returned. “ That’s that trouble at Saratoga trying to keep I may look like you, daddy, but I've the very point. How are we to make felt that Bradney and Malet looked my end up when my people hud the business brains of my mother's him give up a million? I don't know. upon him as a traitor. EHNTEL WRECKING CO- dropped me and my old pals cut me people. Let me do your correspond 436 West 1st You don't either. None of us knows. Nlta was wearing a blue silk dress­ A dead, you'd understand Just what this ence for you.” ing wrap when she came Into the Obviously the thing Is to get close to Used Parts for all cars means. Pm going the lim it for Peter "Later, I see we shall have to take Japanese garden. H er bearing was him, into the house for choice.” Mllman. You've Just seen how he you luto our confidence,” Mr. Mllman 'He doesn't know me," Mllman de­ confident and unafraid. She came O O L M A N & JACKSON saved me from another humiliation. I clared. "But I cannot be seen, be­ quickly to her father's side and put „ Grocery—Bakery should have had to tell my girl her said, smiling. “ A t present we do not You under­ E ve ryth in g in the line of eats cause Loddon, who has told me so an arm about his bowed shoulders. father was such an utter failure he want anything known. stand the need fo r caution?” Opposite Postoffice “ Oh, Nlta, Nlta,” he groaned. "How much under the influence of my port couldn't even get her a room In a “ Oh, rather," said the former sec and the belief that I never stir could you do such a dreadful thing cheap hotel." refary of Sir John Crowhurst. "It I J U B C o n f e c t i o n e r y. Noon abroad nnd know nothing of outside as this?” " I know bow you must feel," Brad was because of an overheard conver­ Mulet, watching her closely, saw •AA lunches. Home-made candy and affairs, Is a frequent guest. The ques­ ney commented. sation that we lost the Bogotan fields, that slie bent upon the sitting man a ice cream. Ftrst street, next dooi ro tion Is. would be recognize Barnes?” “ We’ve got to get the money out of Blain Clothing Go. "Certain to," Barnes said gloomily. ] look which had something of maternal Raxon,” Barnes went on, "even If which are tremendously valuable." But she did not leave the subject. To “1 haven’t altered much since that day tenderness In It. It seemed strange IM PER IA L CAFE, 209 W. First I'm the goat and end up In Sing I threw him from the pier. What to the observers that she stood there A- Sing. Frankly, Bradney, I ’m not the four men she seemed an eager, Harold G. Murphy Prop. as though to defend her father from about Malet?” Phone 665 much of an original thinker. I can pretty girl who had been by accident WH N8VER CLOSE “ Probably not," said the sculptor. enemies. Of shame or embarrassment carry out another man's conception near enough to oil to catch a little of "What Sort of a Comeback?” In those days I was twenty pounds there was no sign. absolutely and add a few improve- i Its Idiom. They were In love with her "So you caught me," she said. heavier, wore a mustache, and had a ments of my own, but I look to peo- I when she hade them good night. iennings Auto Top Sb’>p—Auto “ Well," said Bradney when she had drag Information from me which Is general air of blen-etre." ‘‘Well, perhaps It Is best you did." ** trim m in g , seat covers and winter in ­ pie like you and Malet to dope out gone, "fo r amateurs you did pretty not mine to give. You are deliberate­ "Why?’’ Peter Milman demanded. closures. 202 E. Second. Phone 418J. the plans first.” “ I am the man," Bradney declared. N. L. Jennings Manager “ Because I want to take him away Bradney stirred a little uneasily. well. I envied you your flights of ly trying to make me betray my “ I doubt If he has ever seen me. We friends." know he talked to Malet fo r some from here. I came to America to look He saw that the man of action was fancy." "A woman has not dined In this He hud risen to his feet. She could time. It Is I who must contrive to get after him—he hud been horribly looking to him for guidance. The MAGNETO ELECTRIC CO. neglected—and I find him entangled Into his house." more ardently Bradney desired to pull house for over ten years,” said Peter see he was not pleased with her. "’■A Investigate the new Prestolite ‘Indeed, I ’m not,” she said earnest­ "In what capacity?” Milman asked. In some network of crime. I made down Paul Itaxon, the more difficult Milman. “ I might have had a daugh Battery prices before buying. the task seemed. This move of the ter of her age now. Barnes, there is ly. “ Daddy, I came over here because “ There you have me,” the scientist him admit It was something with dan­ another reason for our need to sue something told me you needed looking ger in It. At dinner you all tried to admitted. financier to Great Itock had nullified V ag el’a Bob and Beauty Shoppe, after. It Isn't thut I'tn trying to make most of the laborious details garnered reed. She must marry well.” We are safe to start by assuming," deceive me, and you would have suc­ Hotel Albany Uneasily Barnes thought of the pos you betray your friends. I want to by Peter Milman concerning the va­ Manicuring, marcel'ing, facial Mllman cut in, “ that Paul Raxon Is ceeded If I hadn't happened to know Miss Lampbear, operator cated home In Short HIIJv In New slhlllty of his duughter having for a be sure that they are being honest always cautious. From the outside something about oil. You want him because of his courage, and because Jersey the domestic arrangements had father one who wore stripes ) In the darkness the shades rolled home. She could associate neither on." co-operation by a few hundred dol­ back. Against the sky, bright with failure nor poverty with any of the "I have not a nlvkel In the world lars. For so small a thing It had been mm l,.-m..,ii, i i, roof, S|,,, WM gurlous Bradney and Malet have a hundred stars, the watchers could see a figure to know what had brought them to dollars apiece, maybe a Rule more. possible to enlist his sympathy and lying above their heads. Another aid. They hnd been clever enough to light was switched on which left the First and Baker get her here. It was difficult to con Albany Peter Mllman w ill have to sell this celve of her father ns a successful house and Its contents In titre,» create the illusion that she was wel­ group below still in darkness, but Chevrolet C a ri 6- Parti. Eepiaring come when In truth they might be em­ showed pitilessly on the trespasser. business limn. Lady Horsham ha I months' time. All Ids money was tied often declared few men had been of up lo International Motors. We are barrassed by her presence and alrendv The gun was already at Milman's 1926 Pordcoupe. finecondilion. Bargs,u planning to get rid of her. She decid­ shoulder when Neeland Barnes made 1926 Chevrolet touring, good tires, fine fered such opportunities nml made less four gentlemen from the chorus of any finish. ed she would not be driven out. Her a Jump for it nud pulled the barrel o f them than Neeland Barnes. , . I f Y°tJ enjoy a good meal beggars' opera. It s true we aren't father needed bis daughter even If he down. By adroit questioning of the four here on any oil promotion business, a meal when vou get it FOR SALK did not yet know It. The thought that “ My God, Mllman 1" he cried, white- cu ll be back for you'll not fo r £ t it. •he learned their secret. They were hut we tuve come together for a very three dangerous men might be plot­ faced "It's my girl. It's Nlta." ARAG O N CAFE Legion lunch engaged In promoting a company to serious ouslness. He ar« trying to ting some crime for which Neeland "Ah," said Milmau with a curious operate In (he Torrance oil Ovid In stage a come back.” SlSOO.fiO $250000 ” *■ Tuesdays Barnes would ultimately bear the $3000.00 smile, “ so I perceive. A strange posi­ •ouih California Nlta was silent for a moment, It blame drove her to action. S3500 00 $4500.00 G E O . M. G IL C H R IS T $6000.00 tion In which lo find a guest. Is R "H o w Interesting!" »he cried. "As was not easy to readjust herself. $7000.00 ALBANY Her room was at the rear of the n otr It happens, I know a lot about oil "Whnt sort of a come-back?” Linn County Abstract Co. Inc. Ticket office Bell Ltne Stage. house. Four Iron bars protected Its "Inexplicable," said Bradney. He companies and their way o f doing Her father hesitated a moment. windows. Almost five feet below she cast a suspicious look at Barnes. Established 1892 Albany. Ore Albany to San Francisco, $1S, business, you see, my lust position In ‘1 don t think you'd understand." could see the Iron grating which “I think," Peter Milman went on. London was as secretary to Sir John “ Can I help yop?", roofed in the Japanese garden. When "we should like a talk with Miss « row hurst, chairman of the Persian “ No, N lta ; It Isn't work for women." she leaned down from her open win Barnes." Bagdad O ilfields, L im p , I D E LB E R T STARR "You menu there's danger In It?" dow she could hear, faintly, the sound " I'll fetch her,” Barnes said eagerly. "You?" cried her astonished father, He wss afraid to say too much. He of voices. Funeral Director and Licensed He was confused, ashamed, hum 1 1 1 and then sud-lct-', rementl I the dreaded to be entrapped by her seem­ It was about her they were speak i •?* Of interest Embalmer atrd. thousands of words the could la ke i ingly Innocent questions. He knew fng Barnes had come from her room Heal Estate Insurance • You w ill l>e kind enough to remain L A D Y A S S IS T A N T minute. she was mentally much quicker than with the disquieting Information that here." sai l Milman. Barnes ssw that * rompt service, courteous treatment. Brownsville, Oregou he The Fessendons again. fbflf ta li on oil hgd atpused her very he was menaced by that tuest dread w m B ain with Lane County Abstract company, Albany P recluse ■/ fifth AVENUE WYNDHAM MARTYN co. George William Wright T oric Reading Glasses $ 6 to $ 7 .5 0 . F. M. French & Son A lb a n y Creamery Association LINN BUTTER Willamette Chevrolet Co. and Buyers of Eggs arm ors’ Co-operative Creamery SECLJHED ^arm Mortgages farm loans f > .1