Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, June 30, 1927, Image 5

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    nty father. What makes you stay In
such a funny place as this?" Sudden­
ly she caught sight of Llppsky. "Who
is that dreadful little creature?”
Lippsky spoke up distinctly.
"I own this house, and I've come
for the rent. If ho^on’t pay, he goes
to sleep in the v II i N F Jail. I guess he
don’t mind. I guess it ain't for the
first time. He ain't got no money.
You say he’s your father." Llppsky
grinned. "Well, you got the chance
to ^ave your daddy from Jail.”
I > Complete stock always on hand.
"Dad,’’ she whispered. “I hadn't any
1 I
idea it was as had as this. I've only
used and new
three dollars left. The boat trip took
all my savings "
"My dear girl,” he said easily, "the
man is known widely as the vllluge
Idiot. Nobody believes him. It does
happen that my rent Is due. By the
way, how much Is it?"
"Ninety dollars eighty cents."
"I rather thought It was more,” said
Barnes. He took out a roll of bills
(Continued from page 4)
and paid. He was left with seven
some men In Lower Fifth avenue w eft such a pigsty. She called my house a
pigsty. Well, she’s been locked up In dollars. His reward came in the relief
discussing his ruin.
the girl showed.
Malet had returned from Philadel­ a pigsty since It wus my dinner time.”
“It’s a fad of mine staying up here,”
Suddenly B arres' powerful hand
phia, where he had thrown up his
he admitted. “The air is good anil
position. Already another laboratory seized Llppsky.
I've been In training. I shall leave
assistant had taken Bradney's place.
"If you don't give me the key,” he now. I think we'll go to New York
The two had yielded to Peter Mil- said, "I'll twist your artn out of Its as soon as possible. How lovely you
man’s importuuitles and agreed to re­ socket." Barnes turned the other’s look. You have those unforgettable
main as his guests. Neeland Barnes wrist a litt e.
violet eyes of your mother, but you
had not yet come back from Peekskill.
"You shall sleep In the Jail for tills," ure taller.” The thought that he had
He hud gone with the avowed inten­ Llppsky
ried when the key wus nowhere to take her made him miser­
tion of paying Llppsky sometliing off forced fra a him.
able, but lie would not let her see It.
his account and hurrying back with
“It will be less verminous than this It was incomprehensible to him that
some clothes.
place. Barnes answered. He put his the countess of Horsham, hla late
So that he might escape the ridi­ key in the door and threw It open. wife's eldest sister, bad allowed her
cule attending a man who reaches his He was wholly at a loss to know niece to come. The countess had al
suburban home in full evening dtess whom the invader could be.
ways been Ills enemy.
st midday, Barnes arranged to come
The nolst of the opening awoke
"It came to a point," the girl said
to his distasteful abode when It T/as her. She vas n tall, slim girl with
when they were In a New York-bound
dusk. He wanted to remove his cm ire golden l air. In u white knitted sports train, “when I was asked to drop my
wardrobe from the Llppsky shack and suit. W1 eti she saw him she held out own name and take my mother a. Not
pay as little of the deferred rei f as t er arms.
that I minded being Nita Fessendon.
except that it seemed ns though I were
"Parili ig daddy!” she cried, throw
In Llppsky’s front yard, which com­ Ing her a rms around his neck.
publicly ashumed of you. I simply
manded a view of his tenant's en­
“Nita,’ he said, stroking her hair, refused. There were awful rows. So
trances and exits, the aggrieved land­ “how I I ave longed for you ! B lì , my I ran away. I was twenty-one and
lord was trying to bring to maturity dear, how is It you ure here?"
my own mistress. I sent all the Jewels
depressed looking vegetables.
"I run away," she confessed. "They and presents back and started to earn
eyes glistened when he saw who jp- said such utterly beastly things about my living."
proafhed. He dropped his spade cod you I couldn't stand It. How welt you
“Nita,” he cried, with admiration in
hurried to meet Neeland Barnes.
look, duilily. I shall cull you my blgt his look, "how could you possibly do
"Was you expecting a lady?’ he de­ brother. Nobody will believe you're what I've always failed In?"
“It wasn't easy at first," she ad-
"Good God, no I” Barnes stopped '
Instantly. Had old ghosts arisen to I
£ have th e best equipped shop in H alsey,
confound him?
"Has any woman the right to go In I
a n d fer th a t reason we give you a b e tte r
and monkey about with your things?” I
"Absolutely nobody," Barnes cried. !
jo b and m ore for y o u r m oney.
"Mr. Barnes.” said Llppsky shrilly, i
\ \ e a ’so c a rry th e largest stock of tires and
“you are a loafer. You sent her In to i
get your clothes so you should go |
away and leave me without nothing to I
B ring in th is ad and 25c and get a 50c size o f
hold. I got your number, and by |
golly I got hers. I locked her in, and |
tire patching.
I tell her if she makes a fuss I send j
for the police. You thought you should !
Had me out. You know this is my
lodge night."
"I didn’t know there was a lodge j
low enough to admit you,” Barnes {
said angrily, “and I sent nobody here. 1
Come to
Send for the police. I've had enough !
of your d—d Insolence.”
"Pretending she was a fine lady,"
said Llppsky, who was growing angry.
"Looking at me and my house as
though we was dirt. She wouldn't
believe you lived here. I tell her
right quick you wouldn't even be liv­
ing here If you didn't come over with
Neeland Barnes removed his silk
hat and mopped his brow.
"My good ass,” he began, "what the
devil are you ranting about?”
“I tell her," Llppsky went on, unap-
pensed, "you could go out with your
line gentleman's clothes on, and a
silk hat even, and treat me like dirt.
I'm a citizen here same as you, and
this Is an end of you walking over
me with your silk hat and your fifteen
dollar shoes. I know the price of
them shoes. I tell her to scream all
she likes, nobody hears away up here.’’
“You mean to say you've locked a
strange woman up In my bouse?”
"It’s my house. If you pay the
rent, you can go In and get you r
clothes. If you don’t, you stay ou'
Feverishly Llppsky destroyed w) iaf.
ever chance of life a row of koty’ _rap,j
might have had. Then, when ly . saw
his tenant march toward t h e ' shnck.
he followed.
' One of them yellow hz ,,r s," he
whether ycu buy from
scolded as he trotted by th e /
your Local Dealer or
side. "A swell lady whr
^ 4 •Oie'
from us direct.
didn’t know how you er u,rt live In
£ For future success with your flock o f ^
chickens use
Developing Mashes and Scratches
O. \Y. FR U M
* Í
Oils and Grease
Si|vert°wn j m [S
Free TJial
On Any
Prices From *2 ”• Up
G et full partici liars
by mail today. Use
coupon below.
Sold On Apprt ivaf
You are allowed 30
d ay s’ actual riciing
t e s t b e fo re s a l i is
Write Today JE-Slm oil er and
name of nearest Mead Dealer.
our ot r n n n *
j Mead Or»» Oo., CMaa <o, I l k
Please «end full ó Jormaüon md noma oí Dear’
I est dealer.
• Nataa
• Street or
¡ P .O .B o » .
’ Shg Called My House a Pigsty.’
' Low priesa. Send »o
Tires MS
' Guaranteed. — Lampe,
i wheel«, equipmeat.
i money L’«e the cou pon.
niltted, “hut I stuck It out end made
Pin« Qrov« Points
enough money In secretarial work to
come out to my own country second
(By Spadal Corrtapoadaat)
cabin. I tried to find you tlx months
Economy and Wide-mouth
The N. E. Chandlers were
ago, but the silly eluha returned all
Kerr Fruit Jar«
Corvallis visitors Monday.
your letters.”
Come ovar and see them
Neeland Barnee colored. “Must
Mrs. Floyd Nichols and Ger­ Route 1
Mre. R. B. Ingold
have mislaid the address.” he said;
and Lawrence were Al­
' d—d careless of them. I shall report
It.” He wondered how »he had run bany callers Thursday a fte r­
him to earth.
“When I got to New York I 'phoned
L. E. Eagy was re-elected
the Knickerbocker I knew It used to
he your favorite club. I told the secre­ school clerk and Mrs. Jessie Mc­
tary, or whoever It was. that I was Laren director to succeed Mr. We pick or you pick. Piicea right
your daughter and simply had to find Heinrick.
8 mi lee eest of Halsey
E. Rues
you. and they told me to call up
The Pine Grove orchestra
later. When I did they said you lived
Have you any
In Peekskill. I »pent three hours played and a number of other
looking and then that village Idiot people from here attended the
locked me In."
chicken supper and program
She did not tell h'm that naturally given by the missionary society
she had started be .earch expecting a t Peona Friday evening.
to find him In one of the better sec­
Miss Agnes Chandler spent a >
,or “ 1#? SbiP them
tions of the charming Hudson-side
city. The Llppsky cottage on the out few days with her sister, Mrs.
skirts had been a d’-er.dful shock. But Ellen Zimmerman, last week.
the search was over and ahe was
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gibson
happy. She was very proud of him.
Her aunt had drawn the picture of a and son and Robert Hover a t­ North Portland Stockyards
decrepit, vice-ridden physical wreck. tended the Rickard Jersey sale
Call Empire 1661 and aak (or
Instead be was vigorous, d ear skinned, ¡it Marion Tuesday of last week.
and agile.
The Pine Grove community A l b r i g h t on market quotations
“Where are we going daddy?” she
demanded, after she had passed Sing has been invited to participate
Sing s embattled walls.
in the Linn County forum cele­ T H R E E - D A Y H O L I D A Y
“I'm staying with Peter Milmsti." he bration a t Sm ith’s Grove July 4.
answered “Lady Horrham may have
Frank Gibson and wife and
mentioned him.”
“I remember. His wife ran away son attended the Stew art Je r­
and he shut himself up In hla house sey sale near Albany Wednes­
and went mad.”
“That Is Just what your aunt would day.
say,” he returned. “He did not go
Mrs. A. P. Albertson spent
mad. He happens to he the beat Thursday with her m other, Mrs.
friend I have, and I shall ask him to Higbee, who is quite i ill.
let you stay the night there. Much
better than a stuffy, noisy hotel."
Miss Mearle Straley and her
“Atid tomorrow w ell get a cozy guest. Miss Irene Hopson, visit­
little flat. I've often wanted to look
over the treetops into Central park.” ed Grace Pehrsson Friday af­
"I'm afraid cozy little flats on Fifth ternoon.
avenue where you were born aren't
exactly within my means. The view
Alford Arrows
is Just as pretty from Central Park
west.” He groaned to think they were
(Enterprise correspondent)
Just a» difficult to attain.
"Anything you like,” she said hap
Mr». Henry Hawkius and little
Peter Milman and ills two guests daughter Helen Jean of Portland
had finished dinner and were In the spent several days at A. E. Wh't-
large drawing room when Achille enine beck’s thia week.
In with the news that Neeland Barnes
Mrs. L. E. Boud of Albany
had returned with a lad y !
Bradney looked at Malet and shook returned home Sunday evening,
his head. It was In Bradney's mind after having visited her daughters,
July 4 th , com es o n
'hat Barnes had spent his money on
liquid refreshment and had so far for­ Mrs. E. D. l«om and Mrs. W. C-
Monday this year. Make
gotten himself as t# seek to Introduce Sickels, for most of the week.
the most o f this three»
a lady friend to a bachelor establish­
Sam Ringler and family of
day holiday. Hay at the
ment. He could see that Peter Mil
Sheridan are visiting at J. , D-
bWkche s; you can take
man was much disturbed.
A moment later Neeland Barnes Brubaker,» and S. Ringlet's this
the whole family for a
was Introducing a very pretty, grn week.
trip at surprisingly low
clous girl with charming speaking
Mrs Amber Roberts and chil­
voice as Anita Barnes newly come
from England. Peter Mllman's an dren of
Toledo visited Mrt.
Save time, money and
noynnee was banished momentarily as Roberts’ parents, Mr. aud Mrs.
energy by going
he thought of the ramifications of his
on the train. Buy round­
family tree. The girl must be, re­ Michael Rickard, last week, re­
motely, a distant cousin. He greeted turning home Sunday,
trip tickets with limits
her with distinguished courtesy and
to suit your plans—'Sun­
Introduced the other men to her.
only, Saturday to
Barnes began. “Entirely unlooked
d a y , F rid a y to
Mrs. W. B. Hamlin is in Cali-j
for, I feel as If I had come In for a
16»day and
foroia visiting her parents.
toriune." He smiled at his daughter
season tickets.
Bob Miller is building a fireplace
I have, and that's a fac t She ha»
Ask about these travel
been living with her aunt In Eng­ and chimney at J. H. Rckard's.
savings; the ticket agent
Mrs. E. D. Isom and daughter
“TUI I couldn't stand It any longer,"
will suggest the one that
Nita Informed them.
Beverly called on Mrs. A. K.
fits your plans at lowest
Her father was greatly troubled. Wbitoeck aud her guest, M u
Circumstances, as he would presently
explain to Mr, Milman, had compelled Florence Hawkins, Moiday after-
him to bring his long-lost daughter noon.
here. But what he had to aay could
not be said In her presence.
Mrs. Freeland Say» Farewell
“I wonder," he said Ingenuously,
Halsey, Oregon.
"whether Mr. Malet would mind show­
ing you the Japanese garden. You’ll
June, 1927.
be simply crazy over It, especially the Editor Rural Enterprise,
•Stone of the Unfortunate Burglar.'
On leaving Halsey I wish,
Mr. Malet understand» these things »o
much better th»n I do." He winked through your paper, to bid good-
ponderously at the sculptor. He tried
to convey the Impression that he must by to the patrons and other
speak privately with bis host.
friends of the Halsey schools,
"A Japanese garden?" she cried. and to thank them for their
"How delightful. Please, Mr. Malet,
moral support and th eir loyalty
show me Its wonders."
"Look here," said her father when to me as teacher in their school.
she had gone. “I couldn't help this.
Never, in all my teaching ex­
They made things so hard for her that
she ran away. She had an Idea I was perience, have I been better
sick and In need of her. She actually treated, nor have I ever felt
earned her passage money. The first
of my breed to earn money! She was more a part of any community
waiting at Peekskill for me. Lippsky than has been my good fortune
saw bis chance and made the most of during my five years in Halsey.
Do Mother*« Fyea Bother?
IL I had to pay everything You see
R»member that mother is not ss young
It is, therefore, with genuine
me now penniless again. She thinks
u she used to o«. »"d a'ang with her
I am staying here overnight and will regret th at I have severed my advancing years her svesight begins to
your schools fail Let ns fit her with glasses before
take an apartment on Central park connection with
tomorrow." He looked appealing at and am now leaving your midst. it it too late.
the two men. “Could I help It? I
I sincerely hope th a t all the
Broken Lenaes Duplicated
had to bring her here. She has noth­ cordiality and loyalty I hive en­
You may break yonr glasses—acci­
ing le ft The Barnes breed of rattle's
not economical. Here we ere beggars, joyed will be conferred upon my dents may happen—but save the pieces
successor and th a t your schools Bring then» to n s and we will duplicate
outcasts In our own city."
the original lentes without re-easmia-
"Neither beggars nor outcasts for next year will be a geniune suc­ ation
three months—at least—“ Peter Mil- cess.
man said cheerfully. "Of course, your
Inez V. Freeland.
Optometrists, JU First it . Albany, Ore
daughter must remain here. It will
be pleasant to hove someone young
If Halsey sheep should be
and beautiful with us." He lowered
hla voice a little. "She roost never placed on the right hand and
suspect what brings us all here. It Halsey goats on the left there
can be supposed that we are engaged would be more room left on the
Io some promotion concerning oil." He left hand than on lb« right
put bis band on Barnes shoulder with Frutn and Mincklay have • con­
• friendly gesture. “I etivy you. I
am going to see that a room la pre­ tract to ship 4000 lambs to Cali­
fornia. The first lot of which,
pared for her.”
Barnes looked at Bradney when the valued a t about $6000, went out
door was closed
last weeek Wednesday night in
(To be continue«)
four double deck cars. Others,
Red Raspberries
Albright Commission Co. Inc.
F ares
C ut
~~for vacation trips
over th e F o u rth
Nation'« birthday next week.
too, are buying lambs.
i ton
i In
: «