Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, July 07, 1927, Image 10

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News (Continued from first page)
Mr. an-. ilr» . Charles of f an by the S. P. company on tho
over-night i extra gang. The extra gang will
. .. a . D .. a . I. ila rk o ’ T h u ra-» ..u.e to iia rru o u ig n^At v eek,
tagui. Jirs. Cnarles will be ana tfte boys wul go in tfteir old
rememoered as Miss Icy Sholes. flivver lo then work.
S. S. Hayes of Portland is
Carl Hill spent the week end
vuuting ms brother, D. J. Hayes. at Newport.
Mrs. J. E. True was a Eugene
Raiph McNeil is working for
visitor Thursday to see the eye the S. P. company and has been
specialist. Reports are th a t she promoted and located in Salem.
is improving.
II. C. Davis is driving a new
Mrs. Ida Hinson of Browns­ Studebaker sedan.
ville called on friends in Halsey
Philip Tussing and Frank
Tuesday afternoon.
Koontz have been working at
Tom Standish of Los Angeles, Astoria, f rank hao returned
Mrs. Katie Trapp of E -tatoda home.
and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey of
Mrs. Dan H. Nash arrived to
G ieodae. C rrgjn, visited Mr help care for her m other the last
and Mrs. J. C. Standish the first of the week. Mr. Nash and
daughter Mary Lois came a few
of the week.
../ later.
..* meeting
invitations are out for Byron
wsl ,
n .,u in the 5Iethodist
Taylor’s wedding, which will oc­
c b d rrh F it /a y , Ju ly 1.
Frank Koontz and Kieth cur the &th of July at Dayton,
Hayes are employ h ! a flagmen Oregon.
Mrs. Layton Henderson visit­
ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
All kinds of
Neal, over Sunday.
Cold and R e fre sh in g D rin k s
Mrs. Putm an, from Orchards,
Ice Cream Sodas and Milk Shakes Wash., is visiting friends in Hal­
Ice C re a m in -v q i r . t ty
Mrs. Hurley Wallace of Port-
ii)n ’
W . M. B U R B A N K ’S
Hot Weather
a re
. I » ’ . I
Stage and Railroad Time
Brownsville-Halsey stage leaves Halsey
I 10:30 a. m and 12:25, 4:25 and 8:25 p. iu.
Arrives Brownsville
11 a. m. and 12:50. 4:50 aud 8:50 p. n r
ll:»C a. in. and 3;5O, 5;25 and 9:25 p m.
Upon request from passengers desir­
ing to use train No. 16, leaving Halsey
at 6:10 a. m., stage will call at Browns­
ville in time to protect this connection.
Otherwise no protection.
Southern Pacific trains arrive going
8:30, 6.02, 11:49 a . m. and 4:11 p. nt.
Going south
A Better Value
* ~ JP’
a re a v a ila b le ,
r _
E le c tric
vm v
Special Notices
5c a Line Weekly
f.pi, p n
I b is BTHatpr m o d e l o ffe rs
b e st v a lu e in
E le c tric
th e
llalssy, J uly 4, 1927.
This is to certify th a t I have
this day appointed A. A. Barber
deputy city m arshal.
J. Rector, City Marshal.
R e frig e ra tio n
Y o u can n o w e n jo y a ll th e c o m ­
f o r ts o f th is a m a z in g d e v ic e , th e
p a te n ts o f w h ic h .c o s t th e m a n u ­
f a c tu r e r m o re th a n a m illio n d o l­
la r s !
t delay.
Our special
S o fte n in g H a r d W a te r
Hard water can be made soft by
oiling a small bottle in a kettle of
te water. The hardening substances
#111 adhpre to the bottle.
F R E E -W O R T H M ORE THAN $ 3 0
The complete set of fr >zen dessert silverw are will
be g iv e n F R F E io each purchaser of a SE R V dL
Electric R efrigerator during special sale! !
(plONEtRS !»
"* 11
: SERVKT / / /
i •!
his m other and sister attended
day meeting with Mrs. Sidney a family picnic in Benton coun­
Smith Friday.
ty Sunday.
Roland M arks visited his par­
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Carey
ents over the 4th.
and daughter Gwendolyn were
Mrs. Jam es Rector is in Port­ dinner guests at E. D. Isom's
land a t the home of her daugh­ Sunday.
ter, Mrs. Wallace, for a two
Sam Ringler jr., and family
weeks visit.
and Mr and Mrs. Sam Ringler,
sr. went to Sheridan Sunday.
Attord At rows
The family of Mr. Ringler jr.,
(Enterpru«) correspondent)
stayed a t Sheridan and the rest
Mrs. A. E. W hitbeck accom­ returned home the same even­
panied her guest, Mrs. Henry ing.
Hawkins, as fa r as Albany on
Beverly Isom is spending the
her return to her home in Port­ week with her cousin, Doris
land Wednesday of last week.
Robnett, in Eugene.
E. D. Isom spent the holiday
B. E. Cogswell ;of Portland
with his family. Il" ha been spent the week-end at his ranch.
promoted to the position of as­
sistant foreman and will begin Dill J e n n e y , C lo c k W in d e r , Develops
Ur.cznny Ability to Tell Timo
his new work this week. He re­
st Any Hour.
turned to his work a t Cruzatte
Tuesday morning.
I.ondnn—Just how far a human be­
Jacob Ringler and
Rinebold visited at J.
baker»’ Sunday.
In n
New Floors w ith
One Sweep of the Brush
ing cun l>e trnnsformi-,) into u living
Reuben (lock
lias been demonstrated In Lon­
D. Bru­ don by memliers of the British Modi
returned home
. ’
rt:l nnd I'syclilcnl association. Their
findings h u e ennsed widespread In
l ol
been with the national guard in
ITH no muss or bother you can now
make your floors beautiful, at very little
n difference it makes. Stains and varnishes at the
same application. Comes in many natural wood
shudes and dries to a lustrous waterproof finish
Fine for doing over furniture too. C b m « in and
a c o lo r c a r d . We’ll be glad to show you ho«
to use it for best results. We carry a full line o f
painting supplies.
' .*5?
HILL & <s
£ 3 5 .0 0 0
Commercial and Savings accoip ts Solicited
* Æ
t lalsev. Oiegor
Notice is hereby given that, pursuant
to an order ot sale made and entered in
the C ircuit Court of the Stale of Oregon
for the C onnty of Linn, Dept. No. 2, ou
the 28th day of April, 1927, iu that cer­
tain su it thereiu w herein Jesse H.
Schroll, A nnie M. Sclirol' his wife, and
Clara L. Carlsou and C. E. Carlson her
husband were plaintiffs, and Emory
W allace Schroll. Ruby Almon, H . L.
Almon her husband, I’earl F. Sturgis,
J. H. Sturgis h er husband, ami George
W. Schroll and R uth Schroll his wife
were defendsuts. and appointing and
directing the undersigned as sole referee
to sell the property hereinafter described,
I. the undersigned referee, will on Sat­
urday, the 30th day of July, 1927, at the
hour of 1 o'clock p. i l l . of said day, at
the front door of the courthouse at Al­
bany, in Linn County, Oregon, offer and
be a minute fu s t; nt other times it sell at auction to the highest bidder for
would be the reverse.
cash, in the m anner required for sale of
Their tests to try to make blra ob­ real property cn execution, subject to
livious to time Included attendance at confirmation of said Court, all the fol­
one of ttie most dramatic plays In lowing real property, to wit— All of
London, enjoyment of an exquisite blocks 22. ¿9 and 40 of ’he City of Hal­
sey, in Liun county, Oregon : also, be­
meal—and they «Iso tested to see if gin
n in g 60 ft. west of the sw. corner
Jenney’s lime-guessing faculties were of block 38 of the City of Halsey, in
affected by alcohol. The greatest di­ Linn County, Oregon, and running
vergence he made was one of only from thence north 720 f t to the county
road, thence west 123 ft., thence south
three-quarters of a minute.
720 ft. to a point due w. of the place of
beginning, and thence east 123 f t to
beginning, as said blocks are numbered,
designated and described on the maps
and plats of said city of recotd in the
office of the County Recorder of said
County. Dated and first published June
Laundry sent Tuesdays
130, 1927. Frank Richard, Sole Referee.
Agency Hub Cleaning Works
T ussing & Tussing. Attys. for P'ff
■ Hewitt & Sox, Attys. for lifts. Eiuory
A B E 'S P L A C E
Wallace Schroll et at.
All trains except th a t going north at
4:11 p. m. stop only when flagged.
Dessert Accessories
R e frig e ra tio n
Qk’ p v r i
12 21, 8:21 and 11:19 p. m.
S ër V ë l
oil r will so o n be withdrawn.
' • r k Confectionery 7_ 2
and 9 p m .
Arrives Halsey
. >
Leaves Brownsville
11:45 a. in. and 3:20,
Ice-cold Drinks
¡s h o re
I si a year In advance. Arrearages i2Se
I I a month. Stops when time expires
I i unless continuance is ordered
, Advertising, 20c an inch; no discour..
for time or space; no charge for
1 composition or changes. Announce-
m en u of entertainm enu, food sales,
etc., whose object is to raise monev,
charged at regular advertising rates’
I Announcements of religious meetings.
I j not exceeding four Inches, free if
copy is received before Tuesday.
Pav Only
The Woman’s Foreign M s- <i
ionary society will have an all- ®
(, „ d th e
h e re to o . A l l fla v o rs
Published every Thursday at Halsey,
Oregon, by Wm. H Wheeler
j. H. Rickard and family spent
the Fourth at Triangle lake.
Mrs. Rump and daughter
Nina of Eugene spent the holi­
days with their son and blether,
Brian Perry, and family.
Chester C urtis and family a t­
tended the celebration at Peoria.
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Isom and
daughter Beverly visited Mrs.
Isom’s mother. Mrs. L. E. Bond,
in Albany Monday.
Rev. J. W. Craig of Browns­
ville, who preached at Lake
Creek Sunday, was a dinner
guest at J. H. Rickard's.
Ciank Williams attended the
celebration at Crawfordsville
I .
, tv
I r l i l u } ',
»ixty-two jTur-old < b« kmiiker, tins
li i n w" F rig
<1 t c n d 'li g the 1.074)
clocks of the i'n v o y hotel, London—
the winding alone of which has occu­
pied Idin four days of every week.
Many years ago Jenney claimed that
nt any tour of the day or night he
could tell the time within half n min­
ute. He claimed that In seven times
out of leu be could estimate the time
correctly within thirty seconds.
Recently Bill Jenney was put to ex
hauatlngly thorough tests by members
of th e B I ' M
el M d 1’
association. They did everything In
their power to dislodge what they
called Jenney'» "acute pajcboastral
It Is stilted that ubout one person
Iu SOO.OOO Is generally found to have
peculiar families for gauging the pas­
sage of time, which means, of course,
the changing Juxtaposition of th e sun
and the earth, nnd Jenoey's faculties
have been highly developed owing to
his vocation. Jenney has found that,
tike a clock, his ability depends large-
Brian Terry and family and ’r °- lu’
some day* he might
Barber Shop
C harter No. 49
R*port of condition of the
h alsey
Reserve District No. 12
at Halsey, in the state of Oregon, at the close of business Ju n e 30, 1927
1. Loans and discounts, iucluding rediscounts or bills of exchange,
sold w ilh the indorsem ent ot the bank (including item s shown
in items 29, 30 and 32, if a n y ) ................ . . ................................. . $154.674.35
2. O verdrafts secured and unsecured........................ .......... .......... . . . . .
18 87
3 U. S. governm ent securities owued, including those shown in
item s 3d and 35, if a n y . ___________________________________ _
1,750 00
-I O ther bonds, w arrants and securities, including foreign govern­
ment, state, m unicipal, corporation, etc., including those shown
"<s 30 and 35 i f ant ....................................
1,9*7 29
• g h ■ i
52 50; ‘ . i r u ii u r e m d fixtures, $4.140 ___________
X iu; Cash on hand in vault and due from banks, bankers
and trust companies designated and approved reserve agents of
tl is b a n k ............................. .............. ............................... ................. 74,439.99
Total cash and due from banks, item s , 89, 10 an t 11, $74,439 99_________
Total ....................................... ...........................................................$247,230.50
16 Capital stock paid in ....................................................................................
17. Surplus fund....................................................... v..........................................
IS. (a) Undivided profits................................................................ $8 758.56
(a) Less current expenses, interest and taxes p a id ........... 4.579.81
D emand D epo sits , other than banks, subject to reserve :
23, Individual deposits subject to check, including deposits due the
state of Oregon, county, cities or other public f u n d s .................. 119,108.61
2> Demand certificates of deposit o u t s t a n d i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
25. C ashier's checks of this bank outstanding payable on d e m a n d ___
278 40
Total of demand deposits, other than bank deposits, subject
to reserve, item s 23, 24, 25, 26, $119,432 01
1 ixtE amd S avimgs D eposits , subject to reserve and payable on
demand or subject to notice :
27 Time certificates of deposit o u tstan d in g ......................... ............. ..
2» Savings deposits, payable subject to notice .................................. . . . . 57,025 96
Total of tim e and savings deposits payable on dem and or
subject to notice, item s 27 and 28. $85.619.74
ToUl ................................................................................................... $247,2.10.50
State of Oregon, county of Linn, ss.
B M R oni, cashier of the above-named hank, do solemnly swear that the
above statem ent is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
B. M. Bond, Cashier.
t rrect—Attest C: . H Koontz. D Taylor, L. D. Taylor, Directors
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of July. 1927
Amor A. Tussing Notary Public.
My commission expires 3 12-25.