' iNTERFRI, A g rc u ltu re H o rtic u ltu re A \\ eekly Chronicle ot Local Events and Progress in Linn County L iv e s to c k H A L S E Y , O R E G O N , T IIC R S D A Y , J U L Y 7, 1927 From the Editor's O. A . C. Radio Point of View Farm Program i l a year in advance H A L S E Y , LINN A N D O R E G O N Miss Melba Rossman and Harold Muller were married in Albany Saturday. Their home will he on a farm west of town. Rev. T. C. Cook and fam ly passed through Halsey Tueday going north in their car, and were greeted by friends here. Miss Osa, daughter of Rev. J S. Miller and wife, was visiting her parents from Saturday until Tuesday. She is a stenographer with a big stationery firm in Port­ land. ara experienced in the newspaper Execute M urderers to Station KOAC, Corvallis, 270.1 and printing businesses. They meters, 500 watts, Pacific stand are likely to make the paper better Safeguard Lives ard time. than it ever lias H en —as much “ He th a t shcdvleth m a n ’a blood, by man sh a ll h is blood be s h e d ” was a better as the paticoage they are Monday, July 11 good law thousands o f years ago, and given wiU permit. it is a good law to d ay, L ik e a ll laws 8 p. m. — Farm reminders Mrs. Wheeler visited Mill City- pnt in to words, i t a d m its exceptions, so 8:05—4-H club activities yesterday. we have a m ild e r p e n a lty lo r m anslaugh­ 8 ;3 0 -- “ G rain Certification and ter, b u t a cool, de lib e ra te m urd e re r P. C. Shutt, son ot S. P. Shuti What It Weans ” D. D. Hill ought to be p u t to d e a th fo r the and a worker on the Harrisburg 8:40—“ Pump Irrigation in the same reason fo r w h ic h we k i l l a ra ttle ­ Bulletin when his father owned it, Willamstte Valiev,” F. E. Price snake—beeause he is a menace to the went violently insane the other lives o f in n o ce n t people. 8:55— “ Quack Grass Control,’’ E day at Albany. S. P. is publish­ The g ro w th o f a m a u d lin sym pathy N. Bressman w ith c rim in a ls has as one o f its fru its a ing a paper at Fruitlaud, Idaho. 9 05—” Benton County Agricul­ strong m ove a g a in st death penalties He writes that nis son is subejet to Now comes the season when tu re,’’ C. R. Briggs and in q u ite 'a n u m b e r o f states they refrigerator not only brings pleas­ spells of insatity, a result of expe­ have been abolished, b u t th e ir need and Wednesday, July 13 ant, cooling food and drink in hot riences in the world war. ju s tific a tio n re m a in , ‘j 8 p. m.—Selected vocal 6olos, Miss days but saves much loss through At the new Alford game farm Here in O regsn a man was rece n tly Dorothea Cordley banged fo r the m u rd e r o f an officer in an spoiling. M ouutiiu Slates Power 600 young Cbiuese pheasants are attem pt to break ja tl, and a n o th e r for 8;10 — Farm reminders company is on hand with a great to be turned loose to multiply and k illin g a m an w hom he. w h ile o u t on 8:15—Selected vocal solos, Miss premium offer iu I his connection. replenish the earth. parole, was ro b b in g . Cord lev See it on page 8. Linn paid $152,440.08 from the “ M ercy " exte nd e d to such beasts is 8:25—“ New Ideas in Corn Breed­ The Holiness association camp county treasury in the half yi ar u n ju s tifia b le c ru e lty to the v ic tim s and ing, E. H. Bressman th e ir fa m ilie s . meeting begins today at M cFar­ and had $283,679.13 iu the treas­ 8:55—“ Wheal Grades in Western The o ld s a y in g th a t " i t is b e tter that land cha| e and runs until the 17th ury June 30. Oregon,” D. D. Hill ten g u ilt , persons escape than that of July. Premium lists for the Linn one who is in n o c e n t be punished ” has Friday, July 15 been stretched and tw iste d u n til in We see no reason to suspect a couuly fair, Sept. 13 (o 16, are effect i t says : ” I t ts b e tter th a t a h u n ­ 8 p. in.- Campus news conspiracy between th? ice cream out. dred in n o c e n t persons suffer than that 8:10—H itting the mountain trails people and the weather clerk. Two Cottage Grove women one m urderous two-legged beast pay the io Oregon” named Coulter were driving north June, the month of brides and ju s t p e n a lty fo r h is c rim e .” 8:30—Summer chats with tjie Friday when, a couple of miles The h a n g m a n ’ s noose tt t th is age and roses, ig gone, hut in Halsey the homeseeker c o u n try (n o t in Russie) is a life -s a v in g roses are as gorgeous as evei mid north of here, the driver's atten- 8:45—Summer poultry talk«. No. 6 device. Cupid intimates no intention of tion was attracted by the explosion 8:55—New things iii science T h e y asked us to send them to the of a tire on a car behind them and slackening in his activities. le g isla tu re w hen the s ila ry was fixed at be lost contra! and the car went The Scio Tribime says ; ’* No, $3 a day. We sent them , and they Fisher Bros. Implement nto the ditch, breaking a leg of friends, the Tribune is still in the voted them selves $10 a day fo r ‘ e x­ Phone 47 122 N. Broadalbin si. one occupant and cutting the penses.” I f we had raised th e pay to owneishlp of Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Albany, Oregon other’s face. $10 w onld th e y n o t have added another McAdoo and it will remain there $10 fo r expenses, a rg u in g th a t $10 was John Deere Implemeuts The Skirvins and Geoige and until some one comes along who tbeir legal pay and th e y were e n title d DeLaval Separators and Milkers Dorothy Corcoran visited Newport Io as m uch fo r expenses as th e ir prede- Fencing and Farm ers' Hardwaie lias the money to buy it.’’ Sunday. essors? Before we raise th e ir pay le t ’s The Charles Qanslo family will, re q u ire th a t expense accounts be ite m ­ Mrs. .Will -Clark of Browns- it is understood, occupy the Billy ized and audited. A n d w hy n o t in q u ire ille and daughters have been i H '/ V A Wells house and Wesley Holloway spending a few days with her j mother, Mrs. M attie Southern. ju s t w h a t value o f service is rendered by each stenographer and c le rk and p riv a te secretary lo r the cash th e y draw o u t o f o u r p u b lic treasury ? W o u ld they object to o u r p o k in g o u r noses as far as th a t in to o u r own business ? and wife the Carter houge. Lam week were reported from Mrs. Mary Hayes is very ill Linn county to the state hoard o f! a t the home of her daughter, health 1 case each of pneumonia, ! Mrs. J. C. Standish. Dr. Marks measles anil whooping cough and called JJi. Garnjobsf from Al- 2 of influenza. bany Friday night to r consula- W h a t is y o u r record fo r the shortest jo b yo u e ve r d id th a t s till gave you the most tro u b le to g e t i t done? Dr. S. A. M itc h e ll o f the u n tv e rs ity o f V ir g in ia w ill tra v e l a ll the way to N o rw ay for w ork th a t w ill oecupy o n ly 30 seconds early in the m o rn in g of June 20. 11» is g o in g to m ake special spectrum pho tographs o f a to ta l eclipse o f the sun. — Harm Journal. I tion on her Sam lle n p e c k says his shortesr jo b was s a yin g “ I d o ” at the a lta r and it has g iv e n h im m ore tro u b le th a n ten voyages to N o rw a y w onld. T he re seems a d ifference if o p in io n as to what is o rth o d o x incom e ta x d o ctrin e in the re p u b lic a n pa> ty in O regon am! what is heresy, D ttto in the dem ocratic Party. Some in the fo rm e r w ith b u lg in g pockets and sm a ll taxes w ould escom niuicate Ik e Patterson. T hose opponents o f the incom e-tax who declared th a t O regon was u o t in need o f m ore fu n d s n o r in danger o f a d e ficit o u g h t now to m ake tb e ir p re d ic ­ tion good. H th e y have an A la d d iu lam p le t's see them ru b it. Chrysler Cars and Atwater, Kolster and Federal Radio Accessories W a ld o A n d e rs o n & Son \lh sn y , Oregon 1 armers, Attention n’t wait till the last minute to Q A Pl/Q but come now “” 'mdAuAd "-xr We have A No. 1 seconds, gruin Bud wheat sacks, at very reason­ able prices. A lb a n y B a r g a in H o u s e Second and Baker Phone 411J Albany, Oregon Gansle Family Quarantined J O O O O O 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 OO OO OOOOO 0 C Frank Gansle is taking a rest — not at the beach nor in the bills, though lie’s worked long and hard enough to deserve such. Three generations are iu quarantine in his home because he has diphthe­ ria —himself and wife, tbeir daughter Leila and Mrs. G ansle’s mother. Some time ago Mr. gansle’s left hand was smashed between two cars, and after weeks of weary waiting for it to heal there was found to be such a lump and tiffness th at he sought surgical skill iu Portland for ita improve ment. And on such a trip it was. he thinks, that he contracted diph­ theria As if to even things between them, Mrs. Gansle’s left hand was t'rrib ly cut in an accident, the tendous of the thnrnb being sev­ ered. She had them spliced and -ewed together at a Corvallis hot- pital. Now neither of them can go from home for further treatm ent. If Dame Fortune has any idea of 'air play it would seem as if their luck must turn soon. New Discovery Will Save Guinea Pigs Soft Snaps ft Go after J. C Bramwell’» job. It’s easy. He does not have to go to work until 4:50 a. m. and he quits after carrying mail from the 8 21 p m, train, m eeting trai s meantime at 6.20, 11.10 and 11.49 a. m. and 12.21. 4:11 and 7:20 p m. From 8:21 p. in. to 4:50 a in. is left him for sleep and play and sicl). Another (f Halsey’s soft snap» re th at of C P. Moody. After be has • lone liia dav ’» work it ia fun (?) to leave his sl.ep or work at home eleven or eight time» to delivei freight or express parcels that w re i:ot called for during office hours. If he does this for you don’t < ff«r to pay him. You u/ight cause him to faint- Then there’» ihut old printer man of the Enterprise. I t te a c h e s pttience on Thursday, when he ought to be running the piess, or Wednesday, when tie is trying ti put late news in tape, to receive report» of events that happened the pievious week, and then work all night to get the paper out. econd-hand player p ia n o a t a Church Notices real bargain If taken soon W ill 1-qt. Kerr wide mou li ) for sale trade piano fo r good hay i f b rle d . W e Methodial—Next Sunday : J cheap I 1-qt. Economy jars have w hat you want. Masons with lids 10 a. m., Bunday school S t a n d a r d P ia n o H Also a very good coal « il stove, 2 7, Epworth League j We sell on tu n e Davenport burners. Will sell reasonable 8, public services ,, „ „ , , , | Rhone 3I2J Music House Route 1 8 Thursday, prayer meeting Mrs. R B I n g o ld A lb a n y, Oregon Here all will find a welcome, regardless o( social standing Your UM M ER N E C E S S IT IE S presence will help, and we will try to do you good. (Some are nol) J S. Miller, pastor. S 4/ 4*' • ' butterick 1479 Be I n d epen d en t in JULY AR l o v e l y The press flu r r y as to w h o should assume Sec-etary o f State K o ze r's shoes baa sim m ered and Sam is s t ill f illin g them. case. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison F. Lake Of Albany are expected to take: Mr. and Mrs. J. C. B arnw ell to Alb.my Friday j after- over the ownership and publication „ motored , j , , „ , ; . < J ternoon. of the Enterprise the 1st of next month. They were in Haliay Mrs. Florence Leeper of E u­ vesterday. They expect to reside gene was called to Halsey, her iu Mr». Leeper’s house. TLe pres son Francis having the misfor- ent publisher is glad, as his sight J to break his arm cranking . . . . an auto, grows dimmer, to surrender the (C ontinued on last page) business to there able people, who frocks that you know no one else will have. Choose your own styles, your own materials anti combine them to suit your par­ ticular taste. Get vour pattern a t our But- terick D epartm ent, for every Butterick Pattern □hows you two or three versions of a single style. Then visit our Piece- Goods D e p a r t m e n t where all the newest ma­ terials are on display. «r’ For Individuality in Style and Finish Use B lT T E R lC K PATTERNS including D E L T O R U 00NTZ’ Q J \ good goods i J Colored G lasses...............23c, 50c and ÿl a pair Visors and Eyeshades ...................... . 50c eaeh Goggles tor harvest or lor driving’ 25 a pair up Su burn Lotions F ISK A N D F E D E R A L T IR E S The Halsey Garage .7 S . Wurltinyrr Hen’s Egg» Sell at Rate of $300 a Dozen Vancouver, B. C.— T h re e esc« la id by “ M alzle,’’ w o rld 's cham pion ben owned by the U n iv e rs ity o f B ritis h C o lum bia, have been »old to a T exas p o u ltry breeder fo r $25 apiece o r at a rh to o f $300 a dozen, according to an announcem ent by P ro f. E ve rto n A. Lloyd. T h e “ m ira c le ’’ ben re c e n tly broke a ll p revious records by p ro d u c­ ing 351 eggs In a 305-da.v test. " T h ia Is the highest p rice ever paid fo r a hen's eggs," said P rofessor L lo yd . " I f the e n tire set of 351 eggs had been sold at $25 apiece, the p u l­ le t’s p ro d u c tio n fo r the year w ould have been w o rth $8,775. " ‘M ulzle 's’ record In the egg la y in g contest was fo u r eggs ahead of the w orld'» p revious high m ark heMd by nn A u s tra lia n b ird w h ic h la id 347 eggs In a y e a r's o fficia l test T he fo rm e r record held In N o rth A m erica was es­ tablished by a p u lle t at the P u y a llu p (W ash ) e x p e rim e n t s ta tio n , w id th lu ld 135 eggs In 3(1’ d a y s " S c ie n tific p o u ltry breeding. It 1» pointed out Is Im pro vin g the sta n d a rd o f Canadian Hoiks. Some o f the finest b ird s on the c o n tin e n t are said to be owned In the D om inion. P o u ltry Is beeom lng nn Im p o rta n t fa rm side­ lin e In w estern C unudii. New s e ttle rs e n te rin g the m ixed fa rm in g areas llnd lo r.s p ro fita b le . E lim in a tio n of n o n la yer and scrub stock fro m the b a rn y a rd s Is he lp in g to develop ilia In d u s try . Propaganda Had It» Birth in Ancient China W ash in g ton .— A lth o u g h II took a W o rld w a r to develop It In to an ele­ ment o f everyday life , propaganda, lik e p o w d e r and p rin tin g , was p ro ­ duced In C hina long before E urope became aw a re o f Its p o s s ib ilitie s . Emperor Cbleng Lung, who ruled over China In the Eighteenth century, wanted his people to believe that hie domain embraced the world. So he had printed a book In which 42 Euro­ pean people» and 231 tribes were rep­ resented e» paying tribute to him, thia being shown not only through the text hot with engraving». T w e lfth c e n tu ry , 800 years b e fore th e a rt o f p rin tin g wo» developed In E u ­ rope. Bestow Garland» on Virtuous Poor Girl» 50c a bottle—Guaranteed In five veers 1 0 0 . 0 0 0 dashed into eternity. W h at's out there? Nobody know*. Better com* around and have brake» relined or adjusted. Also you can get a c»n of tire patching for two bits. aOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O H is book ta In clu d ed In » Chinese M O R R IS P O IS O N O A K L O T IO N Honk! Honk! g D enver, Colo.—U v e a o f m il- lio n s o f guinea pigs, h ith e rto k n o w n as the ‘‘te st tubes'* o f tub ercu lo sis, p ro b a b ly w ill be snved in th e fu tu re , th u u ks to a d iscovery made In the la b o ra ­ to ry o f the D e n ve r Jew ish hos­ p ita l. F o r years guinea pigs were the o n ly kn ow n m edium fo r p ro d u c­ in g tu b e rcu lo sis b a c illi fo r ex­ p e rim e n ta l In n ocn la tlo n s. Not o n ly were thousands o f th e a n i­ m als sa crificed to science, but thousands o f d o lla rs were spent In ra is in g them In hosp itals th ro u g h o u t the c o u n try . A fte r m onths o f e x p e rim e n ta ­ tio n . D r. H . J. C a rtier, d ire c to r o f the D enver In s titu tio n , was able to produce the tu b e rcu lo sis germ s th ro u g h the use o f a spe­ c ia lly trea te d p o ta to m edium . One hundred tests, D o cto r C a rpe r said, now may be made w ith th e p o ta to germ s nt th e cost o f one w here germ s fro m guinea pigs were used. He added th a t the germ s from the p o ta to c u ltu re are In d a lly use In the D enver h o sp ital and th a t he expected th e ir use to be come u n ive rsa l w ith in the next few m onths. collection on exhibition at the Con­ gressional L ib ra ry , w h ic h al»o em­ brace» a fe w volnmei printed In th e K O D A K S A N D F IL M S Morris Pharmacy D a i r y P o u It r y W ool Church of Christ— Sunday school, 10. Preaching, 11 Christian Eude.ivor, 7 Prectch ing, 8 There will be no preaching services, either morning or evening next Sunday, as the pastor will attend the conven­ tion at Turner. Sunday school a t the regular time, and com I münion service. ’The Christian Endeavor will hold its meeting at the regular hour, 7 t j ’clock p. rn. Clifford L, C*r»v nge»"?. P ari».—T he best g ir ls o f F rance are velng crow ned w ith w reathe o f rose­ bud» and aw arded money prize». U s u a lly th is p re se n ta tio n is th e big «vent o f e Sunday cerem ony orgnnlzed fo r th e d is trib u tio n o f v a rio u s local prizes. Some are fo r long service, ith e rs fo r special achievem ent o f many kinds. T h e p rize fo r v irtu e dates back to the year 525. 8t. M edard, bishop o f Noyon, Is by tra d itio n given c re d it fo r In itia tin g a p u b lic fu n d out o f hla own p ro p e rty to su pply th e p rize money. T h e custom spread th ro u g h th e cen­ tu rie s. and It la observed s till, m ostly In n o rth e rn France. G e n e ra lly th e p rize la aw arded to • 1 poor g ir l who supporta a fa m ily . Gilbert Carey preached a t the Methodist church Sunday even­ ing. ry Igh